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单词 Quite
1 He that is full of himself is very [quite] empty. 
2 Words and deeds are quite indifferent 23modes of the divine 24energy. Words are also action, and actions are a kind of words. 
3 To say is one thing; to do is quite another. 
4 He was quite agreeable to accepting the plan.
5 The rules of the game are quite simple.
6 The path began to climb quite steeply.
7 I am quite unqualified to talk on this subject.
8 My legs still felt quite shaky.
9 It all seemed quite rational to me.
10 Joe's quite fond of her, isn't he?
11 Tom is quite familiar with the author.
12 The water gets quite shallow towards the shore.
13 I've eaten so much, I'm really quite uncomfortable.
14 The two concepts are quite distinct .
15 She is not quite herself today.
16 I have quite a good relationship with my parents.
17 The oppressive afternoon heat had quite tired him out.
18 The footprints are quite distinct; they must be fresh.
19 The problem is quite plain to us.
20 You don't seem quite yourself today .
21 The watch was cheap, but it goes quite well.
22 It is quite obvious that he is lying.
23 The situation was getting quite frightening.
24 You're getting quite romantic in your old age!
25 It's quite dark,it must be after 8 o'clock.
26 He was apparently quite converted from his anarchist views.
27 The corner pub is quite good.
28 Let me be quite blunt your work is appalling.
29 The series of paintings is quite an accomplishment.
30 The water looks quite deep there.
1 He was quite agreeable to accepting the plan.
2 The rules of the game are quite simple.
3 I'm sorry. We are quite full tonight.
4 My legs still felt quite shaky.
5 It all seemed quite rational to me.
6 I've eaten so much, I'm really quite uncomfortable.
7 The two concepts are quite distinct .
8 She is not quite herself today.
9 I have quite a good relationship with my parents.
10 The oppressive afternoon heat had quite tired him out.
11 The problem is quite plain to us.
12 You don't seem quite yourself today .
13 I don't quite follow you, sir.
14 It is quite obvious that he is lying.
15 The situation was getting quite frightening.
16 You're getting quite romantic in your old age!
17 The corner pub is quite good.
18 The series of paintings is quite an accomplishment.
19 The long delay had made me quite apprehensive.
20 The water looks quite deep there.
21 The pass gets quite narrow towards the east.
22 Old bikes can be bought quite cheaply.
23 The family never quite regained its former influence.
24 I found the doctors quite sympathetic.
25 It's quite a handy little tool.
26 His speech packed quite a punch.
27 her young boy is quite a handful.
28 That was a quite outstanding performance!
29 My perception of the problem is quite different.
30 There is quite a chill in the air today.
31 Sales have slowed down quite markedly.
32 Her brother's a bit simple, but he's quite harmless.
33 A flower has quite a complicated structure.
33 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
34 The pass gets quite narrow towards the east.
35 Old bikes can be bought quite cheaply.
36 The electricity supply here is quite erratic.
37 The family never quite regained its former influence.
38 The car still looks quite new.
39 They puzzled over the question for quite a while.
40 She always coveted power but never quite achieved it.
41 I found the doctors quite sympathetic.
42 Mary and Joan are quite different.
43 The children here are quite friendly with one another.
44 It's quite a handy little tool.
45 Dan's actually quite nice, unlike his father.
46 His speech packed quite a punch.
47 The answer he gave was quite surprising.
48 That was a quite outstanding performance!
49 The situation worked out quite well.
50 My perception of the problem is quite different.
51 The minister was quite guarded in his comments.
52 It is not quite the thing.
53 Susan and Alice are quite different.
54 His health began to deteriorate quite seriously.
55 I think silk ties can be quite nice.
56 I think he's coming, but I'm not quite sure.
57 I find your attitude towards these women quite repugnant.
58 It's quite common to see couples who dress alike.
59 The plot of the TV series is quite complex.
60 He got quite emotional during the speech.
31 Susan and Alice are quite different.
32 I find your attitude towards these women quite repugnant.
33 It's quite common to see couples who dress alike.
33 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
34 Well, I don't know quite how to put this.
35 The plot of the TV series is quite complex.
36 The attack on him was quite deliberate.
37 I suppose I was quite promiscuous in my youth.
38 I'm quite willing to accept the consequences.
39 The first station buildings were quite primitive.
40 Biology is sometimes quite hard to understand.
41 She's quite indispensable to the company.
42 They are so thin that they are quite transparent.
43 I found the experience quite bewildering.
44 They turned out a quite creditable performance.
45 You were quite right to criticize him.
46 The mechanics of the process are quite complex.
47 Her voice was quite unlike her usual one.
48 She's quite junior in the organization.
49 All big cities are quite similar.
50 I shall be quite honest with you.
51 I don't know quite how to put this.
52 She was quite a hefty woman.
53 She was quite astonished at his rudeness.
54 She seems quite clear about her plans.
55 She's become quite indispensable to the company.
56 Though John and Andrew look exactly alike, they act quite differently.
57 Level of education is actually quite a poor indicator of ability to run a business well.
58 He's quite capable of lying to get out of trouble.
59 It was quite some time before they break through the enemy's blockade.
60 At school I was quite good at arts, but hopeless at science.
61 I felt quite bitter about it at the time.
62 The attack on him was quite deliberate.
63 I suppose I was quite promiscuous in my youth.
64 I'm quite willing to accept the consequences.
65 My esthetic standards are quite different from his.
66 The first station buildings were quite primitive.
67 The dilemma presented quite a poser.
68 They are so thin that they are quite transparent.
69 It's quite dark outside(Sentencedict), there's no moon.
70 Joan is turning into quite a skilled musician.
71 I think you'll find it all quite straightforward.
72 Mary's new boy-friend's quite a dish, isn't he?
73 I found the experience quite bewildering.
74 They turned out a quite creditable performance.
75 The girl sang quite a long song.
76 She's getting quite good at reading now.
77 The joint isn't quite done yet.
78 His choice of words created quite a furor.
79 The dress was absolutely plain, but quite stunning.
80 I can't quite follow your reasoning.
81 You were quite right to criticize him.
82 The mechanics of the process are quite complex.
83 He ferreted out quite a lot of information.
84 We were quite disorientated by the maze of streets.
85 I find that conversing with her is quite difficult.
86 Winning first place must have been quite a thrill.
87 Allergies to milk are quite common in childhood.
88 She's quite junior in the organization.
89 All big cities are quite similar.
90 Marking the exam papers was quite a slog.
61 Alcohol has a very distinctive smell; it's quite distinct from the smell of wine.
62 A bird had been locked in and was by now quite frantic.
63 It's been believed for centuries that great writers, composers and scientists are essentially quite different from ordinary people.
64 It is quite plain that he doesn't want to go.
65 Quite a number of young people maintain that money is a passport to happiness.
66 His skill lies in his ability to communicate quite complex ideas very simply.
67 We heard a series of explosions. They seemed quite close by.
68 A 40 watt bulb would be quite sufficient and would not obtrude.
69 To be quite truthful with you, I'm not very keen on this colour.
70 I have quite a bit of hand washing to do.
71 The car is quite small, especially if you have children.
72 It's quite conceivable that she hasn't heard the news yet.
73 Although she's recovering from her illness, her rate of progress is quite slow.
74 It is quite indifferent to me whether you go or stay.
75 It caused quite a scandal when he left his wife.
76 The revised edition is quite different from the previous edition.
77 It was quite a good film, as horror films go.
78 He seems poor, but I suspect that he has quite a lot of money.
79 Once we make the adjustments for inflation, the fall in interest rates is quite small.
80 It is not quite clear to us what you had in mind.
81 The vegetables had been boiled to a mush, and were quite uneatable.
82 She was quite candid about the difficulties the government is having.
83 To know is one thing; to teach is quite another.
84 The office is quite bright and airy - it's a pleasant working environment.
85 Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn't quite so obvious.
86 She couldn't quite believe that all this was actually happening to her.
87 It is quite unusual for a freshman to be younger than eighteen or older than nineteen.
88 He seemed quite nervous at the beginning of the meeting, but he soon loosened up.
89 This part of the city has become quite respectable in the last ten years.
90 It seems quite absurd to expect anyone to drive for 3 hours just for a 20 minute meeting.
91 I shall be quite honest with you.
92 The baby seemed quite unconcerned by the noise.
93 I don't know quite how to put this.
94 We consulted quite widely before deciding what to do.
95 She was quite a hefty woman.
96 She was quite astonished at his rudeness.
97 Her explanation doesn't ring quite true.
98 She had quite severe bruising and a cut lip.
99 She seems quite clear about her plans.
100 The markings along the route are quite plain.
101 She's become quite indispensable to the company.
102 Let me be quite candid with you: your work is not good enough.
103 The exam went quite well, except at the end when I tripped up on the final question.
104 Don't worry?it's quite usual to have a few problems at first.
105 Though John and Andrew look exactly alike(), they act quite differently.
106 Abnormalities in the cells can be seen quite clearly under a microscope.
107 Obviously what she did was wrong, but I don't think it warranted quite such severe punishment.
108 Monkeys in the New World evolved quite separately from those in the Old World.
109 Level of education is actually quite a poor indicator of ability to run a business well.
110 He's quite capable of lying to get out of trouble.
111 It was quite some time before they break through the enemy's blockade.
112 At school I was quite good at arts, but hopeless at science.
113 Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body's ability to fight off infection.
114 Thought is in the solid dream and the quite memory.
115 If you compare house prices in the two areas, it's quite amazing how different they are.
116 Alcohol has a very distinctive smell; it's quite distinct from the smell of wine.
117 The bank will lend your company quite a huge sum of money on very favourable terms.
118 You'll be quite safe if you observe certain basic precautions.
119 When viewed at high magnification it is clear that the crystals are quite different.
120 A bird had been locked in and was by now quite frantic.
91 This sugar cane is quite a sweet and juicy.
92 Veronica was quite adamant that they should stay on.
93 The England cricket team scored quite a useful total.
94 He takes our advice quite cheerfully.
95 Our meeting in New York was quite accidental.
96 Quite a number of valuable details were dug out of libraries and archives by the group of researchers.
97 With his handsome face Benjamin cuts quite a figure with all the ladies.
121 It's been believed for centuries that great writers, composers and scientists are essentially quite different from ordinary people.
122 It's one thing to say something, but quite another to do it.
123 The account he gives of his childhood is quite fictitious.
124 I suspect that Rodney has never quite forgiven either of them.
125 I think he suffered quite a lot when his wife left him.
126 The car's quite full(), but we could manage to squeeze another couple of people in.
127 She was quite mechanical and unthinking in the way she ironed the shirts.
128 Over the years, I have grown quite fond of her.
129 His skill lies in his ability to communicate quite complex ideas very simply.
130 The silver-leaved varieties of cyclamen are not quite as hardy.
131 The smaller of its hands occasionally slipped round on the pivot, and thus, though the minutes were told with precision, nobody could be quite certain of the hour they belonged to.
132 Perhaps he had slightly misled them, but it was quite unintentional.
133 They had been quite good friends for years, until they fell out about some trivial matter.
134 We heard a series of explosions. They seemed quite close by.
135 A 40 watt bulb would be quite sufficient and would not obtrude.
136 To be quite truthful with you, I'm not very keen on this colour.
137 It was quite an event when a woman first became prime minister.
138 I have quite a bit of hand washing to do.
139 This last consignment of hosiery is quite up to standard.
140 He was quite candid about the way the case had been handled.
141 A glamorous life is quite different to a life of luxury.
142 The car is quite small, especially if you have children.
143 It's quite conceivable that she hasn't heard the news yet.
144 Although she's recovering from her illness, her rate of progress is quite slow.
145 It is quite indifferent to me whether you go or stay.
146 No, I don't know his number-I have quite enough trouble remembering my own.
147 When I added up the cost it gave me quite a shock.
148 It caused quite a scandal when he left his wife.
149 Losing the match made quite a dent in his ego.
150 The revised edition is quite different from the previous edition.
151 His part in the affair was quite open and aboveboard.
152 The house must be worth quite a lot of money now.
153 It was quite a good film, as horror films go.
154 They'll quite happily squander a whole year's savings on two weeks in the sun.
155 He seems poor, but I suspect that he has quite a lot of money.
155 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
156 There is quite a chill in the air this morning.
157 Once we make the adjustments for inflation, the fall in interest rates is quite small.
158 It is not quite clear to us what you had in mind.
159 The vegetables had been boiled to a mush, and were quite uneatable.
160 She was quite candid about the difficulties the government is having.
161 The programme brought quite a crop of complaints from viewers.
162 The Republicans have quite a large following in the North.
163 Of course, I'm quite willing to pay for the lost bike.
164 She was often quite scurrilous in her references to me.
165 The office is quite bright and airy - it's a pleasant working environment.
166 Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn't quite so obvious.
167 She couldn't quite believe that all this was actually happening to her.
168 I mean, my nose is quite big but my Dad's got a whopper.
169 It is quite unusual for a freshman to be younger than eighteen or older than nineteen.
170 He seemed quite nervous at the beginning of the meeting, but he soon loosened up.
171 He was quite humorous, and I liked that about him.
172 The prices of the commodities are quite stable this year.
173 She has a bit of private money, so they manage quite nicely.
174 To opt out at this moment would be quite irrational.
175 This part of the city has become quite respectable in the last ten years.
176 They teach you English in an intensive course lasting just a week; it's quite an intensive few days!
177 A quite conscience sleeps in thunder,but rest and guilt live far adunder.
178 It seems quite absurd to expect anyone to drive for 3 hours just for a 20 minute meeting.




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