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单词 ascent
释义  Related topics: Other sportsas·cent /əˈsent/ noun  1  [countable usually singular]DSOUP the act of climbing something or moving upwards 上升,攀登 OPP descent5the first ascent of Qomolangma首次攀登珠穆朗玛峰n the first ascent of Everest2  [countable usually singular]DSOUP a path or way up to the top of something, for example a mountain 向上的路,上坡路 OPP descent a rugged and steep ascent 崎岖陡峭的上坡路3  [uncountable]POWER the process of becoming more important, powerful, or successful than before 提高,前进 SYN rise OPP fallascent to the president’s ascent to power 总统的上台Examples from the Corpusascent• The final ascent of Kilimanjaro began at 5:00 a.m.• The men began their final ascent at six o'clock the next day.• He wrote a best-selling book about the first ascent of Everest.• Some of the four million annual visitors seem to find the mere ascent insufficiently fulfilling.• I leant against a rock and watched Will choose his line of ascent.• Yeltsin's ascent to the presidency of Russia• It's a steep ascent but the compensation is a swift gaining of the ridge.• The ascent had taken 4 hours!• Unfortunately this fell out on the third·cent nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  moving Corpus climbing of upwards act the or something




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