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单词 Preoccupation
1 Their chief preoccupation was how to feed their families.
2 She found his preoccupation with money irritating.
3 In his preoccupation with Robyn, Crook had neglected everything.
4 The management's preoccupation with costs and profits resulted in a drop in quality and customer service.
5 Their main preoccupation was how to feed their families.
6 She spoke slowly, in a state of preoccupation.
7 His current preoccupation is the appointment of the new manager.
8 Lately, his preoccupation with football had caused his marks at school to slip.
9 By now this had become a major preoccupation for him.
10 His main preoccupation at that time was getting enough to eat.
11 My main preoccupation now is trying to keep life normal for the sake of my two boys.
12 Music has been his major preoccupation since childhood.
13 Power was the chief preoccupation of Lenin and Stalin.
14 In particular,[] aerodynamics are a major preoccupation.
15 High preoccupation with time and clarity of role.
16 In the 1960s this preoccupation gave way to an urgent need to consider domestic problems such as racial disharmony and poverty.
17 Linear preoccupation in the past remains a closed book to modern understanding.
18 A major preoccupation of writers on organization has been the design of structures that will maximize efficiency.
19 The pictures belong to an era when there was a preoccupation with high society.
20 It was hard for him to be aware of her; he kept sinking back into black preoccupation.
21 He considered her sound as a bell in most ways, apart from this mad preoccupation with Nicandra's social life.
22 The reworking of another artist's work-by appropriation or erasure-has been identified as a postmodern preoccupation.
23 Nathalie Sarraute's novels could be claimed to display autonomy and reflexivity, despite her preoccupation with such a mimetic project.
24 Since most of the male students were in their mid to late twenties, spouse hunting for them was a major preoccupation.
25 Nevertheless, few literary movements have exhibited such an abiding preoccupation with establishing antecedents in order to defend and define their textual practices.
26 After Franco's death at the end of 1975, the overwhelming political preoccupation was the creation of new democratic institutions.
27 To locate a text in a specific historical milieu was only the preoccupation of specialist scholarship.
28 Throughout history the voluntary control of sexuality has been a major preoccupation of all religions, all cultures, all peoples.
29 He remained with Champneys until 1880, but it soon became clear that architecture would never be his chief preoccupation.
30 But Morning Mourning won her over to this latest preoccupation.
1 Their chief preoccupation was how to feed their families.
2 In his preoccupation with Robyn, Crook had neglected everything.
3 The management's preoccupation with costs and profits resulted in a drop in quality and customer service.
4 By now this had become a major preoccupation for him.
31 My only reservation with his classification of roles is that it reflects a Western preoccupation with task behaviours.
32 For primary class teachers, the National Curriculum and assessment provide the overwhelming preoccupation.
33 Experimentation with colour and support has become a major preoccupation for him.
34 When she became engrossed in some new work he made her preoccupation an excuse for drawing away from her.
35 A sleepless alien might legitimately conclude that Earthlings' central preoccupation was this peculiar sort of inactivity.
36 Consumer protection has, in recent years, become more of a preoccupation for governments and pressure groups.
37 Politics became the major preoccupation shared by all, rather than the concern of the ruling few.
38 If pining for the object of your affections is your preoccupation, Asawa offers plenty of support here in these amatory plaints.
39 This preoccupation with death and judgment was not merely a cultural phenomenon it was deliberate.
40 Writing a will is not evidence of a morbid preoccupation with death.
41 When at home, Mr Berisha's main preoccupation is keeping his unruly party under control.
42 Even before his Stockport vision had collapsed, Oldknow had begun a consuming preoccupation with this largely rural community.
43 The second source of error is the preoccupation with repression as the task of the agencies of the bourgeois class.
44 After the birth of her second child, Annie began to have religious doubts and returned to her preoccupation with theology.
45 Usually one constant theme related to the shared preoccupation of the couple underlies the seemingly different causes of rows and arguments.
46 More fundamentally(), this preoccupation with numerical aspects may draw attention away from important issues that are more difficult to quantify.
47 Mr Reynolds' main preoccupation before his operation is with the stoma which will be formed during the procedure.
48 Richards found a preoccupation amongst employers with the image of engineering.
49 From chapter 8 onwards the theme of suffering is the major preoccupation of the book.
50 A second preoccupation evident in these papers is responsibility, and what could roughly be described as the ethical dimension of conceptualisation.
51 The congressional leaders with whom they dealt had similar backgrounds and a similar preoccupation.
52 An initial preoccupation was co-operation over economic development, but later priorities were internal security and defence.
53 Regular entertaining of company personnel, as well as occasional friends at weekends, threatened to become a major preoccupation for Laura.
54 Since far fewer females than males commit crimes, this preoccupation has been one main source of sexism.
55 Preoccupation with status itself may be the greatest barrier to intellectual achievement.
56 This perhaps reflects the painter's preoccupation with nature seen through the eyes of a romantic.
57 The shortcomings of such an approach lie in the preoccupation with social phenomena which are directly observable.
58 Hated it for its bleak isolation and petty preoccupation with the work of fences and confinement.
59 In the Romantic tradition a preoccupation with suicide and death is merely a further move on a continuum of sensuality and eroticism.
60 These apocalyptic still lifes emphasise more strongly than the earlier work Christa Dichgans' preoccupation with the psychic reality of objects.
61 Perhaps some people's preoccupation with job titles on business cards is compensation for this.
62 Taken overall, the preoccupation with living religions was stronger than in western art.
63 Rockburne's new paintings show her preoccupation with color and measurement.
64 In any case for the library user the style of popular books - particularly popular fiction - is often not a preoccupation.
65 Specifically, Ortega seeks to restore concrete human life to the centre-stage of philosophical preoccupation.
66 It was to salve her conscience, she thought, and make up for her obsessional preoccupation with Nick Frazer.
67 It is noticeable that cockfighting is an exclusively male preoccupation, though this is not really analysed.
68 However, a concern to understand social policy may be distinguished from a preoccupation with the determinants of welfare.
69 The middle years of the nineteenth century witnessed a continued preoccupation with the consequences of urbanisation.
70 She heard readings from Hilton's Scale of perfection,[sentence dictionary] from which she may have absorbed her preoccupation with virginity.
71 The national question as such still remains a central preoccupation for catholic nationalists.
72 In any case, the argument was quite remote from Lenin's preoccupation with binding up the wounds of national estrangement.
73 My preoccupation with time, when I want to be timeless, has taken me to new heights of eccentricity.
74 The safety of young children is a constant preoccupation of parents at the seaside.
75 The intensity and bleakness of feeling conveyed in his work reflects a growing preoccupation with death.
76 Henceforth this system provided the framework for his preoccupation with the problems of the extinction and origin of species.
77 At first glance, it seems to defend the continuing urgency of production and our preoccupation with it as a goal.
78 That was even true of de Gaulle's other main preoccupation in these years - his ambitious and contentious foreign policy.
79 Our preoccupation with production, in other words, may be a preoccupation with a problem of rather low urgency.
80 Pay flexibility is a main preoccupation of Mr Montagu and Mr Brown in the planning stage.
81 Her preoccupation with Proteus allowed Kevin's tormented gaze to creep up as far as her knees.
82 Afterwards he decided that his intense preoccupation with politics and the Liberal Party had not represented his true conviction.
83 And increasingly, the relatively brief preoccupation with methodology was seen to have run its course in economics.
84 Not just the obvious problem: preoccupation with the financial rewards to the neglect of your research.
85 Alberti's remarks on the harmonious assortment of colours in painting also reflect a preoccupation in Florence in the early fifteenth century.
86 However, the very preoccupation with identifying causal influences begs more fundamental questions about whether contemporaries shared intellectual assumptions.
87 The relationship between content and style has been a constant and controversial preoccupation of literary critics.
88 It can never be utterly erased by our preoccupation with the self and our ignorance.
89 In her hands she carried two things that made Creusa, in all her preoccupation, start and look sharply at them.
90 Georgina's preoccupation with her appearance takes up most of her time.
91 His main preoccupation becomes the demonstration of prowess through chasing off other males that attempt to gain access to his females.
92 But his main preoccupation was with the unfinished Requiem, which had begun to prey on his mind.
93 He always takes his preoccupation with the educational cause.
94 Preoccupation with body appearance or weight.
95 The feminist preoccupation with not being seen as a sex object was another point that led to misunderstanding.
96 If you are discomfited by this preoccupation, then you have an alcohol problem.
97 Like nose-picking and a preoccupation with feculence, the inability to sit still for long periods is a defining characteristic of childhood.
98 This added even more machinery for the preoccupation of ballroom dance.
99 Karouzos's poetry shows a profound preoccupation with the Orthodox Church.
100 Common sense and moral propriety , which ignored the Romanticists, again the predominant preoccupation in literary work.http://
101 Such an excessive preoccupation with one's health can't be normal.
102 Our current preoccupation with zombies and vampires is easy to explain.
103 Perhaps such holographic knowledge will even become one's new ascending preoccupation.
104 He may put a preoccupation with the opportunity to speak, like a bandit squatting on roadside, being ready covetously to a highway robbery.
105 A master programmer passed a novice programmer one day. The master noted the novice's preoccupation with a hand-held computer game.
106 Dynastic change and regime separation led to scholars' preoccupation with pleasure-seeking.
107 On the site of the excavations there was no evidence of preoccupation.
108 Credit and credit cards were additionally a part of his preoccupation.
109 Finally I lifted from my mind the constant preoccupation with military probl ems.
110 Austen caters to Americans'perennial 11 Anglophilia 12 as does that odd preoccupation with the royals.
111 The principal of urban planning and design preoccupation in the 21 st century is sustainable cities.
112 So he allowed his mind to be occupied with her, deeming his preoccupation to be no more than a philosopher's regard of an exceedingly novel, fresh, and interesting specimen of womankind.
113 He put a preoccupation with the opportunity to speak, like a bandit squatting on roadside, ready covetously to a highway robbery.
114 The book connects to Mr. Gilb's earlier efforts, and his preoccupation with young, working-class Mexican-American men prone to getting themselves in trouble.
115 It is clear, however, that mysticism is not the same as magic, clairvoyance, parapsychology, or occultism, nor does it consist in a preoccupation with sensory images, visions, or special revelations.
116 America should discard its preoccupation with power and stress human rights.
117 Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a condition marked by an excessive preoccupation with an imaginary or minor defect in a facial feature or localized part of the body.
118 An examination of the art of the Middle Ages tells us something about the medieval preoccupation with theological doctrine.
119 There was a dreaminess, a preoccupation, an exaltation, in the maternal look which the girl could not understand.




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