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单词 By this time
1. By this time the riots were getting serious.
2. They should have arrived in Beijing by this time.
3. Your clothes should have dried off by this time.
4. By this time Pitt had become a teenage idol.
5. By this time people were flocking to join the cult.
6. By this time, the disease was too far advanced to be treated.
7. By this time we were completely lost.
8. By this time her body was riddled with cancer.
9. By this time Mary was almost hysterical.
10. By this time, he was hopelessly pickled.
11. By this time, the tide was on the ebb.
12. By this time, I was really getting worried .
13. By this time all the wells had run dry.
14. By this time I was a gibbering wreck.
15. By this time his debt had got extremely large.
16. By this time, Michael was roaring with laughter .
17. By this time, tears were streaming down my face.
18. They'll be home by this time.
19. By this time the arrears amounted to £12 000.
20. By this time he was thirty.
21. I thought you'd have finished by this time.
22. By this time it was daybreak.
23. The group's influence had begun to wane by this time.
24. By this time she was in her nineties and needed help more and more frequently.
25. By this time he'd managed to struggle out of bed.
26. By this time my father was totally incapacitated by his illness.
27. By this time she was so cowed by the beatings that she meekly obeyed.
28. By this time their disagreement had reached such a pitch that there was no hope of an amicable conclusion.
29. By this time the children had lost all their motivation for writing poetry.
30. By this time next week we shall be in New York.
1. By this time the riots were getting serious.
2. They should have arrived in Beijing by this time.
3. Your clothes should have dried off by this time.
4. By this time Pitt had become a teenage idol.
5. By this time people were flocking to join the cult.
6. By this time, the disease was too far advanced to be treated.
7. But I have refined everything away by this time — anger, indignation, scorn itself. Nothing left but disgust.
31. By this time a series of scandals had severely tarnished the leader's image/reputation.
32. He profited by this time to look at the paintings.
33. The idea of being a farmer had lost its charm for me by this time.
34. By this time he felt more or less sober again.
35. Our money's usually running low by this time of the month.
36. By this time I was totally slewed and could scarcely stand up!
37. By this time next week we'll be in New York.
38. He ought to have arrived by now / by this time.
39. By this time tomorrow I'll know whether I've got the job.
40. By this time he had used up all his savings.
41. But I have refined everything away by this time — anger, indignation, scorn itself. Nothing left but disgust.
42. But by this time Maidstone was beyond all reason.
43. My car was stalled by this time.
44. By this time, it was all over.
45. By this time, I should not feel alien.
46. By this time his international reputation was well established.
47. By this time he had become an enduring institution.
48. By this time Dawn was fully grown.
49. She was about twenty-four weeks pregnant by this time.
50. The whole place must be flattened by this time.
51. By this time we were climbing towards a ridge.
52. By this time his workaholic lifestyle was well established, though always hidden behind his easy friendliness.
53. By this time Amelia had obtained a transport license, the mark of a professional pilot.
54. However, another of the original aims had become obsolete by this time.
55. By this time there was a queue of impatient customers waiting to be served.
56. The President was widely perceived, by this time, as having gone from blunder to blunder.
57. Rudy said, By this time the kisses had migrated from behind my ear to my neck.
58. By this time it was severed just around the corner from Staveley Town South Junction.
59. By this time the respondent had loaded the goods into a van and rejoined Mr. A. in the key department.
60. By this time, of course, the Federals were returning the fire.
61. By this time Irene was emitting a steady gurgle of contentment, when she wasn't laughing her head off.
62. By this time, the College appreciated me rather more and there was a different bursar.
63. By this time the adults had heard the commotion and were at the windows too.
64. By this time Sadler was interested in steam engines: in 1791 he obtained a patent for an unsuccessful rotary engine.
65. By this time, Woodchester Mill, like so many others, had left the cloth trade and stood empty.
66. I think by this time they must be dreading the thought of another signal from the Ariadne.
67. He gained little local success, but by this time was internationally known.
68. By this time the Soviets had forced a crisis by blockading Berlin, and fears of war mounted.
69. By this time the body count was getting so high, sensible people refused to ride along with us.
70. By this time city staff members were even more convinced that the area was unsuitable for rehabilitation.
71. By this time Cecilia had forgotten all about not pushing past the bear to press the button and get out.
72. By this time I had joined the Scouts and had reached the dizzy heights of Patrol Leader.
73. By this time Melissa's temper had calmed and her curiosity revived.
74. Richard Baxter by this time was at the peak of his ability as a preacher.
75. By this time they had been chucked out of the garden of course.
76. Sandoz was, by this time, wiping tears from his eyes and making terrible whining sounds.
77. By this time we had grown weary of heart-to-heart chats with senior management.
78. By this time, Agent Price had also spun his car around and was headed southeast toward Oglala.
79. But there is cause to suspect that even by this time, a certain boyish scepticism had erupted in Leonard's mind.
80. Hitch kept his eyes on Carol; by this time, she was beginning to feel uneasy under his almost unwavering stare.
81. By this time, all provinces except Zambezia had at least 40 percent female enrolment.
82. Jim-who by this time was not quite so slim - was fined £415 and banned for six months.
83. By this time it carried the advertisements of a well-known whisky, and had lost some of its charisma.
84. By this time professional cricketers' earnings had fallen behind average manual wages.
85. By this time the poor charioteer was half fainting with terror, and he let the reins fall.
86. By this time, she was too weak from hunger and thirst to call to him from the window.
87. He had by this time been child factory worker, apprentice framework knitter and short-term seaman, so his reaction is significant.
88. By this time Snyder was lapsing in and out of consciousness and his body temperature was fluctuating wildly.
89. By this time, Greg's illness was too far advanced to be treated.
90. By this time - the early seventies - homosexuality was no longer a taboo subject.
91. By this time nobody was paying any attention, just stamping round any old how.
92. The last of the shore birds will probably have arrived by this time.
93. The deer had become very numerous by this time in the New Forest, and there were numerous complaints about their depredations.
94. But by this time there was something very obviously missing from her play.
95. But by this time, with six months left on his contract, Taylor was soured on the whole business.
96. But by this time the Captain had grown used to living in a blue haze.
97. By this time the organisational history had become vague and shrouded in mystery.
98. It was by this time not quite clear exactly which lands in the Company's possession related to the original bequest.
99. More psychologists were brought in to assess Mr X, who must by this time have been suffering from IQ test overkill.
100. But by this time the North had begun to flex its superior economic muscles.
101. The Nazification drive had been remarkably successful by this time.
102. It was too late by this time to stop the presses rolling, and the first editions had already been despatched.
103. The people, by this time, had also come to regret the whole incident and they beseeched him to stay.
104. By this time, Leibniz was moving outward toward an application of his system with practical consequences.
105. We must be well past Malmesbury by this time, Isabel thought.
106. The older adult How relationships may have changed by this time!
107. By this time the surgeons on both sides had set up field hospitals and were busy with the wounded.
108. But by this time the entire issue had acquired too strong a tint of partisan politics, and no action was taken.
109. By this time we had already closed the restaurant and turned it into a bakery coffee shop.
110. However, by this time I had outgrown my adolescent appetite for being shocked and had acquired some knowledge of parapsychology.
111. By this time he had a firm place in baronial society.
112. Can't say we didn't half expect it, I suppose, by this time.
113. By this time, all the arguments had been well rehearsed in both Houses.
114. By this time, the mixture should be rich and pulpy with very little liquid. 3.
115. By this time the other three men entered at the back door.
116. By this time there were medical people all over the place, many of them without a purpose, it seemed.
117. It was Alvin's first time at the movies, but the other three of us were seasoned veterans by this time.
118. Putting my hands and feet lightly on the controls was a completely automatic response by this time.
119. By this time I was heavily pregnant and could hardly get into any of my clothes.
120. Chennault had become a major general by this time, and had his own independent military command, the Fourteenth Air Force.
121. By this time the enormity of the situation was beginning to dawn upon an outraged Public.
122. By this time, of course, Mwafrika and its successors had long since lost their former political stance.
123. As Cathy was several months pregnant by this time, she subsequently had her daughter, who is now two years old.
124. By this time they are more able to fend for themselves, and have a better chance of survival.
125. By this time the Confederates had formed into columns and were on the march back to Corinth, Mississippi.
126. By this time, Ahab has won the support of all his crew except Starbuck.
127. By this time the rivers Camel and Allen had been polluted with aluminium, killing 60,000 trout and salmon.
128. By this time, few believed she was prepared to make the trip.
129. By this time Skarsnik's horde had grown into a huge Waaagh.
130. By this time Keith Hobson on peg 40 was bagging up.
131. By this time, Zigo had roughed up Flinn a bit, and she was afraid of him.
132. By this time, the Tour was, not surprisingly, in crisis.
133. By this time the fire was beginning to threaten.
134. By this time Emil had lost all his timidity.
135. By this time clerk had returned with the socks.
136. By this time of life, be choosy.
137. By this time the dental instruments were ready.
138. I hope that by this time you already have your tug-of-war table ready and handy.
139. By this time, my office looks like a bomb site to the untrained eye.
140. By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing.
141. By this time you have your eyes open, and there is no Santa, and no ex-wife in front of you.
142. By this time the mail-cart man had joined her, and began dragging and unharnessing the hot form of Prince.
143. By this time I was rid of my blue manuscript book and had got hold of a bound volume of one of Lett's diaries.
144. NLT 1 Kings 19:2 So Jezebel sent this message to Elijah: "May the gods also kill me if by this time tomorrow I have failed to take your life like those whom you killed.
145. Roger Chillingworth had by this time approached the window and smiled grimly down.
146. By this time, though, Dr. Parnassus is on his third stakes-raising bet with the devilish Mr. Nick, and the fate of Valentina herself is hanging in the balance.
147. And by this time Mark Antony had palled up with Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, and Octavian beat both of them, and he became the sole ruler of the empire in 27 BCE.
148. By this time debt relief had an amazing array of supporters, led by Bono.
149. Assize by this time just just since the on the stage jumped down. The audience at table out of the field spreads the hiss of one wave wave ......
150. By this time also, he already set up Magnum Photos.
151. Apparently some people thought it did, so Paul brings up the charge and denies it, but it shows that Paul had already developed by this time some kind of antinomian reputation.
152. The topmost round of his azure ladder had been reached by this time.
153. The poor Earl tore out his hair and beard (which was by this time completely white and rather wispy), and begged, but the Queen declined absolutely to walk across the chequering.
154. By this time, Strauss had taken both his brothers and two brothers-in-law into the company and was ready for his third San Francisco store.
155. By this time in the term, students should have conducted a bibliographic search for their final paper.
156. By this time it had also taken on the meaning of "snow-storm" and because of its frequent use in the news that winter, that's the meaning that stuck.
157. By this time ( last 1960 s ) great strides had been made in semiconductor technology.
158. Is sorry, originally meditation tonight's twice more of, but the power is off in the morning, clutch a conference in the p. m. , have a stomach-ache by this time, so must morrow.
159. Halloween looks to be right around the corner as dark clouds hang over a graveyard littered with fallen leaves. By this time of year, a New Englander can feel the long cold winter approaching.
160. By this time at 10 % and up % had post - natal depression.
161. Su txt surname by this time just openings way:"Is also that I think not a week, she has never passed by these not to understand, but I didn't also want to advance preparation to her."
162. By this time the project team felt quite confident with the automated system and it was made available for casework samples.
163. I hope not:I hope by this time we are all convinced that are publican government, like that of America, may exist without danger or injury to social order, or to established monarchies.
164. By this time, I have fully wised up to their intrigue.
165. I just penetrate by this time she mow a pate of cutty cilia, the light projects light upon the stereoscopic profile of a half-blooded woman.
166. The intimacy between these two was by this time consummate.
167. By this time Shelley had become a friend of Leigh Hunt and Peacock and had met Keats.
168. By this time she was scarcely conscious of their scrutiny.
169. By this time, however the building was gone, the excavation was completed.
170. By this time it was less easy to discern a single Cubist school.
171. However, by this time people were beginning to see some sort of hope in the life of William because in his final year he and several of his co-defendants were made prefects in the same school.
172. For by this time the stir of the Festa was felt even in the narrowest side streets.
173. By this time, the CIA was already subsidizing Corsican and Italian gangsters to oust Communist unions from the Port of Marseilles.
174. By this time of year, a New Englander can feel the long cold winter approaching.
175. By this time he must have been swallowed by the Dogfish who for several days has been playing havoc in these waters.




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