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单词 Affection
1, That trial is not fair where affection is the judge. 
2, He gave her a kiss that betokened his affection.
3, He didn't show his wife any affection.
4, The handsome young man excited affection in a girl.
5, Children need lots of love and affection.
6, The motherless children were starving for affection.
7, He had a deep affection for his aunt.
8, I have a great affection for New York.
9, Affection is desirable.Money is absolutely indispensable!
10, He felt great affection for his sister.
11, He's so susceptible that she easily gained his affection.
12, In her youth she was encapsulated in affection.
13, Every mother has affection for her own child.
14, Bart had a deep affection for the old man.
15, She thought of him with affection.
16, Bruno clowned and won affection everywhere.
17, I was born with an enormous need for affection(), and a terrible need to give it.
18, If you are a winter grass, affection is the sun,[http:///affection.html] warm your cold body.
19, She was held in deep affection by all her students.
20, if equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.
21, sometime affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom.
22, He inspires affection and respect as a man of unquestionable integrity.
23, If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.
24, Over the years, he has earned our affection and esteem.
25, Sometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom.
26, He was held in great affection by hundreds of students.
27, Happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection, and obedience of the children the submission to love. 
28, The family, is Mulan for the father of story; affection, is this story; affection, is A Bing the moon reflected in the melody.
29, It's a great feeling when a wild animal shows you affection.
30, Happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection, and of the children the submission to love.
1, He didn't show his wife any affection.
2, Children need lots of love and affection.
3, He had a deep affection for his aunt.
4, I have a great affection for New York.
5, He's so susceptible that she easily gained his affection.
6, Every mother has affection for her own child.
7, Bart had a deep affection for the old man.
8, She thought of him with affection.
9, Bruno clowned and won affection everywhere.
10, She was held in deep affection by all her students.
11, It's a great feeling when a wild animal shows you affection.
12, He inspires affection and respect as a man of unquestionable integrity.
13, Over the years, he has earned our affection and esteem.
14, He was held in great affection by hundreds of students.
15, In this society there is a taboo on/against any sort of public display of affection.
16, He wept for the loss of his mother and his tardy recognition of her affection.
17, She appeared genuinely surprised by this gesture of affection.
31, The family is the rain, take irritable, leaving Qingliang; affection is the wind, blowing the sorrow, stay happy; the family is the sun, taking away the darkness, leaving the light. The family is the most great, no matter you are happy, frustration, pain, loss, it will gently on your way, quietly with your life.
32, In this society there is a taboo on/against any sort of public display of affection.
33, Happy birthday with my warm affection and loving thought of you.May your days be bright with dreams come true and filled with favorite memories.
34, He wept for the loss of his mother and his tardy recognition of her affection.
35, My greetings come with affection for the nicest kind of birthday that could be wished for you.When this day comes to an end and you lie down to rest,may the peace of a golden dream be filled with happiness.
36, Affection is like water, so that all become pure filtered; it makes the flat family, by burning the more edges; the family is poetry, so boring after modified reached a kind of artistic conception. The family, life eternal power.
37, I wish you a happy New Year. All affection and best wishes to you and yours.
38, Warm wishes on your birthday.I send along my love and affection for you as well as a small gift.Take care!
39, I wish you a merry Christmas. All affection and best wishes to you and yours.
40, He'll be remembered with genuine affection.
41, She appeared genuinely surprised by this gesture of affection.
42, He just wants a bit of affection.
43, He rejected any affection as namby-pamby nonsense.
44, He had developed a certain affection for me.
45, She looked back on those days with affection .
46, I don't go in for public displays of affection.
47, There was no fatherly affection(), no display of sentiment.
48, He finds it difficult to show affection.sentence dictionary
49, She had always had a sneaking affection for him.
50, He was a boy who desperately needed affection.
51, There was no reciprocation of affection.
52, You should not trifle with someone's affection.
53, There's never much display of affection between them.
54, The letters show her deep affection for him.
55, I tried to win her affection.
56, You can compel obedience, but not affection.
57, Her affection for him is deeply rooted.
58, The old king was held in great affection.
59, I have a deep affection for his mother.
60, She had tried hard to win his affection.
61, I cannot return your love/affection.
62, Their affection for her soon increased almost to idolatry.
63, Showing affection in public just isn't done in Japan.
64, What that kid needs is some love and affection.
65, He sported with her affection.
66, She felt no affection for the child.
67, Their father never showed them much affection .
68, A rush of pure affection swept over him.
69, He has a deep affection for his old friend.
70, The teacher showed affection towards all her pupils.
71, The child is simply hungry for affection.
72, The orphan was hungry for affection.
73, A child needs love and affection.
74, She is glad to embosom his affection.
75, The child was starving for affection.
76, Her kindness made him regard her with renewed affection.
77, He greeted us both with warmth and affection.
78, She had developed quite an affection for the place.
78, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
79, She still speaks about him with great affection.
80, Don't squander your affection on him he'll never love you.
81, He got up a strange affection for the little girl.
82, He made a great show of affection, but I knew he didn't mean it.
83, She felt a bond of affection for the other girls.
84, Please accept this gift in token of our affection for you.
85, To my teacher I dedicate this dictionary in token of affection and gratitude.
86, I yearn for the love and affection I once had.
87, The church was held in great affection by the local residents.
88, You can't spoil a child by giving it all the affection it wants.
89, The crowd of mourners at his funeral bore witness to the great affection in which he was held.
90, The sole object of all the child's affection was a soft toy.
91, Great affection tied them.
92, Year by year their affection for each other grew stronger.
93, She greeted him civilly but with no sign of affection.
94, Normally, such an outward display of affection is reserved for his mother.
95, He envied the affection that flowed between the boy and the old man.
96, His behaviour extinguished the last traces of affection she had for him.
97, All that toughness is just a cover for his inability to show affection.
98, I remember this extraordinary man with particular affection for his unfailing cheerfulness.
99, He thought of his old teacher with a surge of affection.
100, Everyone spoke of it with affection.
101, There was great affection between the two.
102, And always, along with the banter was affection.
103, He remembers it with considerable affection.
104, She never seemed to show us any affection.
105, The same goes for personal affection.
106, I heard and felt affection and pride.
107, And real affection may negate such stances.
108, There is mutual respect and affection.
109, You need time,[] affection and love to experiment.
110, They love it when the pupils spontaneously show affection or appreciation.
111, And the true Jets' fans have curious ways of showing their affection.
112, Talk seriously and deeply - about themselves, about their regard and affection for each other, about the strangeness of life.
113, He was remembered with great affection by all who knew him in the course of his short life.
114, The crowd of mourners at his funeral bore witness to the affection and respect Stanley had earned through his life and work.
115, I knew that of all the people who worked for him, Narendra probably felt the deepest affection and respect for Mornat.
116, This is especially important for work-inhibited children, who need their parents' affection, acceptance, and guidance.
117, In her new book, she looks back with affection on her wartime adventures.
118, He was not a man to show public affection on foreign soil.
119, I can sit here by your bed and simply feel affection.
120, I have rung the world from these boxes and feel a great affection and gratitude towards them.
121, Human beings are funny. They long to be with the person they love but refuse to admit openly. Some are afraid to show even the slightest sign of affection because of fear. Fear that their feelings may not be recognized, or even worst, returned. But one thing about human beings puzzles me the most is their conscious effort to be connected with the object of their affection even if it kills them slowly within. Sigmund Freud 
122, This hasn't stopped me admiring, respecting and feeling affection for Steffi.
123, She'd always believed in the strength of her parents' marriage, the power of its mutual affection.
124, I could refuse to buy her a car, but I could not insist that she feel some affection for me.
125, She pointed out that they rarely seemed to express affection towards Pamela and that this might be making her feel insecure.
126, Two friendly, hospitable brothers own and run the Hotel Gallini and regard both the hotel and their guests with great affection.
127, Alison and I had been at school together, and I felt great affection for her.
128, He gave her physical protection, but never showed her any affection again.
129, I can not believe that you were quite unaware of my growing affection for you.
130, That she does it for the money, which symbolises affection, emotional security and personal achievement.
131, Her somnolent black eyes and tenderly pursed pink lips intrude upon the eggshell delicacy of her face with the most delicate affection.
132, Jonadab was taken aback, not being a man given to overt affection.
133, I should do more(), but how can I express physical affection for Bob without being a phony?
134, By contrast, Dole and his wife, Elizabeth, rarely display affection in public.
135, Like Benno Moiseiwitsch, Cortot confessed to a special affection for Schumann, whose music is at the very heart of romanticism.
136, I remember with great affection, Teacher Doris and Teacher George.
137, It was as genuine as her affection for the old man.
138, I was being kissed a lot lately: I needed the affection, I can tell you.
139, We were classless, building up a mutual affection with those who watched us.
140, Even before I was a radio reporter, I had developed an inexplicable affection for pay phones.
141, And it is his deep affection for Jane as a child that saves her, while Owens' fortune merely supports her.
142, There is no one simple formula as to how each parent should give affection.
143, Perhaps they felt pity and affection for the animals moving through a world by which they were doomed to be destroyed.
144, Move to Autonomy: Setting Limits Children who receive affection and messages of acceptance are likely to feel secure.
145, By winter, a real affection had developed between Lovat and Topaz.
146, They were being brought up with the same affection the Sheikha gave her own daughter.
147, He knew he must treat her affection for him seriously.
148, His greatest strength-the manifest affection and trust of the voters-was also his most debilitating weakness.
149, I have great admiration and affection for the majority of my neighbours.
150, Thus it can learn to need affection from people too.
151, That he had a deep affection for her no one knew, certainly not Rose.
152, Guideline 7: Show your affection and foster your child's love and respect.
153, As a result of my friendship with Harold Wilson I developed considerable affection for him, which I still maintain.
154, I sat down and he hopped on to me, showing affection.
155, Please let me say, Helen, that I have the very greatest affection and respect for you.
156, She was far from being so, and I always remember her with affection for the way she enlivened my drama classes.
157, They held hands and laughed, and the genuine affection between the two was obvious.
158, I still had a great affection for his body, and it was lovely to think we might play again.
159, And I had an affection for Bernard who went to school with me.
160, The conservative Cornish, who had not forgotten their previous grievances, had a deep affection for the Latin Liturgy.
161, The only time you express affection for each other is in bed.
162, My father didn't find it easy to express his affection for us.
163, At college he was held in great affection and esteem by his fellow students.
164, I don't at all disparage Marisleysis' motives or her genuine affection for Elian.
165, Then as the foal matures, it will form friendships with other horses and develop affection for them too.
166, But he had a deep affection for his wife, and she for him.
167, She expresses much appreciation for what she considers beautiful and is beginning to show and receive affection.
168, During the novel Lady Bertrmm and Sir Thomas never display a great deal of affection towards one another.
169, Since the age of eight,[Sentence dictionary] she's had an affection for music.
170, There is a need to go on being touched, to receive affection and recognition in this way all through life.
171, Certainly, younger children show affection and have feelings of liking and disliking.
172, He will be remembered with great affection as a generous host and a good listener.
173, She remembered Jeff and the deep affection and caring she had felt for him.
174, Well, it has bought us a Congress that ranks with bill collectors in the public affection.
175, Don't you know that Leeds fans express their affection for a player by verbally flaying him alive.
176, Over nearly fifty years, I have developed a great affection for them.
177, Even where deep affection remains unaltered, the gap between them often becomes a chasm as years go by.
178, Those who knew Billy Callender still speak of him with affection and regard all these years later.
179, You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Buddha 
180, But a Churchill of whom I can only speak with deep affection is Randolph's son, Winston.
181, What made it difficult and then intolerable was a growing competition, a struggle for her affection between her parents.
182, Vidor was always to have a special affection for this film but later film historians have had many reservations.
183, As husband and father, Stewart provided the family little in the way of affection.
184, The world of affection, approval, and love is replaced by the world of order, work, and entrance exams.
185, Another three years later the passion had cooled somewhat but genuine affection remained.
186, Children need to be given affection and to experience safety.
187, You may be currently living with a consenting adult you have real affection for.
188, She attracted real affection, while the Shah himself aroused fear or, at best, respect.
189, Somehow Mr Mallory couldn't honestly say he felt any affection for Damien.
190, Yet with me, and only me, he showed other qualities, like tenderness, true brotherly love, genuine affection.
191, Tamar's eyes met George's and they smiled in mutual affection.
192, I couldn't remember the last time he'd shown me so much affection.
193, He flared his nostrils at her, a sign of affection.
194, This strategy will not only secure the affection of my president and my client but will also advance my career.
195, Young Katharine began to care about the newspaper, and the deep affection and trust between father and daughter grew.
196, Army regulations prohibit public displays of affection by soldiers, and private hideaways are hard to come by.
197, Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition, but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express. Joseph Addison 
198, Clare began to feel a foolish kind of affection for the umbrella that was doing them both such sterling service.
198, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
199, In any case it didn't preclude, on Pound's part, genuine affection.
200, It is that tender, chiding, mutual affection which makes these beautifully translated letters between them so agreeable to read.
201, Eventually, most youngsters outgrow the jealousy and bickering, and begin to feel affection and care for each other.
202, She was called Hodierna and Richard seems to have remembered her with affection.
203, Finally, a lie is wrong because it is in conflict with mutual trust and affection.
204, She was sharp-eyed and even sharper of tongue, but the bond of affection between them was unbreakable.
205, Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods. Christopher Hitchens 
206, It's seems that their marriage is a lost cause in which possess the husband and wife not real affection for one another.
207, This letter is significative of her affection.
208, "Hickox commanded absolute respect and affection, which was very special in the hurly-burly of British musical life, " he said.
209, Another strategy is forcing employees to sign "love contracts, " the office version of a prenup, stating their mutual affection will not interfere with the workplace.
210, Poems from Yutai Xinyong focus on the affection and the fair sex, namely, " collection of boudoir "
211, This study described the quantitative simulation of exciting conduction velocity affection on cardiac rhythm with three dimensions realistic torso-heart geometry models.
212, Horney proposes that people's basic anxiety would cause their neurotic needs and neurotic need for affection is the most important characteristic of neurotic trends.
213, The mechanism of affection of potassium humate to slurry is discussed.
214, Production of HIV affection on the economy, sociality and human beings.




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