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单词 Predicate
1. We predicate rationality of man.
2. Your proposal is acceptable, as we all predicate.
3. But we never have occasion to predicate of an object the individual and instantaneous impressions which it produces in us.
4. The condition is a predicate which is true of just those states N that the action can be applied to.
5. This predicate is sometimes given in terms of an entity which occurs in goal states and not in others.
6. Predicate Calculus and Program Semantics.
7. Most religions predicate life after death.
8. Invert the subject and predicate of a sentence.
9. The constructions of predicate slice, input dependency set and the linear constraint of predicate function on the increments for the input are no longer needed.
10. The interchange of the subject and predicate of a proposition.
11. In the refutation tree of predicate calculus, the proved conjunctive formula.
12. In this paper, a conditional predicate calculus logic was proposed for representing and reasoning about PKI trust model.
13. This paper expatiates the understanding of "grammar", "syntax and semantics" and "predicate and sentence" from the perspective of formal semantics.
14. In the sentence 'We went to the airport', 'went to the airport' is the predicate.
15. Familiar ways in which such participant-roles are encoded in language are of course the pronouns and their associated predicate agreements.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. The natural rules for this task have conditions which also include the predicate which checks that two things are different.
17. It is not individual qualities that we ever have occasion to predicate.
18. The abolished process is that which generates the functional predicate/argument structure for a sentence.
19. If Diaz is convicted of robbing Leal, he could face 15 years to life in jail as a predicate felon.
20. Third, it is noteworthy that the question appropriate to predicate qualifying position is different from that for the postnominal attributive adjectives.
21. He should be content instead with outlining the motive principle and not try to predicate any content to it.
22. A state of the blocks world is portrayed as an assertion, formed with predicate symbols.
23. Syntax function of Adverbial phrase of neoteric Chinese adverb "indeed" is mostly serving as predicate, and it also serves as a complement accidentally.
24. Usually for a declarative sentence: the subject (S) precedes the predicate and the verb (V) precedes the object (O); the modifier (attributive and adverbial) precedes the central words.
25. The qualifying records (only the relevant columns) are copied to a private memory pool to be filtered by a stage-2 predicate.
26. Parameter markers, denoted by the question mark character (?), replace hard-coded predicate values to allow for greater flexibility.
27. Based on a three-level structure of WSN, base station and data server, water attainment sampling algorithms by predicate are designed and simulated.
28. This paper investigates the theory and application of incomplete information system by using the medium logic predicate calculus system MFM.
29. Additionally, DB2 requires that you follow a basic syntax rule in order to detect the potential application of a spatial predicate.
30. The element's index is used in the logic of the predicate function.
1. We predicate rationality of man.
31. This kind of assertion seems to require special language extensions and has led people to suggest introducing first-order predicate calculus.
32. This is because, for a given row, the XMLEXISTS predicate evaluates to false only if the XQuery expression inside returns the empty sequence.
33. A predicate function object or function pointer, see below for more information.
34. At the base of first order predicate logic this paper construct a strategy logic reasoning machine model, and discuss the correctness of this model.
35. This paper proposes a formal framework based on predicate calculus that maps object models into relational ones to construct persistent object layer.
36. At last predicate logic is combined with production KR, as which a method to describe the warning rule in the knowledge base.
37. Adjective is always the attribute, adverbial, degree complement, predicate in the sentence.
38. This example is legal if the database supports code set Shift_JIS code points that are used in the title predicate, but fails to execute correctly on other databases.
39. At last predicate logic is combined with production KR, as which a method to describe the reasoning rule in the knowledge base.
40. The adverbial of time modifying the predicate generally follows the subject.
41. In the formatted query, each table reference, each column reference under the SELECT clause, and each predicate is shown on its own line.
42. Any logic which uses the existential quantifier or the universal quantifier is said to be a predicate logic.
43. Proper names and definite descriptions are singular conceptions in traditional logic, while they are named as singular terms in predicate logic .
44. In two-valued predicate logic a class of special interpretations of first language with nonempty finite domains is introduced.
45. Accordingly, XSIEQ can quickly decide the opportunity of predicate evaluation and data cache in runtime(sentence dictionary), and implement immediate processing.
46. Model representation method based on first order predicate logic is proposed. This method is applied in DSS. Finally, its utility and inference mechanism are analyzed.
47. , the RID_BIT equals predicate is implemented as a new direct access method in order to efficiently locate the row.
48. The predicate is applied to the elements of the input list.
49. The grammatical function of these words and phrases is generally adverbial, sometimes is predicate or attributive, but not subject and object.
50. Shows how to perform join operations based on any kind of predicate function.
51. Based on the relational knowledge model,() the knowledge base management system GKBMS is introduced in this paper. GKBMS combines predicate calculus with relational calculus.
52. "Concept words", "predicate", "lexical item" and "concept" are four different notions, their relationship are quite complicated.
53. First, the crime of money - laundering predicate offences legislation. 1, foreign legislative provisions.
54. Grammar Limited by person, number, tense, and mood. Used of a verb that can serve as a predicate or the initial element of one.
55. In this knowledge base system model, we adopt both first order predicate logic (FOPL) and case knowledge representation modes to represent the knowledge.
56. When the predicate verbs in the sentences are of attribute, the sentences are non-event sentences.
57. I believe that it's very useful for Computer science students who learning Boolean algebra and predicate logic.
58. First , we do a sematic classification for the predicate, analyse which sematic kinds of verbs can as a centre form predicate-object structure idioms family.
59. Under the geometric background, the extended problem of state feedback control for discrete event systems is solved, including both simple and general predicate.
60. Position ternary predicate shape, edit reading, connect roles, and add constraints.
61. Each step in a path expression can also contain a predicate that filters the elements that are returned by that step, retaining only elements that satisfy some condition.
62. This kind of assertion seems previou assert order to require special language extensions and has led people to suggest introducing first-order predicate calculus.
63. Limited by person, number, tense, and mood. Used of a verb that can serve as a predicate or the initial element of one.
64. The syntactic position of Chinese double negative is relatively fixed, usually in a position of predicate.
65. From the perspective of syntax, the differences between biased error words and objective words, when collocating with verbs and nouns, whether acting as predicate and object or not, are found.
66. The verb predicate sentence pattern of Huian dialect is quite complicated with its own characteristics.
67. The latter of these two predicates is a Boolean predicate that returns "false" if the phone element does not have the desired value.
68. Whether the classical predicate logic systems with the primitive rule of universal generalization have the strong semantic soundness depends on the restriction of the rule.
69. The constructional particle "ge4, " which is between predicate and supplementary, is also formed by the single usage.
70. Each probe clause consists of a probe point specification statement, action block, and an optional predicate.
71. CRP level can predicate the development of carotid atherosclerotic plaques.
72. The syntactic positions which are connected by the predicate at the syntactic level are called the syntactic valence of the predicate.
73. It can serve as subject, predicate, object, attribute and adverbial modifier.
74. A depictive adjunct predicate may be hosted by either the subject or the object.
75. Informally,(/predicate.html) XQuery is designed to be able to construct any XML document that can be computed from input XML documents using the power of the first-order predicate calculus.
76. This paper deals with the background of the celebrated Goodman's new riddle of induction and the logic and semantics of predicate grue.
77. On the contrary, semantic valence combination is the semantic-syntactic phenomenon that two semantic valences of a predicate could be expressed by one syntactic valence at the syntactic level.
78. Part three: It firstly discusses whether existence is a logical predicate then discusses Quine"s"to be is to be the value of a variable" . In the end , we has a comment on all kinds of theories.
79. The data type in the query predicate and the index definition are compatible.
80. When the predicate verb is a multivalent verb, two other types will be produced: accusative subject and reason subject.
81. Predicate Calculus language of the traditional semantic component of the mathematical logic of a very rich branch.
82. Predicate logic is a kind of highly formalized language and its inferences in view of the analysis of predicate, and is one of the most important theoretical bases of AI.
83. Also in the query rewrite vein, modifying a SELECT to get rid of a range-type predicate can increase performance by improving index key column matching.
84. The XML index definition is equally or less restrictive than the query predicate ("containment").
85. This term refers to the lexical representation of grammatical information about a predicate.
86. This paper investigates a subtype of resultative predicate marked by the verbal particle-can in Cantonese and associated with adversative meaning.
87. Subject, predicate, object, objective complement, attribute, adverbial modifier, predicative, appositive.
88. The same result could be obtained by adding a predicate to the path expression, as shown in Listing 13.
89. Performance can be improved by allowing the predicate to be applied close to the table access.
90. A negator is a function adaptor that reverses the truth value of a predicate function object.
91. But people start worrying that the abrogation of National Day Holiday shall predicate the losing of furlough for the common people.
92. In these analyses the argument structure of a predicate is a set of elements, with the external or internal status of an argument indicated by various notational devices.
93. The syntactic position of English double negative is also relatively flexible. It can be used as predicative, adverbial, and even can be used as predicate.
94. Since it is a range predicate and there are no frequency and histogram statistics available, the filter factor is calculated with the basic statistics information HIGH2KEY and LOW2KEY.
95. In this thesis , subject - subject - predicate ( ss - s - p ) specially refers to the sentence pattern possessing a predicateaa predicate.
96. Using a UNION or an IN-list are two common ways to eliminate an OR in a predicate ( see Table 1).
97. For medium predicate logic system MF, a new infinite value semantic interpretation that is l-interpretation is introduced, the l-resolution method is led into the MF.
98. The relation between a subject and its predicate is sometimes called a nexus.
99. To remove the document, issue a DELETE statement with an appropriate WHERE predicate.
100. The semantic orientation of complement is complicated, it can direct predicate verbs, and also can direct subject, object and prepositional object of the sentence.
101. The clauses of the query — such as its selection terms, the selection predicate in a WHERE clause, and ordering terms in an ORDER BY clause — can all be mutated.
102. By predicate logic, the solution is set up and the process of analysis is provided.
103. Predicate: Logical expression that modifies the control flow to conditionally trace the data.
104. It passes each value that it reads to the predicate function represented by its third argument.
105. Negative indication of English vocabulary is shown through the passive voice of the predicate in most cases.
106. Therefore, as DB2 Connect acts as a federation layer, it can perform predicate push-down or branch-tree elimination to speed up data access.
107. Negators : A negator is a function adaptor that reverses the truth value of a predicate function object.
108. Copies the contained elements, hash function, predicate, maximum load factor and allocator.
109. Write a predicate method isPerfectSquare(n) that returns true if the integer n is a perfect square.
110. This paper deals with the background of the celebrated Goodman's new riddle of induction and the logic and semantics of predicate grue. A Venn's diagram of predicate grue is presented.
111. Predicate logic of first order is the most classical calculation system in modern logic.
112. From the syntax structure, Predicate complement Structure consists of structure component, structure form, structure connection, etc.
113. Analyzing the vulnerabilities of security bootstrapping procedures in existing trusted mobile platforms, an improved procedure is proposed and it is verified according to predicate logic.
114. The semantic features of the predicate verbs have restraints on the lexical selection of the depictive adjunct predicates.
115. In general, a grammatical clause contains a subject and a predicate.
116. Clausal predicate is a special but normal sentence structure in the Chinese language which always exists in the history.
117. Both indexes defined above are eligible to evaluate the XMLEXISTS predicate on the customer name.
118. This predicate returns true iff u has extended a friendship invitation to v.
119. The article makes the contrasts between predicate and pivotal sentences, Which are grammar research key points.
120. This is not expressible as a first - order predicate calculus property.
121. When the IN predicate is used in its join form, the optimizer still considers it for statistical correlation detection.
122. Web service ontology using predicate is defined, and the process of service composition with predicate calculus is proved.
123. These statements are conceptualized as triples, each of which has a subject predicate, which is also a URI; and an object, which is a URI or literal data value.
124. Copies the contained elements, hash function, predicate and maximum load factor but not the allocator.
125. Many intransitive notional verbs plus adjectives form compound predicate sentence patterns.
126. The value produced by that XQuery is either the customer's name element if the predicate is true, or the empty sequence otherwise.
127. Whether the classical predicate logic systems with the primitive rule of universal generalization have the strung semantic soundness depends on the restriction of the rule.
128. Additional local predicates that are not automatically provided by DB2 that can provide predicate transitive closure.
129. In the end, predicate logic has still some problems and we hope more people take part in the study of logic.
130. The subject and predicate nominal must be connected by a linking verb, also called copula.
131. Based on the framework, a practical tool has been developed to predicate and analyze visually the program execution time.
132. Recognizing the predicate head is an important part of the syntactic analysis of Chinese sentences.
133. Every girl was used to be a tearless angel , that period , I predicate that she was certain to dry her eyes.
134. The atomic formula is called atom for short in predicate calculus.
135. After this, American Logician Kurt Godel proved the completeness theory of predicate calculus. This means the completion of the base of Modern Logic.
135. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
136. In general, a grammatical clause contain a subject and a predicate.
137. Also, first - order predicate calculus isn't good enough anyway.
138. The second part analyzes the formal language of knowledge predicate logic.
139. Predicate logic: also predicate calculus, which studies the internal structure of simple propositions.
140. The words that function as predicate are adjectives, nouns, numerals and onomatopoeia, in addition to verbs.
141. "People" is a collective noun. It is singular in form, but takes a plural predicate verb.
142. Symbolic logic is often divided into two branches, propositional logic and predicate logic.
143. Three temporal logics i. e. first-order predicate calculus, modal logic and reified logic are discussed.
144. Before access path selection, the DB2 optimizer transforms SQL statements into forms that are semantically identical, such as by using predicate pushdown or predicate transitive closure.
145. This is a collective noun. Though it appears in the singular form, it takes a plural predicate verb.
146. Find out all the predicate structure, non-predicate, prepositional phrase and the lead word of the subordinate clause.
147. The fundamental goal of this enterprise is to derive a- structure from semantic and then to derive the lexical behavior of a predicate and its d - structure from its argument structure representation.
148. Authors designed a kindred automatic reasoning model based on one-order predicate logic.
149. The influence oof personal noun, predicate, auxiliary, sentence structure, sentence form and tone n the force of Imperative Sentence are studies respectively.
150. And if you want the like predicate applied before the in-list predicate, your coding order must reflect that.
151. The variables to which the obligatory participants in the scene correspond in the dictionary definitions or in the metalanguage definitions is called the semantic valence of the predicate.
152. It'serves as the subject ( object, predicate, predicative, attribute, adverbial, object complement ).
153. In both languages, if the causee is a person, the logical subjects of the predicate are the causer and causee.
154. Predicate _ complement structure in Miao language contains three levels.
155. Thus a kind of new syntactical and semantical systems of fuzzy predicate calculus are formed.
156. This statement is then completed by the row specifying the test condition, which is also used to populate the FROM clause and additional the WHERE clause so forming a predicate.




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