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单词 Fed
1 Well fed, wed bred.
2 Well fed, well bred.
3 Rail passengers are fed up with cancellations and delays.
4 We fed the birds yesterday.
5 Badly fed children suffer a lot of minor illnesses.
6 I get really fed the dog.
7 What's the matter? You look pretty fed up.
8 I get fed up with television quiz shows.
9 He had become fed up with city life.
10 The barley is fed to the cattle.
11 The cattle are fed on barley.
12 The data are then fed into a computer.
13 Bullets fed into a machine gun.
14 Have you fed the animals?
15 Have you fed the cat?
16 I'm fed up with living in the sticks.
17 At school we were fed communist/right-wing propaganda.
18 The horses are all well fed and groomed.
19 I fed the birds yesterday.
20 Have you fed the cat yet?
21 I'm fed up with being broke all the time.
22 She felt tired and a bit fed up.
23 I'm fed up with your conduct.
24 The cattle are fed barley.
25 I'm fed up with my job.
26 I'm fed up with being put upon by my boss all the time.
27 I'm fed up with work, meetings, and all that jazz.
28 The children were starting to get a bit fed up.
29 He is fed by a tube that enters his nose.
30 A more plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative government.
1 Rail passengers are fed up with cancellations and delays.
2 I get fed up with television quiz shows.
3 He had become fed up with city life.
4 The barley is fed to the cattle.
5 The cattle are fed on barley.
6 The data are then fed into a computer.
7 Have you fed the animals?
8 Have you fed the cat?
9 I'm fed up with living in the sticks.
10 At school we were fed communist/right-wing propaganda.
11 The horses are all well fed and groomed.
12 Have you fed the cat yet?
13 I'm fed up with being broke all the time.
14 She felt tired and a bit fed up.
15 The cattle are fed barley.
16 I'm fed up with my job.
17 I'm fed up with being put upon by my boss all the time.
18 I'm fed up with work, meetings, and all that jazz.
19 A more plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative government.
20 He is fed by a tube that enters his nose.
21 The horse rasped my hand with his tongue as I fed him the apple.
22 This is the fifth consecutive weekend that I've spent working, and I'm a bit fed up with it.
23 It wasn't easy to lose puppy fat when Mum fed her on stodgy home cooking.
24 The pigs fed off the same trough.
25 Power can be fed from wind generators into the electricity grid system.
26 The mixture is fed into the cylinder from the carburettor.
27 Part of the output of an amplifier can be fed back to get rid of sound distortion.
31 The market has to be fed with an endless supply of goods.
32 The horse rasped my hand with his tongue as I fed him the apple.
33 This is the fifth consecutive weekend that I've spent working, and I'm a bit fed up with it.
34 It wasn't easy to lose puppy fat when Mum fed her on stodgy home cooking.
35 "Has this dog been fed today?" she asked accusingly.
36 Stop knocking. I'm fed up with it.
37 People are fed up with all these traffic jams.
38 Silkworms are fed mulberry leaves after they have hatched.
39 Her depression grew,(http:///fed.html) fed by her bitter experiences.
40 A pet may founder if fed improperly.
41 The horses had been fed and watered.
42 I'm fed up with the children's behavior.
43 The dog was hungry, so we fed it.
44 The pigs fed off the same trough.
45 The data is fed directly into a computer.
46 Most of the crop is fed to the cattle.
47 I get fed up with other people's greed.
48 All our chickens are fed on corn.
49 Jenny was fed up. She wanted out.
50 Have you fed the chickens?
51 The poor hunger, yet are not fed.
52 The animals all looked well fed and cared for.
53 It's time I fed the dog.
54 She fed her baby on wholesome food.
55 I'm fed up with waiting for her to telephone.
56 You look fed up. What's the matter?
57 She's fed up with wearing her sister's cast-offs.
58 Have the horses been fed and watered?
59 The information was fed into the data store.
60 They get fed up with her moans.
61 The public baths are fed by natural springs.
62 The poultry have been fed.
63 He still sounds pretty fed up about everything.
64 He fed the information into the computer.
65 I'm fed up with waiting for her.
66 You look really fed up!
67 The drinking and the guilt fed on each other.
68 She fed the baby on pureed carrots.
69 Vultures circled overhead as the lions fed.
70 The sound is fed directly to the headphones.
71 were fed to the dog.
72 I'm absolutely fed up with the whole thing.
73 They could barely keep the family fed and clothed.
74 The lake is fed by several small streams.
75 Shelton fed the electricity meter .
76 She was fed up and she wanted out.
77 I'm really fed up with this constant rain.
78 I'm fed up with this wet weather.
79 The lake is fed by a river.
80 We fed the rabbit some beetroot tops.
81 We are fed up with this facade of democracy.
82 They were fed well on her mother's home cooking.
83 She's fed up with being her husband's stooge.
84 Johnson fed the ball to Kyman(Sentence dictionary), who scored.
85 The cat looked very sleek and well fed.
86 The animals are fed with hay and grass.
87 Have the pigs been fed yet?
88 He fed coins into the meter.
89 The animals had been fed and stabled.
90 I'm fed up with clearing up after you!
91 I'm fed up with you two talking shop.
92 He always fed Whiskers the best cat food.
93 Young plants can be fed with half-strength liquid fertilizer.
94 Premature babies have to be fed intravenously.
95 He fed the meter with coins.http:///fed.html
96 I'm thoroughly fed up with you.
97 The pigs are fed on food scraps.
98 The fabric is fed through the machine.
99 I was fed up with his flip comments.
100 The Thames is fed by several small tributaries.
101 Anna got fed up with waiting.
102 Their daily menus bore no resemblance whatsoever to what they were actually fed.
103 A tube was fed down the patient's throat into her stomach.
104 I'm just fed up and I don't know what to do.
105 They took pity on the stray cat and fed it.
106 I'm fed up with living with my parents(), so I'm looking for a place of my own.
107 He got fed up with all the travelling he had to do.
108 After he was fired, he put it about that he was fed up with working for such a large company.
109 Viewers are fed up with their favourite sitcoms being shunted to later times to make way for live football coverage.
110 I got so fed up with waiting for him to do it that I just went ahead and did it myself.
111 The feeder fed new feed to pigs so that they laid on fresh.
112 I don't know why I feel so fed up this morning.
113 Babies are entirely egocentric, concerned only with when they will next be fed.
114 The vegetables are fed into the machine at this end.
115 The cat had not been fed for weeks and was just a bag of bones.
116 They are fed up with the politicians and want to vote them out of office.
117 Have you fed yet?
118 I fed milk to her again but she slobbered it on her bib.
119 The mixture is fed into the cylinder from the carburetor.
120 I'm fed up of hearing about these decisions third hand!
121 He was fed up with being the butt of their jokes.
122 In the end, I just got fed up with his constant complaining.
123 I'm fed up to the back teeth with/of being criticized all the time.
124 He got fed up of people yawning at him when he talked about his job.
125 She fed me a line about not having budgeted for pay increases this year.
126 I'm fed up with cleaning up after you all the time.
127 She keeps on and on and I'm really fed up with her.
128 He was surrounded by people who fed him ghastly lies.
129 I wish he'd get a job. I'm fed up with it .
130 I got the impression that everyone was fed up with us.
131 I was a bit lonely and fed up at the time and she took me under her wing.
132 Power can be fed from wind generators into the electricity grid system.
133 I had spent too many hours there and was beginning to get a bit ratty and fed up.
134 We are constantly fed gossip and speculation by the media.
135 I'm fed up to the back teeth with listening to you complaining.
136 The information and questions are fed into the computer,(http:///fed.html)which then supplies the answers.
137 His colleagues soon got fed up with his schoolboy humour.
138 Residents are fed up with the disturbance caused by the nightclub.
139 The horses fed quietly.
140 The information is fed back to the Government department concerned.
141 Figures are fed into the computer(), which then predicts the likely profit.
142 I'm fed up of seeing the same old faces every time we go out!
143 She fed the children on baked beans and fish fingers.
144 I'm fed up with your money and your whole condescending attitude.
145 Gossip and speculation are constantly fed to us by the media.
146 The public is being fed contradictory messages about the economy.
147 Power is fed into the electricity line through an underground cable.
148 I'm fed up with them mucking me about and cancelling our arrangements.
149 The mixture is fed into the cylinder from the carburettor.
150 I know he gets fed up with people pestering him for money.
151 She fed the remains of her lunch to the dog.
152 The cat hadn't been fed for weeks and was just a bag of bones.
153 I'm fed up to the back teeth with hearing about your problems.
154 The radio had fed him a diet of pop songs.
155 The results of the tests will be fed back to the schools.
156 The electricity line is fed with power through an underground cable.
157 I got fed up with having to wear my sister's hand-me-downs.
158 She fed her last two coins into the machine for a cup of coffee.
159 I got fed up with the low pay and antisocial hours .
160 I get fed up with my mother ranting and raving all the time.
161 I'm fed up with you lot! I'm done with you for ever!
162 Part of the output of an amplifier can be fed back to get rid of sound distortion.
163 I'm fed up with having my work picked to pieces.
164 My mother fed the dog on scraps to save money.
165 The public have been fed misinformation about the health risks.
166 Occasionally a patient is so debilitated that he must be fed intravenously.
167 He got fed up of living out of a suitcase and left his job as a sales rep.
168 Decisions are taken by senior officers and fed down through the line of command to the ordinary soldiers.
169 So he's fed up because he's got to get up early one morning in seven, is he? Well hard cheese!
170 We heard the birds cheeping as their mother fed them.
171 After a tour of the grounds, the guests were fed and watered.
172 He is fed up with people writing him off because of his age.
173 I am grateful to all those who fed back their comments.
174 We brought along pieces of old bread and fed the birds.
175 He spooned the ice cream into a cup and fed it to her.
176 The old couple is never fed up with going to the same park every day.
177 The images are fed over satellite networks to broadcasters throughout the world.
178 We became increasingly fed up with his increasingly unfunny and unintelligent comments.
179 They were fed on a diet of rice and vegetables.
180 San Francisco fed and burped his football career.
181 The information fed directly into Jonathan's cerebral cortex.
182 Any unsold can be fed to cattle or sheep.
183 As Mama fed the baby, she began to cry.
184 The waste will be fed to the cattle.
185 Will the bond market deliver the Fed from tightening?
186 The beef involved came from locally reared cattle that were fed meat and bonemeal derived from cattle and sheep remains.
187 She left them, running for her bus, fed up with her responsibilities.
188 She caught a bird, plucked and cooked it, fed the meat to him in slivers.
189 More fundamental were his experiments with hawks, in which he fed them meat contained in small cages.
190 Ninety-five percent of our cats are fed a canned cat food, the others eating scraps or whatever they can catch!
191 The Fed last trimmed overnight bank borrowing costs a quarter of a percentage point, on Dec. 19.
192 She fed the little slips of cardboard one by one into its grinding jaws.
193 The subjects were fed a controlled low sulphate diet for 34 consecutive days.
194 Tortolano fed Weir and he touched the ball on to McGinlay, who ran through a porous home defence to score easily.
195 The water was fed to the mill through a cast iron sluice box set in the back wall.
196 Political leaders claim to be fed up with big-budget bloodbaths, but market forces are blowing the other way.
197 Very simply, these so-called models are computer programs that analyze a lot of meteorological information fed into them.
198 Pairs breeding along acidic streams laid their eggs slightly later, laid fewer, lighter eggs and fed their chicks less often.
199 Previously, the Fed reported that consumer borrowing rose $ 10. 6 billion during October.
200 She snapped him up as soon as he finished the sausage she fed him and he crawled into her bed crying.
201 But has the Fed failed to prevent the imbalances created by the recent boom from getting out of hand?
202 When he had fed Basil, Tom went down to the basement.
203 Next, their wives were fed since they could bear more children.
204 A compact disk player, rare for its day, fed Chopin and the Rolling Stones into fierce-looking, six-foot MartinLogan speakers.
205 This input is fed to certain parts of the brain stem and filtered.
206 Fed up, Harrison walked out and the sessions ended in chaos.
207 Each of these views is part of or generated a coherent system, but they are systems fed by imagination.
208 Her ankle was aching badly and she was hot and very fed up.
209 How many hungry people might have been fed when he sold his material assets?
210 Naturally this had immediate consequences for the destitute fed by the church chest that rich believers funded.
211 They fry were fed on baby brineshrimp and although not fast growers they seemed to do well.
212 They fed each other cake like a bride and groom on their wedding day.
213 Leitzig fed his ID card into one of the steel doors.
214 When a bar code is read, all that is fed into the computer system is the same number.
215 The information is then fed into a computer so that animators can bring the digital images to life as game characters.
216 Second,(http:///fed.html) Fed officials want to avoid a move that could turn out to be unneeded and slow the economy too much.
217 The result was a mutually-degrading spectacle that fed our appetite for making others look stupid.
218 Rookie forward Marco Sturm fed Gill, who found the upper right corner of the goal from the left circle.
219 The selected novel information is then fed to the cognitive system.
220 But this was not the only series that fed on viewers' appetite for nostalgic programming.
221 Habibi's confidence was restored(), yet never was a horse so careful not to bite the hand that fed it!
222 Many economists expect the Fed to continue easing rates during the first half of 1996, further depressing yields.
223 Where it had claimed a victory, the same crew of specialists dissected the results and fed them into the machinery.
224 The Fed also said it would cut rates again if that were necessary to ward off recession.
225 Liese made the ocean sound like a hungry beast that demanded to be fed with human flesh.
226 This technique provides a constantly changing voltage which can be fed to the computer through a suitable analogue input.
227 Live animals are transported across the continent packed tightly into lorries, often arriving half dead without having been fed or watered.
228 In addition, the legislation is intended to make the Fed more accountable to elected officials by insisting on reforms.
229 This makes it awkward for the Fed to act early.
230 No child is fed solids, particularly rice, before this ceremony has been performed.
231 I said to him once, sitting in a chair as he fed me my midday meal of baked beans and crackers.
232 The signals are then fed via the cable link to the person's home.
233 Afterwards, Republican pessimism about the latest development was fed by an inspection of the new Clinton-backed budget plan.
234 Merely earning enough money to keep a family housed, fed, and clothed is a major challenge for most people.
235 One possible answer is that the Fed is wrong, that depository institutions do borrow for profit as well as need.
236 Nor did any allergic reactions arise in those who ate the meat of animals who had been fed a gene-spliced soybean diet.
237 Beside the kitchen a communal bath, fed from a hot sulphur spring, was built into the wall.
238 Many new school volunteers were apprehensive about visiting the hospital, anxieties fed by their fear of the unknown.
239 She watched Naseem as the older woman fed her baby son.
240 Perhaps this is because people are now better fed, housed and clothed.
241 Liberal politicians paraded through the studios, providing soundbites that were instantly fed into the live broadcasts.
242 All the soil does is hold the plants upright, while the crop is fed with artificial fertilizers.
243 The Fed sets monetary policy by controlling short-term inter-est rates and by trying to control the supply of money.
244 A group of cartoonists got fed up when the Web site where they were posting their work -- kept going down.
245 Some, chained to military dog cells, are fed food that animals refuse to eat.
245 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
246 How would the children be fed and clothed, on Army pay?
247 When data is fed into input, D1 and a clock pulse given, the data moves along one place.
248 The proliferative zone, however, was expanded in the distal colon of the higher fibre diet fed rats.
249 However, a sharp fall in the dollar would be awkward for the Fed.
250 For a complete and balanced meal they must be fed with an equal volume of canned food and mixer.
251 The caterpillar had probably fed for a month or more on the viburnum leaves before spinning its elaborate double cocoon.
252 The analgesia is fed through a tube and topped up when necessary.
253 Human waste fed to cattle could perpetuate these parasites, some of which are picked up by humans from poorly cooked beef.
254 If the economy is picking up steam[], the recovery may be nipped in the bud by renewed Fed tightening.
255 Smaller practitioners are fed up to the back teeth with all forms of regulation, and audit regulation in particular.
256 Their favorite food is live adult brine shrimp, and this should be fed if at all possible.
257 She pays by credit card and they Fed Ex the cards to her at the office.
258 So bit by bit you're being written into the programme and fed into the computer.
259 Would Bonaventure return or take offence at not being fed by him and disappear for ever into the stinking alleyways?
260 They were just like little birds chirping out whatever words oldest sister fed them.
261 The basic idea was to take one bat away for a night and starve it while the others were all fed.
262 The Fed lowered the key federal funds rate on overnight bank loans twice last year, in July and December.
263 At the turn of the year the Fed further nudged down interest rates to encourage the banks' customers to borrow more.
264 The village swine fed on the beech mast on Steep Ridgery.
265 He was a great horseman and he fed his horses human flesh to make them fierce in battle.
266 Those who could not take this minimum daily requirement orally were fed by fine bore nasogastric tube.
267 Banks pay the Fed for the service; a few private firms also compete for the business.
268 That is why some people adore eating spiders and grubs, whilst others would throw up if fed a pork chop.
269 So my conclusion is that we blanked due to a combination of the bream being well fed and very alert to danger.
270 In later years it was fed by a banded iron pipe still in place.
271 As he parted them, he heard the familiar snuffling as Miguelito fed cocaine into his nose.
272 The system was fed, and those vans brought in the chow.
273 A line is fed through a peripheral vein until it reaches the right atrium of the heart.
274 If grain is fed to a horse it is essential to add a calcium supplement.




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