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单词 Penetrate
1 Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East.
2 These fine particles penetrate deep into the lungs.
3 The cold seemed to penetrate his bones.
4 Amazingly, the bullet did not penetrate his brain.
5 The sun's rays can penetrate water up to 10 feet.
6 They are hoping to penetrate the Japanese market with their latest product.
7 I heard what he said, but it didn't penetrate.
8 Our eyes could not penetrate the darkness.
9 I heard what you said,() but it didn't penetrate.
10 X-rays can penetrate many objects.
11 No one could penetrate the meaning of the inscription.
12 It was impossible to penetrate the mystery.
13 Were you able to penetrate the author's symbolism?
14 Science can penetrate many of nature's mysteries.
15 My eyes couldn't penetrate the gloom.
16 The nail will not penetrate.
17 She could penetrate what I was thinking.
18 The light could not penetrate through the thick curtains.
19 The spies managed to penetrate behind enemy lines.
20 It's hard to penetrate her mind.
21 The invading army could only penetrate the mountain barrier at one point.
22 Our eyes couldn't penetrate the dark/the gloom of the inner cave.
23 This year the company has been trying to penetrate new markets .
24 What could I say that would penetrate his thick skull ?
25 Her poetry attempts to penetrate the dark mystery of death.
26 Her voice doesn't penetrate.
27 This method of cooking also permits heat to penetrate evenly from both sides.
28 Their keen eyes can penetrate water to a depth of four meters.
29 A breach in the mountain wall permits warm sea air to penetrate inland.
30 I explained the problem to him several times but it didn't seem to penetrate.
1 Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East.
2 These fine particles penetrate deep into the lungs.
3 The cold seemed to penetrate his bones.
4 Amazingly, the bullet did not penetrate his brain.
5 The sun's rays can penetrate water up to 10 feet.
6 They are hoping to penetrate the Japanese market with their latest product.
7 I heard what you said, but it didn't penetrate.
8 X-rays can penetrate many objects.
9 She could penetrate what I was thinking.
31 We shall need a strong light to penetrate through this mist.
32 There have been around 15 attempts from outside France to penetrate the market.
33 The CIA had requested our help to penetrate a drugs ring operating out of Munich.
34 Cut two slashes on each side of the fish to allow heat to penetrate.
35 These penetrate the ground with minimal effort.
36 Dario was attempting to penetrate Nature's mysteries.
37 They do not readily penetrate a panned surface.
38 Who can plumb and penetrate such a person?
39 No light and little ventilation penetrate our tiny cabin.
40 Sometimes it is difficult to penetrate beyond aesthetic appreciation.
41 Moreover, it had failed to penetrate very deeply in the schools.
42 Those with high energies, such as iron, would penetrate the craft and bore through human cells.
43 It retained water and yet had subtle membranes which permitted air to penetrate and facilitated waste disposal of the embryo.
44 And this might have happened had success crowned an attempt to penetrate the Confederate works by means of a mine.
45 Similarly, much depends on the armed forces' ability to withstand the cartels' attempts to penetrate and co-opt them.
46 Most members of the family are tropical and subtropical plants; only a few penetrate into the temperate zone.
47 Maps to particular places allow one to penetrate the maze, by appointment as it were.
47 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
48 Sunlight can not penetrate the layer, and heat can not be conducted through it.
49 In the 1991 Employee Report, we outlined our plans to penetrate the Middle East market.
50 Their tremors pass through the planet like X rays through flesh and bone, bringing us clues about the rock they penetrate.
51 In water, sonar is essential for long distance perception, for light can not penetrate more than sixty feet or so.
52 They are a rare opportunity to penetrate the usual wall of indifference.
53 But then what is this habit of trying to penetrate to people's inner life?
54 Once in a while pilots would actually penetrate Soviet airspace, intentionally or unintentionally.
55 The heat can penetrate combustible materials, alter their composition and make them ignite at lower temperatures.
56 They penetrate south to varying degrees, blue and minke whales often appearing well south of the pack ice edge.
57 Instead of endeavouring to penetrate its ten-foot thick walls, the rebels invited Grenville out to parley.
58 Thunder could not penetrate the layers of stone above and around her.
59 A vivid light flared outside, bright enough to penetrate the heavy curtains.
60 The barbed wire fences and security shields made the air base very difficult to penetrate.
61 I see other people through a glass wall, their voices penetrate to me.
62 It saves a few pence but it is a weak point that could allow moisture to penetrate.
63 It may then penetrate the side of a tank or fly over the top.
64 Water resistance: steady rain will penetrate but the fabric holds its own against light drizzle and dries out quickly after showers.
65 A Renaissance prince, she thought, with an inner world no one would ever penetrate.
66 Beta particles can penetrate the skin but can be stopped by metal.
67 For years, federal law enforcement officials were reluctant to penetrate the movement.
68 Gradually Jack realized he could never penetrate the chilling force-field that lay between him and the two men.
69 The chill from the bare wall seemed to penetrate to her bones.
70 Similarly(), granting a carbonaceous object the strength of a stony asteroid would allow it to penetrate to comparable altitudes.
71 No fly. Water resistance: held off light showers well, though steady rain will penetrate.
72 It was de-signed to give us the courage, as temporary civil rights workers, to penetrate the small hamlets farther south.
73 Magma can wedge open and penetrate cracks cutting across the layering of the surrounding rock, forming tabular intrusions called dikes.
74 Although they did not succeed in holding much territory, they proved their ability to penetrate deep into SOC-held territory.
75 History books can sometimes be written in a style that is difficult to penetrate.
76 Federal law on segregation had been changed in 1960; the news had yet to penetrate below the Mason-Dixon line.
77 The virus can not penetrate the skin, if picked up on the skin from an environmental surface.
78 It is into these, the minute irregularities, that water can not penetrate.
79 If water can penetrate and collect in joints, the wood will rot quickly unless steps are taken to prevent it.
80 The better scenarios are, the more they penetrate to the deepest possible understanding of the present.
81 Water resistance: held off light showers well, though steady rain will penetrate.
82 Gamma rays are the least powerful but can penetrate through even thick concrete.
83 The larvae then penetrate the intestinal wall, and travel through the horse's tissues to organs such as the liver and pancreas.
84 Perhaps Private Eye does not penetrate such an august reading room.
85 As a general rule, the older and more stable the community, the more difficult it is to penetrate.
86 Indeed, kilometer-sized bodies will penetrate the atmosphere and impact with the surface almost irrespective of their composition and strength.
87 But it predicts massive sales and energy savings only if heat pumps penetrate the space-heating market.
88 As noted earlier, the ability of an entering body to penetrate the atmosphere and survive deceleration depends on its crushing strength.
89 He was feeling the clammy cold that seemed to penetrate his thick coat and chill his bones.
90 Over the years, a prickly briar hedge grew up along the castle, which no one could penetrate.
91 One of the few notions from game theory to penetrate the popular culture was the distinction of zero-sum and nonzero-sum games.
92 National Public Radio is singularly effective in promoting a national culture nationwide, reaching where no other institutions penetrate.
93 Position your head over the bowl and cover your head and the bowl with a towel to allow the steam to penetrate.
94 Penetrate inside - stay awhile with guidebook raised - and you will find something calmly neoclassical, something wisely proportioned and cool.
95 The Magellan radar-mapping mission was designed to penetrate the dense cloud layer and return detailed radar images of the surface geology.
96 The Laboulbeniales are ectoparasites - most of their tissue remains outside the host - and only superficially penetrate into the host.
97 Some are deflected by the ozone layer, but others penetrate to ground level.
98 Nothing Sylvie said seemed to penetrate her loyalty to that daughter who wasn't hers.
99 Cut two diagonal slashes on each side to allow heat to penetrate.
100 The wind was cutting across the open space at great speed, so cold it seemed to penetrate his bones.
101 The F-111s are ageing and their credibility as a deterrent depends upon their ability to penetrate increasingly sophisticated Soviet air defences.
102 She had complete confidence in the young nurse, although she found it very difficult to penetrate her reserve.
103 By some lucky balance of nature, the Alpha rays, although deadly, can not penetrate matter readily.
104 Occasionally he would ask me a question but the answer seemed not to penetrate very far.
105 To gain access to her he has to penetrate many layers of permeability.
106 If it ends up in a bark crevice, the seed may germinate and penetrate the tree.
107 One had failed to penetrate airport security at Budapest(http://), got himself arrested and deported.
108 The result is an excluded volume behind the target atom into which no ions penetrate.
109 If it is plastic it will penetrate the surface, but be careful not to go right through.
110 I have tried ever since, through writing, to penetrate my own layers of protective skin.
111 No jury will convict either Clinton unless the case Starr erects is so tight that no speck of doubt can penetrate it.
112 Nothing seemed to penetrate Violet's consciousness as she waited for the fight to start.
113 He found a place where a few trees grew so thick and close to the ground, no moisture could penetrate them.
114 What is less well-known is that rather similar effects may happen with a blow on the forehead which does not penetrate.
115 Why have they failed to spectacularly to penetrate the mainstream?
116 Any kind of ranching, logging or building provides a ready-made inroad for the farmers to penetrate the most inaccessible parts.
117 The sun's rays can penetrate the sea to a depth of twenty metres.
118 Prune the tops so that light can penetrate to the bottom of the shrubs, which will stimulate new growth.
119 The weak, fast-moving, easily ablated comets do not penetrate the atmosphere very deeply.
120 The paramilitary organisations, on either side of the political divide, remain active and hard to penetrate.
121 The inability of water to penetrate is the result of a phenomenon known as water tension.
122 Order large glass of dry sherry and feel its warmth penetrate toes, making up for rather painful new shoes.
123 Curing takes place when the salts are dissolved by meat juices and then penetrate the meat.
124 Moreover, the detector would have to be in space, because gamma rays can not penetrate the atmosphere.
125 The hands remain outside the bodies, giving a sense that humans may not penetrate something so awesome as a spirit animal.
126 Although the infective larvae can penetrate the skin, the infection rarely matures and there is no evidence as yet of transmammary infection.
127 Spacing the scaffolds opens up the tree so light can penetrate,() which encourages fruit production.
128 Even quite small bodies can penetrate the tenuous atmosphere of Mars and cause erosive explosions on its surface.
129 For a pregnancy to occur, one of those sperm must penetrate and fertilize the egg.
130 Apple has spent huge sums in its drive to penetrate new markets.
131 This is due to the fact that the bacteria normally used to penetrate the cell walls does not affect them.
132 Would the cream dissolve fat on contact or penetrate the skin?
133 The grey forms allow themselves to be read as clouds, through which stronger light is managing to penetrate.
134 As Benhamou noted, the industry is starting to penetrate the small office market.
135 After ingestion and hatching the larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and within 48 hours have reached the liver.
136 Such particles are considered dangerous because they penetrate deep into the lungs, where they can cause disease.
137 Scoring the soil film thereby allowing cleaning agent to penetrate to the substance and work from underneath is a partial answer.
138 It shows why philosophy may penetrate so many disciplines and yet remain a distinct discipline itself.
139 The daylight did not penetrate far into the room where only his desk lamp was lit.
140 The drugs industry is complex and hard to penetrate.
141 By sheer force of will(Sentencedict), he could penetrate it.
142 Ultraviolet rays can penetrate through clouds.
143 He could see nothing. His eyes seemed to penetrate the dead water.
144 In contrast to the jet technology the inks do not penetrate the structure paper, but they are brought to its surface and are covered with special fixing agent for shaping of thin film.
145 In the sixteenth century questions arose about how much the influence of Calvin should be allowed to penetrate into Lutheranism.
146 These organisms penetrate into snails, multiply, and develop into cercariae , the infective form for man.
147 The framework clarifies, for instance, that the military needs presidential authorization to penetrate a foreign computer network and leave a cyber-virus that can be activated later.
148 I wish that the thought that comes out of those graves could penetrate their consciousness.
149 Arbitrarily, penetrate drawing off exploding of clothes laughing at consequence, do not look at regret!
150 Q 10 deeply penetrate into the skin to provide moisturise.
151 The sunshine could not penetrate where the trees were thickest.
152 Nor silver - shedding tears could penetrate her uncompassionate sire.
153 The fluid can penetrate into pores because it has zero surface tension.
154 The enzymes penetrate the beans -- usually arabica in Sumatra -- and change their chemical balance in subtle ways.
155 Sodium lauryl sulfate, a common sudsing agent, can penetrate the skin and cause contact dermatitis.
156 Laser is one of the most important inventions of 20th century, for which associate and penetrate with other subjects and technique, some new and top research fields appear.
157 There is a mass of murkiness which neither moonlight nor sunlight can penetrate.
158 Some cheat that the contact lenses in a special potion soak 12 hours can penetrate any poker mahjong shell game.
159 Lightly the voice equally could not hear to the slightest of emotion, an eyes son namely orthoptic 2 madams, appear to be not to penetrate additional loiterers in the lobby.
160 The guide sliding block can penetrate the guide rod in a sliding way.
161 He strained his eyes to penetrate beyond the thick cloud of dust.
162 I cannot penetrate the heart of the sea, but I can enjoy the healthful breezes which sweep over its bosom, and I can sail over its blue waves with propitious winds.
163 Real estate developers bear the brunt of cold penetrate the bone.
164 Today, as media penetrate into the public daily life in unprecedented breadth and depth, no non-profit institution can afford to neglect the importance of good public relations.
165 Airgun pellets don't usually penetrate skin but can do so at close range.
166 Queen of so the blue smoke of the mother who didn't kill me, in fact want that making her penetrate with own eyes me is current of maim manner, this female, really like poison!
167 This will require placing 3-6 turrets into an interlocking wall which is very hard to penetrate with conventional units.
168 The inoculation showed during shoots elongating to full-development of needles the fungus could penetrate unwounded young shoots, and made them dead.
169 Efficiency:Penetrate into corium , replenish water and nutrition , repair damaged cells, make skin tissue soft and smooth, moisturize skin , balance oil secretion and whiten skin .
170 The other problem is that submarines receive messages using low-frequency radio waves that can penetrate water, but only a few characters per second can be transmitted at these frequencies.
171 Some stories claim the incubus has two penises, so he can doubly penetrate his victim.
172 One would thus see the psychological utility of bringing together the will to penetrate with images that encourage actual penetration.
173 The safety pin can penetrate a safety pin guide pore plate and insert the pin hole of the fixed pore plate of the safety pin.
174 The electromagnetic waves bounce back to the earth and penetrate human tissue.
175 Therefore, nonexistence possibly enters a thing with and only the nonexistence can penetrate through it.
176 Two circulars of our state council about bankruptcy penetrate the precedency of legal effect, come into conflict with several upper laws, and violate the fair compensable principle of bankrupt system.
177 If then the Apollonian (rational) were to prevail, overwhelm the Dionysian (passionate) in the Homosphere, intellection could penetrate reality at large, a Cosmosphere in the making.
178 He felt some of the snow slide in, penetrate his shirt.
179 This allows more solar radiation to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere, which promotes a climate forcing effect (more short wave radiation reaches the earth, warming land and sea-surface temps).
180 China would struggle to penetrate the countermeasures and electronic camouflage that protect American ships.
181 Type 305 and 316 stainless cannot be case hardened and don't have the ability to penetrate steel.
182 But if they penetrate the ground, they can survive in a dormant state for decades, waiting for new victims.
183 It'seemed to penetrate even her ice - locked heart and strength came coursing back into her body.
184 The projections can break apart or penetrate fallen polymer agglomerates or sheets.
185 A sufficiently energetic particle can penetrate the entire stack of parallel plates.
186 His distinctive language of image and tremendous momentum of using pen and ink, bear aggressive visual power, penetrate into people's heart and soul and are very enlightening.
187 By fluid diversion experiments of the variable-viscosity acid, the result showed that it is difficult to penetrate the deep acid etching wormhole in carbonate cores with low matrix permeability.
188 If a respirator does not seal tightly to the face, airborne hazards can penetrate or enter underneath the facepiece seal and into the breathing zone.
189 White 46 penetrate the left under black angle resourcefully , helped him to complete to the left on the black dragon blockade.
190 Analytic functions of complex variable function is the main object of study, and the five equivalent conditions of analytic functions penetrate the whole process of learning of complex function.
191 Like a modern 'bunker buster' bomb, the big radio-controlled Fritz-X was built to penetrate the thickest armor.
192 In addition, application - layer VPN can successfully penetrate NAT and firewall.
193 If politics is to become scientific, and if the event is not to be constantly surprising, it is imperative that our political thinking should penetrate more deeply into the springs of human action.
194 Design and implement Transport Driver Interface, Intermediate Driver and NDIS-HOOK firewall penetrating communication modules. Through the test, they work well and can penetrate all popular firewalls.
195 Taiping Army accomplished military tactics fully , although it did not penetrate through Qing Army's defensing system.
196 The army was one of the few institutions the secret police were not encouraged to penetrate.
197 Those who love nature always desire to penetrate into its utmost recesses.
198 Conclusion Extract of Jixingzi in alcohol can enhance dyclonine hydrochloride to penetrate rat skin.
199 Larval and nymphal ticks may penetrate a coarse weave sock.
200 Contain natural ossein protein and marine vitamin E(), penetrate into skin quickly and nourish epidermal tissue.
201 Hyphae are parasitic or saprophytic and the tips secrete enzymes to digest and penetrate the food supply.
202 Who can strip off his outer garment, or penetrate his double corselet?
203 Most navigable waterways require dredging because of siltation. This is true when navigation channels penetrate through the littoral zone .
204 To terminate this duel, to amalgamate the pure idea with the humane reality, to cause right to penetrate pacifically into the fact and the fact into right, that is the task of sages.
205 One woman who managed to penetrate West German intelligence was sentenced to only six and a half years in prison, probably because ordinary West Germans had some sympathy with the women.
206 "Upon exploding on contact with an object, each sub-munition disintegrates into high-velocity fragments to attack people and releases a slug of molten metal to penetrate armored vehicles," HRW noted.
207 Ron is very frustrated about being able to penetrate and do the things he can go.
208 It took him quite a while to penetrate the coded message.
209 The police were unable to penetrate the wiles of the cat burglar.
210 A large air well divides the two sections of the house allowing for maximum light to penetrate the living spaces.
211 Mr Tan, you just like a virus filter, penetrate through my immune system.
212 Moisturizers do not prevent wrinkles because they cannot penetrate into the dermis to stimulate collagen synthesis.
213 We are able to penetrate into the fundamental causes of the events under consideration.
214 The hard X-rays more readily penetrate dust and gas clouds in merging galaxies and reveal the presence of emission from the active black holes.
215 The administration consultation may penetrate the entire process to the audit program , but the administration consultation substance must not relate to administration action nature .
216 His men had been ordered to shoot on sight anyone trying to penetrate the area.
217 Extracted Provence lavender hydrosol, with gentle texture, can penetrate into skin deeply, lighten pigment, shrink pores, purify, update, relieve and soften skin, thus restore bright and white skin.
217 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
218 Based on the DSP hardware, a novel encryption algorithm is designed, which can penetrate through RPE-LTP vocoder in GSM voice channel.
219 Only micronic particulates penetrate to the depth of the lung.
220 Electroosmosis is used to help the dispersing molecules to penetrate and enter the skin.
221 The General spurting text such as: " Your puny weapons can't penetrate my shield! "
222 And moreover, when both are sincere and good, no men so penetrate each other, and so amalgamate with each other, as an old priest and an old soldier.
223 A few rays of street light would penetrate through tree cracks , listless like sleepy eyes.
224 Researchers at MIT's Lincoln Lab have built a radar system that can penetrate walls enough to give an "instantaneous picture of the activity on the other side."




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