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单词 horrible
释义  hor·ri·ble /ˈhɒrəbəl $ ˈhɔː-, ˈhɑː-/ ●●● S2 adjective  1  BADvery bad – used, for example, about things you see, taste, or smell, or about the weather 糟糕的,令人不快的,极讨厌的 The weather has been really horrible all week. 整个星期天气都很糟。 a horrible smell 极难闻的气味 The food looked horrible, but it tasted OK. 那食物看上去很糟,可吃起来还不错。► see thesaurus at bad2  FRIGHTENEDvery unpleasant and often frightening, worrying, or upsetting 可怕的,吓人的,令人恐惧的 a horrible dream 噩梦 I have a horrible feeling that we’re going to miss the plane. 我有一种很不好的感觉,我们要赶不上飞机了。3  FRIGHTENEDrude and unfriendly 粗鲁的,不友好的 She’s a horrible person. 她是个粗鲁的人。 What a horrible thing to say! 这话真粗鲁!be horrible to somebody Why are you so horrible to me? 你对我为什么这么凶?► see thesaurus at unkind —horribly adverb Her face was horribly scarred. 她脸上有难看的疤。 The plan had gone horribly wrong. 整个计划弄得一团糟。 THESAURUStaste/smell 味道/气味horrible very bad and unpleasant 糟糕的,令人不快的What’s that horrible smell? 什么气味这么难闻?This fish tastes horrible. 这鱼真难吃。disgusting/revolting horrible, especially in a way that makes you feel slightly sick 恶心的,使人反感的I had to take two spoons of some disgusting medicine. 我只得吞下两勺很难吃的药。The stench in the room was revolting. 房间里恶臭难当。nasty very unpleasant – often used about a taste that stays in your mouth 〔常指口中的余味〕令人极为不快的Cheap wine sometimes leaves a nasty taste in your mouth. 廉价葡萄酒有时会留下很不好的余味。the nasty smell of bad eggs 变质鸡蛋的恶臭nauseating /ˈnɔːzieɪtɪŋ, -si- $ ˈnɒːzi-, -ʃi-/ horrible and making you feel that you are going to vomit – used especially about a smell 〔尤指气味〕令人恶心[作呕]的the nauseating smell of stale beer and cigarette smoke 走味的啤酒和香烟烟雾令人作呕的气味foul /faʊl/ horrible – used especially when there is decay or waste 〔尤指因腐烂或有废弃物而〕难吃的;难闻的,恶臭的There was a foul smell coming from the water. 水中泛出一股恶臭。nWhatever it was in that cup, it tasted foul.experience, situation, event 经历、状况、事件horrible/terrible/awful/dreadful very bad and unpleasant 极糟的,可怕的For one horrible moment, I thought I was going to fall. 有一刹那很可怕,我觉得自己要跌倒了。The refugees were living in dreadful conditions. 这些难民的生活环境非常糟糕。nIt must have been a terrible worry for them.nThousands of people lost their jobs – it was awful.nasty very unpleasant and shocking – used especially about events where people are hurt 令人极不愉快的,严重的〔尤指有人受伤的事件〕There’s been a nasty accident on the motorway. 高速公路上发生了严重的事故。a nasty cut 严重的割伤The news came as a nasty shock. 消息传来,令人极为震惊。Examples from the Corpushorrible• This stuff tastes horrible!• You make your players look horrible.• I really don't like her at all - she's horrible!• The pain was horrible.• One is horrible and the other might be the best ever in football.• It was really horrible coming home and finding all our things had been stolen.• a horrible crime• It's very cold and horrible down here at the moment.• We told her nothing of our horrible experience.• This was a horrible, horrible place.• She got some horrible kind of stomach flu.• Danny's such a horrible little brat.• Her husband was a horrible man - lazy, and always drunk.• There was a horrible moment when she thought she had left all her files on the train.• I am absolutely sure the decision to have an abortion for social reasons is a horrible one for these women.• It's quite a horrible thing when you've worked on something so hard, but you have to go through it.• I think I'll go out if you're just going to be horrible to me.• Of course, at last a train got him and killed him in a horrible horrible to somebody• It was horrible to be called boring.• It must be horrible to be driven away from all your old haunts because you might bump into your drug mates.• She ain't crying or nothing, but her face is horrible to look at.• Knowing what had happened to Mr MacQuillan, it was horrible to open a package and find a knife.• However, like most beautiful timbers it was horrible to work, being very soft and crumbly.Origin horrible (1200-1300) French Latin horribilis, from horrere; → HORRORhor·ri·ble adjective →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  – very for bad things used, about example, Corpus




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