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单词 Head off
1 The shell had blown his head off.
2 The baby was screaming its head off.
3 The President intervened to head off the conflict.
4 It's better for you to head off his coming.
5 She bawled her head off.
6 You laughed your head off when I fell!
7 She was screaming her head off .
8 She talked my head off.
9 You mess with me, and I'll rip your head off.
10 He would ask Congress to intervene and head off a strike.
11 I laughed my head off when I heard of his discomfiture.
12 They could think of no way to head off the inflation.
13 If you say that again, I'll knock your head off!
14 From my house out, you have to head off several tails.
15 Lift your head off the floor and hold this position for five seconds.
16 He carried on telling a joke, laughing his head off.
17 It's important to head off the enemy from the airport.
18 Talking with her, you'd try to head off your happy marrige.
19 Watch it, you nearly knocked my head off with that plank!
20 You can talk my head off, but you can't change wrong into right.
21 Louise: Ursula would have laughed her head off.
22 I could have bitten her head off.
23 I only asked him when the work would be finished and he almost bit my head off.
24 I bet Nigel's sitting at home now laughing his head off.
25 I offered to help her, but she just bit my head off.
26 The company is putting up wages in an attempt to head off a strike.
27 I asked what was wrong, but he just bit my head off.
28 I only asked if I could help - there's no need to bite my head off!
29 There's no point trying to discuss anything with him if all he's going to do is snap your head off.
30 They dragged him to the village square and chopped his head off.
31 Tony races past, laughing his head off.
32 They catch you they cut your head off.
33 He chopped his son's head off on the spot.
34 Depressed, he blows his head off.
35 Take your head off and give it a rest.
36 You were screaming your head off.
37 Claire, Mark and Babur head off to find a car rental place.
38 Joey stood in the door laughing his head off and Noreen peered over his shoulder, her hands over her mouth.
39 He held a loaded air pistol to her stepfather's neck and threatened to blow his head off.
40 Not two minutes in his company and she was biting his head off.
41 By this time Irene was emitting a steady gurgle of contentment, when she wasn't laughing her head off.
42 I mean it's not as though Charles actually cut Paul's head off.
43 In fact, I seem to remember it was a bloody great chunk of the office building took my head off.
44 Right in the centre is one person with a streaming cold who is sneezing his head off!
45 He saw it break its flight over a dell between the dunes, soar vertically and then head off at an angle.
46 She raised her head off the bed, lay down on her side and curled up.
47 To head off that possibility, the central bank raised short-term interest rates seven times in 1994 and 1995.
48 She also told the court that he'd heard he'd threatened to blow his head off.
49 I was anxious to head off in the cool of the day but Chutra dawdled infuriatingly.
50 This effort to head off support for the more costly Democratic bill failed to prevent 13 Republican senators breaking ranks.
51 It would come in a box and it would blow your head off.
52 When I told him what had happened,(http:///head off.html) he laughed his head off.
53 He had no right to bite the head off one of his staunchest friends.
54 We live in sad times now; the Puritans cut King Charles's head off last January.
55 Pretty deep there; it's a wonder it didn't slice the top of his head off.
56 There's no need to snap my head off this early in the morning.
57 The suit is meant to head off a legal attack against it by Apple which Quorum believes is in the works.
58 She'd laughed her head off at his contribution to the couplet, and now she'd sent it in.
59 The radar beam which tracks the Patriot missile carries instructions updating it on which way to go to head off the enemy.
60 Alpinestars' singer, Glyn Thomas, is sitting in a pub in Fulham and yawning his pretty little head off.
61 Before he could head off for the dustbin, Elinor gripped his wrist firmly.
62 The Federal Reserve has raised interest rates many times to head off inflation and quality portfolios have not been damaged.
63 To head off competition, the telcos have invested heavily in fiber optics and sophisticated switching technology.
64 If I ever get you alone, I am going to blow your head off.
65 Kissinger made one last attempt to head off the Jackson-Vanik amendment.
66 Little crimes breed big crimes. You smile at little crimes and then big crimes blow your head off. Terry Pratchett 
67 He had his friend grab the dead man by the hair and raise the gory head off the ground, brains dripping.
68 They agreed to meet government ministers in an attempt to head off a major conflict.
69 Then he saw himself tripping over the gun and blowing his head off.
70 Old Warleigh would laugh his head off if I put reasons like that to him.
71 You could trust him not to take the mickey, or to turn round and bite your head off.
72 Then he tips her down and she's screaming her head off.
73 We managed to head off a financial crisis last year, but we may not be so lucky this year.
74 For instance, the animal is coming after you with the idea of tearing your head off.
75 He wrenched the fowl's head off.
76 He slurred over the details to head off disagreement.
77 Now get going before I blow your head off.
78 Jack landed in a crouch in front of a startled gunman. The man raised the Uzi and Jack fired, blowing the top of his head off.
79 The lunches work especially well because assistants are hardly invited to special meals but often watch their bosses head off to a fancy business lunch.
80 The greased lightning of yours nearly blew my head off.
81 To head off anglo-french military action,( ) Eisenhower and his secretary of state ensnared the Europeans in a fruitless round of talks and conferences.
82 So how could I dare to be so dissatisfied as to head off on such a selfish and self-seeking whim?
83 Yesterday a 15-foot rattler came at me, so I grabbed it, bit its head off, and spit the poison into a spittoon 15 yards away.
84 Outgassing is one of the "dangerous anthropogenic warming" effects that the Copenhagen summit is trying to head off.
85 The sheriff said that the posse could head off the outlaws at the pass.
86 And she's married to the Prince of Darkness. He bit the head off of a live bat, for God's sake.
87 She is just Euryale! After a long furious battle, finally Kratos defeats Euryale by cutting the head off the creature, similar to how he killed her sister Medusa .
88 I'll find him to the ends of the earth and then knock his head off.
89 Up in the stands , off by himself , he was playing the trombone - playing his head off.
90 The actor shaved his head off in order to portray a bald man.
91 The beetles arrive in the evening, spend the night feeding and mating, spend the morning recuperating and head off to a new flower later on — complete with pollen from their host.
92 The sheriff said posse could head off the outlaws at the pass.
93 I'll wring his calf's head off his body with these hands.
94 Traders who had bet that the Bank of Canada would raise rates to head off inflation sold the Canadian dollar.
95 More than that, he had snatched the British Far Eastern bases, and was now sucking British units toward India to head off the final rupture of the Empire.
96 After the Shaohsing opera was over, you started snoring your head off!
97 Local kids still head off for school, take shortcuts through restored plazas , and cavort in the playgrounds until it is time to head home for dinner.
98 The finding suggests that if a man has an important day ahead he would be best to head off to the spare room to sleep rather than sharing the marital bed.
99 A cockroach can live several weeks with its head off.
100 Caton said he saw the suspect had the victim on the floor of the bus and "was cutting his head off and pretty much gutting him" with a large hunting knife.
101 Bite a dove's head off ( substitute for any form of fowl ).
102 Tarry with me and I will cut your head off.
103 The broadside on the food industry was taken seriously by the F.D.A. and touched off a scramble by producers to head off regulation[http:///head off.html], confidential company records and interviews show.
104 I get changed and join the other Extras and we head off to the nail salon.
105 There are still peaceful ways to cut the snakes head off, but you and people like you have so far to go in your education that even bring up things like Nullification would be a waste of time.




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更新时间:2025/3/15 4:43:29