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单词 Axis
(1) The wheel is revolving about its axis.
(2) The earth revolves on its axis.
(3) A wheel revolves round its axis.
(4) The main road is on a north-south axis.
(5) The Earth spins on its axis.
(6) The Earth revolves about the axis which joins the North and South Poles.
(7) The earth's axis is the line between the North and South Poles.
(8) The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.
(9) The Earth turns on its axis once every 24 hours.
(10) The real wage is measured along the horizontal axis and the quantity of labour is measured along the vertical axis.
(11) The diameter of a circle is also an axis.
(12) True north runs parallel to the earth's axis.
(13) on its axis once every 24 hours.
(14) The earth rotates on its axis.
(15) The earth turns on its own axis.
(16) The earth spins on its axis.
(17) A wheel revolves round/on its axis.
(18) The axis of a circle is its diameter.
(19) The Earth rotates on an axis between the north and south poles.
(20) Mars takes longer to revolve on its axis than the earth.
(21) The wheel rotates about an axis which is perpendicular to the plane.
(22) The earth completes 366 rotations about its axis in every leap year.
(23) The axis of the moon will now be exactly perpendicular to that of the earth.
(24) The boat pivoted on its central axis and pointed straight at the harbour entrance.
(25) Tabitha ran an axis circuit check.
(26) Pictures can be rotated about any axis.
(27) If society were a train, the etiquette would be the rails along which only the train could rumble forth; if society were a state coach, the etuquette would be the wheels and axis on which only the coach could roll forward.
(28) The earth revolves both round the sun and on its own axis.
(29) The earth spins round the sun, and on its own axis.
(30) It has been predicted that the Earth will tilt on its axis , causing catastrophic famine and disease.
(1) The wheel is revolving about its axis.
(2) The earth revolves on its axis.
(3) A wheel revolves round its axis.
(4) The main road is on a north-south axis.
(5) The Earth spins on its axis.
(6) The Earth revolves about the axis which joins the North and South Poles.
(7) The earth's axis is the line between the North and South Poles.
(8) The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.
(9) The Earth turns on its axis once every 24 hours.
(10) The real wage is measured along the horizontal axis and the quantity of labour is measured along the vertical axis.
(11) The axis of a circle is its diameter.
(12) Mars takes longer to revolve on its axis than the earth.
(13) It has been predicted that the Earth will tilt on its axis , causing catastrophic famine and disease.
(31) Concern for production is illustrated on the horizontal axis.
(32) Its raw material and main axis is information.
(33) Far away, the curve hugs the axis very closely.
(34) Time is graphed along the horizontal axis.
(35) Concern for people is illustrated on the vertical axis.
(36) Aristotle and the Talmud both recommended placing the bed on a north-south axis for those wanting boys.
(37) The two ribbons are most sensitive to sounds arriving from forty-five degrees on either side of the central axis.
(38) Folding is its essential property along an axis of symmetry so that the two halves make a perfect overlay.
(39) An Axis supply convoy was now spotted by a Maryland, and on 7 May an attack was laid on.
(40) The earth was doing what it always did, turning on its axis.
(41) A pre-tax income measured on the horizontal axis would convert into the same amount of post-tax income measured on the vertical axis.
(42) Muscle strips were mounted with the longitudinal axis parallel to the direction of the circular muscle bundles.
(43) As such, he had shown unflagging support for the Axis cause.
(44) The Earth spins on an axis, creating north and south poles.
(45) Neuroendocrine and metabolic abnormalities Disturbances in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis are the most consistent of the various endocrine abnormalities associated with anorexia nervosa.
(46) This shows the simple case of a spin axis which is perpendicular to the line of sight.
(47) However, as the frequency was only doubled in the horizontal axis the benefits were lost if you printed landscape format text!
(48) The dervish gyrating on his axis echoes the rotation of the earth and taps the sources of creative vibration.
(49) This figure can be redrawn with the maturity on the horizontal axis to show the negative relationship between volatility and maturity.
(50) In the grounds of the hotel used as an Axis headquarters,[http:///axis.html] he heard a sentry yawn but found no guns.
(51) Its distance from the planet's spin axis must therefore be decreasing.
(52) A leader with a rating of nine on the horizontal axis has a maximum concern for production.
(53) The parabola has the important property of reflecting to its focus all lines parallel to the x axis.
(54) It seemed incredible; what would the Axis want with a bunch of small-town men and boys led by a band conductor?
(55) The crystal acts as an analyser which ascertains whether or not the photon has polarisation perpendicular to the optical axis of the crystal.
(56) Then, he felt the world shift on its axis, and knew that a new reality had slotted into its place.
(57) In theory, the model should rotate about its vertical axis until the control is released and then stop.
(58) These were mainly disposed along the main axis of the monument, with a number clustered on platforms raised on either side.
(59) The leaves are arranged so that each pair is situated perpendicular to the axis of the preceding leaves.
(60) The general aim was to counter Axis influences and propaganda.
(61) The world had completed one more turn on its axis.
(62) Distance a locates the focus of the parabola on the x axis.
(63) Whereas the extremities of a parabola become parallel to its major axis, the asymptotes of a hyperbola cross one another.
(64) Imperfection clings to a person, and if they wait till they are brushed off entirely, they would spin for ever on their axis, advancing nowhere. Thomas Carlyle 
(65) In the prognathous head the long axis is horizontal, or slightly inclined ventrally(), while the mouthparts are anterior in position.
(66) The vertical axis is a measure of the probability of acceptance of an item by the user.
(67) The height of each bar is read from the vertical axis.
(68) Each sighting results in the discovery of either a female axis or white-tailed deer.
(69) With no damping, the poles simply lie on the imaginary axis.
(70) A leader with a rating of nine on the vertical axis has maximum concern for people.
(71) Now imagine the whole diagram being rotated out of the page about an axis that connects the centres of the two circles.
(72) We spin on an axis, or tilt, of about 23. 5 degrees from the sun.
(73) We plot pre-tax income on the horizontal axis and post-tax income on the vertical axis.
(74) Equator: The plane through the middle of the cell, at right angles to the main axis of the spindle.
(75) By the end of 1942, the great year of success for the Axis, things were starting to change dramatically.
(76) Open back designs, like most combos, sound slightly brighter off axis but suffer from lack of bass.
(77) The orientation of the long axis of an elliptical borehole is displayed when the break-out criteria are satisfied.
(78) McGann, it seems,[http:///axis.html] is opting for the financial arrangement / power axis model of marriage.
(79) On travelling along the x axis to Quito a traveller would find that Libreville lies in the y direction.
(80) The real wage is measured along the vertical axis and labour services are measured along the horizontal axis.
(81) Each of the spheres revolves once a day about the axis of the heavens with the earth as its center.
(82) With figure 4.2, however, the cycle is seen as going diagonally across the matrix rather than running along one axis.
(83) The true axis of evil in America is the brilliance of our marketing combined with the stupidity of our people. Bill Maher 
(84) The horizontal axis has the most frequently preserved part of the bone, namely the distal humerus and proximal femur.
(85) I decided to use the directionality and linearity of the central axis.
(86) We have seen that it turns a state of arbitrary polarisation into one polarised perpendicular to the crystal's optical axis.
(87) The central axis of the Space Station, with its docking arms extended, was now slowly swimming toward them.
(88) The truth, when it is revealed, will rock this world upon its axis.
(89) It is rather as though there is a central axis, around which the gemstone of beauty is formed.
(90) Graphics are generally more readable when explanatory variables are shown along a horizontal axis and outcome variables vertically.
(91) The left and bottom ends of the axis similarly represent the negative poles and the lowest scores.
(92) First, I needed to know whether the axis running through the circle centres continued to the church at Bishops Cannings.
(93) It may even turn out that these growth factors are the signals from the organizer which specify the main body axis.
(94) Entering, you are drawn down the main axis by curves.
(95) Although the fibrils are arranged radially, the molecular chains lie at right angles to the fibril axis.
(96) I made it to the jeep but the earth was spinning off its axis.
(97) This line represents the fore and aft axis of your aircraft, the fuselage.
(98) He turned his head upon its axis and grinned back over his shoulders at the hushed crowd.
(99) The analytical procedure is to use each theme as an axis around which different elements of empirical data are grouped.
(100) Without this we would see a changing face as the Moon turned on its axis.
(101) Along the horizontal axis are measured the supply of and demand for labour in the ith market, and respectively.
(102) These edges can be considered mutually exclusive interpretations of some stretch of the utterance defined by the z and x axis.
(103) The long axis of the bar is vertical and the dotted lines indicate our line of sight to the Galactic Centre.
(104) The series is set on a giant space station shaped like a cylinder rotating about an axis along its length.
(105) The height of the curve at any point on the dimension axis x is called the probability density of that particular value.
(106) The central axis of their variation is their degree of autonomy.
(107) In 1941 the US declared war on the Axis powers.
(108) Light is most intense along the central axis of each fan.
(109) These peaks, together with a crystallographic twofold axis,[] were interpreted as possibly resulting from 52 point-group symmetry.
(110) This hypothesis generates an infinite set of indifference curves which are convex to the L axis.
(111) Right axis shows the ratio of dissociation constants for a mutant and wild-type receptor.
(112) On the horizontal axis is 0, the ideal variety of consumers.
(113) In Fig. 11-7 the wage rates for labour in the two localities are shown on the vertical axis.
(114) One way of thinking of spin is to imagine the particles as little tops spinning about an axis.
(115) It thus looks as if the traditional Paris-Bonn axis will continue to operate.
(116) The vertical axis to the same scale represents elapsed time and the diagonal is drawn in as shown.
(117) Notice that the distance of each curve from the axis is appreciable only in a quite small region.
(118) Night and day are created by the Earth rotating on its axis.
(119) The horizontal axis is now calibrated in units of beta rather than the standard deviation of expected returns.
(120) The spotted axis, or chital, deer is the ideal prey for a leopard.
(121) This locates the vertex of both tractrix and catenary and their vertical axis of symmetry can be erected.
(122) A consistent orientation of the long axis towards 40-60 degrees east was found.
(123) They are established by the extension of any of the budget segments backwards to the right-side vertical axis.
(124) As they use much thinner weft than warp strands, more knots are tied on the vertical than the horizontal axis.
(125) If instead the traveller goes along the y axis to Libreville, Quito is found to lie in the x direction.
(126) Only once before has this riveting axis started a game and the first-half goal rush was an event waiting to happen.
(127) People become more important to the leader as his or her rating progresses up the vertical axis.
(128) These seasonal changes arise because our planet's axis is not vertical but tilted slightly.
(129) Reference to the column of the character table showing the Cartesian axis directions then gives the symmetry species directly.
(130) An outer cylinder of platinum was used as the anode, with a rod of palladium on its axis as the cathode.
(131) You will notice that all the shapes are symmetrical about a left/right axis.
(132) The vertical axis is therefore called the imaginary axis.
(133) Use these arrow keys to move the coordinate axis.
(134) The horizontal axis of a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system.
(135) The earth whirls on its axis.
(136) Tie the rope to the axis of the windlass.
(137) The figures are symmetrically disposed about a vertical axis.
(138) the daily rotation of the earth on its axis.
(139) the vertical axis of the graph.
(140) Objective To investigate the age trend of the frontal QRS axis in a normal population and its effect on QRS-wave amplitude in the limb leads.
(141) Circumvolution:an ACT of turning, coiling, or folding about a center, a core[http:///axis.html], or an axis.
(142) With the algorithm the revolving axis and the generatrix are extracted through point cloud.
(143) Inflorescence an open, contracted, spiciform or glomerate panicle, very rarely of racemes on a central axis.
(144) The effect of rate of change for semimajor axis and inclination perturbation and drift of semimajor axis and inclination on the ground-track drift was analyzed.
(145) Occurs when the Edition axis axial movement , the substrate is unstable, color swatch color tag up.
(146) Servo motor drives the whole wheel head sliding board (Z1, Z2 axis) doing longitudinal running through ball screw.
(147) We only specify the Y axis X axis will be little used for this community.
(148) This paper describes in detail how to adjust spectrometer so as to keep a strict vertical between optic axis and rotation axis of telescope.
(149) Value Axis Gridlines Button 015015 Adds or deletes major gridlines for the value axis.
(150) An axis external circle simulates a reference shaft line to realize the principle of the measurement of the plane to the symmetrical characteristic of the reference axis.
(151) A prolate spheroid is generated by revolving an ellipse about its major axis.
(152) Since x - axis to the right, y axis the so produced a clockwise rotation effect.
(153) The higher - order terms arise from nonlinearities and cross - axis sensitivity.
(154) The coupling of linear antennas parallel to the minor axis in a elliptic waveguide are discussed by means of dyadic Greens function and reaction principle.
(155) Axis Of Rotation : vector expressed in a given referential.
(156) This paper extends the particular conclusions on the symmetry of the space figures in terms of the coordinate zero dot, coordinate plane and coordinate axis in Analytic Geomtry.
(157) Programming by the plane curve unwrapped from the helix curve and cutting layer by layer, we created the variable pitch screw on the 3.5 axis NC milling.
(158) The corresponding geometric models were presented based on given equation of the off - axis aspheric surfaces.
(159) For a better focusing of an optic axis, with the red LED.
(160) According to the P axis superiority distribution position, the compression stress direction is extrapolated.
(161) A microscope image formation model based on scalar diffraction and Fourier optics has been developed(), which takes a slant angle between the optical axis and the observed surface into account.
(162) Intercrossed dynamic characteristics related to the axis are not equal to zero, which illustrates that the axial of radial-thrust hybrid bearing has a relationship with the radial of it.
(163) In accodance with kinetic energy theorem, this paper presents an angular mo- mentum theorem of velocity instantaneous centre axis. This theorem is a simple and convenient scalar equation.
(164) Using astigmatic method to extract information of light source in z axis.
(165) The scaling factor is obtained by dividing the height of the graph's axis by the highest value in the data.
(166) Axis line , Terakado, Mochizuki floor, screen door, hall in order of priority.
(167) The hydrostatic head at any point in that wellbore is not a function of its measured depth (MD) along the wellbore axis, but rather its vertical distance or true vertical depth (TVD) to the surface.
(168) The earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.Sentencedict
(169) When the vertical climb stops , the helicopter is rotated 180 degrees about the yaw axis.
(170) The testing results about the use of new rail joint was introduced, which include the dynamic flexure stress of upper limb and lower margin of joint bar, shearing stress of horizontally neutral axis.
(171) Dial test indicator, cross roller guide and SIOS 3-axis laser interferometer are adopted for precision assembling and adjusting processes of Z axis.
(172) A new general parametric curve interpolation algorithm for multi axis follow up control of CNC system is proposed. It is a direct function incremental step algorithm.
(173) Most broadly, he has sought to engage with opponents, saying that America would "extend a hand, if you unclench your fist", for example to those who were earlier dismissed as an "axis of evil".
(174) Horizontal axis turbine and vertical axis turbine ( VAWT ) are two basic forms of wind turbine.
(175) The "Merkozy" duumvirate annoys some: the Italians say "a global situation cannot be solved by a bilateral axis.
(176) Horizontal or lateral axis, passes through the airplane from one side to the other - nose up and nose down control is by elevators (and stabilizer for trim).
(177) The row headings (seconds) appear along the series axis (series axis: A chart axis that represents the depth dimension in a true 3-D chart.
(178) The radial and tangential tilt angles between the emission laser axis of objective lens and test disc are the key parameters to develop, produce and detect the DVD traverses.
(179) Rotating the image according to the inertial principal axis can normalize it in position.
(180) The cardiac electrical axis, osmotic fragility of RBC, bleeding time (BT) end coagulation time (CT) of 21 Tree shrews(Tupaia belangeri chinensis) ware measured.
(181) AXIS PRO is an integrated software suite of analysis tools.
(182) The Chart control by default will choose an automatic minimum and maximum for a value axis that will make all the data points visible and leave a little bit of margin around the plot area.
(183) This big-bang finish — which includes a topsy-turvy image that poignantly suggests the world has been turned on its axis for good — is sloppy, at times visually incoherent, yet touching.
(184) This would be a bit more obvious if we cut the rhomb to have edge of equal axis.
(185) The arch axis of arciform aqueducts formed by the continuum topology optimization method was compared with the circular arch axis and the parabolic arch axis of the same span.
(186) In 2002, President George Bush labeled North Korea part of an "axis of evil, " primarily due to its aggressive military posture but also because of its abysmal human rights record.
(187) Which would explain why summer seems to zip by, except the seasons are a function of the tilt of the Earth's axis, not its different distances from the sun.
(188) With this system, measurements for human eyes dioptric power, their astigmatism and axis of astigmaticity can be performed objectively.
(189) Inset ceramic piece in over-feed fixes in two independent drive axis, which is used to control the tension of yarn precisely during the setting and winding.
(190) Pull the cap off the axis at the inner side to remove it easily.
(191) X axis and Y axis adopt ball spiral rods with excellent precisions and low friction factors.
(192) Subsequently this thesis narrated in detailed the method that sketched the axis main body and the keyway and created the features of revolve, chamfer and extrude.
(193) Results Occipital condyle ( OC ) was an important sign and its long axis was 24.
(194) The iso - scallops tool - path generation method base on drum cutter of five - axis flank milling is proposed.
(195) The in-out axis represents on the same axial line or on the same axis parallel line, so the new type mill is central drive.
(196) On the as-cast samples, the column-like crystals with easy axis perpendicular to one another are clearly characterized by their different domain patterns.
(197) More difficult to tune. Most designs CANNOT adjust to flat, level nock travel in the vertical axis.
(198) In some cases the designer has placed the King Pin axis so close to the wheel that the king pin centerline becomes very close to the tire patch.
(198) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(199) In this article, on the base of the theoretical calculation in vertical and horizontal bending, the amplification factor formulas of deflection and moment with the axis - load increment is deduced.
(201) It is very useful to analysis the affection of crown gear coupling and correspond axis by addition moment of bending in engineering.
(202) The effects of packing structure, azimuth factor, shape factor, orientating factor, axis ratio and size uniformity on the packing fraction have been also evaluated.
(203) Using magnetic fluid dynamics and thermodynamics theory, a study on the results of axial bearing pressure ability of rotation axis magnetic fluid static seals was introduced.
(204) The geometrical concept is to make a lot of parallel lines of the imaginary axis in the complex plane, and to decide the points which satisfy both the root loci and the parallel lines by the computer.
(205) With ventricular depolarization of the site has a number of transient ECG integrated vector, in the face of the lead axis of projection, that is, limb-lead electrocardiogram of the QRS complex wave.
(206) The protecting tube body part of the temperature detector for temperature compensation is arranged by a rotary method according to a tube axis as a center.
(207) This differential motion was caused by gravitational interaction when the Moon was much closer to Earth, causing a wobble in the lunar axis as it spun.
(208) So, the Greenwich Meridian would be here, now, the one on the x axis.
(209) I mean, of course,if I shoot very close to the axis, you might think,oh, I won't be in there.
(210) Numerical calculations show that both the value and direction of stress field affect the direction of easy axis when the applied field and stress field.
(211) Orienting the house on an east - west axis is usually best.
(212) This visualizer creates a graph of data on an x-y axis to help spot outliers.
(213) Compared with Z-axis acceleration and deceleration, the reaction time was shortened during off-vertical axis constant angular acceleration and deceleration.
(214) A screw gear type differential mechanism includes a differential carrier, an operculum, a main reducing gear driven gear, left and right half axis gears, etc.
(215) The chair frame is connected with the chair framework through a revolution axis joint chair, screws and cap nuts, making the seat frame capable of tip-up and more convenient for taking articles.
(216) Avian broilers were used as experimental objects to study the mechanism of the pituitary adrenal axis regulating immune system when being infected with virulent infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV).
(217) Collecting the distance axis projection, this algorithm not only work well when the target has the scale change or rotation, but also has the low operation cost.
(218) Methods The clinical data of 63 children with anisometropia were reviewed. The relationship between anisometropia , difference image and ocular axis was compared and analyzed statistically.
(219) Under reasonable hypothesis , selected axis symmetry for studying structure, an obvious formula is set up.
(220) The cortico-thalamic axis of Crick and Koch is too narrow an explanation of complexity to warrant investing on it.
(221) The image of sphericity which does not located the principal optic axis is an ellipse based on pinhole model, and the image center offsets from the projection of the sphere center.
(222) The lower limit around the primary axis of the character joint.
(223) The red channel in a normal map encodes the left-right axis of normal blue channel encodes vertical depth.
(224) A fault movement can be resolved into an axial component (parallel to the pipe axis ) , a lateral component (perpendicular to the pipe axis) in the horizontal plane and a vertical component.
(225) It's uncommon sense that was needed to recognize that the Earth was turning on its axis. The uncommon sense of Copernicus, Galileo and Giordano Bruno, who burned to death.
(226) When the tunnel axis is consistent with the fault strike and the vertical stress is the maximum principal stress, it is likely to lead to the tunnel rock cracking, collapse and other damages.
(227) Double row cylindrical roller bearing is applied on machine tool principal axis.
(228) A geometrical expressive method of the machine-readable data concerning number axis is introduced, and with this method, the question of overflow related to complement arithmetic is analyzed.
(229) With the help of some formulae and simple iteration procedures the table and the diagram mentioned above can also be used for locating neutral axis of T beams.
(230) In the fifth chapter, based on point-axis-net theory, it involves how to select center point of tourism, built main axis, and plan net.
(231) Believable quality Complete serve control system and electric principal axis.
(232) The HPA axis is part of the neuroendocrine system that manages stress.
(233) Neurocrine axis or hypothalamus-pituitary growth axis plays a major role of regulation in the progress of animal growth and development.
(234) In specimen without ligaments, the condylar process rotates around a central axis about 6 mm underneath the condylar crest. The movement occurs between the condylar process and the articular disc.
(235) Diverter becomes steering wheel's rotation steering arm's swinging or the rack axis straight reciprocating motion, and to changes the control force to carry on the enlargement the organization.
(236) DOLPHIN is expected to recurve after it traverses the ridge axis.
(237) When a belt pulley is adopted to transmit. the axis central line of motor should be parallel to load central line and be vertical with belt central line.
(238) Assimilating the filling pipe to a grounded conductor at the axis of the vessel, the electrostatic boundary problem is solved analytically.
(239) The angle of the least inertia moment axis of grey scale image is an important shape feature in digital image analysis.
(240) Of course, r goes all around the z axis, but I'm just doing a slice through one of these vertical half planes, fixing the value of theta.
(241) Three axis uses line guide, quick milling speed, longer useful life.
(242) In order to study the neutral axis location of high strength bolts in extended end-plate connections, a series of joint tests from portal frame and theoretical analysis were executed.
(243) We propose a wearable sensor including two - axis accelerometer, 8 bit microcontroller and RF wireless communication module.
(244) The results suggested that Nujin Pill could regulate the function of pituitarium-ovary axis.
(245) Theoretically speaking, it is a rather-clearly discussed subject to standardize the quadratic equation into the normal forms by spinning the coordinate axis so as to approach the shapes of its curves.
(246) Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, meanwhile, says the earth's axis has also shifted 25 cm as a result of the quake in Japan, according to a report released by Reuters.
(247) Allowing one axis of the ellipse to dwindle to zero, the crack limIt'solution is obtained.
(248) The transepicondylar axis of different position has no effect on volume rendering technique measuring the humeral head retroversion angle with multi slice spiral CT.
(249) The couple arm of force refers to part of the mass center of the location of the bore axis vertical distance.
(250) Methods: We sideling incised pancreas envelope along the pancreas y axis , pancreas body become flexible, omental bursa put a duct drainage.
(251) The orbit control technology of two long-distance satellites with similar semi-major axis, eccentric angle and inclination RAAN was analyzed.
(252) Nonetheless, multiple viewpoints are helpful for precisely aligning objects along a particular axis.
(253) The problem to determine the principal axis of quadratic surface is summed up to be that of finding the stop point of J-function.
(254) Steering axis inclination is measure in degrees and is not adjustable.
(255) Take the arch rib material strength as the prior condition, the paper studies limitation span of arch bridge withparabola and catenary as rational arch axis curve under dead load.
(256) The main products are: JP Series winch irrigation system, the transfer of irrigation system, PYC series of vertical rocker-type nozzle, QZ, QH, QSZ, QSH series axis (mixed)-flow submersible pump.
(257) Wonder Woman worked undercover for the chief of U.S. military intelligence fighting the Axis powers and other enemies, such as the Duke of Deception.
(258) The selection of weighting function matrixes and the controller design method for a plant with a pole on imaginary axis is discussed in detail.
(258) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(259) Profile with bigger section modulus of bending will be more difficult to bend, and the bigger the distance from neutral surface to the axis of the roller, the smaller the curvature radius.
(260) The abnormal deformation or local damage of steel structure can be reflected by the load-deflection curve and the deflection curve of the longitudinal axis.
(261) In the coordinate system of 2-D axis symmetry, numerical simulation is carried through with the technology of dynamic mesh in FLUENT software for ballonet project.
(262) Because of axis line deflection and asymmetric load distribution of rotary kiln, the support parts may break, spall, or erode due to the induced overlarge contact stresses.
(263) This paper presents a new method for an estimation of the axis of rotation based on line element geometry and kine-matic equation.
(264) Methods:Analysis was done with mydriatic and computer optometry to measure corneal curvature and determine the length of the optic axis.
(265) For KKV without an orbit control engine along its longitudinal axis, an OGL is developed based on the linear kinematical model of space interception, by adopting a new time to go algorithm.
(266) Many acoustic drivers are substantially symmetric about the axis of motion 22.
(267) To improve the precision of vertical axis of large precise cinetheodolite, a high stiffness base and a deformable leveling mechanism are adopted.
(268) That if you have various orbits which have the same semimajor axis, that the period is the same and the energy is the same, and that's by no means obvious.
(269) Tooth surface is part of tin bronze, is part of the middle axis of ductile iron.
(270) We first analyzed the instantaneous motions of 3 TPT parallel manipulator at initial configuration, after translation along Z axis, and when there are two configurations, by reciprocal screw.
(271) The origin is located on the axis at the point closest to the center of mass.
(272) Anisotropic formation is modeled as a transversely isotropic two phase medium with the symmetric principal axis perpendicular to the borehole axis.
(273) It's almost as if the eschatological timeline, the axis in Paul's letter, has been just flipped up like this in Colossians and Ephesians, so that's one major difference.
(274) However, the magnetic field makes the ion energy shift between the radius direction and angle direction. The introduction of magnetic in the axis makes the ion velocity in the angle direction appear./axis.html
(275) The throne symbolizing imperial power is positioned at the center of this central axis.
(276) The successful control of the arch axis proves that invariable cable method is effective in hoisting CFST arch ribs into arch bridge with proper camber.
(277) Objective To investigate the treatment of invagination with clivus-dens axis type in base of skull.
(278) Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, meanwhile, says the axis axi s has also shifted 25 cm as a result of the quake in Japan, according to a report released by Reuters.
(279) Axis is the wave band market in the relative equilibrium position Pupil.
(280) From it, we can see there are many lines intersecting with axis.
(281) Total lumbar lordosis (L1-S1), thoracic kyphosis (T5-T12), sacral slope, thoracolumbar angle (T11-L1), and sagittal vertical axis (SVA) were measured on the lateral view of the whole spine.
(282) This method provides each axis with an additional compensating function according to the contour errors by adaptive fuzzy inference control, so the CNC system contour machining accuracy is modified.
(283) The life like an axis , borns in the zero point, and walks in right side.
(284) The principal axis effected the moving stability and action accuracy of the R 20 cathode bobbin making machine.
(285) It is indicated that the third-order nonlinear elastic coefficient tensor for quasicrystals with ten-fold symmetry axis has an arbitrary rotation symmetry about the ten-fold axis.




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