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单词 Dismal
1. The future looks pretty dismal right now.
2. It was a really dismal day.
3. Christmas will be dismal without the children.
4. He felt dismal after reading a piece of bad news in the newspaper.
5. It was a rather bleak and dismal place.
6. The acting was dismal, wasn't it?
7. That is a rather dismal melody.
8. The team's record so far is pretty dismal.
9. It was a dismal failure.
10. The news was as dismal as ever.
11. Her scheme was a dismal failure .
12. She had a dismal showing in the opinion polls.
13. Her speech continued in the same dismal strain.
14. Last year's results were fairly dismal.
15. The team's dismal season has reached crisis point.
16. The house was filled with the cello's dismal squeaks and groans.
17. The main part of the hospital is pretty dismal but the children's ward is really lively.
18. The report paints a dismal picture of the government's economic record.
19. The singer gave a dismal performance of some old songs.
20. It was a grey, dismal November afternoon.
21. We are in the midst of a dismal period.
22. Employment trends corroborate the dismal economic picture.
23. The little car rushed on into the dismal labyrinth.
24. Is this because of that dismal performance against Norwich?
25. Mitchell called the policy a dismal failure.
26. The forecast had been dismal but wrong.
27. It was a dismal little room.
28. Their recent attempt to increase sales has been a dismal failure.
29. Some analysts cited shaky consumer confidence as a reason for the overall dismal sales.
30. There came a sipping sound, a slight smacking of lips(/dismal.html), and another great dismal sigh.
1. The future looks pretty dismal right now.
2. It was a really dismal day.
3. Christmas will be dismal without the children.
4. That is a rather dismal melody.
5. It was a dismal failure.
31. It looked dismal enough when I saw it, as if given right over to darkness.
32. They stood on the concrete steps reviewing the dismal scene as if it were a personal insult.
33. Jimmy Johnstone's life after football has been a catalogue of defeats and dismal failures.
34. Since November, the pace of borrowing likely slowed as department and chain stores reported dismal holiday sales.
35. And he was going to give a rocket to Show-Off, whose performance on the publicity front had been absolutely dismal.
36. Scattered about, a few large, forlorn sunflowers make a game attempt to brighten a scene of dismal rural poverty.
37. It was a dismal failure, and was followed by restrictive legislation against the unions and by victimization of many union activists.
38. The profit margin on hardware sales for the first quarter was a dismal 29%.
39. Aside from the dismal academic record of ability grouping, it has a divisive social consequence as well.
40. But we could all do with a few less stuffed velvet Loch Ness monsters and dismal cafeterias that smell of incontinence.
41. As usual, some stocks were hit hard because they delivered dismal news.
42. The people in the business had lost confidence in themselves and all in all it was a dismal picture.
43. The dank and dismal cliff faces were hanging with squabbling bird life.
44. They are depressing, alien environments, made more dismal by drab walls and endless corridors.
45. Half-facet ... Obispal spotted a lone purestrain Stealer lurking some way down a dismal arcade lined by shuttered clothing stores.
46. The day over, they went back to dark and dismal stables at the rear of the yard.
47. They paint a dismal picture for patients suffering from chronic pain.
48. A further dismal feature of the evening is Hall's penchant for the unsurprising surprise.
49. Melinda joined her husband in Moscow, but soon found life there bleak and dismal.
50. Average shop-floor wages of 10,000-15,000 roubles a month are low, even by Yekaterinburg's dismal standards.
51. I understood that things could have been far more dismal than they were.
52. Coleraine boss Billy Sinclair must have shuddered as he watched his side's dismal performance.
53. But, for a few months,(http:///dismal.html) de Lattre infused his troops with the conviction that they might redress the dismal situation.
54. Labor unions continue to wage these dismal quarrels against management with almost uniformly disastrous results for the workers and their communities.
55. He returned home in a black and dismal mood which was not dispelled by finding his house empty.
56. He stood on the sideline, shouting at teammates seated in front of him, cursing the Raiders' dismal state.
57. After a moment he rose slowly, poured himself a whisky, returned to the Chesterfield and took a dismal sip.
58. The academic record of many poor black students is dismal and getting worse.
59. The prospects were pleasing even on this dismal day in the gathering gloom.
60. The couple lived in a dismal apartment in the poorest section of town.
61. This was the most encouragement the boy got there, and it proved not enough to pep up his dismal sales figures.
62. Significantly, the yellow cards shown to Kidd and Honor took Airdrie's haul of bookings this season to a dismal 87.
63. More memory will make a huge difference in performance since the Mac has a fairly dismal form of virtual memory.
64. The voters even overlooked Mr Khatami's economic performance as dismal living conditions became even worse during his tenure.
65. What a dismal, doleful, baleful lament of a speech we had from him.
66. They are especially dismal failures in this regard because in fact they support these prejudices.
67. Heavy snow had fallen in Frome the day before that, the deepest since 1767, and conditions were dismal.
68. Hers is clearly a more acute and dismal spiral than his own.
69. My education was dismal. I went to a series of schools for mentally disturbed teachers. Woody Allen 
70. It was a dismal failure. 1926-27 found him hawking a play round London offices with no potential takers.
71. Investors have been hammered by a series of dismal economic reports.
72. Captain Cook's third and last voyage was a dismal echo of the first two.
73. This debate will no doubt continue, and clearly no project is either a complete success or a dismal failure.
74. She was brought from her dismal thinking by the sound of a commotion in the yard.
75. The Gallipoli campaign ended in dismal and costly failure, with withdrawal from the peninsula commencing on 19 December.
76. This is no dismal post-Brechtian production designed to induce feelings of guilt.
77. Contrary to popular opinion, the non-conformist Sunday was not a dismal day full of restrictions.
78. He could remember every dismal dreary moment of it, with soul-destroying clarity.
79. Instead there would be the dismal apparatus of mutual suspicion familiar to every accountant.
80. But it was a dismal moment for the pastry shop that Majed Makhoul had opened two months earlier in Qlaia.
81. In fact, despite the dismal fundamentals, some of the biggest petroleum producers will record double-digit percentage increases in spending.
82. The play, of course, is a dismal dramatic failure and survives only as a curiosity.
83. Even the most dismal and unstable circumstances can become something to be clung to.
83. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
84. The streets were dismal, a far cry from the paved streets and brick sidewalks of Philadelphia.
85. Then they moved up to four-cell embryos-and now the results were dismal.
86. Overall, the event was a moderate success as a sideshow and a dismal dud as a basketball game.
87. Soon after dark the rain descended in torrents, and all through the dreary hours of that dismal night it rained unceasingly.
88. Over the decades, the economic summits have had a dismal record of understanding what was happening in the real world.
89. Visitors to the camps went home with dismal stories to relate....
90. It was a dismal day at Frederick when the news was promulgated that General Hooker was relieved of the command.
91. These dismal survival figures are due to the fact that most patients in the United Kingdom present with advanced disease.
92. In a country so used to dismal performances the prospect of a player scoring with such consummate style was rare indeed.
93. The record defeat on the summer tour to New Zealand showed the true dismal state of affairs.
94. For all that, it was a dismal phase in the chequered history of postwar Britain.
95. Hartlepool have recovered after a dismal run and want points to boost play-off hopes.
96. As for the library, the surviving books without a proper building to house them must have made a dismal appearance.
97. But the dismal performance in Boston will make many fans think our top players are overvalued and overpaid.
98. What a dismal bunch of hooey that is.
99. The war became a prolonged, dismal, fratricidal struggle.
100. The boy remained as dismal as a hearse.
101. Some of the lessons were stimulating, some dismal.
102. My dismal scene I needs must act alone.
103. That was a dismal revelation to me.
104. Lecture 3 introduces what we know as the "dismal science" and the work of Thomas Robert Malthus and David Ricardo.
105. When we saw Vancouver Island approaching, dismal gray clouds greeted us and I instantly missed the scorching dry heat of Wyoming.
106. I'm rather keen to go on holiday in February because I think it's a very dismal, depressing month.
107. Even in this dismal economy many airlines are upgrading first- and business-class cabins and service, particularly on long-haul routes.
108. He was one of the only Spanish players to shine at Spain's dismal World Cup? campaign.
109. A look of disbelief came into his eyes, but was quickly replaced by one of dismal surrender.
110. The key still depends on the market, export market do one's best, home market is dismal.
111. But this dismal summer, the multimillionaire Premiership player chose to holiday with the caravanning folk of North Wales.
112. You can't occupy yourself with dismal thoughts all the time.
113. You may feel exhausted under stressful brainwork, onerous physical labor, or panic and dismal moods.
113. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
114. Dismal Days were considered unlucky, while Red-Letter Days were the principal feasts and saints' days to be celebrated or observed throughout the Christian year.
115. But Hester could not resolve the query , using herself in a dismal labyrinth of doubt.
116. The rooms were cruelly dismal with their walls on guard like policemen.
117. It seemed so dismal to go upstairs, with the wild snow blowing outside, and my thoughts continually reverting to the kirkyard and the new-made grave!
118. His reflections as he made his toilette were rather dismal.
119. The rain drummed on the eaves of her garden fiat at Cuffe Parade. She listened to its dismal threnody, tapping her teeth with her red pencil and watching streams snaking down the windowpanes.
120. Even though the women of Beattyville work for a large Department of Defense contractor, their dismal workplace conditions remain virtually unregulated by the government.
121. He got it out, rumpled and wilted and it mightily increased his dismal flicity.
122. Sir Nicholas: Dismal. Once again, my request to join the Headless Hunt has been denied.
123. The dismal returns of the past ten years have made them known as the lost decade on the US stock market, raising the question whether investment in stocks has lost its luster.
124. Four years passed, and on a dismal spring afternoon I was running errands and found myself feeling depressed. You've got the winter blahs again, I told myself. You get them every year.
125. After two dismal years, operating results in 1976 improved significantly.
126. But despite clues from cinematic rabies cases, such as Cujo and Old Yeller, what do we know about this dismal disease and how it spreads?
127. Did Thomas Carlyle ever make his peace with the dismal science?
128. He had staked everything on a big win in the Sunshine State, leaving the other early primaries to his rivals. In the end, he came a dismal third and quit the race a day later.
129. We're dismal enough without conjuring up ghosts and visions to perplex us.
130. Developing countries are likely to face a dismal external financing climate in 2009, according to the GDF.
131. The dismal English effort in the third Anglo - Dutch conflict of 1672 - 1674 requires minimal space here.
132. New research may brighten the currently dismal outlook for elderly patients acute myeloid leukemia ( AML ).
133. Mr Brass made a dismal attempt to pluck up his spirits and appear at his ease.
134. He attempts to explore dismal landscapes , where apocalyptic marches echo and thunder.
135. The house is so antique and dismal that it depresses me dreadfully.
136. In spite of a dismal record at school(), she narrowly squeaked into design school.
137. There has been a dismal flow of negative financial news throughout the week including a slump in factory orders and a steady decline in house prices.
138. The one which was blowing at that moment brought clearly defined drum-beats, clamors, platoon firing, and the dismal replies of the tocsin and the cannon.
139. She works in a dismal little room in the attic.
140. He had insisted on dressing himself up in a frock - coat and the most dismal pepper - and - salt trousers.
141. It was a very dubious - looking , nay a very dark and dismal night, bitingly cold and cheerless.
142. Max's even more dismal New York is cast in jumbled patterns of black, white and grey, until Mary sends Max a bright red pom-pom which he wears atop his yarmulke.
143. As Julia Bucknall, the World Bank's water supremo, points out, demand and supply are economic concepts, which the matchmakers of the dismal science are constantly trying to bring into balance.http:///dismal.html
144. The dismal story of ventures in other places is quickly told.
145. We need not seek in dismal church-yards nor sleep in moated granges to see the shadowy faces and hear the rustling of their garments in the night.
146. It does, after all, keep them from focusing on the scant musical offerings of the past year a dismal period in terms of new creative genius, or even mildly original schlock.
147. Thus, he was thunderstruck when he heard the truth, and received a dismal confession from Pen.
148. It was the sixth of October, dismal and cold out of doors.
149. Some analysts said even without the dismal jobs data the Fed's move would have been inevitable.
150. Not for nothing did Thomas Carlyle label the subject the dismal science.
151. India plans to mothball its mainstay MiG-21 Soviet-era fighter jets, which have earned the sobriquet "flying coffins" because of their dismal safety record.
152. While the rise in risk appetite put U.S. Treasuries in a downdraft earlier in the session, it was the 30-year auction that attracted the most attention after two dismal sales earlier in the week.
153. Primary renal angiosarcoma is a high - grade malignant vascular tumor with a dismal prognosis.
154. The rain turned the snow to slush and made the mountain - side dismal.
155. House Budget Committee Chairman Democratic Representative John Spratt is quoted as deriding President Bush's "dismal legacy" in fiscal matters, converting record surpluses into record deficits.
156. My prospects of returning to a suitable job are dismal.
157. Where the high priests of the dismal science see opportunity through the magic of the market's invisible hand, Joe Sixpack sees a threat to his livelihood.
158. After one particularly dismal project failure, I did an extensive research effort on trends in software project management I felt that a Scrum Master class would help me greatly.
159. Immediately after dismal ray, I see a clear handsome pretty side face of pure that sharp angle, is accurate a Suo promise.




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