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单词 horrifying
释义  hor·ri·fy·ing /ˈhɒrəfaɪ-ɪŋ $ ˈhɔː-, ˈhɑː-/ adjective  extremely bad, especially in a way that is frightening or upsetting 可怕的,恐怖的,令人震惊的 SYN horrific murder, rape, and other horrifying crimes 谋杀、强奸及其他骇人听闻的罪案 It’s horrifying to see how much poverty there is here. 看到这里如此贫困令人震惊。 —horrifyingly adverbExamples from the Corpushorrifying• Her daughter says it's a horrifying attack.• Then came her horrifying eight-day ordeal, during which Sams wrote to her employers demanding £175,000 ransom.• The film is but one version of some horrifying events, and stretched poetic licence to the extreme.• There are several others with oddities of translation, but many more with careless, and even horrifying, mistakes by printers.• But the dreadfulness of the sounds was intensified by the horrifying nearness of those agonised voices.• She should move away, or at least sit forward, but the horrifying part was that she liked it.• The reports about how people died make horrifying reading.• The Department of Transport believes the warm weather encourages more drink-driving ... with horrifying results.hor·ri·fy·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  way bad, frightening Corpus especially is upsetting in extremely that or a




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