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单词 Accidental
1. The law discriminates between accidental and intentional killing.
2. A third of accidental deaths occur in the home.
3. Buy an insurance policy that covers accidental damage .
4. Their meeting was quite accidental.
5. The abortion arose from an accidental fall.
6. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death.
7. We must never let any accidental success go to our heads.
8. At least 10 000 children are involved in accidental poisonings every year.
9. Most policies cover accidental damage to pipes.
10. We insure against all damage, accidental or otherwise.
11. The insurance policy covers the building for accidental damage.
12. Our meeting wasn't planned - it was completely accidental.
13. The inquest returned a verdict of accidental death.
14. The Coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death.
15. I put her rudeness down as accidental.
16. Have you got cover for accidental damage?
17. Our meeting was quite accidental.
18. The insurance covers accidental damage to the vehicle./accidental.html
19. Your video is not insured against accidental damage.
20. All our household goods are insured against accidental damage.
21. He sped his car off the accidental site.
22. The policy covers accidental loss or damage.
23. It was an accidental meeting.
24. This policy should cover you against accidental injury.
25. Our meeting in New York was quite accidental.
26. This accidental killing sparked major riots in the cities.
27. The most important way to stop accidental drownings is by education.
28. As a medical examiner I can vouch from experience that his death was accidental.
29. There is an element of doubt as to whether the deaths were accidental.
30. Information must be stored so that it is secure from accidental deletion.
1. A third of accidental deaths occur in the home.
2. Buy an insurance policy that covers accidental damage .
3. Their meeting was quite accidental.
4. The abortion arose from an accidental fall.
5. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death.
6. We must never let any accidental success go to our heads.
7. At least 10 000 children are involved in accidental poisonings every year.
8. It was an accidental meeting.
9. Our meeting in New York was quite accidental.
10. This accidental killing sparked major riots in the cities.
11. They tried to smother up the murder by pretending that her death was accidental.
31. His hand brushed against hers; it could have been either accidental or deliberate.
32. The site was located after the accidental discovery of bones in a field.
33. They tried to smother up the murder by pretending that her death was accidental.
34. Reports suggest that 11 soldiers were killed by accidental fire from their own side.
35. This concentration on industrial estates is not accidental.
36. There was an accidental release of toxic waste.
37. All pipes should be bracketed to avoid accidental damage.
38. The coroner recorded verdicts of accidental death.
39. Coroner Michael Sheffield recorded a verdict of accidental death.
40. The inexperience of the junior staff was not accidental.
41. Are you insured against accidental damage to your property?
42. In contrast, accidental injuries rose only 6 percent.
43. On 4 December 1985 the inquest returned a verdict of accidental death.
44. His presence is not accidental, or perhaps it is merely congruent with another motif in the Tomlinson gestalt about marriage.
45. She touched his elbow so timidly that he thought it must have been accidental.
46. This standard ensures the unit is waterproof and so prevents an accidental, and potentially fatal, combination of water and electricity.
47. The accidental appearance of a reinforcer strengthens any behavior in progress and brings it under the control of current stimuli.
48. Darwin himself had explained the strange inhabitants of isolated oceanic islands such as the Galapagos in terms of accidental migrations from the nearest mainland.
49. It is in such accidental and unplanned ways that key historical decisions are made.
50. I have always felt the need to copy nature in small objects,[] particularly the casual or accidental.
51. Young people have a much higher rate of suicide, smoking, and accidental death.
52. Evolution proceeds by the accidental combination of already existing stable sub-assemblies, thereby producing new stable assemblies of higher complexity.
53. Her death was probably accidental, but I doubt that will be much consolation to her children when they reach adulthood.
54. Since then some 4 million hectares have been cut down and millions more have been destroyed by accidental forest fires.
55. On top of all these was the risk of accidental injury or death.
56. Getting rid of weapons reduces the risk of accidental, unauthorised, hair trigger or pre-emptive use.
57. We describe two cases of accidental aspiration of a foreign body after use of a metered dose inhaler.
58. Forty-five percent of fatal road accidents involving young people are alcohol-linked, and so are drowning and deaths from accidental overdose.
59. We found it was more useful in stopping the debarking of trees or accidental damage to shrubs.
60. Failing that, a wet towel can smother an accidental fire.
61. He lamented their losses, praised their courage, and attributed their lack of success to accidental causes.
62. It is better not to extend what was, after all, an accidental and purely professional relationship.
63. In the same way, timekeeping is cultural in its origins, a concatenation of accidental events.
64. Well, now's your chance to offer that reward - a real Accidental Hero weekend.
65. Evidently the new strategic partners are permitted offensive missiles for mutual annihilation but not defenses against an accidental launch.
66. In well ventilated theatres it is unlikely that any colour change will occur unless accidental spillage should take place.
67. Such crises do not have an accidental character, they are a part of the very process of capitalist production and reproduction.
68. These are not accidental oversights on the part of the academic community.
69. Lugar, 63, has tried to portray his life in politics as merely accidental.
70. Discussion covered procedures for avoiding accidental clashes, disclosing the location of mines, and exchanging information about those missing in action.
71. I mention it because general public awareness of accidental poisoning seems higher there than in this country.
72. Such reports are routine in the case of accidental death, he said.
73. Accidental fires do happen when the Peak is very dry but we haven't been in that situation yet.
74. Personal Liability ... Up to £500,000 To cover your legal liability for accidental injury to third parties or accidental damage to their property.
75. Seven years later, it lost its second main tourist accommodation when the Lake was burned down in an accidental fire.
76. Deputy Coroner Mr Pollard recorded verdicts of accidental death and said he was satisfied what had happened had been purely an accident.
77. An accidental experiment shows how a change of scene can lead to disaster.
78. The cost of tracing the damage is covered provided there has been accidental damage to the pipes or cables.
79. Most expensive of all is an all-risks policy which also gives wide cover against accidental damage.
80. According to its findings almost half the accidental deaths among teenagers over fifteen in Britain is caused by alcohol.
81. Sister Aimee died in 1944, from an accidental overdose of sleeping tablets.
82. At the extreme, accidental loss of life could result in the charge of manslaughter.
83. An accidental glimpse in a shop window or mirror may bring us up with a jolt.
84. This month scientific advisers will consider whether extra controls are needed to protect food and prevent accidental transmission through surgical operations.
85. Were these beginnings among the outcasts, the pariahs, and the misfits merely accidental?
86. Yet another option is to buy a policy which itself covers accidental damage without the need for buying a separate extension.
87. A system of valves limits accidental releases of the substance.
88. Accidental failure of electricity or gas supply not caused by the deliberate act of the supply authority.
89. The accidental shooting down of a plane carrying civilians would be a disaster for Western policy.
90. Accidental nuclear explosions can not occur; the bombs are designed so they can not be exploded by any chance event.
91. It is to protect the insured against liability for the accidental death or injury to some one other than his employee.
92. After a few experiments, I came up with a reasonable facsimile of Rebecca's accidental assemblage.
93. The group, which includes about 600 financial planners from around the country, contends the confusion is not accidental.
94. Personal liability £1,000,000 Your legal liability for accidental injury to third parties or damage to their property.
95. It seemed to be pretty much an open and shut case of accidental death, apart from the problem of identifying him.
96. Regulations are need to limit accidental releases of these chemicals.
97. A verdict of accidental death was recorded at an inquest last week.
98. In fact, it seems impossible to find examples of associatives which are non-restrictive, and this is not accidental.
99. Extra benefits include cash payments of up to £13,000 for certain permanent injuries and £2,500 left to your estate following accidental death.
100. The defence also claimed that Poindexter had never intended to mislead Congress and that any inaccuracies in his testimony were accidental.
101. She wondered if she could stage an apparently accidental meeting with Veronica.
102. Many more accidents and accidental deaths occur off the job than at work.
103. There will also always be accidental occurrences during the period from conception to birth, and errors during and after birth.
104. Password Schemes One straight forward security solution, a password scheme, erects a first-level barrier to accidental intrusion.
105. The senior departmental heads were familiar with their systems and experienced in detecting and preventing errors, both deliberate and accidental.
106. An accidental escape of a virus from a government laboratory may soon put paid to them over the entire continent.
107. They believe that miscalculations made on the tax forms were purely accidental.
108. The pipes or cables must require repair or replacement due to accidental damage not due to wear and tear.
109. They have, in effect, invested in excess capacity,[/accidental.html] though whether this was deliberate or accidental is harder to judge.
110. A ballot that perplexingly spread presidential names over two pages led to many accidental double votes, which are automatically voided.
111. The conclusion is inescapable. This was an accidental drug overdose and not a suicide.
112. Since Polygas comprises a small amount of acetone in carbon dioxide, the danger from an accidental release is low.
113. How could he arrange an accidental meeting with Julie that afternoon, that was the question.
114. To transform a scholarly consensus into something that appears the obsession of a disreputable fringe group requires more than accidental bias.
115. They carried swords that had been blunted to avoid accidental cuts.
116. The policy provides full insurance in the case of accidental death.
117. He would scrap the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and permit defensive systems to guard against accidental firings or small-scale attacks by outlaw nations.
118. An inquest had been held and a verdict of accidental death returned.
119. There was apprehension over a small explosion close to an abortion clinic, but the explosion proved to be accidental.
120. Each participating State will provide and maintain measures to guard against accidental or unauthorized use of military means. 25.
121. If our Dean's sudden death was not accidental, it must have been purposeful.
122. It was quite accidental that we planted Cleveland sage, a shrubby California native, next to where I park the truck.
123. This diminishes the chances of accidental war or pre-emptive strikes motivated by unfounded fears.
124. When her body was found in the frozen marshes of the East River, the death was ruled an accidental drowning.
125. Such experiences are not accidental by-products of complicated physical structures.
126. A jury has returned a verdict of accidental death on the children who died at the barracks where their father was stationed.
127. In its structure and methods, the program bears a strong and not accidental resemblance to the United States Peace Corps.
128. Had it been an accidental hit with a haywire missile?
129. Personally, I'd put my money on accidental death without a second thought.
130. These will go a long way to lessen the real danger of accidental war or nuclear catastrophe due to misinformation.
131. If so, now is a good time to remove the safety-tab from the cassette to avoid the risk of accidental erasure.
132. It was later revealed the shot was an accidental discharge from inside the house.
133. Alienation from labor to consumption is not accidental.
134. To be accidental, and take for granted.
135. Conclusion The cause of lost vision was accidental injury of the optic nerve or the optic chiasma during...
136. The epidemiological characteristics of nonfatal accidental injuries among children aged 1 to 14 was investigated.
137. Objective To avoid the accidental injury and offer safe nursing care for hospitalized children.
138. Yeah! Accidental oil spill! The engine cleaner is a degreaser used to clean up the oily surfaces of different places under the hood.
138. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
139. The accidental downlink adjacent interference is often caused by pointing error of a receiving antenna.
140. Could there be an accidental detonation of a nuclear weapon?
141. Generally, you are also covered for any number of eventualities, including theft, vandalism and accidental damage.
142. Nevertheless, I believe that we can advance in the direction that a relationship that is more than accidental links language to sonority.
143. This finding could be very valuable clinically because normal pain sensation is essential for avoiding accidental damage.
144. Signal which prevents accidental operation by spurious signals or avoids possible ambiguity.
145. The application value of transition rule is mainly reducing the repeated work and judgement of accidental responsibility in engineering practice.
146. Authorities in the United States classify death by autoerotic asphyxiation as accidental and not the result of suicide.
147. To this end, we gave her the school to buy accidental injury insurance.
148. Accidental error check: To recognize the unusual conditions with the mathematical statistics theory.
149. Finally, in spite of the accidental factors, an important reason is that Fanqie top words and the sliced words are alliteration and assonance.
150. Spontaneous abortion includes accidental spontaneous abortion and recurrent spontaneous abortion.
151. An emergency preplan for accidental pollution was described so as to provide reference for cleaning production.
152. If this option is selected and remotely activated, your phone will send you an SMS with a confirmation request to prevent from accidental mistakes.
153. Hunt injured Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech in an accidental collision, leaving the Czech international out for the season with a fractured skull.
154. Every bit of the oleander plant is toxic, unlike the case for other plants where just the flower or sap might be poisonous. Even accidental inhalation of the smoke from burning oleander is a problem.
155. The dominating accidental signs are diverging from the runway, over-running, dangerous approaching, tail, wingtip and engine scratching, and hitting the ground barrier.
156. He has shot himself, stabbed himself in the liver (both "accidental") and has had innumerable bouts of undiagnosed pain and illness.
157. Most High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTR ) systems are significantly under- moderated for economic reasons, so that accidental water or steam ingress.
158. He wrote memoirs but, like a jazzman improvising on a theme, wandered off inveterately after other people: "An accidental shove on a crowded Loop corner, while awaiting the change in traffic lights;"
159. Limit position protection is designed to prevent from accidental collision and damage of the arms.
160. In classical variance analysis with the adjustment of LS, the normal accidental error of observations must be independent, but the actual surveying data are often dependent.
161. If the Insured dies due to the occurrence of any accidental injury, the Company shall pay the Sum Insured of remains disposal as benefits.
162. Additional uses of onscreen buttons or bezel touch detection could prevent accidental gesturing.
163. Configuring Internet Explorer to escape the accidental window will reduce or eliminate unnecessary handling when running test cases.
164. It's thought that sawfish populations have been reduced by some 90 percent due to habitat loss and accidental entanglements in fishing nets.
165. Reduces the chances of accidental damage to electronics components as taking a direct reading from the components itself is no longer needed.
166. Flexible manufacture system is influenced by accidental incidents in running, So dispatch must be fit for changing of running environment.
167. Otherwise, accidental short - circuiting can lead to electric shock and to serious damage.
168. The Accidental Death Insurance provided by Debit Card is governed by the Master Policy issued by Dah Sing Life Assurance Co. , Ltd.
168. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
169. A medical examiner found that the death was accidental, caused by a mixture medicines.
170. SC : No. I think any subversion or exploration of image is purely accidental.
171. Death Insurance: Ping An shall pay the stipulated amount of insurance compensation if the Insured dies of any accidental injury or disease (including SARS). Insurance liabilities thus terminate.
172. The Start cycle can be stared only by two-hand keys, to be pushed simultaneously, which are located at such a distance, that they prevent the accidental starting of the machine cycle by one hand.
173. "There is no way the government can continue to imply the deaths were somehow accidental," said Georgette Gagnon, Africa director at Human Rights Watch.
174. Meanwhile, the mortality rates of accidental suffocation and drowning were measured.
175. In case of accidental overdose, contact a poison control center immediately.
176. They suffer everything from accidental drug consumption and embarrassing public nudity to a brawling session with a midget, and more.
177. The media pointed to suicide or accidental autoerotic asphyxiation as possible causes of death.
178. Minimalism was a strong anchor for swooshes, sparkling little balls and other accidental manifestations.
179. Finally, the Jews were allowed to resettle in England legally by an accidental affair.
180. Vidic, meanwhile, should be fit to face Wigan next Sunday after spending the next few days recovering from concussion sustained in an accidental collision with Didier Drogba last weekend.
181. The causes of the newborn death were in the order of premature, asphyxia, pneumonia, congenital anomaly and accidental asphyxia. More babies (75 62%) were died in hospitals.
182. However, acquaintance are not necessarily real friends. we get to know a lot of people on account of business or accidental chances------such as being invited to a same dinner.
183. Lewison said that long-lived species are particularly affected by accidental entanglement in fishing lines, because these species take so long to reproduce.
184. The accidental dropping of that bit of rubber led to the development of the process - vulcanization of rubber - which makes thousands of useful rubber products possible.
185. Ensures data recovery even from accidentally formatted iPod memory or accidental iPod data Reset operation performed.
186. The brightly-coloured caps prevent accidental scratches and damage to furniture - and have the added advantage of looking rather snazzy.
187. This paper analyses and inquires the meaning of accidental error and its variety.
188. A medical examiner found that the death was accidental caused by a mixture of medicines.
189. In modern episteme, it is separated or antagonistic on the whole(),[http:///accidental.html] even sometimes is accidental similar for the same category in different time and space.
190. The antiquated air traffic control system used today is an example of accidental complexity.
191. It includes group term life insurance, group lifetime insurance, group annuity insurance, group health insurance and group accidental injury insurance, etc.
192. Formal manual procedures and methods can be created and strictly followed to prevent accidental damage to the integrity of the models.
193. The first thing he discovers is that he has an accidental stowaway, an 8-year-old junior-explorer scout named Russell.
194. Why did Ford's accelerator always have an accidental failure on acclivity?
195. But deaths from accidental anchor-hold causing alcohol poisoning are also coming common.
196. It shall be noted that a shield wire laid over a buried cable also has the function to protect the cable against mechanical damage due to accidental digging.
197. Wait rely on "accidental" discoveries and inventions in principle to the "Project" has been understanding and knowledge of people, the production technology will be at a standstill.
198. Chen Xiangqun of Nanning city mayor points out, development of Nanning of health make choice of is not Fuji accidental.
199. This is fluky psychology, also be pure belong to accidental.
200. My own accidental cut across the knuckles was a flea-bite. Dr Livesey patched it up with plaster, and pulled my ears for me into the bargain.




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