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- 查干《小爷爷的瓜田与清风明月》
- 查干《山亭与老雕》
- 查干《故乡田野的秋声》
- 查干《欢声笑语从此在心中》
- 查德卿《【仙吕】寄生草·【双调】蟾宫曲·【双调】蟾宫曲》题解|注释|鉴赏
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- 查慎行《三江口苦雨》原文、注释、译文、赏析
- 查慎行《中秋夜洞庭湖对月歌》原文翻译及赏析
- 查慎行《从洴练出西氿》古诗赏析与原文
- 查慎行《夜泊铧嘴伏波祠下湘漓二水分流处》写景抒情诗词赏析
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- Aft
- Howling
- Rack and ruin
- Gleefully
- Choked
- Marginal land
- Beat around the bush
- Eyeliner
- Pouch
- Serengeti
- Brazenly
- Dress
- Clothe
- Clothes
- Epithet
- Shapes, patterns-topic conical
- Shapes, patterns-topic conical
- Shapes, patterns-topic corrugated
- Shapes, patterns-topic corrugated
- Shapes, patterns-topic crescent
- Shapes, patterns-topic crescent
- soft target
- softtarget
- soft-target
- soft-top
- softtop
- soft top
- soft toy
- softtoy
- soft-toy