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单词 Cultivated
(1) For a cultivated man to be ignorant of foreign languages is a great inconveniece. 
(2) We have a vast expanse of cultivated land.
(3) The land here has been intensively cultivated for generations.
(4) Millet is cultivated on some farms here.
(5) She also cultivated a small garden of her own.
(6) His mother was an elegant(http://), cultivated woman.
(7) Corn and cotton are extensively cultivated in this region.
(8) Olives have been cultivated successfully in southern Australia.
(9) She has cultivated an image as a tough negotiator.
(10) He has cultivated good relations with his neighbors.
(11) The land around here has never been cultivated.
(12) 90% of the land is cultivated.
(13) We cultivated maize and watermelons.
(14) She cultivated her mind by reading many books.
(15) They cultivated kelp off the seashore of their village.
(16) His voice was pleasant and cultivated.
(17) This field has not been cultivated for years.
(18) This modern image is actively cultivated by the company.
(19) These cultivated individuals have been imbued with a sense of social purpose.
(20) Howe carefully cultivated Daniel C. Roper, the Assistant Postmaster General.
(21) He co-opted many nationalist slogans and cultivated a populist image.
(22) Recent excavations testify to the presence of cultivated inhabitants on the hill during the Arthurian period.
(23) The communal land is cultivated by the womenfolk in the tribe.
(24) Mediterranean oat held to be progenitor of modern cultivated oat.
(25) The tribe cultivated the land and grew the food.
(26) Then, with cultivated majesty, Museveni rose.
(27) Since his graduation he had not cultivated Learning.
(28) A broad valley opened up leading to a high, flat plateau of cultivated land.
(29) The wild boar ploughs the earth up like a furrow, and does irreparable damage in the cultivated lands.
(30) Zhoushan Islands is the underseas garden in which the oysters are planted, cultivated and harvested.
(1) We have a vast expanse of cultivated land.
(2) The land here has been intensively cultivated for generations.
(3) Millet is cultivated on some farms here.
(4) She also cultivated a small garden of her own.
(5) A broad valley opened up leading to a high, flat plateau of cultivated land.
(6) Corn and cotton are extensively cultivated in this region.
(7) He has cultivated good relations with his neighbors.
(8) She cultivated her mind by reading many books.
(9) This field has not been cultivated for years.
(10) These cultivated individuals have been imbued with a sense of social purpose.
(11) Mediterranean oat held to be progenitor of modern cultivated oat.
(31) The genus Luronium is rarely cultivated.
(32) It can not be cultivated in the aquarium.
(33) The algae were cultivated under artificial light.
(34) This evolution needs to be carefully cultivated.
(35) Minnesota has long cultivated its cultural image.
(36) It is the most cultivated medium-size species.
(37) Dozens of eucalyptus species are cultivated in the arboretum.
(38) Growing in the wild, plants related to our cultivated food crops provide new genetic strains.
(39) Plants cultivated in half-shade have very narrow leaves and resemble some species of Aponogeton.
(40) I then added the pink and cream roses, as well as some wild and some cultivated patio roses.
(41) Specimens cultivated under this name for some forty to fifty years have never flowered.
(42) Its three walls were built out of stones cleared from the surrounding cultivated fields.
(43) Los Angeles is seen as less cultivated than San Francisco.
(44) Cliff was always a whole-hearted player and, with his carefully cultivated sideburns, was held in high regard by Palace fans.
(45) What we need is attentive engagement, cultivated awareness, and a taste for wisdom.
(46) Coastal land may be included in the future, but cultivated land, parks and gardens, woodland and riversides are excluded.
(47) They cultivated work of sorts, trading in hashish, black market currency, and smuggled radios and other consumer goods.
(48) Ruling over these penniless black workpeople was a society of cultivated, well-mannered whites, a powerful colonial aristocracy.
(49) Coffee was cultivated on the steep slopes while housing and processing plants were located on flatter ridges.
(50) For this reason we now sell only artificially cultivated bulbs and this is indicated on the packaging.
(51) It is easily cultivated and is certainly going to remain a colorful decoration for the aquarium.
(52) Between Rudolfo and the gamekeeper there's just enough of the land being cultivated for it not to be confiscated.
(53) Straw from the previous wheat crop was chopped and spread before the heavy soil was deep cultivated.
(54) This plant is cultivated in aquariums with a fairly rich planting material and with any type of water.
(55) Farmers fled to work as itinerant merchants; the amount of cultivated grain land shrank from 12,350 acres to less than 5,000.
(56) The plant collection includes flowering plants now cultivated in gardens in many tropical areas of the world.
(57) This is also true for plants cultivated in the aquarium, except those species forming rhizomes.
(58) They are the wild flowers of our experience that are cultivated to bloom all our lives.
(59) He cultivated members of the aristocracy and sprinkled them among his company boards to impress potential investors.
(60) Although growing well under water, they adapt to normal soil conditions and can be cultivated in flowerpots as indoor plants.
(61) I sat, surrounded by the papers, by the secrets she had guarded and cultivated like a garden.
(62) This was understandable since the Fellowship cultivated a quietist spirit remote from active engagement in politics.
(63) But all this is reversed for a cultivated garden, where not varied but controlled conditions are required.
(64) Productive activity was carried out by peasants, who lived on and cultivated the land which was controlled by the feudal lords.
(65) He seemed a decent-enough sort of man, had seen a lot, had cultivated some sense of balance and distance.
(66) Archie may not have been fastidious, but in his own way he was cultivated.
(67) Christoffers has cultivated a network among antiques dealers, collectors and museum staff who will allow her to copy their prize pieces.
(68) It is best cultivated in soft, moderately acid or neutral water and is the most suitable species for aquariums and terrariums.
(69) In emersed form the plant can be cultivated only in paludariums.
(70) These beautiful buildings, along with a whole realm of cultivated human intellect, are closed to the vast majority of humankind.
(71) They show that the crucial shift to self-fertilization in the cultivated plant involves but a single gene.
(72) A variation was to drive cattle on to cultivated land, and then have damages assessed at the full value of the animals.
(73) There were those at that time who cultivated melancholy to give themselves the appearance of profundity.
(74) The residents grew their own rice, set up a small poultry farm, wove baskets and cultivated the orchard.
(75) They haven't cultivated the attitude that by serving you they're doing you a favour.
(76) A large part of the cultivated land is used to grow export crops.
(77) With the range of cultivated varieties now available you could be picking blackberries from August to November.
(78) A note in his voice that he had long cultivated indicated that the discussion was at an end.
(79) With the new set-aside agricultural policies, there is a possibility that cultivated parks can be put back to pasture.
(80) Though Catherine assiduously cultivated an image of absolute authority. she was well aware of the limitations on her own power.
(81) In the submersed form R. humilis is a perennial plant cultivated and reproduced as E. quadricostatus.
(82) Like nobles, powerful clergymen had access to estates, which were cultivated by serfs and guarded by armed retainers.
(83) The sermons were livelier, for the resident minister Carter was a cultivated man.
(84) Species from the tropics are usually the ones that are cultivated in aquariums.
(85) We walked along ancient stone irrigation channels down the richly cultivated terraces of San Blas Bay.
(86) The pollen is usually transferred by tiny insects visiting the sweet and colored flowers where these plants are cultivated.
(87) Love must be the most beautiful flower than can be cultivated in transcendent garden of the mind.
(88) The former president shrugged off reporters' reminders of the 1988 race Wednesday, saying he and Dole cultivated a strong friendship.
(89) Margins of fresh and coastal water, marshes and cultivated land.
(90) Some 25 percent of the cultivated land is being used in a way that is not sustainable.
(91) The citizens of Athens recognized that responsible citizenship would not come about automatically; it had to be carefully cultivated.
(92) Wheatfields, cultivated high up the mountainsides, were lightly tinged with yellow, proclaiming the nearness of summer.
(93) Although the Lis live surrounded by neatly cultivated wheat-fields, they are no longer farmers.
(94) It's good, too, with big open mushrooms or cultivated oyster mushrooms.
(95) Miller would also wish to discuss and inspect rarities being cultivated by his contemporaries.
(96) Commonly cultivated species can be obtained easily in florist shops.
(97) Now, the hawthorn fly is testing its ability to live on cultivated cherries.
(98) These pieces can also be cultivated in flowerpots where they develop very well if lighted properly.
(99) But neglected and uncontrolled the same earth very soon destroys cultivated land and human habitat with impenetrable overgrowth.
(100) Many of them are cultivated in greenhouses and as indoor plants.
(101) Maybe you have cultivated a good relationship with your dealer.
(102) It is also cultivated by a different type of bacteria to that used as yogurt.
(103) Cultivated outdoors, they can supply fresh green leaves throughout autumn and, with some cloche protection, carry on through winter.
(104) Institutionally cultivated individual career strategies for organizational dominance contribute to organizational decline.
(105) When properly cultivated and controlled by men, the earth by her nature yields a bounteous harvest.
(106) He tried on a newly cultivated smile and looked across the boat at Hattie Johnson with it.
(107) They are suitable aquarium plants and are cultivated like Cryptocoryne species in a medium-rich substratum and water that is not too acid.
(108) Tolerance for democracy must be cultivated to reinforce our democratic institutions.
(109) In the aquarium V. dubyana is cultivated in rather shady conditions attached to stones and other objects.
(110) Whereas rumour led him to believe that Robert Beaumont was a cultivated man, likely to appreciate music.
(111) This variety of lily produces the most beautiful fully-double white blooms - possibly the best white lily ever cultivated.
(112) On the contrary, they first cultivated the thin but unencumbered soil on top of the hills.
(113) All told two-thirds of the land was cultivated by subtenants.
(114) It should be cultivated in moderately diffused or artificial light.
(115) The area of cultivated land in Great Britain also dropped by 9 percent.
(116) Gore has assiduously cultivated his eventual presidential candidacy without undercutting or overshadowing Clinton.
(117) This community is cultivated land and grasses will probably have been sown.
(118) You can use cultivated mushrooms, but a few wild ones add a better taste.
(119) Among all the cultivated species of Hygrophila it is the one best adapted to submersed existence.
(120) Vic inherited her from his predecessor, who had evidently cultivated an informal working relationship.
(121) Serfs were tied to the land which they cultivated, with little opportunity of changing or improving their position.
(122) We have to ask by what means this free and forward-looking imagination can be cultivated at school.
(123) All this deeply interested Modigliani who was a remarkably cultivated and educated man, as Paul Alexandre proves.
(124) Our people have lived on and cultivated the bottom lands along the Missouri River for many hundreds of years.
(125) After clearance, rice is cultivated, followed by soya beans and maize and eventually semi-permanent pastures are established.
(125) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(126) Coppices of oak were cultivated in the area for the provision of charcoal.
(127) Today, we have only about two acres of cultivated land per person.
(128) In greenhouse or field, pollen and egg from wild tomatoes were tested for the ability to cross with cultivated plants.
(129) A patch of undergrowth, preferably under a tree, is cultivated and preserved for the snake.
(130) From his ever-changing complexion to his personal menagerie and private amusement park, Jackson has long cultivated an aura of eccentricity.
(131) They were interpreted as an attempt to create a wider market in cultivated land.
(132) I have not seen a cultivated poppy as good as this anywhere.
(133) But they are not merely carriages for we have reached the stage when the soil must be cultivated into gardens.
(134) Only V. dubyana is frequently cultivated as a decorative aquarium plant.
(135) Charming, likeable and cultivated, they owned hundreds, thousands of acres, as well as the richest of libraries.
(136) I drink politically correct, organic coffee cultivated by small farmers who get their fair-trading share of the profits.
(137) Look down from the viewpoint and see the terraced land - minute cultivated pocket handkerchiefs.
(138) The second species, R. humilis, has been imported and is cultivated in aquariums and terrariums.
(139) Something that struck me personally at this period was that he had a most strange and cultivated sense of humour.
(140) On the whole, though, triticale is hardier than wheat and can be cultivated more easily in harsh environments.
(141) The country to the north and north-east of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port is much lower and for that reason more cultivated.
(142) My husband and I cultivated a relationship with our elderly childless neighbors, exchanging dinners and visits.
(143) Cultivated blackberries are not far removed from their wild parents and do not need much fussy soil preparation.
(144) Many of them have gotten into aquarium literature, although they can not be cultivated in the aquarium.
(145) Throughout the sixties and well into the seventies, children were cultivated at school, not taught.
(146) This plant has been known for 60 years but has not yet been cultivated extensively in the aquarium.
(147) Surveyors are measuring the size of the cultivated land.
(148) Studies on cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare) chromosome banding pattern.
(150) Could creative thinking be cultivated in such an environment?
(151) Being gentle and cultivated is just a scholar's attitude.
(152) The land is cultivated with rice, cotton and vegetable.
(153) I'm not the flower which cultivated in the glasshouse!
(154) Tchaikovsky cultivated all branches of music.
(155) A perennial rhizomatous grass (Poa pratensis) native to Eurasia and North Africa and naturalized throughout the United States. It is commonly cultivated for pasture and lawns.
(156) Excitable media rumors of long-range telepathy, telekinesis ,(http:///cultivated.html) and even mind control or other exotic powers have all added to the grisly reputation of ghosts cultivated by their masters.
(157) The tomatillo , or Mexican husk, is native to Mexico, where it has been cultivated since the time of the Aztecs.
(158) Among them, Viola yedoensis of Violaceae, Iris tenuifolia of Iridaceae and Pulsatilla chinensis of Ranunculaceae had higher ornamental value, which may be further introduced and cultivated.
(159) Mould - breaking strategies grow initially like weeds. They are not cultivated like tomatoes in a hothouse.
(160) Parsnip originating from Europe and Asia is much cultivated in Europe and America, it was introduced and planted in Shanghai in the turn of the 20th century.
(161) Different roles should be changed by teachers according to their teaching methods and classroom activities and students'self-access study abilities should be fully cultivated.
(162) There are 7 genus, 42 species and 9 varieties of woody plant Saxifragaceae in Gansu province, most of which distribute in natural forest area and a few species are cultivated.
(163) It is a difficult job and a topic of general interest in the present reform of cultivated land expropriation system to expropriate land according to price of the cultivated land.
(164) The extra field cultivated meant a proportionate increase in work.
(165) Grading cultivated land quality accounted for the major part of state land resource survey.
(166) He has written eight books and has cultivated the image of an elder statesman.
(167) It is important to study and further utility of the celery, which is edible, medicinal and widely cultivated plant.
(168) Vineyards are cultivated for the famous yellow sultana raisins and wine.
(169) Results:Storax cultivated in Guangdong could inhibit thrombosis in vivo, reduce blood viscosity and hematocrit, and decrease platelet aggregation.
(170) As a whole the variation trend was that the area of cultivated land, forest, town (city) was increased greatly, the water area was enlarged, but the grassland and badland was decreased.
(171) A spiny, Asian tree ( Citrus limon ) widely cultivated for its yellow, egg - shaped fruit.
(172) An African vine ( Citrullus lanatus ) cultivated for its large, edible fruit.
(173) Straw mushroom is cultivated widely in tropical and subtropical regions of the edible fungi.
(174) The contents of soil alkali hydrolyzable nitrogen were increased by plant urease inhibitor under two cultivated condition.
(175) Only one factor contradicted the cultivated bourgeois image - Georgos'hands.
(176) The use of arable land to complete the conversion value of the land will be cultivated land into arable land and the output value, we have had effectiveness of the use of arable land.
(177) Using urban sewage, the intermittent aeration was applied for shortcut nitrification and nitrosobacteria was cultivated by inoculation.
(178) So cultivated variety of higher output and higher fastness should be chosen from the piebald leaf strain.
(179) Powdery mildew is caused by Erysiphe graminis D. C. f. sp. tritici (Em. Marchal) and is one of the main diseases of cultivated wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ).
(180) A tropical South American tree (Hevea brasiliensis) widely cultivated throughout the Tropics and yielding a milky juice that is a major source of commercial rubber.
(181) Objective To establish a practical model for Wistar rat cochlea organ cultivated in vitro and observe the effect of hypoxia on the inner hair cells(IHC) and outer hair cells(OHC).
(182) Some issues on studying the cultivated plant taxonomy and origin by mean of isozyme analysis.
(183) Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria)had been regarded as one of melons by ancient Chinese, which is certainly one of the oldest cultivated plants in China.
(184) On the basis of this, the paper revealed that the economic development and social systematic pressure were dominical driving forces for changes of cultivated land.
(185) North American grass with slender brushy panicles; often a weed on cultivated land.
(186) The other - regarding sentiments had not been cultivated in Lily.
(187) In liaoning hebei shandong etc diurnal variation of small area is significantly better than any other varieties cultivated sweetness.
(188) Other than this kind of planless sauntering, Sun Shaoping had cultivated a habit of reading extracurricular books.
(189) The pleurotus ostreatus were cultivated with various forms of Gingkgo leaves, the effects on the pleurotus ostreatus product were also oberserved.
(190) The newly formed intellectual class of the Sung Dynasty cultivated their tastes in living.
(191) The sweet potato is a dicotyledonous plant which is cultivated widely in the tropical and subtropical regions and can be used for the human food, animal feed and industrial raw materials.
(192) Cultivated land is essence of land, and is most important managed and protected object in land management.
(193) There is a course from requisition-compensation balance of cultivated land to overprotection.
(194) The outburst was inconsistent with the image he has cultivated.
(195) On the basis of investigation,(http:///cultivated.html) the symptom and development regularity of the mosaic virus in L. chinense var. rubrum under the different cultivated ways were represented.
(196) Objective: To set up the optimums for the leaf tissue culture of Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivated in Anhui Province.
(197) Factors that affect the taste of coffee tree species categories, the growth of soil properties, climate and altitude of cultivated garden, picking the outcome of care, and treatment processes beans.
(198) Origin: The carambola is believed to have originated in Sri Lanka and the Moluccas, but it has been cultivated in southeast Asia and Malaysia for many centuries.
(199) Methods Skin was cultivated in organ with T lymphocytes to investigate the effect of psoriatic T lymphocytes on epidermal turnover time.
(200) Tahitian cultured pearls are cultivated from the black-lipped variety of the pinctada maxima oyster which reaches a foot or more in diameter, and produces very large pearls.
(201) Brazil Hevea original wild Amazon in South America, is mainly cultivated in Southeast Asia.




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