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单词 By day
1. What's done by night appears by day
2. What is done by night appears by day
3. Cover your head by day as much as you will, by night as much as you can. 
4. Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away. 
5. Things go on day by day.
6. They sleep by day and hunt by night.
7. They work during the night and sleep by day.
8. Activists are increasing in number day by day.
9. Day by day the structure heightened.
10. We travelled at night and rested by day.
10. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
11. Day by day he became weaker.
12. Day by day the disappointed lover peaked and pined.
13. We travelled by night and rested by day.
14. The fugitives travelled by night andrested by day.
15. She sleeps by day and works by night.
16. By day he worked downtown for American Standard.
17. Day by day the situation is improving.
18. They're improving day by day.
19. I prefer travelling by day.
20. Owls usually sleep by day and hunt by night.
21. Competition is getting hotter day by day.
22. Day by day he grew weaker.
23. Day by day she learnt more about her job.
24. The old man's health dwindled slowly day by day.
25. Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night.
26. Her health was improving day by day.
27. Day by day his condition improved.
28. He amends day by day.
29. I live for the moment, day by day, not for the past.
30. We will muddle through and just play it day by day.
1. They sleep by day and hunt by night.
2. They work during the night and sleep by day.
3. We will muddle through and just play it day by day.
31. The city, drab and dour by day, is transformed at night.
32. She's a singer in a bar by night and a secretary by day.
33. By day a woman could safely walk the streets, but at night the pavements became dangerous.
34. He works in an office by day and drives a taxi by night.
35. Signals are made by day with flags and by night with lights.
36. He must patrol by night and walk by day.
37. Marion and I are living day by day.
38. This bid changes day by day.
39. It must have been most pleasant by day.
40. She gets weaker day by day.
41. The army... became larger day by day.
42. Day by day Jeffrey began to feel better.
43. By day you can see for miles,[sentence dictionary] and at night the moon shines brightly out of cloudless skies.
44. Once the horse understands what is required of him, he should enjoy his work and improve day by day.
45. From April to September the reserve is visited by day trippers six days a week.
46. Hiding and sleeping by day, they were watching a ford of the river by night.
47. The striped markings enable the beast to become invisible against a wide range of backgrounds by day or night.
48. By day she remained behind locked doors in the room near the north wing which her two sons had shared.
49. A shoal makes an impressive sight, especially as they are one of the few catfish active by day.
50. For those who require attendance both by day and night there is a higher rate allowance.
51. He can sense the options as they come and go, day by day.
52. Some 200 ii north of Kucha lay a mountain that reputedly exhibited fire by night and smoke by day.
53. It was a fancy which occupied their thoughts by day and their dreams by night.
54. The legend concerns three builders of a castle who found that the work they did by day was undone by night.
55. In those days the warriors fought by day - in the open - and at night they dressed one another's wounds.
56. By day, he studied musical theory at the fine but beleaguered music department.
57. Never by night and never by day will I forget you.
58. She was still working in the wool shop by day and driving an ambulance at night.
59. Cloud by day and fire by night marked his presence at the tabernacle, which was quite literally in their midst.
60. By day, a long street in the Nipponbashi area is lined with cut-price electronics stores.
61. They clung to the towns, venturing out only by day, their big battalions sticking to the roads.
62. By day they give workshops in schools trying to de-mystify classic works for schoolchildren.
63. By day the town is a small tableau of white-washed homes.
64. But diligently studying by day and by night Seriously impair his tender eyesight.
65. Very often bream have remarkably fixed movements and follow the same watery paths day by day.
66. Not so beautiful by day, perhaps, but in dim light they look like movie stars.
67. Joining them, Charlotte settles into a routine, roving by day and writing at night.
68. That generates an attitude of formal control, instead of the day by day probing and checking that should be practised.
69. Y., the investigation is moving forward the same way: day by day.
70. You see, as Job Survivor I am sweating bullets by night,[] biting bullets by day.
71. The desert is summer by day and freezing winter by night.
72. It can offer you just about everything you can think of by day and by night, in abundance.
73. My intense dislike for him seemed to grow day by day.
74. By simply following the day by day eating, exercise and positive thinking programme that is detailed in this book.
75. On the one hand, a growing, needy world population eliminates nature day by day.
76. Nightly dreams and thoughts by day, Are aye with him that's far away.
77. Slugs and snails Soft-bodied, voracious molluscs that often shelter by day beneath leaves and plant debris, and feed at night.
78. He walked by night and slept by day, the midday sun being too hot for him.
79. By day the artificial turf in the Miami stadium looks an unnatural green.
80. By day, silver laughter rings through the forest as the Elves make sport.
81. Emily is an industrial engineer by day and a punk rock bass guitarist by night.
82. Look at the teamster on the highway, wending to market by day or night; does any divinity stir within him?
83. The lower rate can be paid if any one of the requirements is satisfied either by day or at night.
84. The revolution is made through human beings, but individuals must forge their revolutionary spirit day by day. Che Guevara 
85. She wondered why they slept by day and travelled by night and decided to ask them when they woke up.
86. Even double beds can be piled and piled with cushions to make an inviting couch for yourself and guests by day.
87. Chris Luby by day is a customs and excise inspector, by night a Human Aeroplane.
88. By day, this urbane, well-educated man mastered complex problems in a high-tech consulting firm.
89. By day, the Pirates Club takes centre stage with games, activities and competitions - even the parents join in!
90. We know exactly how to change their feed day by day to produce optimum growth.
91. So perhaps we can bluff it out and collect software by day leaving philosophical disquiet to the troubled night.
92. Day by day, I learned to understand and love the nuns.
93. In these smaller waters, the miller could work by day and his mill-pond would be replenished at night.
94. By day the general atmosphere is tranquil, dreamy and unspoilt with long, sandy beaches and clear waters.
95. I watched spiralling dust devils by day and at night listened to the anarchic cries of coyotes.
96. Generally active by day, wrasse are some of the most colourful and strikingly marked fish.
97. Candidates became steadily more visible day by day throughout the campaign, however.
98. By day he was a sullen apprentice at a local print shop.
99. You know what's weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change, but pretty soon...everything's different. Bill Watterson 
100. He developed a severe headache and felt very sick by day three.
101. Real success comes in small portions day by day. You need to take pleasure in life's daily little treasures. It is the most important thing in measuring success. Denis Waitley 
102. On the Earth there is regularly more evaporation - effusions of water vapour from the surface - by day than by night.
103. He researched alone at night,[] and by day discussed his findings with no one.
104. Coniferous forests, often hunting by day for mammals as large as squirrels and lemmings.
105. But expectations seemed to diminish day by day over the last week.
106. By day, a colony of petrels or shearwaters is a quiet[], apparently deserted place.
107. He slept more than any other president, whether by day or by night.
108. Barmaid by day, rebel leader by night.
109. My cat is growing fast day by day.
110. It's getting warmer day by day.
111. He tends to be ill-tempered day by day.
112. With the popularization of the Internet and surfing the Net with broadband, search engine likes a dark horse in China, and permeate through daily life day by day.
113. Staff officer of the police service organ cause concern day by day as objective carrier of staff officers work.
114. By day, Tripoli is effectively in a security lockdown and there are no outright signs of protest or dissent.
115. In Mnemosyne and SuperMemo, repetitions are scheduled day by day, and hours don't matter.
116. Recording day by day the symptoms of degeneration, it tried to oppose to the growing Thermidor the conscious will of the proletarian vanguard.
117. In term of it being the facts that the quantity of domestic coal consumption not only belonging to a vast quantity but also increasing day by day, it was claimed that the impact of radioelement t...
118. The red spider lilies spread unendingly. Day by day they grow more and more densely and sadly.
119. With the industry's rapid development, the industry utility system ( IUS ) is changing day by day.
120. Fig3. While attraction and personal freeness decreasing day by day.
121. There's a new super-thermogenic compound in Fahrenheit, called A7-E, that works around the clock to provide hard-body metabolism, moving you closer - day by day - to that hard body look.
122. Pepole pay more attention to the medicinal value and health function of Monascus day by day, however, the existence of citrinin restricted the further development of Monascus products heavily.
123. The life is just as a tree. the time cover you one day by day as well as cycle by cycle of the growth ring.
124. The last not the least, practice makes perfect. Every learners know this simple idiom. Make progress day by day, and one day you will surprisedly find you speak fluent English!
125. Our country is being in urbanized the acceleration period, the environment question which the city faces is day by day prominent, the city natural ecology already received the enormous destruction.
126. In it, you can track your progress day by day and week by week.
127. With the development of imaging equipment, its checking method also promoted by day.
128. As the calendar day by day we have a page being turned in the past, we are ushered in the new year.
129. By day the darkness fills him with dread; and anguish overpower him.
130. Little by little and day by day, they were learning to stand up bravely against a cruel and unjust tradition[http:///by day.html], which could be observed from their attitude toward the Ku Klux Klan.
131. Morpheuswrong: Drowsy by day, and nightly excitement not Mian, visible at neurasthenic, hysteria, head traumatic sex is neurasthenic be asked for integratedly and head arteriosclerosis.
132. Day by day I float my boat one by one down the running stream.
133. By Day 42 after treatment, changes in litter size, sperm numbers and the structure of seminiferous tubules in these animals diminished.
134. Many non-structural measures including flood risk analyst theory have been taken into account day by day .
135. In recent years, with the development of economy, the extensive fitting-up craze has appeared in the city and the indoor pollutant problem is outstanding day by day.
136. An odd-job man by day, he operates in Kent during the week and in London on weekends.
137. By day, Mark Suppes is a web developer for fashion giant Gucci. By night, he cycles to a New York warehouse and tinkers with his own nuclear fusion reactor.
138. The eye of a Nile crocodile. The eye is highly efficient at night; by day the pupil narrows to a slit.
139. Get acquainted with yourself. Tune in to the dreams you have by day and by night.
140. With the development of our country, the process of urbanize is faster and faster(), and the conflict of the rare of land source is standing out day by day.
141. Day by day : night by night: lifted, flooded and let fall.
142. With the organized crime becoming more and more rampant day by day, people have paid close attention to the investigatory tactic of using underground police.
143. In fact, from the aspect of the affectivity , the most important point of the right in legal practice is that it exists in our language that we use day by day.
144. In order to meet the emission control regulations which is increasingly strict day by day, three means will be used in diesel in the future.
145. The inflation reduces the resident real income and the income differential expands day by day.
146. There is often a fluffiness to them, a cotton-wool gentleness not seen by day.
147. In opens day by day in the modernized society, the imprisonment punishment's run cost is increasing unceasingly, but its transformation effect actually disappointingly looks.
148. Fourth, the real estate business capital chain is day by day tight.
149. To them downstair close already at 7 o'clock, bazaar inside and outside still very lively, the crowd of come and go is more than by day.
150. How to treat by day or nightly night sweat? Does need use remedy?
151. Along with the industrial colony's in region economic competition status enhancement, the industrial colony studies receives the people to take day by day, to appear the multitudinous theories.
152. Deep-sea fish and whales have little or no light by day or by night.
153. On today in economic globalization trend, the international circulation of commodities is multifarious day by day.
154. Day by day I float my paper boats one by one down the running stream.
155. However, speculative futures trading by day traders is posing risks to stock investors by increasing volatility.
156. With the rapid development of manufacture industry, the demand of the free forging is increasing day by day, and the requirement of the free forging hydraulic press is quite urgent.
157. Four is the crime day by day specialization, Five, commits a crime the place from the major and medium city to the county seat, the market town, the countryside and the remote border district spread.
158. Paper BoatsDay by day I float my paper boats down the running stream.
159. During the process, they day by day became a true force of resulting in self-destruction and community suffering.
160. Truth may perhaps come to the price of a pearl, that showeth best by day: but it will not rise, to me price of a diamond, or carbuncle, that showeth best in varied lights.
160. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
161. In competes now day by day in the intense society, the art layout regarding impels a national the progress and the development, is playing the very essential role.
162. The emergence of the burden of proof system in civil action stems from human limitations and human themselves recognize their own limitations increasingly day by day!
163. Accordingly, these traditional styles of connection are still adopted in the light gauge steel(LGS) structures that is widely applied day by day.
164. By day the Center is an iconic silhouette against the Kaohsiung sky and by night a luminous showplace, an animated marquee on a grand scale.
165. Culture is purusa of civilization, is a kind acquisition in practice,() and vice versa guides the value idea and the connaissance system with luxuriancy day by day.
166. Meanwhile, the length of oil and gas pipelines also grows day by day for satisfying the rising energy demand.
167. At the same time, it set up the Forecast Model by the Analysis of Time Series in water consumption both by day and by hour.
168. Zheng's voyage declared the end of ban on maritime trade in earlier Ming era, and the private business transactions at sea were flourishing day by day.
169. As I get old day by day, I really find the speed of sand lapsing in my sandglass accelerated.
170. With the Commercial competition being fierce day by day, effective business management has become an import factor in the success of commercial marketing.
171. By running a travel agency, he picked up the idea for a "tickler file," a series of folders labeled by day, week, and month that helps people prioritize tasks.
172. But receives frequently loans the crisis, passes the stock price to receive lowly, the safe account day by day richly floats owes also increased to the astonishing situation.
173. Pacific Ocean is cerulean day by day, and the clouds hang over it now and again.
174. After Ming dynasty, the "ugliness" was strongly pushed into people's view, it wasemphasized as a disharmonious factor day by day.
175. It says, 'The only way to be truly happy is to live in the will of God and do the will of God day by day.
176. The economic development drives the citified in Quanzhou, and makes the protection of this historical and cultural known city in increasing contradiction with the developing construction day by day.
177. Check daily cash collection, take in charge of credit card center reconciliation day by day, support timely book-keeping of accountant .
178. Track your trade day by day, calculating stops and deciding where to take profits.
179. CPU card has widely been used in various embedded systems day by day because of its safety and normality.
180. A lifebuoy is provided with self-igniting light self-activating smoke signal which is available for use by day at night to be equally distributed on both sides of the ship.
181. Day by day, I noticed how it slowly "unfolded" the layers of my skin, diminishing wrinkles and plumping up my skin along the way.
182. In today's highly unstable market environment, the status and the function of marketing organization is getting more and more important day by day.
183. Which are common topics deeply concerned of enterpriser and researcher day by day.
184. Day by day its color is faded just like an old letter paper bald-headed pen rusty door lock closed iron house.
185. Culture is purusa of civilization, is a kind acquisition in practice, and vice versa guides the value idea and the reconnaissance system with luxuriancy day by day.
186. Day by day thou art making me worthy of thy full acceptance by refusing me ever and anon, saving me from perils of weak, uncertain desire.
187. With the development of phosphate industry, a rapid release of phosphogypsum occurs day by day.
188. With enhancement of highway project management information level in our country day by day, the traditional signing way was already unaccommodated to development of project information management.
188. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
189. Manjusakas spread unendingly. Day by day they grow more and more densely and sadly.
190. The industrial application of low molecular nitroalkane is widespread day by day. it is a reason-able way to use propane as the raw material to produce low molecular nitroalkane by nitrifying.
191. The coastwise cities in South-America are busy and safe by day, but in the night they are abandoned and dangerous due to the lack of public lighting, as the grid cannot be transmitted to the shores.




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