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单词 Tedious
1. Her visits were starting to get a bit tedious.
2. It is a tedious, humourless load of crap.
3. The job is tedious, but the pay is good.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. Filing papers at the office is a tedious job.
5. The work is tedious.
6. The camaraderie among fellow employees made the tedious work just bearable.
7. The meeting was so long and tedious, he was ready to climb the wall.
8. Such lists are long and tedious to read.
9. They reluct at long and tedious essays.
10. The tedious job simply ate me up.
11. The work was tiring and tedious.
12. The manager landed me with this tedious task.
13. The audience coughed down the tedious speaker.
14. We are bored by the speaker's tedious talk.
15. Life without Anna had no savour, was tedious, insupportable.
16. He found committee meetings extremely tedious.
17. There's no point in labouring at a tedious task.
18. We had to sit through several tedious speeches.
19. The arguments are tedious and complicated.
20. He went on at tedious length about his favourite hobby.
21. Thomas Carlyle , notwithstanding his tedious rhetoric, is a master of the sublime in prose style.
22. We had to listen to all the tedious details of his operation.
23. She writes a tedious and self-indulgent column for a Sunday paper.
24. He that can read an meditate will not find his evenings long or life tedious.
25. The Mayor recited to the Queen a long and tedious speech of welcome.
26. The director drew the meeting out for another hour with a series of tedious questions.
27. It had been a tiring day, largely because of all the tedious waiting.
28. I spent the rest of their visit gleefully boring them with tedious details.
29. His phone call was a welcome intrusion into an otherwise tedious morning.
30. The trouble is I find most forms of exercise so tedious.
1. Her visits were starting to get a bit tedious.
2. It is a tedious, humourless load of crap.
3. The job is tedious, but the pay is good.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. Filing papers at the office is a tedious job.
5. The camaraderie among fellow employees made the tedious work just bearable.
6. The Mayor recited to the Queen a long and tedious speech of welcome.
7. The director drew the meeting out for another hour with a series of tedious questions.
8. The meeting was so long and tedious, he was ready to climb the wall.
9. The tedious job simply ate me up.
10. The arguments are tedious and complicated.
11. Thomas Carlyle , notwithstanding his tedious rhetoric, is a master of the sublime in prose style.
31. If tedious tasks could be eradicated, the world would be a much better place.
32. Memorial services have become tedious and expected. I would like to help break the mould.
33. The main argument was submerged in a mass of tedious detail.
34. The clerical part of his job was tedious, and he was glad to be rid of it.
35. They are then very tedious to clean.
36. The routine, in fact, is tedious. Cast out.
37. It's really becoming rather tedious.
38. The journey soon became tedious.
39. Art restoration work is slow, methodical and sometimes tedious.
40. But he had come to find her tedious.
41. This is all becoming very tedious.
42. Elimination of tedious repetitive work such as casting and balancing. 5.
43. It transforms food preparation from a tedious routine into an exciting event, and is top-rack-dishwasher-safe.
44. If you're not a lover of platform games it could be a wee bit tedious.
45. But because this group of people is isolated, the routines may assume a particularly tedious, inexorable character.
46. In practical fact, much work is repetitive, tedious, painfully fatiguing, mentally boring or socially demeaning.
47. But as the days stretched into tedious weeks Creggan found strange comfort in the silent presence of Slorne in the adjacent cage.
48. Some people are natural bargainers and others find the whole process rather tedious.
49. The cases seem either petty or arcane, the investigations tedious or motivated by politics.
50. Very nearly slammed her fist on the table and launched into the ancient and terminally tedious arguments of the left.
51. Sleazy and tedious, the film would need to improve a few rungs to be classified as merely dreadful.
52. The dog provides most of the comic relief in this tedious sitcom.
53. Daedalus dislikes this tedious and wasteful business, and is inventing an in-situ laundering machine.
54. He is so absurd that he adds a note of humor to an otherwise dry, tedious, prosaic play.
55. But the formula which brought them together was widely, and justifiably, condemned as unwieldy and tedious.
56. Reality is a much more tedious, recalcitrant beast than was ever dreamed of in Phil Redmond's philosophy for Brookside.
57. This is tedious but it does provide an absolute calibration on which other devices can be based.
58. Their confidence grew into overwhelming proportions and in the opinion of many observers they swiftly became Manchester's tedious twosome.
59. At one point, Janowitz sketches out the tedious details of an overblown mishap at the local library.
60. One, the game couldn't have been fixed because it was so utterly one-sided and tedious.
61. Thinking, maybe, that it would break the monotony, the tedious spell of the highway.
62. Where, later, Joyce would see it, with tedious inevitability, and ask questions.
63. This makes the essential continual small power changes rather tedious.
64. In order to use them, however(Sentencedict), they require a rather tedious peeling process.
65. After the luxury of labour-saving devices it is just too tedious to go back to the old ways.
66. Finally, let me end a long, but hopefully not tedious, list of routes with a real gem from Skye.
67. It would be tedious to multiply the statistics of growing agricultural output and productivity.
68. It is possible to use the arrow keys if you do not have a mouse but this is rather slow and tedious.
69. The amount of laddish humour on TV these days can get a bit tedious.
70. I was in the minority in finding him a bit tedious.
71. The judge insisted that a tedious technical trial be run before Mr Schlichtmann could call non-expert witnesses.
72. Life is going to be very tedious this year, I can see.
73. It is best not to rely entirely on the paper copy since continual cross-referencing is tedious.
74. The snag about recording is that an enormous amount of material is produced which is very tedious to analyse.
75. There, robots work at dangerous and tedious jobs and serve as integrated parts of automated systems.
76. It would be tedious to recapitulate the substance of Addison's tributes.
77. Producing several hundred pages of hard copy with a desk-top computer and printer would be a long and tedious business.
78. She was just going to be rather tedious from now on.
79. Had I read the brochure carefully I would have realised that the experience I was heading for was anything but tedious!
80. The most tedious and difficult task is emptying the pond.
81. This is because joke after joke is tedious and people quickly reach saturation point.
82. Point counting of many thin sections is tedious; however, its uses generally outweigh the time spent in data accumulation.
83. It occurred to him that a full belly was not all he had his tedious employment to thank for.
84. Most modern housing developments show a tedious uniformity of design.
85. Steve Maxwell Yes-the pay cheque would have been nice-although the elocution lessons would have been a bit tedious.
86. It makes shopping very tedious and I find myself for ever returning clothes.
87. It was a long drive from the airport, made tedious by the unnatural, tense silence in the cab.
88. It will be a long, slow and tedious process requiring patience and constancy of purpose.
89. But this becomes tedious if you use the different settings often.
90. There was a thick mist lying on the track which ran through flat, tedious marshland.
91. The astronauts talk about looking for fossil microbes, but their main adventure is a tedious flatulence gag.
92. The longer stretches of talk heard in this new recording prove not tedious at all.
93. Three hours' extremely cold and tedious observation had been ruined by the sudden flash of this light several years earlier.
93. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
94. Somehow the message was arriving in his brain without the tedious necessity of passing through his eyes.
95. This was tedious work, involving, as you can imagine, a great deal of toing and froing on our part.
96. The editor's primary responsibility would be the tedious business of bringing the paper out every week.
97. For him it was a tedious preliminary to discovering whether he had something truly in common with another human being.
98. Don't be afraid to use cut and sew for necklines, as these are very tedious to shape on the machine.
99. Indeed, as Whips we must sometimes sit through long and tedious debates Hon. Members No.
100. Although this may seem a very tedious way to go about things, it is the only sure method of success.
101. Doing all those calculations without a computer would be extremely tedious.
102. It was one of the most tedious plays I've ever had to sit through.
103. One reaction to this style is that it is merely game-playing, and rather tedious at that.
104. It also became a very tedious place, since you can scarcely blow your nose there without going through a security check.
105. How well the network trains can now be judged instantly without making tedious error calculations.
106. Bullens Creek had started off tiny and tedious and gone downhill from there.
107. The very rigid structure looks tedious and clumsy to us humans, but we are not meant to be reading it.
108. Because a screenplay has to specify everything in excruciating detail, it is almost as tedious to read as to write.
109. It was a strangely farcical routine, and must be extremely tedious to enact day after day.
110. What should be a harrowing 90 minutes in hell ends up another tedious tourist nightmare devoid of historical perspective.
111. Three years as a legislative liaison, six years in the state senate, four tedious years as lieutenant governor.
112. In truth, she found watching the endless circuiting a little tedious and especially when there was no one to talk to.
113. This can get incredibly tedious and can last until you have learned what the games idea of a town is.
114. The jobs in the brave new workplace are tedious and drive people insane.
115. Accommodating herself to circumstances, Bertha found life less tedious.
116. The slickness of the programs became tedious.
117. He performed the tedious task of collating texts.
118. I wished to annihilate the tedious intervening days!
119. For him it was a bizarre and tedious experience.
120. The band's approach tends to be crushingly tedious.
121. The audience tried to cough down the tedious speaker.
122. It would be tedious to stop to enumerate them.
123. Too many abstract statements made his paper very tedious to me.
124. A major limitation of wood block printing is that each new message requires carving a new block of wood(), and carving is a slow and tedious process.
125. However, the most maximum theoretical yield of classical kinetic resolution is limited to 50% and the tedious procedures for the separation of the starting material and the product are inevitable.
126. Ambiguity in requirements makes the test design phase a tedious task.
127. However, the computing process is very tedious, because the permutation distribution has to be recomputed every time we subtract a different parameter.
128. I know you find the departmental turf wars as tedious as I do.
129. This activity is tedious, time consuming, and error-prone, requiring careful inspection of each sanitization function in all possible contexts.
130. This procedure is obviously much more tedious than sol analysis.
131. By comparison, the light industries that typify southern China are tedious but less overtly hazardous.
132. He brings songs and music, alcohol and sex into the tedious and mechanical life, releases their vitality and humanity, makes them realize that they are a group of sane and normal people.
133. AS ANY aficionado of whodunnits will know, lifting and analysing fingerprints is a tedious task.
134. Even tedious jobs, like making copies, never weaken a storm trooper's will to return to the battlefield.
135. As the traditional labour-intensive industry, the interior or external logistic management of the tyre manufacturers is relatively complicated and tedious.
136. You are thinking insupportable it would be to spend many evenings in such a tedious company.
137. The dilution method was obviously too tedious and uncertain for routine use.
138. Assigning typetags, assigning data to the appropriate member of the union, and manually processing list nodes can all be tedious procedures.
139. Therefore, to avoiding the tedious process of the resume load, information should be extracted by off-line methods to analyze and identify.
140. Thus, the formula given by this article is much easier and quicker than the tedious calculations of the constant variation method.
141. The dead level of the grassland made us quite tedious.
142. In the traditional design methods, the different shape function of ultrasonic horn is very complicated and tedious to be calculated.
143. This may seem tedious and a bit of overkill for such a small function, but the value of the comments to a novice shell scripter or someone just looking at the function can be invaluable.
144. Extracting and interpreting the seismic velocity spectrum data manually is kind of tedious work.
145. The analog filter is the important unit of modern measurement and control system, but the traditional method has a very tedious design process.
146. But, as with all belief systems, many acolytes have their own versions of what the Great Man said, and there are no arguments more minute, tedious, and off-putting than those among true believers.
147. The manometric method overcomes the defect of tedious operation used in dilution inoculation method and it has the advantage of direct and easy operation, etc. It has certain availability.
148. Providence out of pity for mankind, has instilled a soporific charm into all tedious things.
149. It would, however , be very tedious and difficult to write all information in binary code.
150. The proposed methods are based on the modal coordinate equations, to avoid the tedious mathematical manipulation.
151. The developer may choose to develop as many separate code bases of software as there are target platforms. However, this approach is tedious and error prone.
152. It was showed that computer programming can simplify the tedious manual computation, enhance the accuracy of analysis result.
153. This part library reduces product design to standard component tedious and repeated work in the design.
153. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
154. Writing an essay can be tedious, but you don't want to bungle the hours of conceptual work you've put into writing your essay by leaving a few slippy misppallings and pourly wordedd phrazies..
155. The tedious part is making the eight brass, finned rods out of square bar stock.
156. The processing and analyzing of the spectra obtained from photographic emulsion detectors can be very tedious.
157. Many thanks to your message. Similar to you I also like his wise phrase very much, I don't like a tedious preachment writing.
158. In fact, I highly recommend if you get involved in using WEKA on your server, you spend some time doing that, since working with data in this way is tedious.
159. In fact, we should not oppose the industrial and commercial registration, but the tedious registration.
160. The excessive and tedious mathematical deduction involved in an approximate analytical methods for 1/3 subharmonic ferroresonance makes many technicians to shrink back.
161. Upon completion of this transcendentally tedious task he replied lovingly, "Okay, go take rest."
162. It's not optimized for other experiences, which is why voicemail and conference calls are tedious, and why checking flight status is worse than a root canal.
163. The diligent teller told a tedious story about the intelligent satellite.
164. He planned to job out a few of the more tedious tasks to contractors.
165. Before you make your first splice, carefully look at every clip you have, a tedious but crucial part of movie making.
166. This separation reduces the bookkeeping aspects that make programming tedious and error - prone.
167. A person who does tedious , menial, or unpleasant work.
168. Their lips do not move, but a voice-over explains their predicament—how they've been beaten silent by the demands of tedious employers and enviro-fascists and women.
169. The creation of an XML schema compatible with OMG XMI specification can be a tedious and error-prone task.
170. Anyone with memories of using early online services such as CompuServe or Prodigy will recall how tedious it was to navigate their cumbersome menus just to send an e-mail or read a bulletin board.
171. Although you can use Sigil to find and review page breaks and numbering, in a more than 100-page document, doing so might be tedious.
172. How do you bring all those heterogeneous hosts into effective teamwork, without investing too much of your own time in tedious configuration "burn-in"?
173. The hydrometry original data processing system has been developed to resolve problems of tedious and time-consuming original data calculation and arrangement.
174. It's never clearer than when, if England do beat Australia at cricket, the whole country become fans of what, I cheerfully admit, is a tedious, long-winded and outdated game.
175. At best, it is self - explanatory and saves you the long , tedious perusal of the operating manual.
176. However, the work is tedious, time consuming and uneconomical - and is used mostly in simple point - to - point applications.
177. To someone who doesn't like tennis, any amount of the sport is tedious effort.
178. Though she occasionally appeared in the nude and had sex on camera, the content tended to be less pornography than a window on a tedious round of unexceptional experiences shared with everyone.
179. Reading from a tedious technical brief for hours on end, he would stray into difficult territory.
180. The diligent sayer talked a tedious story about the insayigent sasayite.




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