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单词 asexual
释义  Related topics: Biologya·sex·u·al /eɪˈsekʃuəl/ adjective  1  HB technical not having sexual organs or not involving sex 无性器官的;无性的 asexual reproduction 无性繁殖2  a) SEXYnot having any sexual qualities 无性特征的 b) SEX/HAVE SEX WITHnot interested in sex 无性欲的,对性不感兴趣的 —asexually adverbExamples from the Corpusasexual• But she was not juxtaposed against an asexual image of respectability.• Fat women are defined as undesirable, asexual, maternal, sexually desperate, rampant or repressed.• Alpine flowers are often among the most asexual of flowers.• Breeders of asexual plants must wait for the inventions to accumulate slowly within the same lineage.• Thus, grass grows asexual runners to propagate locally but commits its sexually produced seeds to the wind to travel farther.• Reproduction can also be accomplished by asexual subdivision of polyps, each polyp dividing to form two.a·sex·u·al adjectiveChineseSyllable  sexual not having sex Corpus involving or organs not




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