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单词 Exploitation
(1) Commercial exploitation of resources threatens our survival.
(2) The islanders endured centuries of exploitation.
(3) Emergent democracies created markets that were ripe for exploitation.
(4) Almost without exception these women fall victim to exploitation.
(5) Migrant workers are vulnerable to exploitation.
(6) Marx wrote about the exploitation of the workers.
(7) The film industry thrives on the sexual exploitation of women.
(8) By its very nature , capitalism involves exploitation of the worker.
(9) Clever exploitation of the latest technology would be a sure formula for success.
(10) The result was intense resentment against noble exploitation.
(11) Incidentally, foreign exploitation was not the only evil involved.
(12) It pleads for the safeguarding of childhood against exploitation.
(13) She would shrink from that sort of exploitation.
(14) Here it was the worst kind of exploitation.
(15) August Wilson's gutsy play on exploitation and oppression.
(16) Nor does it ensure freedom from exploitation and oppression.
(17) The company was fined for the exploitation of its immigrant workers.
(18) And exploitation of the tourist appeal is difficult because state law forbids cemeteries to charge admission.
(19) I think the development is a stalking horse for exploitation of the surrounding countryside.
(20) The party's avowed aim was to struggle against capitalist exploitation.
(21) They can build a more harmonious society once inequality and exploitation are removed.
(22) Conservationists in Chile are concerned over the effect of commercial exploitation of forests.
(23) Extra payments should be made to protect the interests of the staff and prevent exploitation.
(24) The developed nations have all benefited from their imperialist exploitation.
(25) Starvation and poverty are the result of global economic exploitation[], not lack of resources.
(26) Mr Mendes was leading a campaign to save Brazil's rainforest from exploitation.
(27) I have a vision of a society that is free of exploitation and injustice.
(28) Human ecology includes a vast complexity of social elements, themselves functioning in relation to modes of economic exploitation in varying regional ecologies.
(29) Above all, they did nothing whatsoever to tackle the primary source of peasant rebelliousness: their semi-feudal exploitation.
(30) Given the existence of resource mobility in a single country, the exploitation of comparative advantage is possible.
(1) Commercial exploitation of resources threatens our survival.
(2) I think the development is a stalking horse for exploitation of the surrounding countryside.
(3) The party's avowed aim was to struggle against capitalist exploitation.
(4) Emergent democracies created markets that were ripe for exploitation.
(5) Migrant workers are vulnerable to exploitation.
(6) They can build a more harmonious society once inequality and exploitation are removed.
(31) Job descriptions became their sacred texts, for they were considered the workers' protection against exploitation.
(32) This led to the development of personal privilege and wealth as these native collaborators colluded in the exploitation of their compatriots.
(33) Exploitation was pursued without shame in the rich and soon conquered provinces of Bengal, Behar and Orissa.
(34) If you want to control the vogue for greed and exploitation, then start using local suppliers.
(35) After all, one does not have to adopt a Marxist method in order to make statements about poverty, injustice or exploitation.
(36) Issues of animal exploitation are currently at the forefront of discussions with decision makers in both health and industry.
(37) The animals here are at the command of mankind and offer no resistance to their own exploitation.
(38) In horizontal mergers it is possible that a merger will allow exploitation of economies of scale.
(39) The alternative to economic exploitation is simply stated: we leave them alone.
(40) The case has highlighted the risks of exploitation faced by foreign workers.
(41) Instead of recognising a commercial exploitation, we're invited to see male lust as the corrupting force.
(42) Frontier areas with low population densities attract particular kinds of exploitation of natural resources.
(43) Other Hawaiians have claimed that geothermal exploitation disrupts their worship of the goddess, Pele.
(44) Others argue that because informals often work for themselves they are freer from exploitation than wage labour workers.
(45) There is no place for domination or exploitation of creation rescues in the plan of creation.
(46) The fact that most of the rainforest is uninhabited, with only a few pockets of indigenous communities, makes exploitation attractive.
(46) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(47) A number of approaches, involving the exploitation of alternative models, will be investigated.
(48) Subscription to the list is absolutely free and there is no commercial exploitation or hidden costs.
(49) For one thing, all concerned had by now realised that the books offered considerably more scope for exploitation.
(50) It controlled the economic infrastructure and used it as a means of exploitation.
(51) Perhaps the most obvious is wilful and corrupt exploitation of debtors by dishonest employees of the credit reference bureau.
(52) In Britain, the balance of the equation favouring the exploitation of inside information is changing.
(53) Finally, the owner-worker cleavage involves questions of labour exploitation and control over the means of production.
(54) Once again Edward had set precedents and opened opportunities for extensive royal exploitation subsequently.
(55) Otherwise there is no trace, and no commercial exploitation, of the long visit.
(56) Much of it is therefore being focused on new developments for commercial exploitation in industry.
(57) For the first time Gould came up against the devastating effects of unlimited commercial exploitation.
(58) Until then much of the usefulness of these accessories lies in their exploitation of an underused resource rather than a dramatic step forward.
(59) He implies that pay and conditions for personal assistants rely on the exploitation of staff for their cost-effectiveness.
(60) A rich vein of disagreement indeed, offered for eager exploitation by opponents!
(61) They are working to control the exploitation of the rain forests.
(62) We strongly advocate sustainable use of coastal resources, which includes the exploitation of minerals.
(63) Property changes in nature as private property is introduced(), and this type of property becomes the foundation of capitalist exploitation.
(64) These attributes clearly included immense potential for societal and cultural modification in relation to economic exploitation of the environment.
(65) Private social welfare organizations have been campaigning for years to end this most blatant exploitation of child labor.
(66) Exploitation of the region first depleted it of fur seals and whales; now the same fate threatens fish and krill.
(67) The report urges the Bank to co-operate with other organizations to build an agenda for sustainable exploitation of rainforest reserves.
(68) He maintained that by its very nature, capitalism involves the exploitation and oppression of the worker.
(69) There is no other definition of socialism valid for us than that of the abolition of the exploitation of man by man. Che Guevara 
(70) The vast benefits many farmers saw as accruing to cities as a result of rural exploitation were no more than illusory.
(71) They were significantly overrepresented in the underground economy, where they were prey to exploitation.
(72) These are seen as distinct stages of Third World exploitation associated with the growth of industrial capitalism in the west.
(73) Women participate, not as feminists, but as revolutionaries to free ourselves from exploitation.
(74) The basic conflict of interest involves the exploitation of workers by the capitalists.
(75) In that instant he had changed the course of science and paved the way for the exploitation of Niagara Falls power.
(76) The exploitation of informal carers especially women - does not appear to enter into the calculations.
(77) The world's greatest monument to the exploitation of women had its appeal, I had to admit.
(78) On the contrary, their recollection is embittered by the cruelty, exploitation and official oppression which they recall.
(79) It also relates to much wider issues such as the abuse of monopoly power, exploitation and poverty.
(80) As an ideology it thinly veneered our often brutal economic exploitation.
(81) During the historical period East Prussian amber was considered sufficiently valuable to be declared Crown property, its exploitation subject to licence.
(82) But who is at the centre of the worldwide web of exploitation?
(83) Technical progress in the industry lay above all in the increased exploitation of water power.
(84) Slavery is, then, under certain conditions, a highly profitable system of exploitation.
(85) They benefited by the power to entertain, and from the exploitation of black music, and were crucial to its growth.
(86) Following Marx and Engels, Lenin argued that capitalism was an objective system for the exploitation of the working class.
(87) It will also provide opportunities for the exploitation of the emerging broadband technology.
(88) We participated as part of the mass political movement against the exploitation in our country.
(89) As a result, the worst excesses of feudal exploitation carried on unchecked.
(90) This history of photography is integrally linked to colonial and economic exploitation.
(91) In particular, the relationship between the major social groups is one of exploitation and oppression.
(92) So it should be for the commercial exploitation of the public spectrum.
(93) The steady inexorable process of exploitation, with great cost to the environment, has gone on and on.
(94) They haven't done anything about the rapacious exploitation of the poor in the ghetto.
(95) The nations are demanding compensation for their curbing of forest exploitation by cattle ranching and logging.
(96) But the main use of this act in relation to present concerns is regarding exploitation of monopoly situations.
(97) Worse, when resentment over exploitation is recognized(), how did it ever get reinterpreted as illness?
(98) Marx describes how the exploitation of workers' labour is not limited by national boundaries.
(99) In the nineteenth century there was a need to protect children from exploitation by parents as juvenile labour.
(100) It fully describes a variety of stimulating exploitation techniques that will involve students in active viewing.
(101) Or a brand name may already exist ready for exploitation by a market-maker.
(102) Their subsequent history as hired servants is one of exploitation and abuse.
(103) As if water had the power of counsel, of giving allowance or giving notice against its own exploitation.
(104) As almost everyone except himself perfectly understood, these fasts were a ruthless exploitation of the power of his own sanctity.
(105) The aristocrats would be the kindling for a roaring fire fueled by the fats of social exploitation.
(106) Poverty, injustice and other secular problems are, therefore[/exploitation.html], seen as being the result of exploitation by world capitalist powers.
(107) Notably, the quality threshold is tied to the employer's existing exploitation of the patented invention.
(108) Exploitation and oppression will be concepts of history which have no place in the description of contemporary social reality.
(109) The venture group not only generates new ideas, but is also responsible for development and exploitation of them.
(110) What really angers me is the exploitation of young women like us by advertisers, to sell their products.
(111) The Ivory Coast is a fearful example of what can result from full scale exploitation.
(112) Governments have frequently made matters worse by granting concessions to cattle ranchers on terms that have created incentives for reckless exploitation.
(113) It goes without saying that all this stops short at the people, who have been abandoned to the authorities' exploitation.
(114) Many education officials derided the effort as exploitation of a captive youth audience.
(115) The localised struggles there are to a large extent a variation on a wider pattern of exploitation and greed.
(116) We will tighten controls against exploitation, we will create more National Parks and we will improve access to the countryside.
(117) Sometimes this consciousness developed into a critique of middle-class morality and economic exploitation.
(118) The transition from unsustainable to sustainable resource use involves a change from exploitation to careful management.
(119) With my friends from home we had discussed Third World politics and our growing awareness of exploitation globally.
(120) The hot rocks technique holds out the best hope for exploitation of geothermal energy.
(121) He took to law, perhaps, he said, because he was infuriated by the exploitation around him.
(122) Many companies institutionalize dishonesty and exploitation of expenses by paying daily allowances.
(123) Arbitration will be needed to prevent exploitation by the purchasing authority.
(124) Exploitation by charlatans played a part,() as did certain traditional beliefs.
(125) Rather, the underlying mechanism was class relations, class struggle and the poverty generated by capital's exploitation of wage labour.
(126) It seems to him more likely though that Empire is working in tandem with exploitation.
(127) An important trade is concerned with the exploitation of the great grasslands variously known as prairie, pampas, savannah, etc.
(128) Evans had relayed some hair-raising stories about the exploitation of her rich patients.
(129) The worst period of their poverty and exploitation in the United States seems to have occurred after the end of our period.
(130) In Marx, profit is the consequence of exploitation, not a return to entrepreneurial risk-taking activity.
(131) The effects of conquest were followed by the still greater catastrophes of exploitation and forced labour.
(132) Politics, when it is an art and a service, not an exploitation, is about acting for an ideal through realities. Charles de Gaulle 
(133) Such guardianship was seen as a way of protecting vulnerable people from exploitation, ill treatment, or neglect.
(134) Intensifying the Efforts on Market Exploitation and Standardizing Order.
(135) the hapless victims of exploitation.
(136) the exploitation of minerals and other natural resources.
(137) The functional character and exploitation of Portulaca oleracea L.
(138) Landlords rely on feudal exploitation to amass wealth.
(139) This did not constitute American exploitation as the bellow.
(140) The exploitation of the political resources is the stable element which influences development of the great powers.
(141) Due to excessive exploitation over many years,[] the amount of basswood cannot meet the great demand of pencil production any longer.
(142) Some are particular for the exploitation, such as the ground temperature change and the thermal pollution.
(143) And the work class gets wages, man-hour length and the cruel exploitation of capitalist to low, life is very poor, their miserable condition makes one startling.
(144) Conclusion: Provide scientific reference for further study and exploitation on Menispermaceae plants.
(145) There were rich cattail plant resources in China, but its utilization and exploitation weren't regarded, especially the utilization in environmental protection.
(146) The purpose of this article is to approach the concept classification and use of historical curriculum resources and its exploitation and use.
(147) the exploitation of children.
(148) This type of compartmentation scheme can be helpful to identify and distributing prognosticate of high quality reservoir, and it can also serve to subdivide the flow unit in oil exploitation.
(149) Mining exploitation is one of the important resources of heavy metals pollution, heavy metals from mining activity migrate with surface runoff easily and pollute vicinal river.
(150) This text discusses the sanitary function and technology of extractive of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis, and the exploitation of extractive in the unity type and combination type sapid substance.
(151) Leaching mining is probably an effective way for the exploitation of deeply buried polyhalite.
(152) This article summarized the biological activities of Mahonia and provides theoretic proof for further exploitation of the plants.
(153) Economic progress based on excessive exploitation of natural resources will be unsustainable.
(154) It will provide a scientific basis for the rational exploitation and utilization of the geothermal field.
(155) All are commentaries on child sexual exploitation, but the titillating representations positioned these actors as sex symbols and reinforced the link between girls' sexuality and sex work.
(156) This paper summarized the constituents and nutritive materials apron of scallop apron's exploitation in food industry.
(157) With the development of the economics, the excessive exploitation and the unconscionable using of the resources, freewill voidance of the pollutant make the environmental problems much more serious.
(158) Hangzhou Dakuwan Agriculture product exploitation corporation's main business is that plant, sale Torreya grandis. Our company has a Torreya grandis ...
(159) Brief the exploitation and principle of the high tension transcribe cost counting system of Shangcheng County.
(160) During the long-term production in the oil field, the exploitation formation could be damaged among the total production program.
(161) Functional foods are becoming the main trend of the food industry. Now the yoghourt with nutritional and health function is becoming the hot spot in the exploitation of world market.
(162) France in 1980 was first discovered through the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites Pass updraft.
(163) A preamble is formed by an arbitrary Permuted sequence of F frequencies, so it is possessed of multiaccess capability and low propability of exploitation.
(164) Today solid waste produced by mine exploitation influences environment and it tends to became graveness.
(165) The comprehensive exploitation of agriculture is a way of vitalizing agriculture in China, and is a strategic choice of developing modern agriculture.
(166) Does surrogacy causes a kind of interclass oppress and exploitation?
(166) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(167) It provided references for geological exploration and coalmine exploitation henceforth.
(168) The base 256MB of main memory can be expanded to 16GB for faster performance and exploitation of 64-bit addressing capability required by large database applications.
(169) The constitutions, pharmacological functions and the exploitation especially sorosis in medicine of mulberry is presented in this paper.
(170) The exploitation of teaching medium in kindergarten is plentiful, we should flexibly choose and combine various teaching media in the in sake of the best effect of parol education.
(171) With rapid development of deep resources exploitation and underground engineering in recent years, more and more problems have emerged in deep geomechanics and underground engineering.
(172) Aiming at main zoology problem existed exploitation in coal mine area, this paper brought forward some technical safeguard and managing countermeasure corresponding.
(173) During the course of exploitation in oil reservoir and gas reservoir condensation water, formation water, especially drilling mud, acidizing liquid and fracturing fluid can result in water blocking.
(174) Agriculture structure of adversity-resistant is the synchronous exploitation of cultivated land, water, lakeland and hilly land, and is to improve the benefit of economy, society and ecology.
(175) This article recommended production technics and application exploitation of multiple denaturalization starch firsthand processed in chemistry and physics denaturalization .
(176) Objective To provide basic means for the exploitation and husbandry of the plateau pika in the northeast.
(177) High strength prestressed heat barrier pipe is used as a thermal insulating pipe to carry high temperature and pressure vapour into underground for crude oil exploitation.
(178) The exploitation of commodities on insecticides of entomogenous fungi and the domestic and overseas progress of researches on its standardization were reviewed.
(179) The paper analyzes the decision factors on power network interconnections, i. e. exploitation and utilization of energy and technical and economic superiority of networking.
(180) Intensifying the Efforts on Market Exploitation and Strictly Standardizing Market Order.
(181) In the third chapter, author takes a statistic analysis about the mine deposited and exploitation thing and exploitation foreground, which includes granite, porcelain clay, bluestone, quartz etc.
(182) To harvest oil and gas profitably from the North Sea, it must focus on the exploitation of small reserves as the big wells run dry.
(183) This active and value - added capital can create immense value with effective management and exploitation.
(184) A new patch closing down this exploitation should be released pretty soon. A word of warning please try and access your PSN account just to make sure no one has changed your password.
(185) Furthcrly, some exploitation countermeasures and projects necessarily to be studied on the resources of aquatic plant were proposed.
(186) The results of exploration is enough accurate for the need of engineering design, and it can also help the engineers know the gobs in area of exploitation quantificationally.
(187) It is important to speed up the exploitation and promote the economic development of this area by deepening the research work on its natural resources and social economics.
(188) In this paper, the author introduces the exploitation of computer distribution system that includes databases design, system interface design and key algorithm of programming.
(189) This paper deals with the biological characteristics. phenology of Ficus pumila L. (), and its exploitation and utilization.
(190) Exploitation of water-soil and ecological protection are antinomy ens, and how to correspond development is a question for discussion for the subject of environment protection now.
(191) To this end, a subject of research dealing with the reclamation and exploitation of sericite from tailings has been brought up by one of the gold mines in Northeast China.
(192) It has strong product exploitation ability and well-knit technical team.
(193) The qualification of mining market access is the managerial right of mining, and mineral prospecting right and mineral exploitation right is the property right of mineral resources.
(194) Moreover, human exploitation of natural resources has caused destruction that is far beyond our imagination.
(195) ObjectiveTo study the chemical constituents of the essential oil in Oenanthe javanica (BL. ) DC, and provide the scientific basis for exploitation.
(196) The determination of damage height of superincumbent stratum of goaf has immense meaning for safety and reasonable exploitation of coal seam under water body, building and railway.
(197) Under lump sum patent exploitation award, one single payment is made to all inventors that go into production.
(198) Now in the exploitation, there are cavities about history of Buddha, publicity and Kwan-yin, which bring forth abundant Buddha culture to the earthling.
(199) This balance is being upset by industrialization and the reckless exploitation of the environment.
(200) Critics argue that they legitimise exploitation and abuse, providing dubious working conditions and spawning a vast knock-on industry of illegal street prostitution.
(201) All workmen must organize into a common union to abolish exploitation.
(202) Future prospects in the study of nutrient, physiology, genetic characteristics as well as exploitation and utilization of Morchella fungi resources are advanced.
(203) The study of reservoir thickness has direct and close relations with gas-oil prospecting and exploitation.
(204) To protect the environment, save energy and cut down the exploitation of natural resources.
(205) The importance of predation as an exploitation strategy may be summarized under four main categories.
(206) Another, no less significant consequence concerned the exploitation of a geothermal field.
(207) However, looking for such remaining oil and recovering them economically have been a very important and under-resolved issue for our high water-cut oil fields which are at the new exploitation stage.
(208) The text discusses altitude schools CAI Network Course research and exploitation from action orientation, theory apply and criterion, base on compare of tradition CAI and network CAI.
(209) Your acts are acts of exploitation, possessiveness, nationalism, ill-treatment of women and children, cruelty to animals.
(210) Economy limit water - cut is an importance decision - making gist to oil field exploitation.
(211) Energetically railroading development is important promoting condition of west exploitation and economic development.
(212) In resent years, the strength and structure of economy has increased and improved obviously through the exploitation of large scope of region.
(213) I think their crime is a blacker one than mere exploitation.
(214) Results showed that the contents of these minerals and vitamins in solanum nigrum were high, therefore, Solanum nigrum is a wild fruit which has a great value in exploitation.
(215) This study aimed to present the status quo of Chimonanthus salicifolius distribution and exploitation in Huangshan Region and provide information for further utilization and protection of it.
(216) By the ranking of credit achieve to a balance between risks elusion and client exploitation.
(217) The processes for manufacturing benzoic acid derivatives by exploitation of benzoic acid plants were introduced.
(218) Conjunctive use of surface and groundwater, keep the balance of exploitation and supplement of water resources.
(219) Objective:To research the chemical compositions of alcohol extraction from Psidium Guajava L. leaf, and to provide the scientific proof for the exploitation of this herbal resource.
(220) The old imperialism - exploitation for foreign profit - has no place in our plans.
(221) As part of this deal, Exxon will invest more than US$2 billion to support Rosneft in the exploitation of oil reserves in the Kara Sea, which is part of the Arctic Ocean north of Siberia.
(222) The French and British continued this excessive and quasi-anarchical exploitation of the Mauritian trees, during their colonial periods.
(223) The injection technic develops gradually with the deeper exploitation to oilfield.
(224) The whole history of primitive accumulation can be seen as the production of the working class by the bourgeois class - in a class struggle which produces capitalist conditions of exploitation.
(225) That is the case of many agricultural landscapes where exploitation in "low countries" had happened for centuries.
(226) Scope of Business: Research exploitation production and inquire of service of new technology new material and new production[/exploitation.html], lon water products series successive generating set for lon water.
(227) Conclusion By using HPCE, we can provide evidence for solving some disputes in the classification of Brassicaceae and exploitation of new medicinal resources in Brassicaceae.
(228) The exploiting entity shall, according to the regulations of the State, pay a fee for exploitation to the patentee .
(229) Our company specialized in operating computer connector, Digital Connector Plug, precision lathe products, metals stamping and precision mold exploitation, etc.
(230) The mineral rights include the right of exploration and the right of exploitation.
(231) Objective: To study the characteristic features of Desmodium gyrans in order to provide a basis for rational exploitation and utilization of the herb.
(232) Consent under these circumstances will be tantamount to exploitation of the patient.
(233) Gulf area concentrated by marine resources serves as a base for seawater aquiculture, ocean resources exploitation and ocean industrial development.
(234) At present, in the work of groundwater exploitation marlite has been regarded asaquiclude or bad permeable stratum in many internal areas in China.
(235) The research and exploitation of three dimension strata information system establish corresponding data-base and videotex information system for geotechnical engineering.
(236) By the 1970s exploitation had largely become sexploitation and transgression had turned into pornography , defined as "soft-core" or "hard-core"depending on the degree of explicitness .
(237) Energy crises will threaten our existence because of our excessive exploitation and because of the growing population.
(238) Article 21 In coal mines, coal exploitation and environmental control shall be sychronized.
(239) The methods and exploitation service software of applied meteorology is the hotspot of Aerography at present.
(240) The mineralogical mapping of gold ore is an important method of the improvement of benefit for geological prospection and exploitation of gold deposits.
(241) This article summarized the character and manufacturing technics of kaoliang color, and its exploitation and utilization in china.
(242) In recent years, with the development of oil industry in the world, a great deal of gas condensate reservoirs with industrial exploitation value has been found.
(243) Therefore, we should carry out different conservation and exploitation strategy according to the status of different Cypripedium species.
(244) Chengbei area, northeast of the subaquatic delta of the Yellow River, reserves affluent oil-gas resources and is the main exploitation of Shengli Oilfield.
(245) This means uncovering the class exploitation and alienation that lie at the core of marketization and privatization policies, and debunking the myth that there are no alternatives to the market.
(246) Jatrohpa curcas L. , a multipurpose plant, can be used for medicine, industrial oil, disease and insect pest control and feed exploitation.
(247) One protestor said he is against what he called the "cultural exploitation" of the day.
(248) The study on genetic basis of Porphyra is very important to its breeding exploitation, including the reproduction and life history, which are controlled by gene.
(249) This paper comprehensive described research exploitation and progress about produce and applies of nisin.
(250) The mineral resources exploitation has became one of mainly economic developmental types.
(251) Saudi Arabia has been holding back oil fields for later exploitation.
(252) The paper was based on implementation and potential exploitation of a radio frequency EAS system.
(253) The results may be used as a reference to the proper use of this medicine, the exploitation and use of the resources, and classification of the plants of the genus Panax.
(254) This paper emphasizes remote medical treatment system and its exploitation, realization and application. It gives an overview of the recent development of biotelemetry.
(255) In its aesthetic pursuit magic realism pays special attention to the exploitation of the ancient cultural resources and religious and cultural topics usually become the subjects of their description.
(256) Exploitation comprises construction and maintenance of background database and proscenium application program two sides. The System is developed in Microsoft Visual Studio Net.
(257) Simulation application exploitation UML modeling is built based on HLA ocean battlefield to use OOA methods with integration HLA and UML.
(258) In recent years, with the exploitation of rare earth resources,[http:///exploitation.html] this group of biologically unessential elements is becoming closely related with people's daily life.
(259) A good person will always stand against the exploitation of the poor.
(260) Telerobot system can be widely used in high altitude exploration, deep-ocean exploitation, remote task or dangerous and execrable task environment.
(261) The exploitation and utilization of mineral springs were chiefly manifested in agricultural and handicraft production, medical treatment and health care, tourism and religion.
(262) After more than 10 year′s endeavor, China has successfully become a pioneer investor of the international sea-bed area and has exclusive exploitation rights.
(263) Comprehensive utilization of apple pomace resource can increase fruit products value, and have potent economic value and exploitation foreground.
(264) Aimed at the actual situation of single-fin long mining area deep mining, taked the unified planning for the mining, design exploitation varies with subarea and situation of area, substep.
(265) The study of natural gas hydrate is a hotspot in the exploitation of world energy sources.
(266) In the face of resistance from the government's economic planning apparatus, Infosys emerged because of its ingenious exploitation of global technology, most especially communications.
(267) Worked had only then known that, the original elimination exploitation only was one kind of fable.
(268) The ceramic liners can not only adapt to some tough environment such as deep oil, hard stratum and severe earthiness, but also can use for offshore oil and natural gas exploitation.
(269) But no scholars empirical research on the performance of Agricultural Comprehensive Exploitation except some data statistics.
(270) Therefore, the penman think it is a good plan to put BOTinvestment style into our ancient city tourism exploitation.
(271) Owing to the exploitation of phosphorite and the unilateral circulation of phosphorus in nature, phosphorus resource is increasingly exhausted.
(272) Acclaimed activist Gloria Steinem leads a panel discussing the fight against human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and violence against women and girls.
(273) Lithology is a stable factor, while the upper stream inflow and groundwater exploitation are unstable factors that directly influence the transform regularity.
(274) This could have dramatic effects on both commercial shipping and hydrocarbon exploitation.
(274) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(275) The exploitation and utilization of coal-bed methane were analyzed, and the successful experience was introduced.
(276) With the exploitation of petrolic exploitation, exploration and development be directed toward gradually depth.
(277) Kutna Hora developed as a result of the exploitation of the silver mines.
(278) Tourism exploitation, an economic behavior led by the government in national area, has distinctly different social impact from such factors as immigration, media, internationality communication.
(279) Technique training and indraught of experts will do good to the exploitation of advanced techniques.
(280) Interest income is non-labor income, but non-labor income is not equivalent to income from exploitation.
(281) The existing literatures deem PBC is the exploitation of the monitory stockholders.
(282) The risk of mineral resources exploitation is increasing with the growth of the environment and exploration expenditure.
(283) Biotechnology will greatly improve the study and exploitation of the ocean drug.




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