随便看 |
- stretch limo
- stretch-limo
- stretchlimo
- stretch limos
- stretch mark
- stretchmark
- stretch-mark
- stretch out
- stretch patience
- stretch sb credulity
- stretch sb patience
- stretch somebody's credulity
- stretch somebody's patience
- stretch (somebody's) patience/credulity
- stretch the facts
- stretch the truth
- stretch the truth/facts
- stretchy
- stretch your legs
- strew
- strewed
- strewing
- strewn
- strewn with
- strewn with something
- Reconnoitre
- Sedimentary
- Lay siege to
- Play a joke on
- Make a practice of
- Take command of
- Have faith in
- Have interest in
- Lie in wait for
- Pave the way for
- 捭阖纵横典故故事|捭阖纵横释义
- 据为己有的意思,据为己有造句
- 据册点选,据俸升官,据单进退,据本题覆,持至公无私之心,守画一不二之法,此守常吏部也。选人严于所用,迁官定于所宜,进退则出精识于抚按之外,题覆则持定见于科道之中,此有数吏部也。外而与士民同好恶,内而与君相争是非,铨注为地方不为其人,去留为其人不为其出身与所恃,品材官如辨白黑,果黜陟不论久新。任宇宙于一肩,等富贵于土苴,庶几哉其称职矣。呜呼!非大丈夫孰足以语此?乃若用一人则注听宰执口吻,退一人则凝视
- 据地歌|原文|翻译|赏析|鉴赏
- 据安而念危,则终不危;操治而虑乱,则终不乱
- 据崤函之固,拥雍州之地,君臣固守,以窥周室;有席卷天下,包举宇内,囊括四海之意,并吞八荒之心。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 据悉词义,据悉组词,据悉造句
- 据理则争
- 据理力争的意思,据理力争的近义词,反义词,造句
- 据理力争的意思,据理力争造句
- 据理力争的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 据理力争;强词夺理的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 据说词义,据说组词,据说造句
- 捱不过底事,莫如早行;悔无及之言,何似休说。
- 捶胸顿足·后悔莫及是什么意思
- Oxford句子
- Standing句子
- Outrigger句子
- Origami句子
- Mattock句子
- Long jump句子
- On leave句子
- Tachypnea句子
- Stage left句子
- Kiosk句子
- Kickstand句子
- Isobar句子
- Hard hat句子
- Halter句子
- Grindstone句子