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单词 honourable
释义  hon·our·a·ble British English, honorable American English /ˈɒnərəbəl $ ˈɑːn-/ ●○○ adjective  1  ADMIREan honourable action or activity deserves respect and admiration 〔行为或活动〕光荣的,值得尊敬的 My father didn’t think acting was an honorable profession. 我父亲认为当演员不是受人尊敬的职业。2  GOOD/MORALbehaving in a way that is morally correct and shows you have high moral standards 品行高洁的,品德高尚的 a principled and honourable man 一个讲求原则、品德高尚的人3. FAIRan honourable arrangement or agreement is fair to everyone who is involved in it 〔安排或协议〕公平的,公正的 —honourably adverbExamples from the Corpushonourable• The broader tradition is a typically nationalist one, seeing national liberation through war as honourable and singularly justified.• Kasparov has won, but Karpov went down with all guns blazing to an honourable defeat.• Alex Stewart is the honourable exception.• It would not be honourable for me, as a solicitor, to reveal my client's business to anyone.• He is widely accepted as a decent and honourable man.• A son who accepted his responsibilities and was only concerned to do good was an honourable son.• He might think it the honourable thing to do.Related topics: SociologyHonourable British English, Honorable American English adjective  1. SSNAME OF A THING (written abbreviation Hon.) used in Britain in the titles of children whose father is a lord and in the titles of judges and Members of Parliament 尊敬的〔在英国对贵族子女、法官和议员的尊称〕2. (written abbreviation Hon.) used in the US when writing to or about a judge or important person in the government 尊敬的〔在美国对法官或政府要员的尊称〕3. the Honourable Gentleman/the Honourable Lady/my Honourable Friend/the Honourable Member PGPNAME OF A THINGused by British members of parliament when talking to or about each other in the House of Commons 尊敬的议员〔英国下议院议员相互之间的尊称〕 → Right HonourableExamples from the CorpusHonourable• There was a stubbornness in him which would not let this Honourable Colonel in; and he failed to understand it.• In fact his so-called Honourable Friends.• In the budget debate on 15 September, he addressed Dalton: The Honourable member concluded his speech with a challenge.hon·our·a·ble adjectiveHonourable adjectiveChineseSyllable  admiration Corpus respect activity or and honourable an deserves action




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