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单词 Fight against
1) Don't people have the power to fight against life?
2) The government has toughened the fight against corruption.
3) Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.
4) The Government has been assiduous in the fight against inflation.
5) Nelson Mandela is revered for his brave fight against apartheid.
6) The fight against a chemical storage site has transformed a normally sedate village into a battleground.
7) We must all fight against unfairness and cruelty.
8) She put up a game fight against her detractors.
9) Stricter controls will help in the fight against inflation.
10) She died after a brave fight against cancer.
11) We must continue the fight against homelessness.
12) Don't heroize,you can't fight against him.
13) The fight against drug abuse goes on.
14) Are we losing the fight against illegal drugs?
15) Police urged continued vigilance in the fight against crime.
16) We are all brothers in the fight against injustice.
17) We will have to fight against difficulties.
18) He put up a good fight against his sickness.
19) Public cooperation is vital in the fight against terrorism.
20) The fight against terrorism seemed to unite the nation.
21) He promised to continue the fight against infidel forces.
22) I tried to fight against sleep, but couldn't.
23) Security checks are only a palliative in the fight against terrorism.
24) The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.
25) The loss of jobs is regarded as a necessary evil in the fight against inflation.
26) The discovery of a vaccine was the turning-point in the fight against smallpox.
27) The loss of jobs is regarded by some as a necessary evil in the fight against inflation.
28) This discovery marks a quantum leap forward in the fight against cancer.
29) Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.
30) This drug has been heralded as a major breakthrough in the fight against breast cancer.
1) The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.
2) Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.
3) The Government has been assiduous in the fight against inflation.
4) Nelson Mandela is revered for his brave fight against apartheid.
5) The fight against a chemical storage site has transformed a normally sedate village into a battleground.
6) The fight against terrorism seemed to unite the nation.
31) We hope to break through soon in the fight against AIDS.
32) The police have been given special powers to help them in the fight against terrorism.
33) He instructed his staff to crank up for an all - out fight against the nomination.
34) The police will not relent in their fight against crime.
35) The government has promised to continue the fight against racism.
36) The islanders were on fire and determined to fight against the attackers.
37) He was prepared to use any weapon to fight against his enemies.
38) The government must not lose the initiative in the fight against terrorism.
39) People who support equal rights for women fight against male chauvinism.
40) Scientists have made a major breakthrough in their fight against AIDS.
41) Scientists believe they have broken through in their fight against the disease.
42) Doctors are making great inroads in the fight against cancer.
43) The public wants to see the fight against crime prioritized.
44) We all have a part to play in the fight against crime.
45) The ceasefire was seen as a major landmark in the fight against terrorism.
46) This new drug could be an important step in the fight against cancer.
47) The habitants tried to fight against being moved to another city, but it was no use.
48) The fight against inflation took priority over measures to combat the deepening recession.
49) At last, those physicians and specialists broke through in their fight against heart disease.
50) The government has appointed a drugs tsar to co-ordinate the fight against drug abuse.
51) Scientists say they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.
52) His competence as an economist had been reinforced by his successful fight against inflation.
53) The government is very much on the offensive in the fight against drugs.
54) She died at the age of 43 after a brave fight against cancer.
55) He died after a brave but unavailing fight against a terminal illness.
56) These drugs are almost indispensable in the fight against the disease.
57) The government has vowed to step up the fight against crime.
58) He died at the age of 82, after a gallant fight against illness.
59) The police are not always victorious in their fight against crime.
60) We are all brothers in the same fight against injustice.
61) Barry McCaffrey as director of the fight against drugs.
62) The fight against malnutrition and preventable diseases must continue.
63) Conservative voters led a fight against forced school busing.
64) The fight against censorship starts in our own heads.
65) Trent had learnt this lesson well in his fight against it.
66) It is always more difficult to fight against faith than against knowledge. Adolf Hitler 
67) But she died in August at the age of 43 after a brave fight against cancer.
68) While the fly continues its fight against death, I search for my father's stamp magnifier to examine this tiny drosophila.
69) Her brave fight against cancer is an inspiration to us all.
70) He is being filmed to make a documentary about his fight against alcoholism.
71) What these children face is a kind of colonial experience which they are far too young to fight against.
72) You cannot win in a fight against women, cause men have a need to make sense. Chris Rock 
73) Britain and France decided to unite and fight against their common enemy.
74) The first is that the Prime Minister has always said she regards the fight against inflation as paramount.
75) Central bank governors have blown fortunes trying to fight against momentum in the international currency market.
76) God abandons only those who abandon themselves, and whoever has the courage to shut up his sorrow within his own heart is stronger to fight against it than he who complains. George Sand 
77) They will cost £1 each and the cash will be used in the fight against a killer disease.
78) In the great majority of developing countries, such urban elites spearheaded the fight against the colonizing power.
79) And, breakthrough: The new weapon in the fight against hepatitis.
80) New laws have been passed to help the police in their fight against organized crime.
81) Military sources stated that lifting the state of siege would not affect the fight against internal subversion.
82) The president has put the fight against corruption high on his domestic agenda.
83) He also will intensify the fight against crime and continue to work for welfare reform.
84) The longer I live, the harder I shall fight against the rule of unanimity and the veto.
85) Police have renewed their appeal to the public to join the fight against horse attacks by reporting anything suspicious.
85) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
86) Read in studio A charity is calling for tougher action in the fight against solvent abuse.
87) When the war was over his father had carried on the fight against right-wing tyranny.
88) Nehru saw himself as the central figure; the veteran of the fight against colonialism and the apostle of non-alignment.
89) If you decide to take part, you will be making a real contribution to the fight against cancer.
90) Read in studio Scientists have made a breakthrough in the fight against the genetic disease Cystic Fibrosis.
91) He has praised gang-fighting efforts and criticized the Clinton administration for waging an inadequate fight against drugs.
92) All the crew may fight against any enemy in contact with the War Wagon, whether to its front, sides, or rear.
93) Thinking of our dead parents and brothers makes us determined to continue to fight against this repressive government.
94) But the bomb gave them an excuse that allowed surrender: How could they fight against such a weapon?
95) I have to fight against a feeling of claustrophobia here.
96) Now he's just another old man, defeated in advance in a fight against age and nature.
97) The best way to fight against the threat of nuclear war is to fight for socialism through class-struggle means.
98) This would weaken the fight against oppression and allow a continuation of oppressive practices.
99) But as the elder brother remains silent, his lawyers are preparing a new tack in their fight against murder charges.
100) Bristol is at the forefront of the fight against a number of childhood conditions, including cancer and sudden infant death.
101) The president said that Mexico would continue to cooperate with the US in the fight against drugs.
102) But there is always real satisfaction in a fight against great odds.
103) It is considered one of the most significant developments in the fight against many brain disorders and diseases.
104) The best way to solve problems and to fight against war is through dialogue. Malala Yousafzai 
105) The Confederates considered the large numbers of blacks who defected to the Union to fight against their former masters as criminals.
106) It takes unusual strength of character to fight against so much opposition.
107) Sponsorship means giving direct help to assist people in their fight against poverty.
108) Gabriel drew only 1, 200 for his fight against Paris Alexander.
109) The martyr's conflict was seen not as a fight against duly constituted authority in government, but against Satan.
110) The purpose: to present an award recognizing special achievement in the fight against a learning disability known as dyslexia.
111) The Assembly also agreed on closer co-operation on the environment, on regional security and in the fight against drug trafficking.
112) I would like to fight against Milosevic and defeat him in democratic elections.
113) Enemy models attempting to fight against the chariot in hand-to-hand fighting always compare their weapon skill against that of the crew.
114) It should lead to a greater efficiency among the police and give a much-needed boost to the fight against crime.
115) The greatest achievements were obtained in the fight against communicable disease.
115) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
116) Brushing your teeth regularly helps to fight against tooth decay.
117) Why did he politicize the fight against terrorism?
118) Support the fight against the stigmatization of sex workers.
119) This may be endorphin and Met-enkephalin and the fight against cancer, one of the mechanisms.
120) Law enforcement officials, who say identity theft has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, are claiming a victory in the fight against Internet sites that offer false identification.
121) And the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel, even all that fight against her and her munition, and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision.
122) The drivers threatened to paralyze the country wharfs to fight against President Li which is not welcomed.
123) Pacifistic movement was an antiwar movement after the first world war and its dominant ideas were to fight against wars and defend peace.
124) In the hot tub, she always said to herself, that she had been using all her flaccidity to fight against Thomas in her whole life.
125) He said that Tehran and Pyongyang in the fight against "arrogant nation" terms in the same camp.
126) Academic and business critics of Rachel Carson, for example, argued that eliminating DDT removed the most effective pesticide in the fight against mosquitoes that spread malaria.
127) Also leading the fight against gender violence, the NGO Prajnya, based in Chennai, has organized a 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence campaign.
128) He said NATO will continue to spare no effort in the fight against terrorism.
129) In his first fight against Jermain Taylor, Taylor was surprisingly gun-shy .
130) She won that fight against the odds. But last year she lost an attempt win a seat in parliament, in blatantly rigged elections.
131) Thousands of Anna supporters on Wednesday also took out a march from India Gate to Jantar Mantar to express solidarity with the Gandhian in his fight against corruption.
132) No changes would be made and you would have nothing to fight against. Life would be as dull as ditchwater.
133) Therefore, from the advanced experience, and explore effective witness protection system in the fight against crime, the protection of human rights is of decisive significance.
134) But even as the American people celebrated, many new questions were emerging about what comes next for the US, for al-Qaida, and for the fight against extremism.
135) He will also work for a just society, fight against corruption, enhance interests of the underprivileged and people with physical disabilities, he added.
136) From then on, he has been cursed to become a hell blazing vigilante during the night, to fight against power Blackheart , the son of the devil himself.
137) Tom Vilsack, the current secretary of agriculture, may be more willing to take up the fight against obesity: he grew up chubby and has struggled with his weight.
138) The underground Railroad was forged by the efforts of those who were prepared to fight against slavery and stand up for the long-suffering Southern black Americans .
139) For those in the front-line fight against China's pirates, these bad apples taste all too familiar.
140) Lula's government disliked American military aid to Colombia. Colombian officials complained that Brazil showed little solidarity with their democracy's fight against the narco-guerrillas of the FARC.
141) Later, in the 1830s, abolitionists adopted the cracked bell as the symbol of the fight against slavery.
142) Abraham proved his toughness in his 2006 fight against Miranda, who broke the then-titleholder's jaw in the fourth round.
143) The extremeness of the measures to fight against crime is almost as bad as the crime itself.
144) This drama hopes that by watching it the viewers come to think if they were in the characters' shoes, they would fight against the fate toughly .
145) Australia lowered bank rate 25 bps to 7.0% (1st reduction in 7 years) to fight against its slowing economy, while Indonesia increased bank rate 25 bps to 9.25% to fight against rising inflation.
146) The fight against the East Turkistan terrorist forces takes up an important part of the international counter-terrorism campaign.
147) Low-cost vaccines could be crucial in the fight against cervical cancer, as they act against the sexually transmitted human papilloma virus (HPV), the primary risk factor for the disease.
148) The local militia was formed in 1985 by the government to fight against the Kurdish insurgency of the Kurdistan workers party (PKK).
149) Thus, it is part of international terrorism and the target of the international fight against terrorism. It is beyond any doubt.
150) An aid in the fight against obesity may be found in a wineglass.
151) So, we should fight against attempts to USE IE for such purpose - hidden data sending.
152) To make provision loan loss provision is a measure taken by commercial banks to fight against credit risk. Ineffective loan loss provision will affect banking capital and profit.
153) This system is helping us in our fight against poverty in Alameda County.
154) Collaboration is a key element in the fight against cybercrime.
155) A man of perfection by practice deems that a man should be gutsy and dauntless to do thing as the archaism goes "Though thousands of people are there to fight against me, I still go."
156) In his initial exploration, Andr6 Malraux tried to use diverse actions to fight against the absurdity of life, but found the limited nature of this program.
156) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
157) In addition, Chinese herbs, such as Viola yedoensis, Andrographis, and so on, with strong grass Ranunculus the chemical composition of these components can play a role in the fight against AIDS.
158) John is the other top featherweight. A win over him would propel him even closer to a fight against Lopez.
159) Because of the high you half-man will have a sense of crisis, afraid of you at any time may be on an equal footing with them, so there is a chance that they will fight against you.
160) They will also be co-chairing an important meeting on Thursday on Pakistan and the fight against terrorism.
161) In nineteen ninety-nine, Walter Plowright won the World Food Prize as a hero of the fight against rinderpest.
162) And Saul and the children of Israel being gathered together came to the valley of Terebinth, and they set the army in array to fight against the Philistines.
163) A type of statistical analysis used to study high-energy physics and stock market fluctuations could yield a new angle of attack in the fight against the virus that causes AIDS.




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