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单词 Dingy
1, Her hair was a dingy brown colour.
2, Shaw took me to his rather dingy office.
3, Our first sight of the dingy little hotel did not inspire us with much confidence/inspire much confidence in us.
4, He was living alone in a dingy bedsit in London.
5, Normally Roberto shunned the low-class and dingy.
6, A small, terrace house in a dingy street.
7, The street ran between rows of dingy terraced houses.
8, The room was damp and dingy.
9, The clean, light surfaces, among the dingy, sooty walls, gave him pleasure.
10, Even tiny firms of six men in dingy offices with low overheads were able to compete by slashing prices to the bone.
11, It contained two narrow iron bedsteads furnished with dingy bed-linen and grey army blankets.
12, He ate lunch in a dingy little cafe next to the station.
13, The worn, faded furniture, the dingy wallpaper, the papers scattered around,[http:///dingy.html] the smell of alcohol.
14, We spent the week in a dingy motel off Route 9.
15, I spent too many hours with my friends in a rather dingy salon in, I think, Marshall Street.
16, The girl felt a call coming like a flaming arrow across the dingy coffee bar.
17, The fans will remember four seasons of an unimposing 6-foot-1 kid lighting up dingy Toso Pavilion like the Northern Lights.
18, At last,() Corbett found the narrow alleyway and pushed his horse through the crowd to the battered ale-stake above the dingy house.
19, But one was left wondering at the decision to commit time, money and talent to this dingy piece of hokum.
20, The room told me nothing. just a bare, impersonal space in a cheap, dingy hotel.
21, His sandals had been scraped clean but they still looked pretty dingy.
22, Worst of all is watching those people who have to queue for their pensions and benefits in such dingy surroundings every week.
23, Neon everywhere, billboards as far as the eye could see, concrete apartment blocks dingy with pollution.
24, Political consultants used to be little-known operatives working in dingy offices trying to elect better-known candidates.
25, My most valuable experience was a few years ago when I was living in a dingy student room in Grenoble.
26, We were to spend our honeymoon in a rather dingy hotel at Glenfarg in Perthshire.
27, Poky would have been a good word for it, or dingy.
28, However long she had been there, the whole stretch was a dingy aching trail of work and beatings.
29, The newsagent stood next to the bookmakers in a parade of dingy shops.
30, Winter had closed the eyelids of the land and the snow that covered it was ill-fitting and dingy like a second-hand shroud.
31, Through the dingy gloom of this motionless train, I catch a first glimpse of my fellow travellers.
32, The shabbiness of the district and the dingy gloom of the school itself meant nothing to Clara.
33, She scooted out of the car and disappeared into one of the dingy vestibules along the street.
34, The dingy flat in Cleghorn Street had been transformed into a cosy little love nest.
35, We walked down the dark, dingy nave under the simple rood screen into the sanctuary.
36, The poor were housed in dingy, rotting buildings.
37, At Barnes the river is muddy, dingy and tidal.
38, It was a dingy affair -- wooden, dusty, hard.
39, Opposite this grandeur, on the Surrey side, were the dingy warehouses and factories of Lambeth.
40, DOWN a dingy alleyway lined with beer gardens and hookah bars, an Afro-jazz funk band took the small stage at the Piano Cafe, a smoke-filled lounge in the center of Kosice.
41, The dingy and insanitary environment in the shantytown is a breeding ground for crime.
42, In one of buildings Feliks rented a dingy room from an Irish woman called Bridget.
43, The snow-capped peaks north of the fire are dingy brown and partially obscured by smoke.
44, We got married, rather unromantically,[http:///dingy.html] in a dingy office in the town hall.
45, Feeble steps were heard on the stairs, and an old man, tall and frail, odorous of pipe smoke, with shaggy, unkept gray hair and a dingy beard, tobacco stained about the mouth, entered uncertainly.
46, I took my dingy volume by the scroop, and hurled it into the dog- kennel, vowing I hated a good book.
47, Advocate example official gives orders when at attention, disclosure a particularly dingy soldier is standing slouchingly.
48, And there his womenfolk , a bibulous mother and three dingy sisters, pounced upon him for his wages.
49, Then he looked about upon a dingy, moth - eaten hotel lobby.
50, He wore a flat gray cloth cap, a dingy wool-colored greatcoat, and cowhide boots.
51, Charles looked round him at the dingy smoke - discoloured walls, the wormeaten staircase.
52, To exploit this demand, pawnbrokers are shedding their dingy, Dickensian image.
53, Hungry Joe was a jumpy, emaciated wretch with a fleshless face of dingy skin and bone.
54, A saleswoman's tight - eyed, suspicious stare greets customers at one dingy meat market.
55, The hotel lies back of a dingy passage and forms a rectangle very a modern penitentiary.
56, Dr. Meade could tell unlovely stories of those families who had been driven from mansions to boarding houses and from boarding houses to dingy rooms on back streets.
57, Small, old, dingy. An arched window with a view of Congress Street. Traffic noise floats up.
58, Charles looked round him at the dingy smoke - discolored walls, the worm - eaten staircase.
59, A squall, marked by dingy clouds, and clouds brick-red, like smoke from a burning building, appeared from the southeast.
60, During this weekend we decided to rent out a dingy and row down the river.
61, Other culprits to blame for dingy teeth include colas, gravies, and dark juices.
62, One morning last year, pushcart vendors, rickshaw drivers and laborers whose children had rashes or were recovering from them lined up in a small, dingy temple, tucked behind a candy shop.
63, Their workbench some is very neat, some is a little dingy.




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