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单词 Logically
1. First, you have to think logically about your fears.
2. He can logically infer that if the battery is dead then the horn will not sound.
3. The total amount can be deduced logically from the figures available.
4. He tried to think logically.
5. Judges must weigh the evidence logically and objectively.
6. Her ideas were clear and logically presented.
7. From that it followed logically that he would not be meeting Hildegarde.
8. There is no logically compelling argument to support their claims.
9. Lastly, the course trains students to think logically.
10. Logically, an autonomous house can not use mains electricity.
11. Inductive arguments are not logically valid arguments.
12. Logically, there are three possibilities which may counsel caution.
13. So many things that should logically be solved several rungs below finally come to him.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. Meeting inside a model could logically connect communications protocols to the model itself rather than the cultural norms of a geographical area.
15. Many phrases that we feel could logically be broken up still carry hidden meanings that pass unnoticed until some one misuses them.
16. We have stretched points, legitimately and logically we trust, in other areas of the structure.
17. It is logically possible that any degree of perfection may come about.
18. Existential propositions are not really necessary - logically necessary - for a complete description of the world.
19. He or she is aware that logically derived conclusions have a validity independent of factual truth.
20. The material to be learned is logically structured to achieve the presented objectives.
21. It became logically possible for bureaucratic structures to perform all four input and all three output functions.
22. The child can think logically but can not apply logic to hypothetical and abstract problems.
23. Store accumulator n in store location X are logically sufficient.
24. This was the one possibility I hadn't taken into consideration, though logically I should have done.
25. My professional training has taught me to look at things logically.
26. To write a good essay you must first organize your ideas logically.
27. For a time her emotions stopped her thinking clearly until she forced herself to concentrate on the problem logically.
28. The concept of the rule of law is not logically compatible with that of parliamentary sovereignty.
29. Life on this turbulent, complex planet is no longer linear and sequential, one thing logically leading to another.
30. We have already seen that two sentences differing only in respect of cognitive synonyms occupying parallel syntactic positions are in general logically equivalent.
1. First, you have to think logically about your fears.
2. He can logically infer that if the battery is dead then the horn will not sound.
3. The total amount can be deduced logically from the figures available.
4. There is no logically compelling argument to support their claims.
31. Retrieval before additions All records will be in their correct places and the file will be physically as well as logically in sequence.
32. It attempts to model operational interactions between company functions in one way that is logically sound.
33. With the attainment of concrete operations, the ability to reason logically about and solve conservation problems emerges.
34. Within families filial piety was the keystone of morality and it led logically to an absolute obedience to the household head.
35. If people disagree on a certain issue, they can discuss it logically, adhering to facts to determine who is correct.
36. Logically, a far richer recruitment seam is available where case management is a day-to-day activity-in solicitors' private practice.
37. The tensions and ambiguities of the dualities that Emerson tried to hold together could not be explicated logically or reconciled philosophically.
38. Which premise logically entails the fifteenth day of March and sails - a street of blue-black sails like shark.
39. His hypothesis, while unlikely, is neither logically nor physically impossible.
40. He began by explaining the Miles affair very soberly and logically, because Mr Greenleaf would probably be pretty alarmed by now.
41. It is by definition a complex object, and all complex objects are explicable as logical constructions out of logically simple elements.
42. Bridges logically points out that this would violate their agreement.
43. Logically, Margarett, posing in her chair, should be reflected in the mirror(), but she is not.
44. Existential propositions, contextually indispensable though they might be, are not logically essential for a complete description of the world.
45. Within each paragraph consider the various sentences and whether they each knit together logically.
46. There is no straight forward and necessary correspondence between a political structure and the political functions that seem logically associated with the structure.
47. And even when logically there can be no individual item we are tempted to invent one.
48. It must be conceded that private shareholders to not always behave logically over their investments.
49. Such theories lead logically to leaving older people alone rather than attempting to improve the quality of their lives through continued social engagement.
50. Of course, it behoves the legislator to distinguish the categories logically and justly.
51. However, the results generated in the output file will logically be interpreted with the same results.
52. Logically enough, everybody turned to stare at Lolly Stoppelgard, who looked understandably puzzled.
53. In the West, where the one thing that really mattered was water, states should logically be formed around watersheds.
54. He is an agricultural science graduate from Oxford University and feels competent to assess evidence and act logically.
55. Indeed, no relationship between the vibration frequencies of different molecules is logically necessary.
56. An ergonomically designed cockpit, with instrumentation and controls logically zoned, make for error-free readings of any situation.
57. In fact, of course, the history of science is human history and human history never runs as logically as this.
58. Each division will have clear mandates in its domestic markets, and a logically defined export area.
59. The man wants revenge, pure and simple, and he's working logically through the family, saving Stone until last.
60. Logically such constructions should make ethnic minorities feel even more powerless than they actually are.
61. The latter version may be more logically correct, but it jars on the ears, and is more difficult to say.
62. In some applications, it also links the objects logically.
63. This position was logically sound, but not psychologically.
64. They are logically derived from the problem analysis.
65. Financial analyst who spoke on television clearly and logically.
66. Either view is permissible and logically consistent.
67. Logically, it is merely the copula of a judgement.
68. They are in their essence logically anterior to God.
69. You can organize the sentence structure grammatically and logically.
70. To prove the negative is logically nearly impossible.
71. Logically or intelligibly ordered or presented; coherent.
72. It is not a logically compelling argument.
73. These remarks are logically out of place.
74. If you think other than logically.
75. Logically, you can view the system as managing a single FIFO queue, termed a run-queue,(http:///logically.html) for each of the 40 priorities.
76. Aristotle established a logically consistent system of eudemonism, with the understanding of human nature as the logical starting point.
77. An object that can logically contain other objects. For example, a folder is a container object.
78. Secondly, I hackle the culture hegemony theory that is based logically on citizen society.
79. Nobel laureate Enrico Fermi, discussing this observation with colleagues over lunch in 1950, asked, logically: "Where are they?"
80. The demodulated signal value word is bitwise logically combined with the positioning system modulation code word to produce a correlation value word.
81. Your name is logically distinguishing but not ( yet ) a household word.
82. Why is the function of staffing so seldom approached logically?
83. From plenty of artificially cultivated rice remains, it demonstrates that the Hemudu culture is symbolized by rice farming, which is logically based on water.
84. At last, we summarize the whole paper, and prefigure our future works logically.
85. Superstitions are often thought of as naive, popular beliefs that are logically or scientifically untenable.
86. This paper discusses the conception of ideal shock input mode and the principle of kinetics equivalent, connects the principle and shock test logically.
87. Therefore, there is at least one logically possible world in which a maximally great being exists.
88. The form of'shi Er Ran " can be studied both grammatically and logically.
89. Insofar as a human brain that knows about logical conjunction (Boolean AND) would similarly classify logically conjoined sentences, this TLU knows something like logical conjunction.
90. We are logically thinking animals, so it only matters that much more that we try to be moral and not completely act on instinct .
91. Thus, the argument concludes that omniscience and omnipotence are logically incompatible.
92. A rule group is a type of component implementation that logically groups rule sets and decision tables.
93. When both the input conditioning and main-gate flip-flop are logically true, the main gate opens for a period of time that is determined by the timer base divider.
94. For audit opinions to be believable in specific contexts they must be logically explainable and retraceable and testable.
95. A programmer views data logically , requesting the next record, or the name and address for a particular customer.
96. XML stands for Ex tensible Markup Language, it is a markup language used to structure data logically using tags that look very similar to HTML.
97. Virtually any system administration-related task can be completed using a SMIT screen; the screens are logically grouped in a hierarchal manner for easy navigation.
98. Inferno logically Java by including a virtual machine , programming language, and communications protocol.
99. ASTR belongs to hierarchical routing protocol: it divides the whole network into many subareas logically through establishing subarea trees and each subarea is composed of a tree.
100. The morpho- logically transformed cells could grow in colony on soft agar.
101. It forces the sender to carefully think through their arguments and express themselves logically.
102. The stomach and duodenum may be considered logically as a unit.
103. For the standard arrow , the hotspot is , logically,(http:///logically.html) the tip of the arrow.
104. It cannot be made logically or even probabilistically compelling for those who refuse to step into the circle.
105. With this method, the keyboard scanning function program and the display administering program will be organized logically, so the whole system program will be easy to program, read and revise.
106. Thinking clearly and logically, that seems to be guest worker passes.
107. As in Oracle, the DB2 schema name is used to group objects logically.
108. The theory of crime constitution condition completion as logically coherent theory conflicts with our crime constitution theory and the basic of criminal responsibility of unaccomplished crimes.
109. It is generally agreed that a person of high intelligence is one who can grasp ideas readily, make distinctions, reason logically, and make use of verbal and mathematical symbol in solving problems.
110. Planning logically precedes the execution of all other managerial functions.
111. Logically, the possibility of a circulating factor associated with recurrence of FSGS led investigators to treat patients with plasmapheresis.
112. The characteristics of efferent terminal neurons eliciting excitatory and inhibitory responses were studied pharmaco- logically.
113. Second, the database for managing workflow is build up, which ensure the staff dispatch logically all the resource, including exchanging equipment, transmission equipment, distribution frame.
114. How to provide a logically consistent theoretical basis promoted the theory of economic liberalism to the stage of metaphysic.
115. Virtualization is an approach of logically dividing system resources such as hardware, software, time-sharing, and others into separate virtual machines independent from the operating system.
116. Logically, S3 is a global storage area network (SAN)[], which appears as a super-big hard drive where you can store and retrieve digital assets.
117. Semantically and logically, it is in the state of self - contradiction; however, pragmatically, it is self unified.
118. The digital library has characteristics of activation of information documents, logically in the structure and management, duplexity of information transmission mode, high abstrusity in language.
119. Inferno logically mirrors Java by including a virtual machine, programming language, and communications protocol.
120. P2P(Peer To Peer) means each pitch point in the distributional system is logically coordinated.
121. If Germany continued to reject an increase in its own liabilities, debt monetisation through the European Central Bank and eurobonds, the crisis would logically end in a break-up.
122. These three assumptions, however, all amount to the same thing in the sense that they all stand and fall together, any one of them logically involving the other two.
123. These views may be nested logically and visually, and have dozens of programmable attributes, including size, position, background color, opacity, clickability, stretchability, and so forth.
124. The identity transformation copies each node in the source to the output to provide a logically equivalent tree.
125. The demodulated 1-bit signal values are bitwise logically combined (e. g. , XORed) with the positioning system modulation code to produce a plurality of 1-bit correlation values.
126. This thesis research how to apply XP logically and efficiently in domestic software project based on software technique level and project experience.
127. Some English sentences are structurally attributive clauses but logically adverbial ones.
128. Logically, advocates of land privatization base their illogical argument on the premise of a false proposition and go against rules of inference.
129. If you need to add a new VLAN to an existing IVE connection, you must first logically destroy and re-create the underlying SEA device, possibly impeding any VIO client LPARs using that connection.
130. The accounting function is fairly abstract, and in general can only be logically deducted.
131. The principle sanctioned by fiat what was evidently empirically correct but not yet logically established.
132. According to the logically coherent argument, here "pays indemnity for damage" refers is the moral damage compensate.
133. We adopt linear structure organization for data converting in the netted super media The supper media net data is explained in gradational construction logically and in linear construction physically.
134. The dynamic models of the sonar array are predigested logically,(http://) the concise and banausic models are given.
135. Logically, at what point do the just powers of the legislator stop?
136. The thesis holds the view that conditional conjunction words can express conditional relation logically and are grammar part which are of linking function.
137. The legal realists questioned the assumption that judges apply the law impartially, logically, and uniformly.
138. The 1-bit signal values may be are arranged into a signal value word that is bitwise logically combined with a carrier demodulation template word to produce a demodulated signal value word.
139. The table is logically joined to itself, and the more selective non-leading index keys are applied as index bound filters to each unique combination of the leading key values.
140. Science is the attempt to make the chaotic diversity of our sense-experience correspond to a logically uniform system of thought.
141. Mike is my voice of reason. He thinks logically and points out where I'm going wrong.
142. In here ides is explained logically and illustrated with examples in detail.
143. Logically only the anti-fascists must have stayed in the German Democratic Republic.
144. The data of distributed data system is identical logically(), and dispersed physically.
145. Blind eyesight; visible wavelength are logically flawed arrangement; it should be "blind people", "visible radiation" instead.
146. Starting with the nonlocal continuum theory, a new rational mechanics method is applied to study logically the cohesive stress law of ahead of a crack tip.
147. Below them is a Bose audio system with logically - arranged controls.
148. "I think the answers out there right now offered by a variety of fields are too facile—they're actually tautological, " or logically circular truisms that reveal nothing, Conley told LiveScience.
149. In MSS, a direct access storage device that does not physically exist. It exists logically on one or more staging drives.
150. DATALINK provides access to external resources, or URLs, while the BOOLEAN type is logically equivalent to the BIT type, but adds semantic meaning.
151. Bar-Hillel, the first scholar who studied index theory systematically, established his Index Theory logically upon the distinction between "semantic reference "and "pragmatic reference".
152. Due to the development happening to the definition of justice, consensus, well-ordered society, public reason and the view of virtue ethics, which are related to it, have logically altered.
153. In theory, a logic synthesis tool guarantees that the first netlist is logically equivalent to the RTL source code.
154. The memory of a computer equipped with base and current page addressing mechanism is logically divided into regions of a fixed length called pages. Take for example ...
155. Just make sure when you logically add, delete, or change a subgoal, the interoperability among Web services works without problems or issues in the production environment.
156. The root element logically contains (owns or is the parent of) the other UML elements that depend on it to provide their requirements for containership and namespace.




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