单词 | E. |
例句 | 1. The line AB intersects the line CD at E. 2. e brushed aside the tears with his sleeve. 3. The lines AB and CD intersect at E. 4. Nuts and seeds are good sources of vitamin E. 5. Never stop smiling, not e ven when you're sad,someone might fall in love with your smile. 6. Please inform us of your travel plans, i.e. arrival time, carrier, etc. 7. The hotel is closed during low season, i.e. from October to March. 8. The price must be more realistic, i.e. lower. 9. Remember to take your P.E. clothes to school. 10. Send an s.a.e. for a free information pack. 11. They keep animals, e.g. goats and cattle. 12. 'Eric' begins with an 'E'/E. 13. Most foods contain vitamin E. 14. 'O.O.B.E.' is short for 'Out Of Body Experience'. 15. The piece is in E/the key of E. 16. The bottom string on a guitar is an E. 17. The meeting will be chaired by Colonel E. Smith . 18. The best pupil in the class, i.e. Peter, won the prize. 18. try its best to gather and build good sentences. 19. The film is only open to adults, i.e. people over 18. 20. The poet e. e. cummings wrote his name with small letters, not capital letters. 21. The names of political parties are always capitalized, e.g. the Green Party. 22. The winners are as follows: E. Walker; R. Foster; R. Gates; A. Mackintosh. 23. He feels that life is passing him by,i.e.,that he is not profiting from or enjoying the opportunities and pleasures of life. 24. Road fragmentation kills vulnerable species, e.g. barn owls. 25. The mother gave birth to E. in 1986. 26. Please enclose S.A.E. with your order. 14. 27. Like E. coli it undergoes transduction, transformation and conjugation. 28. You should eat more food that contains a lot of fibre, e.g. fruit, vegetables and bread. 29. Let the point where AB cuts CD be called E. 30. The line AB cuts the line CD at the point E. 1. Nuts and seeds are good sources of vitamin E. 2. Please inform us of your travel plans, i.e. arrival time, carrier, etc. 3. The hotel is closed during low season, i.e. from October to March. 31. The module referred to by the keyword BUILT-BY is the command file which builds i.e compiles, links etc. the package. 32. The Byrds are seen as an antecedent of bands like R.E.M. 33. Also shown are the regions of the c-Jun protein which were expressed in E.coli and assayed in this report. 34. Note that both the l.e.d. and phototransistor are very directional - the tops are the sensitive surfaces. 35. A typical microcomputer will have 48K or 64K of memory i.e. 48 or 64 Kilobytes or 48,000 bytes. 36. This reflects an aversion which is attached by society to major accidents or dread consequences, e.g. cancer. 37. A new issue number is also added to signify an approved version; e.g. version 01.02C is approved as 01.02. 38. The window was designed by C.E. Kempe, a leading Victorian stained glass colourist and designer. 39. Perform a private lap dance for him where standard club rules apply, e.g. the audience can look but not touch. 40. In product-costing Kaplan tends to emphasize cost-drivers in terms of outputs from activities, e.g. number of set-ups. 41. The bi-colour l.e.d. can utilise a transparent lens-clip to good effect. 42. But such people are abstemious in many other ways, e.g. they do not drink tea. 43. Second, support can be drawn from related disciplines where psychodynamic methods enjoy considerable influence, e.g. psychiatry. 44. There was no mention of Nigel's final destination, i.e. the compost heap. 45. Quite the opposite: they are willingly accepted by a diverse range of microbes, from Proteus and Azotobacter to E. coli. 46. The usual mixture suitable for most aquatic plants, i.e. clay or sand and peat will be most suitable. 47. He raced to a nearby E. F. Hutton office, where he had trained as a broker years before. 48. The width of the comfort zone can then be taken as 4 degrees, i.e., from-2 to. 48. 49. I illustrates the determination of the trade pattern for a given endowment point E under the assumption that X is nontradable. 50. Note that the saturation potential differences are close to the supply e.m.f.s biasing the operational amplifier. 51. The value of graphic material is to attract attention and convey information in a summarised form, e.g. cell division. 52. It may also be possible to promote rest by teaching some specific relaxation technique, e.g. deep breathing, yoga. 53. Thus government, i.e. local government, has strategic responsibility over its administrative area for the provision of sporting opportunities. 54. In theory, all these tasks could be done by conventional methods, i.e. paste-up, longhand correction, etc. 55. In September 1938, A. E. Douglas-Smith took up his duties as university resident tutor in the county. 56. The new system can detect the presence of dangerous but invisible microorganisms like salmonella and e. coil bacteria. 57. Any valid E number may be entered, or the material's chemical name. 58. Several people became ill after eating hamburger meat contaminated with the E.coli bacteria. 59. Cruciform plan with dome over the crossing and often over each arm also, e.g. S. Mark, Venice. 3. 60. The idea of a complex structure can be applied to equipment manufactured by different suppliers, e.g. central heating boilers. 61. All were allegedly taken at the same football game by freelance photographer E. J. Flammer. 62. In some cases items may be specified on the policy as a pair or a set e.g. a pair of earrings. 63. Volume 2 deals with general idioms e.g. keep the ball rolling, the proof of the pudding. 64. Free market equilibrium occurs at E. A government agency now provides information about the product. 65. In gall bladder filling after a test meal, V r e s reflects maximum gall bladder volume. 66. This gives the spelling of words not always included in other dictionaries, e.g. kidnapped. 67. The euro-bond market Euro-bonds are issued by corporations, governments and international agencies, e.g. World Bank. 68. The outbreak was eventually traced to a new strain of E. coli on hamburger meat. 69. Place the circuit board and batteries inside the case and clip the l.e.d. into its holder. 70. The following table lists universities which have produced highly cited theses, i.e. those which have received five or more citations. 71. Hence the viscous dissipation is associated with high wavenumbers; i.e. it is brought about by small eddies. 72. It implied, first, primogeniture amongst males, i.e. inheritance by the eldest son, if there was one. 73. Several chapters cover the basics of clean room technology, e.g., lithography, etching and layer deposition techniques. 74. Under water as well as on dry land E. tenellus is propagated vegetatively from the root runners. 75. The C.E. G.B. case demonstrates that consent will not always protect against possible criminal charges being brought. 76. Statement E: Racism as rational self interest I think that's absolute nonsense. 77. The drifter shown is the original E.T version although there are now several other makes available. 78. The blades of emersed plants are unlike those of E. macrophyllus,[ ] being ovate and incised at the apex. 79. A software crash generally happens when you try to do something in the same way - i.e. the crash is repeatable. 80. Sight deposits are, in the main, cheque account funds while time deposits incorporate an element of withdrawal restriction, i.e. notice. 81. E.g. A lorry driver may sustain an injury which will prevent him from ever driving a lorry again. 82. Candidates for either the Woolley or the Horsman Fellowship should write to the Principal enclosing a s.a.e.for an application form. 83. By its very nature, political risk assessment must be subjective, i.e. not based on numerical data. 84. Breaking the law, i. e., firing people, is absurdly cheap. 85. One reason is that there may be efficiency gains from merger, e.g. due to scale economies. 86. Never take the blame for m, e. Never think it is your fault when I am the one. 87. In 1983, microbiologist Julian Adams dis-covered a clue when he brewed up a soup of cloned E. coli bacteria. 88. In any case, even within technical, i.e. classical mythology, Orpheus was a singer, not a fish. 89. A further complication is the possibility of secular drift, i.e. prevalence changing with the passage of historical time. 90. Additional reports e.g. showing approved entries and responsible lexicographer, will be produced within one working day when required. 91. It seems certain that pavement K, Woodchester is of the same period as the Orpheus mosaic, i.e. c. 310-325. 92. It closely resembles E. macrophyllus and like the latter has no pellucid markings in the leaf blades. 93. Sometimes the party in default makes an offer to put things right, e.g. the seller offers to buy back defective goods. 94. There, they were exposed to bacteria that had been manipulated to carry genes for the E. coli toxin. 95. Until the major reinterpretation by E.P. Thompson in 1963, a consensus view of Luddism prevailed among historians. 96. Our ability to supply gas in outlying areas has been considerably improved in joint 26A co-operation with our P.E. manufacturers. 97. It was like the first stage of the revolution, i. e., taking the king captive. 98. My friend E., an investment banker, is a consultant for Steelworkers locals in collective bargaining. 99. The police now have up to ninety-six hours, i.e. four days and nights, to detain people without charge. 100. Usually expressed as the ratio of fetal deaths; i.e. the number of fetal deaths per 1,000 live births. 101. Then, as dawn broke, they encountered the leading vehicles of Brigadier Reid's E Force. 102. Accounting Theory Accounting theory is conventionally concerned with financial accounting, i.e. with accounting to external providers of finance. 103. Conditions: Some comfort can be obtained by placing certain conditions to the offer e.g. minimum net assets etc. 104. Usually an administrative service, e.g. notifying all interested parties that a Design Change is awaiting assessment. 105. The signing runs from 1 to 3 p. m. at the Book Mark, 5001 E.. Speedway. 106. During its resting period in Winter, i.e. October-February, the leaves die back, and during Spring sprouting takes place. 107. The Annie E.. Casey Foundation, a well-endowed charity dedicated to disadvantaged children, moved to the city last year. 108. Next cut the tips of the l.e.d. leads at an angle using side cutters so that each lead ends in a sharp point. 109. This does not apply to membership or employment in any public body, e.g.,[Sentencedict] an electricity authority. 110. The sudden, unprepared E Major Allegro that concludes the fourth and final movement seems a bit like kicking the corpse. 111. The well-known poet, e.e. cummings, does precisely that; he achieves special effect by using unusual grammatical configurations. 112. He then sought a declaration that A.P.E.X. was not entitled to do this. 113. It is normal to commence proceedings in the local County Court - e.g. for the recovery of a debt. 114. The plants offered by this name belong to the species E. berteroi. 115. Reform, a friend to, i.e. a supporter of the electoral Reform Bill passed in 1832. 116. The correct sequence is shown in Fig. 1 and must be followed, i.e. D1 to pin 3. 117. However, it's not only meat eaters who are at risk, as E.coli spreads easily from meat to other foods. 118. Please note that tickets will be held at the Box Office for collection if no s.a.e. is supplied. 119. An early investigation of Roman lead-rich glazes using this analytical technique was carried out by the late E.M. 120. The bondholders elected their committee representatives, i.e. eight bondholders to the Club's four ordinary members. 121. It will potentially drive a wedge between the Catholic H.E. 122. This chapter concentrates on the latter two, i.e. fixed capital investment and inventory investment. 123. It was still a long way from biochemistry, i.e. the understanding of how these substances functioned in the living organism. 124. Low structure and tussock shape, which gives protection from drying winds, e.g. heather, bilberry. 125. Commodity price stabilisation schemes appeared to be aimed at interfering with market forces, i.e. demand and supply. 126. E.. Modesto already serves a few customers in one of those cities, Riverbank. 127. Postural tremor-present primarily on static posturing, i. e., with the arms outstretched but not moving. 3. 128. Some programs are subject specific i.e. concentrate on developing skills and concepts in one subject area such as geography. 129. A country can also derive export revenue from service income, e.g. shipping and tourism, together with remittances from overseas workers. 130. Transformation of highly competent E.coli cells with the ligation mixture gave rise to one Ap R clone. 131. On this performance Leeds should record a few more away victories e.g. Swindon. 132. The outputs are used to directly drive an l.e.d. display, with the l.e.d.s arranged in series pairs as shown. 133. A valuable work, covering many aspects of social structure and population distribution, is that edited by R.E. 134. Firstly, of course, because it only affects high earners, i.e. those earning more than £75,000 a year. 135. Objective To construct E. coli K99 pilus expression vector. 136. Facebook's facial recognition technology works by generating a biometric signature for users who are tagged in photos on Facebook, i.e. using "summary data" from "photo comparisons." 137. This i. e. , if in fight or being in charge of quarters period, the crime American serviceman enjoys the extraterritoriality . 138. Centralise reporting requests (i. e. business continuity plans, audit-, control-,[/e..html] data reports from the different regulators to avoid duplication of work. 139. However, there a growing interest in a much more difficult problem related to IVP, i . e. 140. The efficacy of hypomethylating agents (e. g. 5 aza 2' deoxycytidine) as antineoplastic agents has been attributed to two distinct mechanism: cytotoxicity and induction of hypomethylation. 141. Is it possible to use compression schemes (e. g. , run length encoding) that allow some operations (e. g. , selections) to be applied without decompressing? 142. In order to realize the sustained growth of China's socialist economy, the reform of proprietorial system must be carried out and the new proprietorial system of socialist market e... 143. Travel rubbish culture includes six types i. e. "strange culture", "plagiaristic culture", "false culture", "superstitious culture", "ugly culture"and"evil culture". 144. The metadata cache contains the full path names of directories and files as keys and metadata (e.g. file length, last modification date, and whether the key is a file or a directory) as values. 145. You can remove scenes of Ron playing quidditch from the fifth book, and you can remove Hermione and S.P.E.W. [Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare] and those subplots . . . 146. The current study examines two important principles in the theory, i. e. , the Invariance Principle and the Entailment Hierarchies. 147. A new kind of soil infiltration measurement method in field, i. e. , disc permeameter, was introduced in this paper. 148. In this paper, We analyses the volatility asymmetry of the "bull " and "bear" market (i. e. sample), using generalized error distributed EGARCH (1,1) model in Small plate market. 149. Avoid little impact information (e. g. off-hour performance, extremely rare downtime, negligible move time... 150. The aluminium version of the System 50 is suited for use in non-aggressive areas e. g. school, hairdressers , electronic industries and dentists. 151. The presence of apo-E e 4 alleles is a known risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. 152. Interest rates will be non-concessional, i.e. not contain any subsidy element. 153. Styling goes back to Belstaff's durable clothing traditions which have been used by adventurers such as T.E. Lawrence and Che Guevara. 154. CONCLUSION Caffeoyl derivate and breviscapine are both active constituents E . breviscapus for cardiocerebral and optic desease. 155. Silanes can also incorporate the same functional groups as alkanes, e. g. –OH to make a silanol. 156. A . E. A. inspectors arrived in Iran Friday and have visited Tehran's uranium conversion facility in Isfahan. 157. Difficulty is excuse history never accepts. ---- E. R Murrow. 158. In graphical user interfaces, a combination of a graphic symbol and some program code to perform a specific function (e.g. a scroll-bar or button). 159. The South had won the battle of Chancellorsville. Robert E. Lee was sure of that. 160. E. stain, subcapsular brown opacities are found in cataractous lens. 161. E Documents issued earlier than the opening date of Letter of CredIt'shall not be acceptable. 162. Can you think of any circumstances under which an open-loop protocol, (e. g. , a Hamming code) might be preferable to the feedback-type protocols discussed throughout this chapter? 163. The paper analyses and study on one mode of the external transportation in the central urban district of Zhongshan City, i. e. road transportation. It also puts forward the measures for improvement. 164. Discount note: Note ( i . e . short - or medium - term bond ) issued at a discount from its face value. 165. Because of the inner core of the earth, there will have two nutation modes related to the earth's rotation, i. e. a prograde free core nutation (PFCN) mode and a inner core wobble (ICW) mode. 166. During the ship maneuvering , ship-turning angle could be set arbitrarily and the course ERROR (e) and CHANGE IN ERROR (ec) could be larger some time. 167. Taking Curitiba, Sao Paulo, Stockholm, and San Francisco Bay Area as examples, the paper discusses TOD's 3D principles, i. e. , high density development, diversity in land use, and design excellence. 168. The epidemic meninges epidemic sentiment processing plan epidemic meninges inflammation (i. e. epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis)[/e..html], is the suppurative meningitis which the meningococcus cause. 169. In this paper, cross feed precision of cylindrical grinder micro-feed executive body combined with numerical control, i. e. of deforming micro-feed center, has been studied. 170. The result and theoretical analysis reveal that dividing the buffer area into two levels, i. e. , gateway agent area and local agent area which forms dynamically, will decentralize the buffer mission. 171. Handle and maintain relevant loan account records including follow-up of routine work, e. g. loan drawdown and repayment ? 172. The correct target word (e.g. molar) was shown to learners in the EL condition. 173. I want a chat web cam site that works like a voyeur TV, except it's two-way, i. e. , they can chat. 174. In one design, a first (e. g. , lower power) mode may be selected for the SPS receiver if the transmitter output power level is below a switch point. 175. Layer E(superscript 1 subscript 3) in north area of west Qaidam Basin develops good clastic rock. Reservoir properties and diagenesis have a big relevance. 176. The DNA fragment of K88 fimbrial subunit gene without signal peptide sequence was amplified by PCR from the DNA of enterotoxigenic E. 177. The advantage of LCDs is that they are much lighter and consume less power than other display technologies (e. g. , cathode-ray tubes). 178. USE - Hybrid vehicle e. g. hybrid electric vehicle of parallel system or series system or split system. 179. Protection may also be obtained by the use of anti-microbial drugs, e. g. chemoprophylaxis is used for the prevention of malaria. 180. It is also possible, under single fault conditions (e. g. , a programming error or an instrument failure), to output hazardous levels even when the system indicates no hazard is present. 181. Some factors of effect i. e. cavitation number and inlet pressure are discussed and the decompositional regular is proposed. 182. Analyses show that the characteristic factor for oxide integrity E , i. e. the number of elements per defect, can be calculated from oxide capacitor leak current yield curves. 183. They can eliminate programs or services that are outdated (e.g., domestic science). 184. We can choose parameter S to improve ab- solute stability, i. e. to extend the region of absolute stability. 185. The invention provides an organic luminescent material, i. e. a terphenyl bridged-bis-benzimidazole quaternary ammonium compound, a preparation method and application thereof. 186. Pit A gap in the secondary cell wall that enables communication between thickened cells, e. g. tracheids. 187. The Battle of Chancellorsville, fought from April 30 to May 6, 1863, is widely considered to be Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's greatest victory. 188. With Steven E. Hyman, now at Harvard University, Nestler and Malenka wrote the textbook Molecular Basis of Neuropharmacology (McGraw-Hill, 2001). 189. Language is a living organism, and the O.E.D.'s help in understanding how we speak this instant is important. 190. Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts Recognizes Cause of Action for Medical Monitoring of Tobacco Users. — Donovan v. Philip Morris USA, Inc., 914 N.E.2d 891 (Mass. 2009). 191. Usage of cloud resources (i.e. memory, CPU, IPs) is also tracked at a user or user group level allowing CloudBurst to support chargeback across an enterprise. 192. This article summarizes the accuracy and coverage evaluation survey (A. C. E. survey) of the American census 2000. It includes sampling design, post-stratification, dual-system estimation and so on. 193. H. E. Dharma King Xiazhu Qiuyang has just stamped his fingerprint onto the congratulatory letter he wrote to H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. 194. Well-known users in, e. g. : corrosion protection, quality control, automotive, car inspection, galvanising or anodising and wet and powder coating. 195. E. Buff ett and P/E model to analyses the value and risk of Chinese car stock companies, and helps investors to find a good buying price and a good buying chance. 196. Some abnormal division had been observed at microspore mother cell meiosis stage, e. g. chromosome pairing abnormally, aberrant dyad formation and asynchronous dyad division. 197. There are collagenous fiber in body integument especially the ventral integument and the hymenopterous integument discovered by the H. E. 198. When I was a boy "discovering literature", I used to think how wonderful it would be if every other person on the street were familiar with Proust and Joyce or T. E. Lawrence or Pasternak and Kafka. 198. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words. 199. The letter e is often dropped between two consonants (e caduc) if it is unstressed, such as in samedi, and also at the end of short words, such as ce, de, je, le, me, que, se, te. 200. The purpose is to purify thrombolytic enzymes from Pheretima aspergillum(E. Perrier), and to analyze their activity and amino acid sequence. 201. Here you can enter your usual currency symbol, e. g. $ or DM. Please note that the Euro symbol may not be available on your system, depending on the distribution you use. 202. We declare that the training expense will not be subsidized by any other public funding schemes (e. g. SME training fund). Otherwise, we agreed to refund the VTC the full amount of training grant. 203. The input analog signal is sampled at a very high frequency and the difference between two samplings is quantified to get digital signal, i. e. , Sigma-Delta code. 204. Science creates ideas that are context - dependent, i . e a frame of reference. 205. After weighing over the problem of translating "meaning", the author tries to show that the "meaning" of the original is conveyable, hence an integral notion of e... 206. In general, there are three kinds of data source types, i. e. , demographic data, in-dividual behavioral data and the psychographic or attitudinal data. 207. The variation trend of MDA molarity showed a similarity with the trend of membrane permeability, i. e. both its quality scores and permeability increased with the strengthening of drought degree. 208. Hanging air conditioning, Internet access system, the international and domestic direct-dial phone, cable TV and VOD E. such as STAR-shirts. 209. Gram negative bacteria (e. g. Cyanobacteria) are decolorized, and may be counterstained with other dyes, such as safranin, carbol fuchsin, neutral red. 210. The majority of E. coli are in fact considered to be harmless. 211. Countries continue to report cases of haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) and enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC). |
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