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单词 Inspiration
1. Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration. 
2. Only love influence, and can realize born inspiration.
3. The team now seems bereft of inspiration.
4. Both poets drew their inspiration from the countryside.
5. Her work lacks inspiration .
6. These events provided the inspiration for his first novel.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. Poets and artists often draw their inspiration from nature.
8. The Malvern Hills have provided inspiration for many artists and musicians over the decades.
9. Dreams can be a rich source of inspiration for an artist.
10. Her books about her adventures give enjoyment and inspiration to armchair travellers.
11. Wordsworth found inspiration in/drew inspiration from the Lake District scenery. It was a great source of inspiration to him.
12. Any sudden inspiration in fact can not replace the long-term Kung fu.
13. His wife was the direct inspiration for the main character in the book.
14. Do not quench your inspiration and your imagination. Do not become the slave of your model.
15. Looking for inspiration for a new dessert? Try this recipe.
16. She had the time and the inspiration to develop her talent.
17. He went to church, perhaps seeking divine inspiration.
18. Where did you get the inspiration for the book?
19. Her latest book owes its inspiration to childhood memories.
20. Her work shows real inspiration.
21. My mind was arid, all inspiration gone.
22. Clark was the inspiration behind Saturday's victory.
23. It came to me in a flash of inspiration.
24. One day the inspiration just came.
25. Dante was the inspiration for my book on Italy.
26. She drew her inspiration from her childhood experiences.
27. He was the inspiration behind last week's victory.
28. Suddenly I had a blinding flash of inspiration.
29. Her charity work is an inspiration to us all.
30. Congratulations on your new job - good for you! While we will miss you and have fond memories of working with you, we wish you well and hope you attain all the success you deserve. Your loyalty and work ethic have been an inspiration to us all. Have a prosperous life and keep in touch!
1. The team now seems bereft of inspiration.
2. Both poets drew their inspiration from the countryside.
3. Her work lacks inspiration .
4. Poets and artists often draw their inspiration from nature.
5. The Malvern Hills have provided inspiration for many artists and musicians over the decades.
6. Dreams can be a rich source of inspiration for an artist.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. Her books about her adventures give enjoyment and inspiration to armchair travellers.
8. His wife was the direct inspiration for the main character in the book.
9. Looking for inspiration for a new dessert? Try this recipe.
10. She had the time and the inspiration to develop her talent.
31. Many of us found inspiration in her teaching.
32. The seascapes of Cape Cod were her inspiration.
33. She drew inspiration from her childhood experiences.
34. She paused, searching for inspiration.
35. People like Tara are an inspiration to us all.
36. She's been a great inspiration to me.
37. She has been an inspiration to us all.
38. Her inspiration comes from Asia.
39. He had a sudden flash of inspiration .
40. I had a sudden stroke of inspiration.
41. She had a sudden flash of inspiration.
42. The sea has provided an inspiration for many of his paintings.
43. Dad brought a notebook along to the beach,[http:///inspiration.html] in case he was seized by sudden inspiration.
44. He is a witty man, and an inspiration to all of us.
45. Powell's unusual journey to high office is an inspiration to millions.
46. He had an inspiration:he'd give her a dog for her birthday.
47. His strength is an inspiration to me in my life.
48. In a flash of sheer inspiration, I decided to paint the whole house white.
49. He says my sister was the inspiration for his heroine.
50. He ranges far and wide in search of inspiration for his paintings.
51. The idea came to her in a flash of inspiration/genius.
52. The plan came in a flash of inspiration, fully formed.
53. The golden autumn light provided the inspiration for the painting.
54. Many artists and poets have drawn their inspiration from the landscape.
55. His inspiration to fly came even before he joined the Army.
56. Her humour and determination were a source of inspiration to others.
57. He peered into his glass, as if seeking inspiration there.
58. India's myths and songs are the inspiration for her books.
59. She takes her inspiration from shells and stones she finds on the seashore.
60. I've just had an inspiration: why don't we try turning it the other way!
61. He had an inspiration - why not apply for some government money?
62. The inspiration stemming from his travels lasted the length of his career.
63. The movement draws much of its inspiration from the Greek philosophers.
64. He was the inspiration for Wordsworth's poem 'The Old Huntsman'.
65. Success doesn't come from motivation. It comes from inspiration. RVM 
66. Inspiration seemed to be at a very low ebb.
66. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
67. The Provencal countryside provided the inspiration for many artists.
68. He got his inspiration from the aerospace industry.
69. Voice over It's an inspiration for their creative talents.
70. He is an inspiration to writers everywhere.
71. Karen Woolley, 20, was an inspiration to many.
72. When passion meets inspiration an obsession is born. RVM 
73. I was groping in a fog, hoping for inspiration.
74. Inspiration and genius - one and the same. Victor Hugo 
75. Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. Thomas A. Edison 
76. When the inner spirit has liberation, inspiration is born! RVM 
77. Brothers Older brothers were cited several times as sources of inspiration and support.
78. Many younger academics will use this book as a springboard and an inspiration for their own work in the field.
79. With inspiration, liberation and determination, you can reach any destination. RVM 
80. I feel no desire to kill this strategically disadvantaged animal, but I have an inspiration.
81. She rummaged around, hoping for inspiration, discarding brooches and beads and belts.
82. Return to these pages for a shot of inspiration or direction. exciting as stale toast.
83. Those who devote their lives to others have that inspiration.
84. Where exactly did you get the inspiration for the movie?
85. A deadline is negative inspiration. Still, it's better than no inspiration at all. Rita Mae Brown 
86. In that instant, he had a flash of inspiration: he and Tom would try and rescue Frankie themselves.
87. Her brave fight against cancer is an inspiration to us all.
88. The best videos offer sound, clear advice and demonstrations, and are full of ideas and inspiration.
89. If you want to write, start writing now in your own home town and write every day as hard as you can; do not think you have to go to Paris and wait for inspiration to strike. Thomas Wolfe 
90. According to the first view, inspiration is an enhancement of natural, rational discernment, not a suspension or abolition.
91. Alternatively pick up a pen and a piece of paper and compose your own speech immediately after reading all these for inspiration.
92. Inspiration creates a never-ending power that makes you go on and on and on and on! RVM 
93. I wish I could say that I wrote steadily at the story of my life after that sudden burst of inspiration.
94. Those who grow tall by giving it their all, without the worry of fall, are powered by a passion, that is born from inspiration. RVM 
95. Of course! If he thinks it was his idea in the first place, he's bound to agree. What an inspiration!
96. Inspiration moves one from pessimism to optimism, from doubt to faith, from despair to hope,[http:///inspiration.html] and from darkness to light! RVM 
97. Even then the leader of the great trek and the Latter-day kingdom never forgot the source of his inspiration.
98. Visions must be grounded in strategy People need tremendous energy to get through periods of change; they need inspiration.
99. We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation. Jim Rohn 
100. The inspiration was the hovercraft, a feature of which are the roof-mounted engines.
101. Inspiration came to him as he started to write for the second time.
102. Inspiration hit me like a bolt from the blue on the way home.
103. Almost any boy or girl, from whatever background, should see in them an inspiration to try harder and do better.
104. By the end of the film, you realize that bursts of inspiration are not the exclusive right of artists and geniuses.
105. The book provides wonderful inspiration for gifts as well as practical household tips for using flowers and herbs in your own home.
106. To some, the huge variety of life in the Burgess shale has been an inspiration.
107. Best of all was his melodic inspiration: his creations were still being analyzed, harmonized and celebrated half a century later.
108. It is my faith and conviction that the Constitution came not alone of the brain and purpose of man, but of the inspiration of God. Gordon B. Hinckley 
109. He draws inspiration from ordinary scenes and simple places that he knows and loves.
110. In September 1930, on a day selected by his grandmother, he opened an exercise book and waited for inspiration.
111. An external motive can never inspire you. It will only motivate you to move, but you will soon stop. Seek inspiration! RVM 
112. He drained his cup and stared for a moment into its murky bottom for inspiration.
113. Inspiration is that power that makes you seek and reach the peak. RVM 
114. The increasing emphasis on meatless meals in restaurants and in cookbooks also provides inspiration to home cooks minding a budget.
115. Painters and sculptors began looking for inspiration in spontaneity and primitive feeling rather than in the lecture halls of traditional learning.
116. After all, it was inspiration from the patchwork quilts in 1952 which had proved the original impetus for the whole company.
117. The right choice will give inspiration to choreographer and performer alike and add to the pleasure of the audience.
118. If you wait for inspiration it may be more difficult for the Careers Service to give constructive advice.
119. Those who reach their destination use determination that's born from inspiration. RVM 
120. For the quieter members of his team, he could be a great source of comfort and inspiration.
121. To reach your destination, you need a direction, but you can't get there without inspiration! RVM 
122. Until his death last November, environmental icon David Brower provided an annual message of hope and inspiration.
123. This is an uplifting story of triumph by a black woman who overcame adversity and became an inspiration for millions.
124. Diet books can work similarly, by offering readers inspiration and a new strategy toward weight loss or better health.
125. For good measure, she's famous for her ability to stimulate creative inspiration, too.
126. Whenever negativity makes us drip[Sentence dictionary], inspiration creates a flip from negative to positive. RVM 
127. He wrote most of the songs on the album, once waking up at 6 a. m. with inspiration for lyrics.
128. Roubiliac gives a heroic view of the composer gazing into the heavens for inspiration.
129. He can move from place to place through the air at crucial moments, supposedly by inspiration of divine spirit.
130. As with the old eastern empire, the inspiration was a mixture of piety and politics.
131. Inspiration for the scheme came from Bristol's thriving employment agency that has been in existence for 14 years.
132. Bartering for a burial plot Genesis 22 has, not surprisingly[], provided inspiration to many artists.
133. Part of the achievement of the visionary comes from inspiration that arises from considering the highest flights of imagination.
134. Nevertheless, there is some inspiration to be garnered from this book.
135. Pegasus, the winged horse, has always been equated with artistic inspiration.
136. Tales of their heroism served as inspiration to generations who fought for freedom.
137. These mills have since provided a source for material, inspiration, fabrication and construction.
138. His inspiration fell on fertile ground, prepared by endless repetition.
139. By contrast, women move into the contested territory of meaning with assurance and inspiration.
140. But in countries further west a stronger inspiration comes from indigenous sources.
141. Alison had an inspiration.
142. Secondly, our Gift Day in September was an inspiration to us all.
143. A simple enough rule which struck his rather undeveloped mind with the force of divine inspiration.
144. Feel free to use the cakes here as a source of inspiration as well as a practical guide.
145. The much-loved dresser was the inspiration for the colour scheme that links all five storeys.
146. What is the power that transcends one from achievement to fulfillment? The power of inspiration! RVM 
147. Some of the inspiration for this move came from botanists who had travelled to the tropics and other exotic locations.
148. He was quite fearless ... he was an inspiration ... he was my closest friend, my strength and shield.
149. There was no momentary flash of inspiration; it was typical of Laura's talent to turn a disadvantage into an advantage.
150. Yet the very fact of taking action was undoubtedly a source of inspiration.
151. Those who say – "I need motivation" will never create inspiration that will take them to their destination. RVM 
152. The reader initially gets the impression that the purpose of the text is to identify Rimbaud's source of inspiration.
153. Scientists noticed discoveries, apparently irrelevant to their work, which contained an inspiration for solving some current problems of their own.
154. I find inspiration in the quest of others for self-discovery, especially when they express this through the metaphor of food.
155. A good father is a source of inspiration and self-restraint. A good mother is the root of kindness and humbleness. Dr T.P.Chia 
156. No one is born with positive passion. This power is ignited by inspiration! RVM 
156. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
157. But Hashim also provided inspiration for everyone else to follow.
158. The inspiration for the first stones seems to come less from the East than from Bronze-age pieces found and imitated.
159. Instead, she looked up to the ceiling from where she got quite a lot of her inspiration.
160. We've put together a fabulous selection of new hairstyles to give you some sparkling inspiration.
161. A gleam of inspiration help him compose his music.
162. J. M. Barrie, a writer living in London, who had a beautiful but not-his-dish wife, lost his inspiration of creation on account of the repeated and dull life.
163. Teachers should not only have the abstract thought and the thinking in images, but also inspiration thought and intuition thought during their teaching.
164. The framework of tree arrows takes inspiration from the Chinese folding fan. These trees are neatly arranged in the north-south direction, which is conducive to air convection and purification.
165. They look within themselves for inspiration and require only self-affirmation to become a productive member of a team.
166. Chinese Chess is the inspiration for Jenny Jis new F/W collection.
167. This balloon floater takes its inspiration from the manta ray. It's a remote-controlled hybrid floater with a helium-filled ballonet and a beating wing drive.
168. The improvement and development of Millikan oil-drop experiment are presented. The inspiration to the quality education and teaching reform is analysed.
169. It is proposed that using generalized gamma cyclic model may predict production and recoverable reserves of oilandgas fields driving inspiration from Master Weng′s cyclic model.
170. So where did the inspiration for Wonder Woman come from?
171. They became a major subject of interest–and the inspiration behind numerous films and books–following the development of rocketry after World War II.
172. Under the inspiration of one-dim river-network computational pattern, was put forward the basic computing element concept of two-dim river-network.
173. Methods Produces the fog grain of inspiration treatment sand butylamine mellow, Vitamin K1 and the physiological saline mix solution through the oxygen actuation.
174. Goodwife also is fashionable go-between , her job is the inspiration that provides the life to European female, help them enjoy delicate life.
175. Capnometry is the measurement and numerical display of the carbon dioxide concentration in the respiratory gas during the whole respiratory cycle (inspiration and expiration).
176. It suggests a new innovative inroad of inspiration for fashion.
177. Then inspiration struck and she marked the check stub, " One pullover, $ 25. "
178. Then inspiration struck in the form of a rash of horrifyingly gruesome car accidents. Benedictus noticed that the more horrific injuries from these crashes were due to flying shards of windshield.
179. When it comes to the eye-catching "straw rooftop", Shigeru Ban revealed that the inspiration comes from a Chinese bamboo hat, made of bamboo and pasted with oilpaper that he bought seven years ago.
180. Chickenshit collections are constructed in a process where creative graphics, strong concept and dark mood are the main inspiration.
181. Selkirk’s ordeal is believed to have been the inspiration for Daniel Defoe’s novel Robinson Crusoe, published in 1719.
182. Sevoflurane is a new type inhalation anesthetic with quick inspiration, rapid induction and fine controllability.




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