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单词 Quantum
1) Each person receives his proper quantum.
2) Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
3) There has been a quantum leap in the range of the wines sold in the UK.
4) Do you know who originated the theory of quantum?
5) The vaccine represents a quantum leap in healthcare.
6) The quantum leap in writing technology came with the introduction of personal computers.
7) This discovery marks a quantum leap forward in the fight against cancer.
8) This latest research represents a quantum leap in our understanding of the universe.
9) The treatment of breast cancer has taken a quantum leap forward.
10) Quantum mechanics is the study of the way atoms behave.
11) The appointment of a female director is a quantum leap for women's equality.
12) We can not nibble at quantum theory.
13) There is only an abstract quantum physical description.
14) Here,[http:///quantum.html] quantum mechanics provides us with a remarkable economy.
15) This picture is that presented by a quantum state.
16) The first derives from the quantum theory.
17) Nevertheless he remained highly sceptical of quantum theory.
18) We must face the problems of quantum theory later!
19) The new theory of quantum mechanics resolved this difficulty.
20) Quantum theory was not wished upon us by theorists.
21) The quantum leap expressed itself partly in population levels.
22) The orchestra's performance took a quantum leap forward.
23) The quantum numbers represent energy levels.
24) Quantum announced its results after the market closed.
25) Thus these symbols now denote quantum states.
26) The quantum model in physics contains the possibility that individual quanta can be at different energy levels.
27) Laing rejected classical psychoanalysis just as quantum theory rejected classical physics.
28) I have just given you the traditional quantum mechanical recipe for calculating probabilities.
29) Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to Quantum Theory.
30) We do not yet know the exact form the correct theory of quantum gravity will take.
1) Each person receives his proper quantum.
2) Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
3) There has been a quantum leap in the range of the wines sold in the UK.
4) Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to Quantum Theory.
31) Agricultural technologies have revolutionized farm production, resulting in quantum leaps in output.
32) Measurement involves an intervention by our everyday world into the quantum world.
33) According to quantum theory, elementary particles do not really exist until an intelligent observer measures them.
34) Quantum mechanical states, however, differ in two important respects from those of classical physics.
35) It is essential for quantum theory that it should be able to annex to itself the triumphs of its predecessor.
36) There is a weighted towards the existence of the universe built into the quantum laws already.
37) This is true,[http://] whether or not quantum uncertainty is a fundamental feature of physical reality.
38) Might not some essential aspects of quantum theory also be playing crucial roles in the physics that underlies our thought processes?
39) Quantum and costs information can be collected on specially designed forms.
40) Of course, there is nothing intrinsically quantum mechanical in what has been said so far.
41) This is a profound question, and present-day quantum theory does not really provide us with a satisfying answer.
42) One has to use a quantum theory of gravity to understand how the universe began.
43) The quantum challenge is probably the last of Einstein's contributions to fundamental physics that has enduring value.
44) Instead, each Hilbert space dimension corresponds to one of the different independent physical states of a quantum system.
45) Such people often see their lives more effectively framed by the reality metaphors that modern quantum physics and chaos theory provide.
46) We are now able to understand why our information about the states of motion is so restricted in quantum mechanics.
47) To understand quantum mechanics, we must come to terms with complex-number weightings.
48) In general, quantum mechanics does not predict a single definite result for an observation.
49) How does this affect things when effects at the quantum level get magnified so as to reach the classical level?
50) John Pople has set new standards for quantum mechanics, theoretical chemists, and for the general chemistry community.
51) Quantum mechanics depicts space as a seething foam of uncertainty, with unimaginably short-lived elementary particles appearing and disappear ing.
52) Let us try to think of a single quantum particle.
53) At the quantum level the individual alternative routes have only amplitudes, not probabilities.
54) But we know it can not be quite right because it doesn't incorporate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.
55) It is time to take a second tea-break in our training as apprentice quantum mechanics.
56) New books and revised editions on the quantum theory of atoms and molecules continue to appear.
57) Presumably human observers are themselves also built from minute quantum constituents!
58) Using quantum theory to understand gravity makes as much sense as trying solve a crossword puzzle with the key to your door.
59) Unlike relativity theory, quantum theory is beginning to have a really significant impact on technology.
60) The market is forcing the players to move on in quantum leaps in order to keep their market share.
61) Actually, quantum descriptions are very precise, as we shall see, although radically different from the familiar classical ones.
62) They are clever work, but they merely represent a harnessing of this quantum effect.
63) Here the quantum chemical theory of bonding has had some remarkable successes.
64) This feature of quantum mechanics proved very distasteful to some of the very men who had helped to create the subject.
65) All over the world measurements are continually being made on quantum mechanical systems.
66) We shall be seeing that the complex numbers that we must use at the quantum level are closely related to classical probabilities.
67) However, in quantum theory,[] anything that is not actually forbidden can and will happen.
68) This was the way in which uncertainty asserted itself in Heisenberg's original formulation of quantum mechanics.
69) I think that only a small minority of quantum physicists would affirm such a view.
70) In 1985 the company was reborn as Quantum Computer Services.
71) The whole point of quantum mechanics is that it has a different view of reality.
72) Instead, they had a quantum state, which was a combination of position and velocity.
73) Contemporary cosmology even suggests that the whole universe might have appeared out of the quantum vacuum: the ultimate free lunch.
74) It could not have been completely uniform, because that would violate the uncertainty principle of quantum theory.
75) We shall be seeing that quantum effects can occur over distances of many metres, or even light years.
76) We shall only use these strange complex-number combinations at the quantum level.
77) The answer to this question takes the discussion deep into the realm of quantum field theory.
78) Tried to explain the real implications of quantum physics as we crossed Kensington Road.
79) Quantum mechanics, although now eighty years old, has shown no signs of transforming the school science curriculum.
80) The microscopic quantum world is imprecise; it is the domain of Heisenberg uncertainty.
81) For quantum systems it seems that once they have met there is never true parting.
82) This tale of parallel realities claims to be based on quantum theory, and is dressed up with suitable jargon.
83) One is that it should incorporate Feynman's proposal to formulate quantum theory in terms of a sum over histories.
84) The formalism of quantum mechanics makes no distinction, in this respect, between single particles and complicated systems of many particles.
85) We don't yet have a complete and consistent theory that combines quantum mechanics and gravity.
86) Richard Feynman, said to be the greatest theoretical physicist of modern times, stated that no-one understands quantum mechanics.
87) This is so that we can attain some genuine understanding of the quantum world.
88) Compton proposed that the quantum of light could act as if it were a particle, and he christened this the photon.
89) So one has to use a quantum theory of gravity to discuss the very early stages of the universe.
90) What Heisenberg claims is that not every event, at the quantum level, is sufficiently caused.
91) Perplexities A layman venturing into the quantum world no doubt expects to encounter some fairly strange phenomena.
92) In telling you how it works we will have told you about the basic peculiarities of all quantum mechanics.
93) Einstein was awarded the Nobel prize for his contribution to quantum theory.
94) We no more understand how biology emerges from physics than we understand how classical measuring apparatus emerges from quantum mechanics.
95) Einstein, therefore, set to work to try to demolish the accepted version of quantum mechanics.
96) Where only quantum is in dispute it will be dealt by arbitration.
97) Early quantum mechanics required that interactions between sub-nuclear particles and atoms occur in spaces which are free of energy and mass.
98) It has been noted that the quantum limit has its origin in the following expression of the uncertainty principle.
99) It doesn't really matter if you don't understand relativity and quantum mechanics,[http://] or even if these theories are incorrect.
100) Tunnelling played an important part in the early history of quantum mechanics.
101) By placing Franco in overall command, the Nationalists made a quantum leap forward in their efforts to secure victory.
102) This, however, is difficult to determine in the case of quantum gravity, for two reasons.
103) This kind of superposition of states is a general-and important-feature of quantum mechanics, referred to as quantum linear superposition.
104) On the other hand, the other partial theories depend on quantum mechanics in an essential way.
105) Finally there is quantum electrodynamics, which is the quantum field theory of light and charged particles.
106) And anyone communicating by quantum cryptography also would have a sure way to spot spies.
107) Or perhaps a new set of laws will come into being, by some sort of quantum fluctuation.
108) A divorce is decreed between wave and particle which quantum theory had for ever joined together.
109) Yet, some day science may give us a more profound understanding of Nature than quantum theory can provide.
110) By no means has the last word been written on the quantum Hall effect.
111) A single point of Hilbert space now represents the quantum state of an entire system.
112) It relies heavily on the mathematical implications of quantum theory.
113) It is a striking feature of quantum mechanics, however, that for identical particles the rules are different.
114) The work of the modern quantum chemist has helped to fan the flames of this debate.
115) Thus we have a precise way of establishing the validity of non-local effects in quantum phenomena.
116) They are still worrying about the foundations of quantum mechanics that were laid down sixty-five years ago.
117) We must try to understand this, and how quantum theory forces us to change our view of physical reality.
118) You know the potential problems with my wave-riding interpretation of Quantum Theoryor for that matter with any other I have yet heard?
119) One might expect the fluctuations that are implied by quantum mechanics to give a cosmological constant that is very large.
120) Quantum cryptography exploits a key principle of quantum mechanics, according to which certain aspects of any subatomic process are inherently unknowable.
121) Thankfully, like Feynman himself, they incorporate many diagrams to explain his findings in quantum electrodynamics and quantum chromodynamics.
122) The potential commercial and military applications of quantum cryptography are breathtaking.
123) If you thought that science was invariably characterised by clarity of vision you may have found the quantum world unexpectedly murky.
124) Products' can also be taken between any other pair of quantum states, not necessarily single-particle states.
125) The quantum mechanical formalism itself is left as the sole source of insight.
126) Quantum, optical, chemical[http:///quantum.html], analogue and evolutionary computers all offer opportunities to rethink completely the way we do computing.
127) I think that there are two aspects to the question of a quantum leap in nuclear weapons.
128) The new wine of quantum theory was soon bursting the old wineskins of classical mechanics.
129) This paucity of information arises from the role that uncertainty has in quantum mechanics.
130) Capra's parallels are between not hypotheses but concepts, for example the ch'i and the quantum field.
131) There have to be quantum fields with very definite properties of energy, mass and so on.
132) But there are conservatives, who, while acknowledging the successes of quantum mechanical methods, caution against complacency.
133) What are the prospects of obtaining a quantum theory of gravity and of unifying it with the other three categories of interactions?
134) It is not the case that absolutely anything can happen at any moment, at the quantum level.
135) However we have seen that quantum theory places considerable restraint on a plain man's objectivist view of the natural world.
136) This was the first indication that quantum mechanics might remove the singularities that were predicted by general relativity.
137) However, it is possible to copy a quantum state if we are prepared to destroy the state of the original.
138) The growing interest in and use of abinitio quantum mechanics requires the manipulation of masses of numerical data.
139) Quantum mechanics therefore introduces an unavoidable element of unpredictability or randomness into science.
140) It seems that the weight of the evidence is in favour of quantum mechanics and against local reality.
141) We have learnt that, according to quantum mechanics, even a single particle must behave like a wave all by itself.
142) Here is the unique point at which the fitful indeterminacy of quantum theory makes itself felt.
143) Yet Einstein never accepted quantum mechanics because of its element of chance and uncertainty.
144) This is because, in the wacky world of quantum physics, light is wavy as well as particulate.
145) But at the quantum level these terms give important interference effects.
146) In fact, according to the rules of quantum mechanics, what is happening is even more mysterious than that!
147) In such strong fields the effects of quantum mechanics should be important.
148) Microchips aid quantum physics Technology from the semiconductor industry has allowed an experiment in fundamental physics previously possible only in theory.
149) And yet, the most sophisticated experiments have proved quantum theory correct time after time.
150) Quantum expects to ship 1. 5 million units by the end of June.
151) It is useful to consider whether those who are proposing quantum change through organizational re-design or reengineering are aware of this distinction.
152) Research in theory and computation encompasses quantum field theories of elementary particles, neural networks and quantum chromodynamics.
153) The resulting quantum logic was initiated by the mathematicians John von Neumann and Garret Birkhoff, using mathematical constructs called lattices.
154) Similarly, in the quantum theory of gravity, there are many different possible quantum states for the universe.
155) Dirac's theory was the first of its kind that was consistent with both quantum mechanics and the special theory of relativity.
156) But hold on to your hat-there is more strangeness yet in the quantum world!
157) In the longer term ways have been proposed to bypass the quantum limit.
158) For this sort of reason rejuvenated hidden variable theories have not found much acceptance among professional quantum mechanics.
159) A recent beautiful experiment by Aspect and his collaborators adds convincing confirmation of quantum mechanics rather than local reality.
160) As we now know,[Sentence dictionary] quantum theory is needed in order that the actual structure of solids can be properly understood.
161) The choice of dimensions appropriate to a quantum mechanical problem will depend on the number of independent possibilities the system possesses.
162) Newtonian mechanics was eventually replaced by the theory of relativity and by quantum mechanics between 1905 and 1930.
163) In particular, how does it come about that the imprecise quantum world yields a precise answer when it is experimentally interrogated?
164) The quantum level is the level of molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, etc.
165) We are back again to the idea that quantum systems exhibit an unexpected degree of togetherness.
166) The early universe could not have been completely homogeneous and uniform because that would violate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.
167) In the quantum theory, the appropriate analogous concept is that of a Hilbertspace.
168) Because string theory has so much symmetry, it can accommodate the disparate faces of nature displayed by gravity and quantum theory.
169) The experiment also illustrates how thoroughgoing one has to be in applying quantum mechanics.
170) Physicists like the mathematical beauty of string theory because it banishes the absurdities that pop up when quantum mechanics and gravity combine.
171) The problem involves classical physics, as opposed to quantum physics.
172) I believe that they provide one pointer, indicating a certain essential role for quantum mechanics in the understanding of mental phenomena.
173) This hope was shattered by the discovery of atomic structure and quantum mechanics.
174) It also has the great advantage that many of the infinities that arise in quantum theory cancel each other out.
175) In October 1981, I went to Moscow for a conference on quantum gravity.
176) We have to give that up in the quantum world.
177) The two theories are the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.
178) This collection of complex weightings describes the quantum state of the particle.
179) For the moment just note that electron spin provides a second example of a two-dimensional state vector space in quantum mechanics.
180) The judgment given after the trial of a preliminary issue is not interlocutory even though quantum is still to be tried.
181) In the quantum theory of gravity, on the other hand, a third possibility arises.
182) We shall also be examining, in some detail, how quantum states are actually described.
183) I learnt my quantum mechanics, so to speak, straight from the horse's mouth.
184) Louis de Broglie also tried from time to time throughout his later life to find ways of reconciling quantum mechanics with a more deterministic picture.
185) In the last 50 years, our strategic forces made quantum jumps in effectiveness that surpassed anything the Soviet Union could do.
186) Industrial problems involving lasers, solid state or quantum electronics and the development of materials to withstand exotic conditions are all interdisciplinary.
186) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
187) All is energy as quantum physics revealed.
188) A quantum theory of gravity is needed.
189) We call this phenomenon quantum beat in resonance fluorescence.
190) QNC is a Environment for developing quantum computer simulations.
191) Erwin Schrodinger think that EPR correlation originates from conflicts between classical space-time and quantum space-time.
192) Quantum yields for photoinitiation and photodecomposition are also low with Mn.
193) Indeed, Millikan's paper on Planck's constant shows clearly that he is emphatically distancing himself throughout from Einstein's 1905 attempt to couple photo effects with a form of quantum theory.
194) Specifically, we consider the long-standing and challenging Maxwell's demon paradox from a new angle – quantum thermodynamics.
195) Such as Quantum field theory in condensed matter physics, Quantum field theory in particle physics.
196) The structure may have less complex focusing, reduced crosstalk, tighter pixel packing density, increased quantum efficiency, and wafer-level packaging.
197) In this paper , we discuss the relation between information erasure and heat dissipation in quantum memory.
198) Quantum mechanics showed classical mechanics to be incorrect for describing the internal motions within atoms.
199) The double solutions correspond possibly to the wave-particle duality in quantum theory, and connect the double solution theory of the nonlinear wave mechanics.
200) And that's just to take 1 the principle quantum number l and subtract it by 1, and then also subtract from that your l quantum number.
201) According to the experiments result, physical scale prevention techniques such as alloy electrochemistry, transduce electromagnetism and quantum circulation are applied to the field.
202) The surface oxidation of galena and the micro-process of electron transfer involved in the oxidation have been stu died through voltammetry and quantum chemical calculation.
203) Specialty disciplines, such as chemical physics and quantum, bioorganic, polymer, radiation, and nuclear chemistry, are available within the four major areas.
204) It'serves in some respects to link the classical and quantum - mechanical pictures.
205) Suspending a thread requires the operating system to swap it out of the CPU often before it's time quantum has been consumed.
206) By using the tunnel effect principle of quantum mechanics, the mechanism of electrospark machining is studied, and a new explanation of the essence of electrospark machining is given.
207) The recurrence relations about the quantum number 1 of the spherical harmonics are derived with ladder operator.
208) Quantum key distribution technique is a popular research subject in information security field, which is based on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and no-clone theory.
209) The evolution of the signal-noise ratio R with the quantum noise intensity D is discussed in the parameters of the noise and signal frequency and time period modulation frequency.
210) Through one year effort, we have established a quantum optics laboratory and an atomic physics laboratory.
211) The quantum effects of the mesoscopic circuit with capacitive coupling under the excited states of squeezed vacuum states are investigated by quantizing the circuit and diagonalizing its Hamiltonian.
212) By the way, quantum noise, especially the phase noise that effects parameters such as linewidth, can be systematically represent.
213) The influences of the electronic velocity on the mean number of phonons of the strong-and weak-coupling polaron in a semiconductor quantum dot are derived.
214) The author first reviews the quantum no - cloning theorem and the principle of the quantum copying machine.
215) The birth of the Nautilus literally added a new dimension to undersea warfare... some admirals to so far as to call it a "quantum jump" comparable to the shift from sail to steam.
216) Much as relativity subsumed Newtonian physics,[http:///quantum.html] a quantum theory of gravity will ultimately subsume relativity.
217) Meanwhile, recent advances in high-definition television (HDTV) have brought a quantum leap forward in picture and sound quality.
218) In 1993, Bennett et al proposed a scheme for teleporting an unknown quantum state of one - particle.
219) Both the effects of the intermixing induced by the implantation dose and the annealing temperature on the light-emission efficiency of the quantum dots are studied.
220) The models for the exponential process and quantum beat are presented to extract the photodissociation dynamics information from the data.
221) The quantum information can be taken from the classical description of physics by Feynman path integrals.
222) The supposed inviolability of quantum cryptography rests on a set of assumptions that do not necessarily carry over into the real world.
223) On the basis of the charge discreteness, the quantum fluctuations fo the charge, current and energy in the mesoscopic metal dual rings are calculated by the minimum shift operator.
224) And I promise, this is the last quantum number that we'll be introducing.
225) The results of experiment proved that the photobleaching of quantum dots would arise in solution, when the quantum dots in air showed high resistance to photobleaching.
226) The light quantum yield of algae particles is one of the important parameters characterizing the algae response to the environmental factors.
227) Now, Elena Kuznetsova, a post-doctoral researcher in UConn's Department of Physics, has proposed a new type of quantum computer that could bring the technology one step closer to becoming a reality.
228) The experimental result of homodyne reception and the wavelength conversion characteristics of photorefractive quantum device are reported.
229) One such returnee is Fan Heng, a quantum computing expert who left UCLA in 2005 for the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
230) By Newton's first law, Artest hit Kobe's elbow with his neck, I'm just happy that Refs remember Quantum Mechanics.
231) Hadron (baryons and mesons) spectroscopy opens the gate for the development of the fundamental theory of the strong interaction: quantum chromodynamics (QCD).
232) An explanation for the " uncertainty principle " for Quantum Mechanics.
233) It is the point at which particles have a minimum energy, determined by quantum mechanical effects, which is called the zero-point energy.
234) Three-step symplectic quantum propagation of wavepacket has been applied to study the photodissociation of methyl iodide.
235) It presents enough information to occupy the reader for a convenient quantum of time.
236) So a new science is needed in the same way that we new quantum physics.
237) Density Function Theory ( DFT ) based on quantum theory.
238) Absorption wavenumber and loss of stretching vibration and bending vibration of different quantum number were obtained.
239) This paper gives a theoretical study on several polycyclic arene electroluminescent(EL) materials. their geometric configurations have been optimized by semi empirical RHF/PM3 of quantum chemistry.
240) And if it's a probability function, then our quantum computer can handle it.
241) To simulate the quantum noise, the random numbers obeying noise distribution must be formed and are weighted on the basis of the model created.
242) Under the effective mass approximation, the paper studys the effect of dielectric confinement on an exciton in spherical and cubic QD(quantum dot).
243) You have climbed your way back to present levels, and will soon take a quantum leap forward allowing you to re-claim lost abilities.
244) According to linear superposition principle of quantum mechanics, it is constructed respectively two new type of multi-mode superposition state light field.
245) Quantum chemistry methods and molecular modeling technology are the main branches of the computational chemistry.
246) New forms of relativistic quantum mechanics are presented on the basis of amended de Broglie relation.
246) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
247) Acquaints readers with the main concepts and literature of elementary particle physics and quantum field theory.
248) If quantum computers promised such godlike mathematical powers, maybe we should expect them on store shelves at about the same time as warp-drive generators and antigravity shields.
249) The new algorithm decomposes noisy signal in time phase and suppress deform quantum of wavelet decomposition coefficients in frequency phase.
250) A effective method of calculating moment of inertia at ground state of even-even deformations nuclei is derived based on rigid rotation and collective rotation nature of quantum systems.
251) Here, Benedetti considers two types of spacetime with quantum group symmetry - a quantum sphere and k-Minkowski spacetime - and calculates their dimensions.
252) The growth and the electronic state of quantum dots, quantum size-dependent effects, Coulomb blockade effects and dielectric effects are described.
253) It is a purely quantum mechanical phenomenon without any analogy in classical mechanics.
254) The vibration frequency and effective mass of the strong-coupling polaron in an infinite quantum well were derived by using improved linear-combination-operator and variational method.
255) In the last twenty years , quantum field theory and string theory have incurred.
256) We also considered the origin of the second order quantum phase transition as well as the electronic states in a nanoscale quantum dot system.
257) The free electron gas is a kind of representative quantum Fermi gas.
258) I think this is taken about two years after they discovered the fourth quantum number.
259) Indeed, much of it was invented well before quantum theory even existed, notably by German mathematician David Hilbert.
260) The fluorescence quantum yields of scopoletin and scopolin were measured to be 0.71 and 0.21 respectively, using quinine sulfate as a reference.
261) This class will study some of the changing ideas within modern physics, ranging from relativity theory and quantum mechanics to solid-state physics, nuclear and elementary particles, and cosmology.
262) In quantum chromodynamics (QCD), hadronic matter is composed of quarks, and interactions between them are mediated by eight massless gluons.
263) We report process of Si quantum wire and dot based on EBL and RIE processes and process of nano structure metal gate based on EBL, electron beam evaporation and lift off techniques.
264) The technology to exchange quantum messages along a dedicated line already exists and is in use for secure communication.
265) Out of quantum electrodynamics come all known electrical, mechanical, and chemical laws.
266) Conclusions Light quantum oxygen-liquid transmission therapy has better curative effects on infant's pneumonia.
267) The quantum dots in a biochip would each account for at least one data bit, and possibly several.
268) The development of microspherical cavity theory is introduced, and the microspherical cavity is analyzed with light quantum mechanics.
269) It covers the basics of classical field theory, free quantum theories and Feynman diagrams.
270) Using the authenticated encryption protocol as a sub-protocol, a quantum message authentication scheme was addressed.
271) And the first is l, and l is angular momentum quantum number, and it's called that because it dictates the angular momentum that our electron has in our atom.
272) The entropies of quantum fields on event horizon of a toroidal black hole are brick - wall model.
273) The isospin fractionation intermediate ion collisions is studied by using isospin dependence quantum molecular dynamics model.
274) Stephen Hawking has great invention when it comes to cosmology and quantum gravity.
275) Silicon quantum wires have been fabricated on SOI substrate by reactive ion etching, anisotropic chemical etching and self-limiting thermal oxidation technique.
276) At the end of August 1992, the “Quantum Fund?led by George Soros shorted USD 7 billion worth of pound sterling and bought Deutsche Mark worth USD 6 billion.
277) These results are derivable from the theory of quantum mechanics.
278) One kind of inverse eigenvalue problems, whose solutions are required to be normal or diagonalizable matrices, is investigated in quaternionic quantum mechanics.
279) Quantum dots (QDs), with zero-dimensional electronic properties, have stimulated great interest due to their important roles in fundamental physical research and for developing novel devices.
280) Reviewing the development history of mankind from industrial revolution to technology revolution and then to knowledge economy, every quantum jump is closely related to education.
281) Quantum Chemical Study on Charge Transfer Complexes (1)—The Series of 1, 3, 5- Trinitrobenzene with Substituted Potassium Phenolates.
282) String theory or one of its cousins might allow the calculation of all inputs—not only the electron mass and such quantities but also the existence of spacetime and the rules of quantum theory.
283) "Forget Quantum of Solace, we would have directly observed the quantum of time, " says Hogan.
284) It turns out that one type of gluon chain behaves in the four-dimensional spacetime as the graviton, the fundamental quantum particle of gravity.
285) Thanks to this novel material from a pencil, relativistic quantum mechanics is no longer confined to cosmology or high-energy physics; it has now entered the laboratory.
286) Yeah , well, it's just some quantum mechanics with a little string theory around the edges.
286) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
287) When an executing thread expires its time quantum, it's placed at the end of the run-queue for its priority and assigned a new time quantum.
288) However, non-traditional computer may not be astricted by these laws, for example, the recently springing-up quantum computer.




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