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单词 Unwittingly
(1) My remarks about divorce had unwittingly touched a raw nerve.
(2) He was unwittingly caught up in the confrontation.
(3) If I offended you it was unwittingly.
(4) He had been unwittingly deluded by their mystical nonsense.
(5) Friedmann had unwittingly broken the law.
(6) People hate those who unwittingly harm the cause of peace.
(7) She had broken the law unwittingly, but still she had broken it.
(8) It was clear that, wittingly or unwittingly, he had offended her.
(9) Parents can unwittingly transmit their own fears to their children.
(10) Walkers can unwittingly damage the fragile environment in which the birds live.
(11) Laura unwittingly threw away the winning lottery ticket.
(12) While playing, the boys unwittingly moved into the deeper end which extended down nine feet, he said.
(13) One of their partners had unwittingly failed to renew his practising certificate.
(14) My father has, unwittingly, captured us as we really are.
(15) Unwittingly she was operating the intermittent reinforcement principle in support of a bad habit!
(16) Everything said at this foolish board meeting unwittingly points to Scott's consummate grasp of the essentials of television.
(17) Moreover Elian has unwittingly achieved something that even Lewinsky never managed.
(18) I regret any anxiety or concern which I may, unwittingly, have caused.
(19) After six years of marriage, however, Adrienne finds she has been strolling unwittingly through a psychological jungle.
(20) It is worth analysing your reaction to conflict situations since you may unwittingly be making them worse.
(21) For the study of social need and welfare policy this is clearly right; yet it unwittingly helps to reinforce the stereotypes.
(22) The books they marked were returned, probably not fully read, but with these enigmatic new chapters unwittingly added.
(23) But the Galaxy is great, and it has happened before that a boundary has been trespassed unwittingly.
(24) For the male, it is a stiff competition, but even the strongest can be unwittingly foiled.
(25) In plain terms this means that one may be unwittingly a member of an elite group, on Wright Mills's argument.
(26) Over the past two springs between 500 and 600 farmers have unwittingly planted the contaminated seed bought from a company called Advanta.
(27) I had been so horrified by Jason Purvis' physical condition that, almost unwittingly, I had taken him in hand.
(28) Supposing in innocently requesting him to escort her today, she'd unwittingly committed a crass blunder?
(29) Orwell Transport's case concerns the tachograph regulations which are frequently infringed, deliberately and unwittingly.
(30) He was bitter because he couldn't inherit the glory they unwittingly advertised.
(1) My remarks about divorce had unwittingly touched a raw nerve.
(2) People hate those who unwittingly harm the cause of peace.
(3) Walkers can unwittingly damage the fragile environment in which the birds live.
(31) When counselors, pastors and the church blame the victim, they unwittingly become part of the problem.
(32) Did they unwittingly do the worst possible thing in response, thus altering a fragile balance for ever?
(33) By suggesting this they began quite unwittingly to undermine her confidence in the school and in herself.
(34) He's such a nice man, I could imagine him getting unwittingly manipulated into a situation like that.
(35) If the guest was a bore, he or she unwittingly became grist for the act.
(36) Mrs Clinton unwittingly may have provided ample justification for that request.
(37) Why so many climbers unwittingly created so much visual pollution?
(38) A person unwittingly cheated of his entitlement because of official error would receive backdated benefit when the error was discovered.
(39) Camberwick Green, probably unwittingly, supplied me with a conservative counter agenda to the counter-culture.
(40) Before setting off, when all had been packed away, I unwittingly slipped my clip-on sun-glasses into my back pocket.
(41) The class involves anyone who unwittingly bought fraudulent sports memorabilia on eBay from September 1995 to the date of trial.
(42) I may have unwittingly provided them with a reason why my application should be filed in the trash can.
(43) Can Misha Glenny be so politically naive that he has unwittingly turned into an apologist for aggression?
(44) The only tears which are ever shed are those from actions unwittingly committed which have hurt the beloved.
(45) These importers have have agreed to finance and police an inspectorate to ensure that they are not unwittingly buying drift-net tuna.
(46) Unfortunately Phil had unwittingly chosen a bad time to clash with the pirate radio vessel.
(47) Wittingly or unwittingly, some records have explored segments of Byrd's career,() but there are many possibilities for going further.
(48) Almost certainly unwittingly, Benjamin was returning to the land of his far-off kindred.
(49) Unless this attention is given, practitioners will be unwittingly reinforcing the widespread depressed level of desire found in elderly clients.
(50) Yet they perhaps unwittingly also touched upon the raw nerve of vital, popular fears.
(51) Many incidents and accidents are caused by lack of experience and the pilot unwittingly putting himself into situations beyond his capabilities.
(52) To be sent callously, unwittingly to their deaths like laboratory animals.
(53) It was as if the men, unwittingly, had stumbled upon a crude form of worker control.
(54) Scribbling the names of two popular medications, the doctor had unwittingly written Mary a death warrant.
(55) A Troll stepped unwittingly into a steaming puddle and immediately began to dissolve.
(56) Schools unwittingly erect a language barrier which must exclude great numbers of parents.
(57) He unwittingly entered the ladies'toilet.
(58) He unwittingly reveals his own temperament.
(59) A son of Laius and Jocasta, who was abandoned at birth and unwittingly killed his father and then married his mother.
(60) As contemporary art in Asia develops at the rapid pace, the modernization process in Asia unwittingly adopts Western culture as the ideal standard by which to measure and judge its own culture.
(61) Ah si's face shone with satisfaction over the excellent result he had unwittingly produced.
(62) It seemed that he might, with his chapped scullion's hands, somehow mishandle the beautiful music, as a child might unwittingly trample a butterfly.
(63) Tongue-tied by inexperience and by excess of ardor, wooing unwittingly and awkwardly, Martin continued his approach by contact.
(64) In doing so, they unwittingly adopt the language of participants in such struggles, and contribute to the reification of ethnic groups.
(65) The only problem is that cantharidin is toxic, and the victims are usually women who unwittingly consume the powder in a drink.
(66) And if the avenger of blood pursue after him, then they shall not deliver the slayer up into his hand; because he smote his neighbour unwittingly, and hated him not beforetime.
(67) Bookbinder had unwittingly "unchecked" the spam filter in the MS Mind control panel .
(68) As I look at him playing, unwittingly into a new era - online.
(69) It was as though he had stepped unwittingly onto holy ground.
(70) With a strong sense of language, reading comprehension will unwittingly increase slowly.
(71) It would appear from the above that Tai Situ Rinpoche group had wittingly or unwittingly played into the hands of the Chinese.
(72) Take time to rebuild your boundaries so that it's harder for people to pull your triggers (wittingly or unwittingly).
(73) Users themselves can be the Achilles' heel of security systems because of their propensities for error and their tendency (however unwittingly) to trade data safety for ease of use.
(73) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(74) The best guess for what might be happening is that patients unwittingly trigger the transient global amnesia by raising the pressure inside their abdomens.
(75) He finds methods that get close enough to behavior to show how people wittingly or unwittingly build and maintain their social worlds of particular interest.
(76) The researchers have unwittingly opened a door letting all Hell break loose.
(77) Agamemnon had unwittingly killed a hind in Artemis'sacred grove incurred the displeasure of the goddess.
(78) Even today, fortune telling ceremonies are still carried on unwittingly or half-jokingly in Halloween party games like apple bobbing.
(79) By capturing the daughter of the Tammuz-an noble Lord Toda, Ren unwittingly destabilized peace talks between Toda's Outer Territories and Mon Julpa's kingdom.
(80) The writers of stories and novelettes in 1999 wittingly or unwittingly make an artistic presentation of this theme.
(81) When we speak of Greeks, we unwittingly speak of today and yesterday.
(82) Mr. Bookbinder had unwittingly "unchecked" the spam filter in the MS Mind control panel.
(83) She imposed unwittingly on the old lady and gentleman, by her ingenious cordiality.
(84) He unwittingly refers to Libyans as "they" and says his American-style rapid multitasking is a sharp contrast to Libyans' languorous discussions.
(85) Ironically, today's scofflaw spirit, whatever its undetermined origins, is being encouraged unwittingly by government at many levels.
(86) A moustached man unwittingly saves a harpy from being drowned in a fountain.
(87) Humming all the way my spring song where, unwittingly on the destination.
(88) Wittingly or unwittingly, that is what political leaders do all the time.
(89) These triggers can come wittingly or unwittingly from our adversaries or from our friends and colleagues.
(90) Every day, wittingly or unwittingly, we make a myriad of connections with people around the world.
(91) Hard tears spur a bleeding heart, wittingly or unwittingly always running in the direction towards death ... to a reserved dreams: This is the pursuit!
(92) The harvesters unwittingly create frog heaven - Eiffingeri tree frogs find perfect homes here.
(93) Yet many people unwittingly mistreat their hair by eating an unbalanced diet.
(94) General comments: unwittingly, almost into the middle of evening, the Disaster Relief.
(95) Love you for the person you have wittingly or unwittingly given him a lot of burdens.




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