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within the purview of somebody within the purview of something within the purview of sth within the realms of possibility within two feet either way
within two feet/ten years etc either way with it with it withit with-it
with knobs on with/knowing somebody's luck (with) legs akimbo with legs akimbo with luck
with malice aforethought with menaces with military precision with one accord with open arms
with our compliments without without a second thought without a shadow of a doubt without a word
without/beyond a shadow of a doubt without cease without ceremony without compare without doubt
without fail without fear or favour without further ado without let or hindrance without missing a beat
without more ado without more/further ado without number without prejudice without prejudice to
without prejudice (to something) without prejudice to something without prejudice to sth without question without remedy
without reply without (saying) a word without saying a word without so much as without so much as a by your leave
without so much as something without so much as sth without wanting to do without wanting to do something without wanting to do sth
without wanting/wishing to do something without wishing to do without wishing to do something without wishing to do sth with pinpoint accuracy
with reference to with reference to something with reference to sth with regard to with regard to something
with regard to sth with respect with respect to with respect to something with respect to sth
with sb in mind with sb luck with somebody in mind with somebody's luck with somebody/something in mind
with something in mind withstand withstanding withstands with sth in mind
withstood with that with the benefit of experience with the benefit of hindsight with the benefit of hindsight/experience
with the best of intentions with the best of intentions/for the best of reasons with the best will in the world with the compliments of with the compliments of sb
with the compliments of somebody with the compliments of somebody/with our compliments with the greatest respect with (the greatest) respect/with (all) due respect with the push of a button
with the touch of a button with the touch of a key with time with time/given time with time to spare
with tongue in cheek with your bare hands with your dying breath with your eyes open with your last breath
with your last/dying breath with your nose in the air with your own fair hands with your tail between your legs with (your) tongue in (your) cheek
with your tongue in your cheek witless witlessly witlessness witness
witness box witness-box witnessbox witnessed witnesses
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