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单词 Unattainable
1. A military victory is unattainable.
2. This is not an unattainable ideal.
3. Participants get a cultural exposure unattainable by ordinary tourists.
4. A thin ribbon that separates unparalleled views from unattainable wealth, the walk is a welcome balm to the landlocked masses.
5. It is unattainable, not because of the nature of things, but because of the nature of our faculties.
6. The idea of wealth was not just unattainable, it was unthinkable; when the thought was uttered he ridiculed it.
7. Electricity and water on tap were unattainable dreams for most, but then, nobody had much time to indulge in dreams.
8. This is not an unattainable ideal, but a goal which you must pursue in order to avoid stagnation.
9. In fact, perfect information is the unattainable holy grail, but dotcom business brings it that little bit closer.
10. That is, better an unattainable ideal than a limited attainable goal when it comes to the welfare of our fellow men.
11. The fog bank was unattainable and rather than surrender, Kennedy opened fire against both vessels with his antique and wholly inadequate guns.
12. There are those who argue that true independent advice is unattainable.
13. Some economists think that full employment in Europe is an unattainable goal.
14. However, it may be unfair to accuse the candidates of failing to attain the unattainable.
15. Television can create deep dissatisfaction by portraying lifestyles that are unattainable.
16. To the average teacher in the average school the official curriculum plan is unattainable.
17. The persistence of this balance has placed the two sides in positions in which each is seeking something apparently unattainable.
18. Their strategy was to claim that output targets were unattainable, and not to attain them.
19. Total immunity from colds once seemed to be the unattainable Holy Grail of clinical viral science.
20. Moreover they nearly always end in tragedy because the protagonists reach out in some way fur the unattainable.
21. This makes them subservient to a moral objective which may be unattainable.
22. Similarly, your internal editor insists that you create documents based on equally arbitrary and unattainable standards.
23. Perfection is never qualified or quantified, making it therefore unattainable.
24. Yet within a month it had received additional funding and increased sessions and would be able to meet demands previously unattainable.
25. The new exams have been designed for weaker students who, until now, have been set unattainable targets.
26. For the genetic engineers, the grail of nitrogen-fixation remains unattainable.
27. This was considered generally impractical and in view of the particular difficulties of carrying out social research in Belfast, probably unattainable.
28. Dully punching Lucy's old number, slamming the phone down on unattainable.
29. According to the conflictual, realist world-view, national security is unattainable.
30. For many young people in rural areas, a university education seems like an unattainable dream.
31. Worse, in their enthusiasm for achieving the vision, they may be unable to see that it is unattainable.
32. The prospect of a university education must appear as an unattainable dream: some are successful but these are exceptional cases.
33. The fact that there are fixed costs means perfect competition is an unattainable ideal framework for retailing.
34. The long terraces of stuccoed houses - how self-sufficient and unattainable and urban they seemed!
35. In his fancy the Island seemed an unattainable Arcadia.
36. It is a monster industry selling unattainable dreams.
37. In my opinion that is unattainable and unrealistic.
38. If you cherish soaring aspirations, nothing is unattainable.
39. The goal is high, but it is not unattainable.
40. He always has unattainable goals in his mind.
41. John was full of confidence in striking for what seemed unattainable.
42. Government officials admit their target, a poverty level of 8.2 % by 2009,[http:///unattainable.html] is anyway unattainable.
43. Many people ignore the fact that the idealised body images that surround them are just that - idealised - and actually unattainable for most of us.
44. It's all fake and unattainable, but nobody seems to get it.
45. This universe existed in the shape of darkness, unperceived , destitute of distinctive marks, unattainable by reasoning, unknowable, wholly immersed, as it were, in deep sleep.
46. He even goes so far as to argue that uniformity is an unattainable goal.
47. If the Maoists'political goals seem unattainable, analysts warn they will be easy to uproot,() either.
48. However, one study has suggested that toys with unattainable proportions might affect a person's self - image.
49. Instead of striving after the unattainable, we should learn to round our ideas and tone down the angularity of our conduct.
50. At last she saw that what she had striven for was unattainable.
51. It'subsequently revised the deadline to 2006, but this too seems unattainable.
52. It's like a paradise to me, but It'seems that the island is an unattainable paradise.
53. Webothlaughed. Thiswasalwayshis dream -- and it always seemed so unattainable.
54. Break down the apparently unattainable activity to small doable steps.
55. Man approaches the unattainable truth through a succession of errors.
56. This goal is unattainable.
57. There was something unapproachable and unattainable about Hearn which had always piqued him.




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