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单词 Ordinance
1. City Ordinance 126 forbids car parking in this area of New York.
2. Judging the legality of the ordinance is within the province of the courts.
3. a city ordinance that says parks must be closed at 11 p.m.
4. Paul ordinance nullified by the Supreme Court.
5. It is against State law and City ordinance.
6. The ordinance, passed unanimously Tuesday, makes it either a misdemeanor or infraction to violate a park safety rule.
7. The Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance last fall to allow the new procedure.
8. She added that the city ordinance could be preempted by state gun laws.
9. Under the 1643 ordinance to control printing, Bachilor was appointed one of the twelve divines empowered to license books of divinity.
10. An ordinance not limited to the favored topics, for example, would have precisely the same beneficial effect.
11. Eventually the local authority associations agreed a self-denying ordinance and in many authorities councillors do not seek access to records on individuals.
12. In practice this ordinance brought about little immediate change because it was introduced piecemeal into various districts.
13. To comply with a city ordinance that barred the sale of the books, the tomes were buried in a city landfill.
14. The ordinance prohibits the city from recharging in contaminated areas.
15. The ordinance was hugely unpopular with real estate investors and apartment owners.
16. The council postponed reading of an ordinance to increase traffic fines in Grand Forks until the new council takes office.
17. The new ordinance makes it illegal to limit occupancy to fewer than two people per bedroom.
18. The ordinance prohibits the sale of fireworks within city limits.
19. But the record clearly indicates that ordinance came about primarily due to the efforts of McKasson and Councilman Steve Leal.
20. Students failing to comply with the rules will be subject to the provisions of Ordinance 1985/7, Students Discipline.
21. The archdiocese still hopes to persuade the city to exempt Catholic Charities from the domestic partners ordinance, he said.
22. The Court expressly concedes that this interest is compelling and is promoted by the ordinance.
23. The city's historical commission has been working on such an ordinance for several years with no success.
24. The last two options were to do nothing to change current regulations or have staffs study possible amendments to the zoning ordinance.
25. The agency apparently also wants to ease its administrative burdens under the contracting ordinance.
26. The City states in its briefs that the domestic partners ordinance does not interfere with those statutes.
27. The council also instructed Gittings and Lounsbery to come back in 30 days with a draft ordinance for a citywide cabaret tax.
28. At this meeting the ministers asserted that their form of Church government was established by divine ordinance.
29. But he said the specific cases did help his staff realize what kinds of establishments were not covered by the 1998 ordinance.
30. On January 18, 1977, by a vote of five to three[], the commission passed the ordinance.
1. Judging the legality of the ordinance is within the province of the courts.
31. Without declaring for or against the coup, Sukarno issued an ordinance stating he had taken over command of the armed forces.
32. The ordinance adopted by the City Council Tuesday night will take effect in 30 days.
33. The ordinance signally failed to arrest the concentration of ownership which developed apace from 1951.
34. The outgoing council did not have legal authority to give final approval to an ordinance.
35. Remember those fights we had about Anita Bryant and the gay rights ordinance?
36. This Ordinance shall be thirty-eighth effective upon promulgation.
37. Penn Central involved a New York historic preservation ordinance.
38. Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance.
39. The Town Planning Ordinance was first enacted in 1939.
40. Includes terms of reference, membership, ordinance and voter registration.
41. Mortimer did not learn that the new address violated the ordinance until he checked in with police and was told it was off-limits.
42. This order may be cited as the Metrication Amendments (Dangerous Goods Ordinance) Order.
43. But it is a Sisyphean task: Manteca's ordinance, restricting residents to two sales a year, is widely ignored.
44. Any non - compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance.
45. The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance.
46. The relevant provisions in the Government Rent Ordinance for development sites did not infringe BL 121.
47. This order may be cited as the Metrication Amendments (Radiation Ordinance) Order.
48. The truth is that the United States has a long and overlooked history of "nationalization, " starting with the Northwest Ordinance of 1789, and then the Louisiana Purchase of 1803.
49. I have noted the general points pursuant to the Personal Data ( Privacy ) Ordinance.
50. The Objectionable Publications Ordinance ( Cap . 150 . 1975 Ed. ) is repealed.
51. It is an offence under the Crimes Ordinance (Chapter 200 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to make a false statement in a statutory declaration. Offenders are liable to imprisonment and a fine.
52. Law is an ordinance of reason for the common good.
53. The main subjects in sewage sludge ordinance of the European Community and Germany are compared.
54. This Ordinance may be cited as the Judicial Proceedings ( Regulation of Reports ) Ordinance.
55. The Foundation is a public charity organisation and is therefore tax-exempted in accordance with No. 88 of the Tax Ordinance.
56. An ordinance regulating weights and measures and the weights and prices of articles of consumption .
57. I also understand that according to the Hong Kong Personal Data (privacy) Ordinance, I have the right to inspect,[] verify or correct my personal data kept by OV.
58. Under the Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Ordinance Cap 371 in 2006, smoking is prohibited in "public pleasure ground" (PPG)s.
59. A comprehensive review of the Education Ordinance and the Education Regulations was conducted in 2000.
60. Under Section 26(1) of the Social Workers Registration Ordinance, the Board has full discretionary power in the appointment of disciplinary committee panel members.
61. For its 150th birthday, the former mining town — known for its anything-goes reputation among ski fanatics — recently passed an ordinance to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana.
62. AND I MAKE this Statutory Declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, by virtue of the Oaths and Declarations Ordinance.
63. Subject to paragraphs 3 and 4, the use of non-metric units in documents submitted under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Cap 109) on or after the commencement of this order is prohibited.
64. This order may be cited as the Metrication Amendments ( Dutiable Commodities Ordinance ) Order.
65. The Ordinance provides you the rights to ascertain whether IESG is holding your personal data and to correct any data that is inaccurate and not up to date.
66. Officially certified true copy of the new Business Registration Application Form(s) under the Business Registration Ordinance (obtainable from the Business ...
67. The ordinance provides severe penalties for offences such as carrying on an unlicensed money - lending business.
68. Guarding Services Ordinance ( Cap 460 ), and to those conditions specified overleaf.
69. This capability allows the Strike Eagle fly undetected, deep into enemy territory and deliver its ordinance.
70. The Air Pollution Control Ordinance bans the import and sale of the more potentially dangerous types of asbestos, namely amosite and crocidolite , from May 1996.
71. Hong Kong lacks any non-discriminatory ordinance, and many locals still regard homosexuality with unease.
72. Description of the information network transmission right protection Ordinance, on digital rights made some initial requirements.
73. All employers are required to have valid employees' compensation insurance policies to cover their liabilities both under the ordinance and at common law.
74. In 1895 the Bank Note Issue Ordinance tightened up the regulation of banknotes .
75. For further details on the Company's compliance with the Ordinance and any other privacy legislation, please contact the Company's Privacy Compliance Officer at the address listed below.
76. The priesthood is theirs by a lasting ordinance. In this way you shall ordain Aaron and his sons.
77. Hadacheck involved a Los Angeles city ordinance making it unlawful to operate a brickyard within certain portions of the city.
78. The applicant must be a bona-fide non-profit-making organisation exempt from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance,() Cap 112.
79. This Notice of Appeal must be filed at the office of the Registrar of the High Court within the time period as provided in section 32 of the Plant Varieties Protection Ordinance.
80. Following the enactment of the Prevention of Copyright Piracy Ordinance in May 1998, optical disc manufacturers are required to take out a licence from the Commissioner of Customs and Excise.
81. The ordinance provides severe penalties for statutory offences such as carrying on an unlicensed money - lending business.
82. This order may be cited as the Metrication Amendments (Miscellaneous Licences Ordinance) Order.
83. This Ordinance may be cited as the Diocesan School and Orphanage Incorporation Ordinance.
84. This Ordinance shall come into operation be appointed the Governor by notice in the Gazette.
85. An old ordinance declares goatees illegal unless you first pay a special license fee for the privilege of wearing one in public.
86. The Town Planning Ordinance was enacted in 1939 and has remained largely unchanged.
87. The Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 1999, which came into operation on November 11, introduced a new statutory procedure to deregister solvent defunct private companies.
88. The Metrication Ordinance , enacted in 1976 , provides for the eventual replacement of non metric units by SI units in all legislation in the HKSAR .
89. Oh. A piece on how the board of supervisors finally passed an ordinance on the new occupancy tax.
90. No document shall be submitted under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Cap 109) containing references to both metric and non-metric units.
91. The URA Ordinance was brought into operation on May 1, 2001.
92. The Right of Preemption Ordinance can run price risk and promote the effective use of resources through economic analysis approach.
93. The Employees'Compensation Ordinance was amended to revise the list of occupational diseases that are compensable.
94. If your total annual charity donation exceeds HK$100, your contributions to Jesus Lifehouse Hong Kong Limited are tax-deductible with official receipts as per the Inland Revenue Ordinance.
95. A foreclosure order vests the title in the name of the mortgagee and extinguishes the interests of the mortgagor and all subsequent mortgagee: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 53(2).
96. A new ordinance requires builders to get permits before tearing down structures.
97. The Registrar shall keep a register of ships registered or provisionally registered under this Ordinance.
98. South Carolina passed an " ordinance of secession ",[/ordinance.html] and prepared for war.
99. The Electricity Ordinance, with its subsidiary regulations, is the main enabling legislation on electricity safety.
100. A consolidated ordinance will provide a master framework for anti-pollution measures.
101. Services Ordinance ( Cap 460 ), and to those conditions specified overleaf.
102. This order may be cited as the Metrication Amendments (Buildings Ordinance) Order.
103. The ordinance does not apply to institutions authorised under the Banking Ordinance.
104. The appeal was heard before the Court of Appeal which held that BL 121 did not confine the meaning of " rateable value" to the meaning contained in the Rating Ordinance.
105. The applicant organisation must be a bona-fide non-profit-making organisation exempt from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, Cap. 112.
106. Tenancy - related matters, including security of tenure, are governed by the Landlord and Tenant ( Consolidation ) Ordinance.
107. The HKMC is a public limited company incorporated under the Companies Ordinance. Its business is being developed in two phases.
108. The checkpoint referred to in this ordinance, shall be a specific area for the entrance to and exit from the boundary-line of persons, transportation tools and goods.
109. China's the band paid annual vacation Ordinance since January 1,2008 promulgation.
110. Meanwhile, the original Company Ordinance states that when the company distributes the after-tax profits, it should draw from the profits by 5% to 10% to the statutory public welfare fund.
111. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, when a bill payable after sight is negotiated, the holder must either present it for acceptance or negotiate it within a reasonable time.
112. An Ordinance to make provision for the issue of legal tender coins, to provide for matters relating to the demonetization of the one cent currency note and to provide for other related matters.
113. I have read the Massage Establishments Ordinance ( Chapter 266 ) and the Massage Establishments Regulations thereunder.
114. The Ombudsman is an independent statutory authority operating in accordance with The Ombudsman Ordinance.
115. The Governor may by order published in the Gazette amend any Schedule to this Ordinance.
116. Any non - compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance ( Cap .499 ).
117. The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance, written on a small piece of official Prench War Office notepaper dated.




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