诗文 |
林毓峰《旅夜口占》写景抒情诗词赏析 |
释义 |
林毓峰《旅夜口占》写景抒情诗词赏析旅夜口占 月白风清夜若何,撩将秋思满江波。 怪他唧唧蛩声切,偏向离人枕畔多。 诗词类别:写景抒情 来源:《八桂四百年诗词选》 相关作品:村居即事
林毓峰 林毓峰,广西富川人。有《螺峰诗集》。 朝代:近代 籍贯:广西富川 |
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- Dinucleotide
- Decarboxylase
- Operational performance
- Intermediate state
- Offered price
- Forward-moving
- False declaration
- Insulation layer
- Recursive function
- Switch-board
- Gradienter
- Administrative board
- Artillery unit
- 125th
- not suffer fools gladly
- not take a blind bit of notice
- not take kindly to
- not take kindly to something
- not take kindly to sth
- not take/pay a blind bit of notice
- not that ...
- not that
- not that I know of
- not that long
- not that many
- not the least
- not the least bit
- not the least/not in the least/not the least bit
- not the marrying kind