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- 隋宫——李商隐
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- (隋)杨广《江都宫乐歌》咏江苏隋宫诗词
- 隋清娥《萨摩亚的云》
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- 隋炀帝·杨广《春江花月夜》
- 隋炀帝·杨广《野望诗》
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- Textures, sounds-topic textured
- Textures, sounds-topic thrum
- Textures, sounds-topic thrum
- Textures, sounds-topic thud
- Textures, sounds-topic thud
- Textures, sounds-topic thud
- Textures, sounds-topic thud
- Textures, sounds-topic thump
- Textures, sounds-topic thump
- Textures, sounds-topic thump
- Textures, sounds-topic thump
- Textures, sounds-topic thunder
- Textures, sounds-topic thunder
- Textures, sounds-topic thunder
- Textures, sounds-topic thunder