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单词 Establishment of
1. The establishment of the socialist system to we opened a reach the ideal state of roads, and the ideal into reality needs to rely on our hard work.
2. His ideas influenced the establishment of National Portrait Galleries in London and Edinburgh.
3. The establishment of new international economic order is the essence of his article.
4. Opposition MPs are calling for the establishment of an independent food and drugs agency.
5. With the establishment of major new markets, the economy is thriving.
6. The speaker announced the establishment of a new college.
7. The uproar led to the establishment of bioethics committees to oversee research.
8. British colonialism led to the establishment of a large empire.
9. The establishment of new areas of employment is a priority.
10. This report led to the establishment of a special committee to investigate the matter.
11. Heart to heart chats conduce to the establishment of harmonious atmosphere among fellow workers.
12. The months that followed saw the establishment of a strong military presence in the region.
13. The establishment of our GRE computer data has enabled us to come up with innovative tactics for doing well on the GRE.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. Establishment of agreed standards of service.
15. The establishment of the cohesion fund and eligibility to benefit from it were agreed by all the member states.
16. One significant development in 1992 has been the establishment of further community liaison between our sites and our neighbours.
17. In Kirby-in-Ashfield the Council successfully petitioned against the establishment of a Sunday postal collection.
18. It provided for a separation of powers, the establishment of a constitutional court and the holding of direct presidential elections.
19. The establishment of the Accounting Standards Board has not clarified the position.
20. The establishment of a national asylum had been strongly urged by sundry persons and medical societies since the late 1880s.
21. Two further reasons have been given for the establishment of government-owned newspapers or for the taking over of existing privately owned ones.
22. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
23. Experts have called for the establishment of new health guidelines.
24. With the establishment of the party, the distinction between workers and orthodox Marxist members of the intelligentsia was effectively erased.
25. This greater discretion was also evident in the establishment of the administrative and decisionmaking process.
26. The defeat of the army was followed by the establishment of constitutional government.
27. He was one of the moving spirits in the establishment of the United Nations.
28. They bypassed the Stalinists and led the peasants and workers to the establishment of a workers state.
29. There were efforts to democratize school management structures, encouraged by the establishment of communal villages and co-operatives.
30. He has his own forceful views on the future of policing, beginning with the establishment of a national crime intelligence unit.
1. His ideas influenced the establishment of National Portrait Galleries in London and Edinburgh.
2. The establishment of new international economic order is the essence of his article.
3. Opposition MPs are calling for the establishment of an independent food and drugs agency.
4. With the establishment of major new markets, the economy is thriving.
5. The establishment of our GRE computer data has enabled us to come up with innovative tactics for doing well on the GRE.
31. First, there is the establishment of goals in the light of available data and with the recognition of economic, political and administrative constraints.
32. It was certainly used as an argument in support of the establishment of special courts with simplified procedure to deal with small claims.
33. Richard Hodges has drawn attention to the beginnings of this process in the post-Roman period with the establishment of emporia.
34. Section 22 of the Act provided for the establishment of marine mammal sanctuaries.
35. He outlined a programme of legislation dealing with publications, labour, youth care and the establishment of teachers' associations.
36. When the Conservation Department proposed the establishment of the sanctuary in its discussion document, the public response was overwhelmingly favourable.
37. This enabled the establishment of a critical position in relation to science which for Adorno remained so elusive.
38. It appears that even now we are witnessing the establishment of a new and uppermost tier in the hierarchy of precious metals.
39. The establishment of the OECD, however, also reinforced the lessons of the late 1950s that Britain was not something special.
40. With the establishment of strong dynasties, civil wars and baronial insurrections were quelled or kept under control.
41. The Hector's story may have a happy ending, as the establishment of entanglement.
42. The inhabitants of the shanty towns have frequently achieved stability and social organisation through the establishment of personal networks and voluntary associations.
43. The meeting called for the establishment of safe areas for civilians in Bosnia-Hercegovina.
44. Redlands, therefore, is ideally placed for the establishment of warehousing, distribution, commercial and service facilities and hotel development.
45. The work of Johnson was central to the establishment of Shakespeare's reputation in eighteenth-century literary scholarship.
46. The establishment of a new political system based on law was a highly complex matter and needed careful consideration, he said.
47. At present there is no provision in legislation which positively prevents the establishment of a Voluntary Aided tertiary college.
48. It has led to the establishment of a network of groups for young gays and lesbians.
49. Maybe there would be just a simple name change, or the establishment of a free trade zone.
50. The uproar led to reforms in medical consent procedures and establishment of bioethics committees to oversee research.
51. This would see the establishment of a standing committee making formal reports to parliament every five years.
52. Now, Hardin, the Board of Trustees has not barred the establishment of a municipal government on Terminus.
53. This department was responsible for the eventual establishment of school clinics throughout the country, but only slowly and after considerable controversy.
54. He also called for the establishment of partnerships between governments and drug companies to conduct research.
55. There remain, at the same time, two unsolved problems which have proved detrimental to the establishment of work schemes.
56. Progress in rocket performance closely followed establishment of these organizations.
57. Those boards which took the establishment of a training programme seriously have been able to contribute constructively to school decision-making.
58. But the basic concept can also be applied to the establishment of networks within large organizations.
59. In justifying the establishment of these arts in education initiatives, two influences were cited by the great majority of respondents.
60. This progress of the tones is the clue which led to the establishment of the tone scale from 0 to 4.
61. Before he retired in 1939 he had played a key role in the establishment of archaeology and anthropology at Cambridge.
62. The move was seen to be due to the normalization of church-state relations following the establishment of the Solidarity-led government.
63. Establishment of the club as the liaison between pulpit and the world. 8.
64. The meeting also approved the establishment of a separate Ladies' Committee.
65. It is suggested that the Commissioner would provide a good model for the establishment of similar posts in other areas of dispute.
66. Perhaps the establishment of the Sydney Opera House clinched its victory for bragging rights.
67. They banded together in groups against the establishment of their day.
68. Light industries and textiles led on to the establishment of some heavy industries. Statistics showed impressive economic growth.
69. Similar plans to placate Western donors are often behind the establishment of rights commissions, it said.
70. At Balnakeil, reached along a side road, is an establishment of craft workshops.
71. The establishment of the Gothic cathedral pattern began with the building of the Cathedral of Paris in 1163.
72. Discipline during infancy is positive guidance, the establishment of routines and rules.
73. The dispute was resolved Friday with the establishment of an eight-point list of procedures to be followed during winter racing.
74. Statutory agencies can encourage the establishment of local ethnically focused voluntary organizations by targeting specific grant aid.
75. In October 1956 collectivization began, with the establishment of collective farms.
76. His rise to prominence in sport commenced with the establishment of the Birmingham Canoe Club in the early 1950s.
77. Its emergence was to be a key factor in the establishment of democracy in the Western zones.
78. This process involved the establishment of international laws and regulations covering prices, currency dealings and banking systems.
79. This generous action had led to the establishment of an excellent ongoing relationship between students and the local community.
80. This teaching function, though, declined sharply after 1380 with the establishment of Durham College at Oxford.
81. The interest in classical letters and Platonic philosophy led eventually to the establishment of secular education built on humanist values.
82. Light industries and textiles led on to the establishment of some heavy industries.
83. This is particularly evident at the time of the establishment of new constitutions.
84. Health and safety habits must be learned as well as recreational pastimes, social skills, and establishment of interpersonal relations.
85. The subsequent establishment of a one-party state would have achieved the same result.
86. It is apparent that he followed Miller's advice on the establishment of lawns and walks.
87. Cork, wish to place on record our disgust and concern at the continuing objection to the establishment of this plant.
88. It was in fact the Military Household and establishment of the sovereign with which the mass of people was most familiar.
89. The establishment of permanent ambassadors marked the beginnings of a diplomatic service.
90. And his circle, his generation, have a leading role to play in the establishment of a popular universe.
91. This incident forced me to look at my future and eventually led to the establishment of my career consultancy.
92. Part of the progress that has been made in our area has been the establishment of the Shropshire training and enterprise council.
93. It was from the first bound up with the establishment of a foreign ministry archive.
94. The key outstanding issues were said to be the establishment of a single army, modalities of a ceasefire, and elections.
95. There were voices, if as yet in a minority, within both industry and government favouring the establishment of free collective bargaining.
96. The main Bill scraps the poll tax and provides local finance through the establishment of a new council tax.
97. But the establishment of economic independence was a slow process.
98. Rivers played a fundamental role in the establishment of both experimental psychology and social anthropology as academic disciplines in Great Britain.
99. The establishment of a botanical laboratory at Buitenzorg in Java was particularly influential.
100. On Sept. 26 Koffigoh announced the establishment of a Defence Council with himself as chair.
101. Much effort went into the establishment of regional chronological systems, and the description of the development of culture in each area.
102. The establishment of full diplomatic relations with China was a major accomplishment of the Carter administration.
103. Alternate pairing scenes with escape scenes to insure the firm establishment of the conditioned response.
104. The great change after 1945 has been the establishment of a political consensus.
105. The establishment of a new academic library often affords an insight into the way collections measure up to such standards as exist.
106. This will provide the information necessary to examine the context,() origin and establishment of the linkages with public sector science.
107. It is one conceived out of compromise and concession indispensable to the establishment of our federal republic.
108. Lanskoi presented the completed memorandum to the tsar in December 1856 and recommended the establishment of various bodies to act on it.
109. The establishment of fortified places in Latium, the papal castles, meant maintaining garrisons in each one.
110. There was never a time when any more than a handful of eccentrics advocated the establishment of a separate black nation-state.
111. The participants, taken together, represented the power establishment of southern California with an exquisite sense of proportion.
112. Success in the Persian wars and the establishment of control over the Thracian mines brought further enrichment to the treasuries.
113. They included the construction of sewage purification plants in 100 coastal cities and the establishment of at least 25 supervised toxic waste depots.
114. Institutions organised nationally and regionally along sectoral lines hinder the establishment of more appropriate institutions in rural areas.
115. The authorised establishment of Derbyshire police force is 1,820 officers.
116. Emphasis will be given to media training schemes and also to considering the establishment of a public broadcasting system.
117. There is a need for the establishment of a managerial system to plan, coordinate and control the exhibition mix.
118. The establishment of personal relationships was not as crucial during the study of the known sector where informants had been randomly sampled.
119. The establishment of these schools outside the local authority system is a matter of heated political debate.
120. It has helped to create a new generation of seriously wealthy individuals and the establishment of a tax system geared to entrepreneurs.
121. One consents to the establishment of a political society and to its authority because of the benefits one will derive from its existence.
122. The only reasons for the establishment of Kuznetsk were to collect and trade in furs and control the natives.
123. Blacks moved in protest, demanding establishment of a police precinct in Harlem.
124. His 10-point information policy stresses free access, establishment of information resource centres and public access to data banks.
125. He also announced the establishment of a centre to provide information to the public about NEOs, but not to co-ordinate research.
126. The establishment of first and middle schools came in the wake of the Plowden Report of 1966.
127. Probation practice is not, however, solely concerned with the establishment of rules.
128. It favoured the second, advocating the establishment of garden cities surrounding London: dispersal and decentralization of both people and employment.
129. The Council approved the establishment of a new personal injury specialist panel.
130. However, the establishment of cause and effect in education is notoriously difficult.
131. There are a range of possible initiatives from the establishment of a levy system, to tax relief for individuals.
132. The success of that initial project has encouraged the establishment of similar schemes in following years.
133. Continuing developments in physics can lead to the establishment of newly-defined areas of investigation.
133. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
134. The establishment of democracy in the United States had many factors in its favour that were absent in Britain.
135. Establishment of a causal role for leukotrienes in the pathogenesis of mucosal damage has, however, remained elusive.
136. New initiatives in the life sciences led to the establishment of disciplines such as genetics and ecology.
137. Its principal objectives include the promotion of health and safety, the protection of the environment and the establishment of quality standards.
138. Third, and most important for the success of the networking, concerned the establishment of personal rapport between fieldworker and informant.
139. On Establishment of Environment Accounting System.
140. The third chapter mainly discusses establishment of credit policy.
141. This paper tries to sum up the enlightenment to the establishment of China's technical regulation system through analyzing the general characters of USA and EU technical regulation system.
142. Jean Monnet (France)-Responsible for the reconstruction and modernization of the French economy following World War II, including the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).
143. European companies to introduce advanced equipment and technology. in the establishment of a domestic system of centers and processing centers.
144. The establishment of administrative accountability system in our country soon, And accountability is still in the consubstantial Accountability stage.
145. We should accelerate the establishment of a minimum standard of living for impoverished urban residents.
146. He said that the establishment of DPRK-China diplomatic ties 60 years ago opened a broad way for the development of bilateral relations and has historic significance.
147. With regard to the advantageous conditions for a multilateral settlement regime now in existence, establishment of such a regime within the CIS is in prospect.
148. Furthermore, researches pay more attention to the establishment of organization, and less to its disbandment .
149. The consent from the relatives cannot represent the basic interest of the patient. The establishment of life pre enjoinment ensures the integrity of the right of the patient.
150. It is not known whether it prevents the establishment of cerebral lateralization. (For the relationship between handedness and speech lateralization, see Chapter four.
151. The text thinks the establishment of the basic principles of the law should follow four criterions at least: catholicness , particularity, practicability and systematism.
152. So the author demonstrated that the establishment of the positive prescription system is accord with the objective development rule of things.
153. The establishment of fault feature vector is a precondition to fault diagnosis.
154. Propose that the "plastic limit order" the implementation of a special fund to build flexible plastic bag recycling incentives, the establishment of inter-linkage mechanism policy implementation.
155. Conclusion Either 1% methanal or 0.5% hydrochloric acid abdominal cavity injection method was very simple and easy and economy in establishment of Syrain Hamster intestinal adhesions model.
156. The establishment of a sound ISO 9001 : 2000 international quality guarantee system.
157. By analyzing the relation between credit and law and by analyzing current situation of credit education of higher learning, establishment of credit education system of college students is necessary.
158. The paper outlines the cause of anomalous local plumb-line variations before earthquakes; the establishment of monitoring networks; the progress and prospect of research.
159. Product development and the establishment of a verification test the ability of the series.
160. In this paper the establishment of the equipment demanding and supplying system in emergent first-aid course is discussed and some counter-plan requirements and lash-up methods are brought forward.
161. For rapid establishment of mouse thymic stromal cell(MTSC) lines, gene transfection was used to immortalize fresh viable cells.
162. For example the BPR theory of advance administrative science should be applied to establishment of administrative system according to the laws of market economy and higher education.
163. The establishment of the nuclear power station ought to be based on strict site survey and technical design.
163. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
164. The court hardly does so as a result of maladies in the establishment of court institution, personal management, budgetary system and internal structure of courts.
165. No profits shall be attributed to a permanent establishment by reason of the mere purchase by that permanent establishment of goods or merchandise for the enterprise.
166. I think that online shopping is the establishment of trust among the people in between, a trust will be beneficial to either side Rectifiable.
167. Managers can quickly make changes in the market appropriate decisions, accelerate the establishment of the supermarket system technology base.
168. This article tries to discuss the legal substratum , quality, relevant problems and the establishment of the legal system associated with such donations.
169. He examines the establishment of parties in the 1790s and traces their evolution through the Civil War and the major transitions in American society.
170. Establishment of the independent administrative court cannot solve the crux of the administrative proceedings essentially.
171. Latin America led other regions in 1990 s in establishment of public credit registries.
172. In section four, we will touch upon thought of establishment of deposit insurance system in China.
173. That apart, the paper holds that the establishment of self-support system is an important link to perfect the civil law system in our country.
174. Through the establishment of a sound quality system to produce quality products that meet or exceed the quality of both countries and Buban (Ministry of Chemical Industry) standards.
175. Conclusion Establishment of the quantification-base assessment system was profit to elevate the clinical student nurse work activity and the standard clinical student nurse management.
176. The construction of disciplinal mechanism of faith-breaking is an important part on the establishment of legal system of social credit management.
177. To contract approval, the establishment of credit evaluation standards, management of funds accounts, more than three years did not happen debts.
178. CMB for investment and cooperation between the establishment of an enterprise platform.
179. The establishment of the invalid contract system is the basis of realizing the contracts effect.
180. The establishment of self- oriented study makes the open distance education appear with clear character and promising future.
181. The idea that the statutory capital system has increased both the difficulty and the cost for the establishment of companies is actually a pseudo proposition.
182. The establishment of union's office is classified as forms of cruciform crossing and vertical rank, whose modes of operation are assemblage and diffusion.
183. The establishment of headline column module makes for creating file to manage company and customers affirming file.
184. Depending on the hypervisor and the IT skill available, the establishment of a virtualization platform to execute virtual appliances could be a significant obstacle.
185. In China, the current stipulations still have some distance to the establishment of the Principle of Directness and Verbalism .
186. It also explains principles, frame work roles and perfectible steps int he establishment of the system.
187. The establishment of the DBI animal modelObjective To set up a DBI animal model in rats.
188. Since its implementation 10 years ago, the audit law has played a very important role in the establishment of our auditing system and the smooth development of China's economy.
189. In Hangzhou and Zhejiang Province, more than 160 around the establishment of co-production and research bases.
190. Reasonably accurate division of heterotic group, the establishment of the corresponding heterosis pattern, can be effectively matching combinations.
191. The establishment of a dynamic system concept provides new methods for optical systems in holo-dynamic adjustment and in error analysis.
192. The establishment of a modern over-the-counter market is an unavoidable way of building a multi-level stock market system in China.
193. The establishment of the concert system in music department can improve the teaching effect, enrich the campus cultural life, and promote the organic combination of learning with practice.
193. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
194. The establishment of predictive mathematical model of dry point of gasoline, verification of model and on-line control process were introduced.
195. The establishment of video meeting system can carry out by ITU-T's protocal H. 320 and H. 323 ITU-T at present from developing history, so there are two corresponding establishing solution.
196. The criminal theory at present to the elements of the establishment of gang-raped in the crime of rape and whether there is accomplishment or unaccomplishment are not unified.
197. For physical education, sports and sports compiled language dictionary reference for the establishment of linguistics.
198. When dealing with the standardized religion after the establishment of class society and states, magic realism has its own clear-cut standpoint of values, taking a critical and negative viewpoint.
199. And the establishment of basic individual endowment insurance accounts is key to the reform of Chinese endowment insurance system based on social planning with the individual accounts combined.
200. Firstly, of all papers reviewed at home and abroad related to salaries, incentive theory, expounded the theory related to the establishment of coordinated system of salary guide.
201. The Kaddish is a prayer that praises God and expresses a yearning for the establishment of God's kingdom on earth.
202. The article believes that, in a market economy country, the establishment of konzern is consistent with economic rules and trend, which shall not be neglected.
203. AtoN is the basic establishment of the sea-route for assisting navigation straightly effecting on the safety of shipping.
204. The establishment of personal credit inquiry system in China lacks basis, unified planning and comprehensive evaluation system.
205. The results indicate that industrial growth positively affects the establishment of corporation vertical strategic alliance while capital intensity and entry barrier inversely affect it.
206. With the establishment of relative nol pros system in china in 1996, immunity from prosecution system which was adopted seventeen years ago was abolished.
207. M 0905 recommended the establishment of an appropriate hedging position, and can try to speculative single space.
208. After the establishment of pilot area, through the development of coal-fired electricity, the region markedly improves financial income and makes remarkable achievements in economic development.
209. The design will solves the establishment of the systematic communication software and achieve the stakeout of many position.
210. OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of different factor combinations on diabetic nephropathy(DN)rats model and to determine the preferred plan for the establishment of DN rats model.
211. The establishment of frontier ports and the healthy and rapid development of the frontier trade have promoted the process of urbanization in frontier areas.
212. The paper points to the justification of the logic cycle and so called "anti-deduction" in the establishment of a axiomatical system.
213. After establishment of reservoir, some geological hazards as submersion behind dam, secondary salification and dam differential subsidence will happen probably.
214. These were followed by the establishment of an “international” caliphate rule and eventually by a steep decline in Arab-Islamic power.
215. By public offer, it means the establishment of the company by the subscription by the promoters of part of the shares to be issued and a public offer of the remaining shares.
216. The establishment of cell-free systems is considered as one of the important advances in the field of cell biology in recent years.
217. Since the establishment of the company, in the "market-oriented, based on customer demand, credibility and the quality of life, price, and service double first" purpose.
218. The small caseload does not justify the establishment of a specialized tribunal.
219. With establishment of the limit solubilities of Fe in Al at different temperatures, the solid solution and precipitation heat treatment are proposed for strengthening cube texture.
220. The auditory cortex in the deaf has plasticity, and early linguistic experiences influence the establishment of the neural path of processing the stimuli from different modalities.
221. This article devotes itself to establishment of mathematical model and combination of derivative of shape function of such element type.
222. The establishment of Matrix and Wave mechanics , is the important incident on the development history of physics of 20th century.
223. The establishment of a democratically elected global assembly to scrutinise the policies and operation of the new global economic institution.
224. Stevens thought that Bush's establishment of the Special Court-Martial was not approved by the Congress and surpassed the presidential authority.
225. The establishment of efficient coordination mechanism can promote the four-dimensional system for nurturing to practice.
226. Zhu Zaiyu, a famous musicologist in the Ming dynasty, had made a significant contribution to abounding scientific and cultural treasure-house of the mankind. Since the establishment of P. R.
227. Administrative monopoly widely exists in the developing countries experiencing establishment of the market economy , so does our nation China ineluctably during the mode-change period .
228. Article 9 The parties applying for establishment of a Sino-foreign cooperative education institution shall be qualified as a legal person.
229. In the establishment of the model of the multiple tubed rockets projectile movement trace, Monte-Carlo method applied in impact distribution simulation is presented.
230. Economic background of marketplace pattern and effective establishment of the stock market are two prerequisites inarticle.
231. With the ending of matriarchy and the establishment of man's dominance in the society, women's role, known as the "second sex", changed from the ruler of society into the subjugated object of men.
232. At the beginning of the establishment of the company, established with operating UPS uninterruptible power supply - driven.
233. The establishment of a centreless anthropocentrism is a development stage of environmental ethics.
234. Currently one can apply for the establishment of a partnership enterprise of foreign investment or a resident representative office of the foreign enterprise in Yiwu.
235. With the development of the New Public Management Movement, the establishment of the service-based governance has become a new trend in the world today.
236. The feature of HVT together with the recent establishment of trophoblast stem cells makes them an ideal genetic platform to study cell differentiation and organogenesis.
237. Hubei Institute for Nationalities blasting the establishment of the Institute will be in the minority on the Enshi economic development play a positive role in promoting this.




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