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单词 Even though
1. She hasn't phoned, even though she said she would.
2. always listen to your heart because even though it's on your left side, it's always right.
3. Smile though your heart is aching. Smile even though it's breaking.
4. All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified.
5. I will always love, even though public opinion into the sea.
6. He had no plans to retire even though he is now very comfortably off.
7. Even though he was getting angry, his voice remained level.
8. Even though we are apart, you are in my heart this season.
9. He's the best teacher, even though he has the least experience.
10. They still speak broad Scots even though they left Scotland twenty years ago.
11. Always listen to your heart because even though it's on your left side, it's always right.
12. She never took a taxi, even though she could afford to.
13. Bill grudged Dick his prize even though he had won a better prize himself.
14. The most melancholy thing in life is a farewell between those in love,even though it is but for a short time.
15. Even though he's old he's game for anything.
16. I believed him, even though his story sounded unlikely.
17. We mustn't let up, even though we're winning.
18. We lost the game, although/even though/though everyone played well.
19. I like her even though she can be annoying.
20. Even though he's 86, he enjoys excellent health.
21. Although/Even though/Though everyone played well, we lost the game.
22. It's a thrilling movie even though it lacks subtlety.
23. Even though our house is in tip-top condition, we're having problems selling it.
24. She sold the house even though it was against his wishes.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. I kept on struggling forward, even though I knew it was hopeless .
26. We decided to play on even though it was snowing.
27. Even though she hasn't lived in Spain for 50 years, she still calls it her mother country.
28. for two pins used to say that you would like to do sth, even though you know that it would not be sensible: I'd kill him for two pins.
29. On the diet I would chomp my way through breakfast, even though I'm never hungry in the morning.
30. The bird is caught on the horns of a dilemma. Should it attack the predator, even though it then risks its own life? Or should it get out while the going is good?
1. She hasn't phoned, even though she said she would.
2. for two pins used to say that you would like to do sth, even though you know that it would not be sensible: I'd kill him for two pins.
3. All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified.
4. He had no plans to retire even though he is now very comfortably off.
5. He's the best teacher, even though he has the least experience.
6. They still speak broad Scots even though they left Scotland twenty years ago.
7. She never took a taxi, even though she could afford to.
8. On the diet I would chomp my way through breakfast, even though I'm never hungry in the morning.
9. She seemed quite far gone, even though she'd only had two glasses of sparkling wine.
10. Bob always enjoys sailing, even though the weather is cloudy.
11. There is no affiliation between our organization and theirs , even though our names are similar.
31. Their insurer paid the £900 bill, even though the policy did not strictly cover it.
32. Even though I've been acting for years, I still get a thrill out of going on stage.
33. I knew they wanted me to leave even though they wouldn't say it to my face.
34. I couldn't go any faster, even though the car behind was gaining on us.
35. He told supporters not to ease up even though he's leading in the presidential race.
36. Water can wear away rocks after a long time, even though the rock is harder.
37. The soldiers remained calm even though the crowd was baiting them.
38. I'd like to tranquilly deal with the problems between us, even though I don't fear to hassle with you.
39. Even though she'd made her decision, she let them sweat for another week.
40. The funny thing is, I really enjoyed it, even though I hadn't expected to.
41. By ten o'clock I was feeling rather peckish, even though I'd had a large breakfast.
42. He could see that his girlfriend had been crying even though she tried to wink her tears away.
43. Even though they called the election and had been preparing for it for some time, they got off on the wrong foot.
44. Many doctors fail to report cases, even though food poisoning is a notifiable disease.
45. He inveigled them into buying a new car, even though they didn't really want one.
46. She seemed quite far gone, even though she'd only had two glasses of sparkling wine.
47. Even though museums have begged to borrow her collection, she could never split it up.
48. He 'will comb his hair at the table, even though he knows I don't like it.
49. Even though he's been travelling around the world, he's kept up with what's going on back home.
50. Even though they weren't expecting me, they managed to knock up a marvelous meal.
51. He always tries to hold his ground even though he is wrong.
52. Even though he's 24 now, he's still like a little child.
53. He bravely went through with the wedding ceremony even though he was in a lot of pain.
54. He kept on at me about the money, even though I told him I hadn't got it.
55. Even though they weren't expecting us, they managed to knock up a marvellous meal.
56. Even though you dislike us, still and all you should be polite.
57. Although/Though/Even though we all tried our best, we lost the game.
58. Even though he has in effect been sacked, he will trouser a £150,000 bonus.
59. Even though she hasn't really got the time, she still offered to help.
60. Even though divorce is legal, it is still frowned upon.
61. The number of practising doctors is falling even though more people are qualifying in medicine.
62. Even though I'm supposed to be working by myself, there are other people who I can interact with.
63. Even though she was in terrible pain, Mary never lost the will to live.
64. Even though he left school at 16, he still managed to become prime minister.
65. Bob always enjoys sailing, even though the weather is cloudy.
66. There is no affiliation between our organization and theirs , even though our names are similar.
67. It takes guts to keep on running even though you have blistered feet.
68. She wouldn't change it, even though she knew it was wrong.
69. I can still remember, even though it was so long ago.
70. Everyone played well. We still lost the game , though. Note that you cannot use however in a sentence that begins with although, though or even though:Although everyone played well, however, we still lost the game.
71. The poster wouldn't stick even though I drenched it with glue.
72. The football match went on as scheduled even though the elements were against it.
73. Even though it was a somewhat blunt instrument , our questionnaire provided us with some interesting ideas.
74. Victoria was strangely undisturbed by this symptom, even though her husband and family were frightened.
75. Even though her parents have long since died, she still talks about them in the present tense.
76. 'Rain' and 'reign' are pronounced the same even though they are spelt differently.
77. Pascal went ahead with the experiment even though he knew it was dangerous.
78. Her book is still a standard text in archaeology, even though it was written more than twenty years ago.
79. He persuaded her to go to school, even though she did not want to.
80. We lost the game although/though/even though we tried our best.
81. Even though Johnny Miller won, Ballesteros carried the day.
82. I was born in Oxford, even though my parents were living in London.
83. Perhaps she ought not to have spoken so bluntly, even though he was asking for it.
84. And yet the wall extended further, even though it remained within the chamber.
85. She was bursting to relieve herself, but even though that was what was wanted of her, she couldn't.
86. Even though your eyes and hands are occupied your ears are still free to absorb new ideas and re-enforce positive thoughts.
87. The effect of the order is that even though youths are being sentenced, there is no room for them.
88. He's published a report suggesting new restrictions on bikes, even though he's a rider himself.
89. A wonderful defensive move which prevents ... b5 even though in other respects the rook lands on a rather clumsy square.
90. You may reject tarantulas, in favour of otters, even though both are capable of giving a good bite.
91. Even though Darwinian evolution is represented as a competitive process, the outcome has often been that animals ended up working with each other.
92. To make a profession out of psychical research was hardly possible, even though by the 1880s there were career structures in more-established sciences.
93. That may occur even though the owner has permitted or consented to the property being taken.
94. Eden began his premiership in a businesslike fashion even though he had decided on an instant election.
95. I was trying to sound calm even though I was very upset.
96. I went back on the singles circuit even though the break with Vic should have made me cautious.
97. Even though they were retired, they had been leading a very active life.
98. In the Lords, they were represented by Equitable even though they had a case against the assurer.
99. Thus, the island has increased output dramatically just by specializing, even though Gilligan was far less competent at both tasks!
100. She was not allowed into the pre-university college even though she had the necessary qualifications.
101. Even though the authorities were unwilling to acknowledge the extent of the disaster, some Western aid was accepted.
102. Even though I only have to walk around the dancers, he's taking no chances.
103. The thought made him flush hot with embarrassment even though chilled to the marrow.
104. When she asked Karen a question, even though Karen knew the answer her mind immediately went blank.
105. He had a robust self-esteem, even though this was a blow, and he needed financially to continue working.
106. Sir Giles Mompesson was adjudged to pay a total of £3,300 for felling timber even though he produced an Exchequer warrant.
107. The jawless fish, even though their heads were heavily plated with bone, had chinks in their armour to accommodate eyes.
108. The overwhelming caseload has made the government reluctant to postpone trials, even though virtually all of the suspects lack defense attorneys.
109. Figure 18.1 shows how the total casualties fell over this period even though the number of vehicles on the road was increasing.
110. For weekend breaks only, the Holiday Inn Hotel is also priced at this grade even though it is a 5 star hotel.
111. Even though the medication may have lost its initial beneficial effects, they believe they can not stop taking the pill.
112. Even though the demonstrations were unable to stop the war, they laid the foundation for a new consensus.
113. The human appendix is one organ continues to be replicated, even though it has lost any survival value it once had.
114. The bank reported fourth-quarter results that were in line with estimates, even though net income rose only 1 percent.
115. I stayed on the club's committee, even though the burden of the general cost of living made me change address.
116. Even though he could barely stand, John made one last desperate bid for survival.
117. She slept badly and felt tired and depressed all day on Sunday even though she saw John briefly late in the evening.
118. The worst thing that could possibly happen to anybody would be to not be used for anything by anybody. Thank you for using me, even though I didn't want to be used by anybody. Kurt Vonnegut 
119. Even though it was against Danzig law, these people were all sent to the Reich, presumably to concentration camps.
120. Even though God-based religion is increasingly losing its believers in western countries, it is still a social disadvantage to be atheistic in public. Dr T.P.Chia 
121. Binyomin asked me to go with him to the soup kitchen, but I begged off even though I was hungry.
122. They believe it even though the evidence is suspect, such is the charmed life of the child.
123. Her lips moved constantly and her pale body was damp with perspiration, even though the room was winter cold.
124. Even though the ball is further back in your stance, try not to chop down into the ball.
125. Do we suspect life is a chessboard even though we know that you don't play games?
126. Even though he spent his career trying to do just that.
127. Even though her neck was repeatedly sliced, several gold chains she wore were not broken.
128. Seed catalogues and bee magazines had not arrived even though he had been assured by the companies involved that they were sent.
129. His live-virus vaccine was approved for use in 1961 even though there is a slight risk of the disease occurring in recipients.
130. This means that, even though an exemption clause on its wording apparently provides a defence, it may nevertheless be ineffective.
131. They would never let you in alone, even though you are wearing your best clothes.
132. Even though I was born a girl, my parents would have been able to argue for a deferment for me.
133. Even though he was gagged(), Mr Glenn managed to dial 999 and the call was traced by police back to the brasserie.
134. Even though my eyes are adjusted to the dark, I can still see very little.
135. Even though California banks are not rushing to announce new ATM fees, researcher Shields expects many will impose them.
136. Adults are at least able to acquire, even though this may not be at a sufficiently high level of competence.
137. These ultradian rhythms are present in adults also, even though their amplitude is less than that of the 24-hour rhythm.
138. Given that annuity markets are imperfect, people may leave substantial estates even though they have no altruistic feelings towards their heirs.
139. All thinking people tend to agree more with atheism than theism, even though they may not be anti-religion. Dr T.P.Chia 
140. She has the basement flat and it's always got this sour damp smell even though she burns joss sticks all day long.
141. Hopefully they trust you and get individual attention from you, even though you also deal with other residents as well.
142. Often an informal group will eat lunch near a machine or other work station, even though a canteen is available.
143. Joanne described the gypsy caravan perfectly, even though she had never seen one, even in a picture.
144. These may be entirely contained within the borders of a single country even though their effects are transnational.
145. Even though some bushes may have well advanced young shoots they will still respond with strong new growth.
146. This species has small testes for its body size, even though the literature records that females associate with several males.
147. Two who were released, were later recalled, even though they had committed no further offences.
148. The craftsmen whom Willis describes are involved with their work even though they are alienated from the given structure of the enterprise.
149. Even though thousands of people die violently each year in Sri Lanka, the death of an important figure causes national anguish.
150. The human capital concept is not new, even though it reached its apotheosis in the 1960s.
151. They were very glad to borrow the few Penguin books we brought along with us, even though they are not particularly light reading.
152. Even though he sounded apologetic, Celestine slammed down the receiver.
153. Julia made a conscious effort to appear unconcerned, even though she was very upset.
154. He would dress the part, even though he wore a cloak or hood.
155. Leavis, Lewis, and Gardner shared traditional values, even though Cambridge and Oxford spoke with different accents.
156. There may be no alternative to leave of absence, even though the nurse can ill afford the loss of income.
157. My wife and I are very lucky, really, we're comfortable, even though we're both retired.
158. Even though things do not go according to plan, Elmer's idea offers lots of amusing possibilities.
159. There is no room for complacency even though 72 percent of parents in the survey rate primary schools as good or better.
160. Even though I lost my job, I knew it was for the best. It gave me the chance to start again.
161. Increasingly it is Sal acting as team captain even though Jess holds that title.
162. Even though he was still a child, Scott was being expected to act like an adult.
163. He got back in the car even though he was nearly killed and partially blinded by a wreck in 1994.
164. The effort of concealing her love was almost impossible even though it was imperative.
165. Progress both in environmental conservation and technology were officially deemed inadequate, even though 12,000 million roubles were spent on the former.
166. But even though it is still dark, I hear a combustion engine in the woods across the valley.
167. This loss is not renewed overnight, even though the barricades are now down.
168. Even though the white woman is oppressed herself, she has a vested interest in apartheid.
169. At Mansfield a 20 year-old miner went to prison even though unconvicted of any offence for alleged breach of bail conditions.
170. The clerk sold Jeff some beer, even though he was obviously under age.
171. Even though I belong to the Catholic Church, I don't agree with everything it says.
172. Commerce officials now say they wish a foreign background check had been done, even though it was not required.
173. Even though not all the results of chiropractic adjustment are this dramatic, many sportsmen and women have benefited from chiropractic treatment.
174. What the little boys remembered about his class was that he made divinity fun,[http:///even though.html] even though it was before breakfast.
175. Nikon 2 uses multiple-threads so you can capture images even though the program is busy processing other captured images.
176. He smiled, sensing an odd happiness welling up in her, even though tears began to roll down her cheeks.
177. Even though it was eight o'clock the market was still busy.
178. I went, I tried the game, and I liked it straight off, even though I kept missing the ball.
179. Even though he never physically abused me, the verbal abuse was frightening.
180. However, I was determined that I would marry him even though I'd only known him for barely six months.
181. Cross-cultural differences are difficult to research even though anyone who works in different cultures will assure you they exist.
182. Thirdly, research is largely uncontrolled by democratic means even though it is directed by state agencies.
183. Even though it's compact the cavity is spacious, taking a whole chicken or a large casserole.
184. In such circumstances actual results influence judgments of responsibility and culpability even though the agent did not contemplate the result which occurred.
185. He refused to put in central heating, even though he felt the cold badly.
186. Even though the real wages and living standards of the proletariat may rise, its members will become poorer in relation to the bourgeoisie.
187. It is possible therefore for the court to appoint a solicitor even though a guardian has been appointed.
188. The year-round hunting was great, even though we had to do it with bows and arrows.
189. Piggy wanted a sign from the adult world as he thought they were civilised even though they were at war.
190. This fact is not found in the Acts of the Apostles even though it would be a logical conclusion to the book.
191. The princess: She was very good and cleaned and cooked for her brothers in their cottage even though she was royalty.
192. This money is included even though the Council has never approved an agreement, and even though Microsoft has left town.
193. Atheists are more knowledgeable about religion than religious believers, even though they are opposed to God based religion and many of them were previously religious. Dr T.P.Chia 
194. Watkins found crossroads falling on leys with amazing frequency, even though the present-day roads were not aligned on the leys.
195. Even though it was obvious Emma's demands were unrealistic, she wouldn't back down.
196. I've always been interested in the arts even though I didn't have much talent myself.
197. Now, no militiaman says anything to them, even though it is against the law.
198. The grouping formalised the situation by creating four essentially geographically based companies, even though they did stray into one another's territories.
199. An almost remarkable achievement, even though you feel as though you've been in their bedroom before in a different life.
200. I had lived on dogma and dicta which I had accepted unquestioningly through the years, even though I believed little of it, because I feared to question.
201. Catania are a solid side, especially at home. We picked up three vital points, even though there is clearly lots of room for improvement.
202. Even though their country's long-term budget outlook is famously dire, Mr Obama and the Republicans did not even try to find an agreement on medium-term fiscal consolidation this week.
203. I'm calling this a runner even though it was probably a cornice cover or some such.
204. In some cases, such as when displaying data that has come back from the server, a field might have a value even though it is unset (SDO assigns a default value for some types when they are unset).http:///even though.html
205. Even though our industry may be digitally driven, ideas are still best developed in analog form.
206. They love it there, even though Ms. Vacha misses being able to walk just five minutes for pastries and ravioli.
207. Lacking the grand slam of the GMU's cannon, the Farrago turned to its lesser weapons, gamely firing and firing, weapons crews staying at their stations even though things seemed hopeless.
208. Even though today's compact fluorescents are 500 times more efficient than candles and whale oil lamps, what we spend on overall lighting hasn't gone down.
209. Because property publication is done at a code level, the fields are accessible even though they are not displayed.
210. Even though the performance and price factors are seemingly at odds with each other, end users still expect high graphics performance at a modest price.
211. They'll use this as a beanball, even though I never had any trouble since.
212. Accrual Basis Accounting A method of reporting income when it is earned and expenses when incurred, even though they may not have been received or actually paid.
213. Even though function-based iteration represents a more convenient method of iteration, it is also quite a bit slower than loop-based iteration.
214. Because the research was done on plants, some skeptical of the findings thought it came from cross-pollination even though the plants self-pollinate.
215. All things considered , Yossarian often preferred the hospital, even though it had its faults.
216. You could have a face-to-face meeting across the world. And with automatic translation, you can talk to them even though they don't speak your language.
217. We looked at each other and tried to step it up a gear(), even though there were some tired legs out there.
218. The doctor fussed around her, doing all he could, even though there was no longer someone watching him with a crazy unfocussed eye.
219. Even though ombudsmen are generally paid by the news organization, they should be assured autonomy and independence.
220. Even though luck has played little part in his climb to the top, he retains the innocent air of a lottery winner.
221. He drinks a lot, even though drinking seems to trigger the time-travel mechanism.
222. Even though they are provisional rules, they should be observed strictly.
223. Even though he is a cutpurse, sometimes, he will cap ably be a good man.




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