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单词 Descent
1 The plane began its descent into Paris.
2 Passengers must fasten their seat belts prior to descent.
3 The plane began its descent to Heathrow.
4 The descent of the mountain took nearly two hours.
5 We watched anxiously during her descent from the tree.
6 They began the difficult descent of the mountain's south west face.
7 The emperor claimed descent from David.
8 The plane began its gentle descent to Heathrow.
9 He claims to have traced descent from Christopher Columbus.
10 She's a woman of mixed/French descent.
11 She claims direct descent from Queen Victoria.
12 The plane had gone into a steep descent.
13 He claims direct descent from Mohammed.
14 She is Hungarian by descent.
15 She started a chary descent of the stairs.
16 Darwin stated that the species originate by descent.
17 She is of German descent.
18 We slowed the balloon's rate of descent.
19 An abrupt descent suddenly appeared before him.
20 His descent into crime was rapid.
21 The descent to Base Camp took about two days.
22 The plane began its final descent into the airport.
23 There is no direct descent from the summit.
24 There is a gradual descent to the sea.
25 The engines failed on the plane's descent to Orly.
26 He traces his descent from an old Norman family.
27 The marriage was considered especially ignominious since she was of royal descent.
28 The land slopes to the sea by a gradual descent.
29 Jeremy Lin is the first American player in the NBA of Chinese descent.
30 She fastened the safety harness tightly round her waist before starting the descent.
1 Passengers must fasten their seat belts prior to descent.
2 The plane began its descent to Heathrow.
3 We watched anxiously during her descent from the tree.
4 The marriage was considered especially ignominious since she was of royal descent.
5 They began the difficult descent of the mountain's south west face.
6 The land slopes to the sea by a gradual descent.
7 She fastened the safety harness tightly round her waist before starting the descent.
8 She is Hungarian by descent.
9 She started a chary descent of the stairs.
10 She is of German descent.
11 An abrupt descent suddenly appeared before him.
12 The descent of the mountain took two hours.
31 We began our slithery descent to the shore.
32 The descent of the footpath starts in easy fashion.
33 The descent of the mountain took two hours.
34 She is of mixed European and African descent.
35 Most European languages have a common descent.
36 Here there is a gradual descent to the sea.
37 He traces his descent from the Stuart kings.
38 She claims lineal descent from Henry VIII.
39 All the contributors were of African descent.
40 He traces his descent back to an old Norman family.
41 I made a slow and painful descent down the stairs.
42 Humans and other apes followed separate lines of descent from a common ancestor.
43 The plane was making its final descent so we had to fasten our seat belts.
44 They're Irish by descent.
45 He is a writer of Indian descent and draws upon diverse cultural influences.
46 They trace their line of descent back to a French duke.
47 She drove up a steep grade and then began the long descent into the desert.
48 When entering a trail or starting a descent,(http:///descent.html) yield to other skiers.
49 We're preparing for the yearly descent of thousands of visitors on the village for the pop festival.
50 He traces his line of descent from the Stuart kings.
51 They topped the rise and began a slow descent towards the town.
52 Instead, they have evolved through descent with modification.
53 So why the new descent into bloodshed?
54 The descent through the forest is best glossed over.
55 Many factors underpin Ireland's descent into the basement.
56 Louis paused in his descent to watch.
57 No minimum rate of descent planned.
58 But he had misjudged the speed of his descent.
59 Chris Bonington also broke ribs during the descent.
60 Inside, Sammler felt an immediate descent; his heart sinking.
61 He closed the throttle for a descent into Waddington.
62 They made a long, unhurried descent.
63 The presidential plane was making its final descent.
64 That afternoon we made a laborious but uneventful descent down the north east face and retrieved our skis.
65 We inched up over the ridge and began our descent on to the high, tree-stippled plateau of far western Chihuahua.
65 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
66 Occasional cairns led us to a challenging rocky descent into another forest, full of rhododendron blossom, pine scents and birdsong.
67 The leak forced a controlled descent of the giant balloon about 250 kilometres to the west of the launch site.
68 Instead, descent with modification uncovers the biography hidden in every sentence and reconstructs the past of those who speak them.
69 The climb lies on a wall just above the east descent route in the back corner of the quarry.
70 In fact there is no direct link between the status of women and the reckoning of descent in one line or another.
71 Confessional status had become the basis for an exclusive descent group.
72 This was the formula whereby the law made provision for the descent of landed estates within a line.
73 The truck roared and ripped down the last descent to the river valley.
74 And waited in rage and self-recrimination as the elevator began its irrevocable descent?
75 Some one hit the down button and the Oval once again began its forty-foot descent into the earth.
76 Twittering song uttered in soaring display flight, followed by butterfly-like descent with wings raised and a final plumb drop.
77 When we reached the start after a nervous descent there were no fewer than seven climbers ahead of us.
78 In other words, the random loss of certain lines of descent will mean that the average number of defects gradually increases.
79 The descent engine occupied the centre section, with the propellant tanks arranged symmetrically round the outside to balance the weight distribution.
80 Steadily it turned, gradually gaining speed when he started his descent and gravity took over.
81 The sun was low in the sky as we worked our way carefully down the descent slopes and gullies.
82 Her morning descent to the kitchen was for her a moment of happiness and importance.
83 Passengers said the cabin shook violently during the plane's descent.
84 There are many reasons one could argue for this descent into retirement.
85 It was traditional for princelings to commission elaborate genealogies alleging their descent from mythical heroes or gods.
86 A catalogue of misconceived ideas has preceded our descent into chaos.
87 The Main Face includes all the cliff stretching rightwards from here, with easy descent being made down Simon Gully.
88 Previously a runner could choose to make the 900 foot ascent on the same direct route as the descent.
89 Having done that, the men were then able to change the system of descent from matriliny to patriliny.
90 The engineers used the idea that moulds life itself: descent with modification.
91 Although her descent down the steep incline took several minutes, the queue at the foot remained motionless.
92 I started my descent about a mile away and a thousand feet high.
93 Our Czech hosts knew little about it, save that the approach was long and the descent intricate.
94 We took four hits, and immediately, we went into a rapid descent to elude the machine guns.
95 The ordinary cues for traveling, the visual sense of distance and motion,(http:///descent.html) are absent during the descent to the seafloor.
96 I lined up on the general area and made a gentle descent into the darkness.
97 The mission plan called for an upper limit on the amount of propellant that could be used during the descent.
98 This shows the line of descent down to three previous owners of Upper Halling.
99 Without a working budget, or a viable rescue plan, the organization continued its disastrous descent into the financial sinkhole.
100 He noticed the change of pitch in the engine noise and the slight tilt of the aircraft as it began its descent.
101 Moreover, he could control his descent, and could come down slower or quicker as he wished.
102 For the Conservatives it was the start of the long descent towards the agony of Black Wednesday.
103 Reduce your rate of descent immediately to bring the needle back towards the circle.
104 All have similarities in settlement pattern and in social organization, with unilineal descent systems and chiefdom organization.
105 There was 9,000 feet of descent to the glacier to prepare for.
106 The Robinson 22 light helicopter was on an auto-gyration practice flight when the tail rotor touched the ground during a steep descent.
107 They were set at irregular intervals so that it was difficult to achieve any rhythm in the descent.
108 The descent of the footpath to Bauen starts in easy fashion but becomes quite steep.
109 On descent he met Wanda at 8,300 metres and helped her arrange a bivouac.
110 He had circulated a document which professed to trace his descent, through his father, from the Prophet.
111 I slip a couple of times during the descent and set rocks running.
112 Unsurprisingly, given its director, the film will be a psychological thriller that focuses on a man's descent into madness.
113 As we began our slithery descent to the shore, a kestrel hovered above the brow of the hill.
114 Rapid descent With increasing speed, the difficulties associated with descent and translation back to hovering flight become more acute.
115 He set his autopilot for the descent and checked his charts for Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport.
116 The tracks took him down a constant and slow descent then stopped at an old fence.
117 But there is scant solace to be found in this descent towards lowest common denominators for those who would see genuine reform.
118 He knew they'd be starting their descent in another five minutes.
119 Since buying the cottage, house prices had started on a steady descent.
120 The failure of tomatoes, apples and figs to cross is not some magical property but comes from descent with modification.
121 The engines continue to burn and the shuttle starts a slow 2 minute long descent back to Earth.
122 Murren is very limited, with one spectacular descent from the famous Schilthorn.
123 For species, as for nations, descent with modification builds obstacles, almost as an afterthought, as populations diverge.
124 Their failure shows how descent with modification is impossible to avoid.
125 After a routine descent the co-pilot reported the airfield in sight and the tower controller cleared the aircraft to final approach.
126 That included his descent into drug addiction and his relationship with his father(sentence dictionary), the Duke of Marlborough.
127 Struan, because of its direct descent from a traditional ritualistic practice, still retains a trace of sacramental efficacy.
128 Of Merovech he records nothing other than his supposed descent from Chlodio and that he was the father of Childeric.
129 Then follows a long descent along a forest avenue to Loch Maree.
130 The passenger was far removed from an anonymous piece of card, and the parachutes correspondingly larger to slow the descent speed.
131 Allow 10% of the rate of increase of height, but increase this allowance to 20% when levelling from descent.
132 In patrilineal descent groups, he argued, the individual family and private property were prominent and the communal principle already moribund.
133 Good judgement of conditions, an early start and a fast, efficient ascent are essential to avoid such torrid descent.
134 Band members are generally kinsfolk, related by descent or marriage.
135 Our brief but interesting tour completed we returned to the landing place, negotiating the slippery descent with caution.
136 There is a lot of evidence that such internal restrictions occur in all the accounts of descent groups amassed by anthropologists.
137 The plane had gone into a steep descent and an explosion ripped the air.
138 If the inbound time is 3 minutes, then the minimum Rate of Descent will be 700 ft/min.
139 They took this descent into Hades as casually as she would go down a flight of stairs.
140 It is happily served by two old paths for ascent and descent, encouraging a circular walk best done clockwise.
141 And play Van Gogh, he caught the descent into madness perfectly.
142 The descent to Base Camp took a further two days.
143 Their other job was to ensure that the capsule was oriented at the correct angle for the remaining descent.
144 Reduce power enough to ensure a rate of descent which will bring the model down to ground level just in front of you.
145 This is a political system based on descent groups and the kinship and marriage ties that link them.
146 We should reach our minimum descent altitude in just over 2 minutes.
147 Some models will drop very rapidly during the early part of the descent while the main rotor winds up to a suitable speed.
148 The aircraft had begun its descent to Houston Intercontinental Airport when it disappeared from radar screens.
149 Like the outbound leg, if you lose timing don't continue the descent.
150 He also made his first descent from a balloon by parachute.
151 He was spared further speculation by the descent of Miss Harker, candle aloft, like a vengeful ghost.
152 The main obstacle was the steep Crooksbury Hill after 19 miles, with the Punchbowl being a descent.
153 Despite the three-hour length, the descent of Kathy Bates's character into madness is so abrupt as to be risible.
154 I descended to 500 feet, then continued descending with a Rate 1 on to final and continued the descent to 100 feet.
155 If at a higher speed then reduce to the required figure before commencing descent. 2.
156 The Chief has just made the descent into blindness-Mariama is shocked when he doesn't respond to my outstretched hand.
157 Slowly, he shook his head once or twice, and then began to make the descent.
158 All the same, their multi-instrumental prowess could not save a gradual descent into rock-star bad habits.
159 I was planning to go there when my descent into the horrors began.
160 Bring the localiser into the normal level flight and descent scan routine.
161 He heard their crashing, giggling descent, swinging his beam away from them so they would be in complete darkness.
162 The descent is never-ending - I am glad - until Tony comes towards me.
163 Her fingers tightened on the banister rail, as she paused in her descent.
164 Work out the minimum rate of descent for this outbound leg.
165 The journey always starts with the endless descent to the street.
166 None the less the fact remains that the presence of descent groups tells us nothing directly about domestic organization.
167 Earth arrival is accomplished by aerocapture, followed by descent of the sample container under a parachute.
168 The descent, like a big dipper, is exhilarating but perfectly safe.
169 King Laius of Thebes was the third in descent from Cadmus.
170 As descent always involves modification, resemblance decreases as a shared ancestor recedes into the past.
171 Have all times and minimum rates of descent worked out on a still-air basis first of all.
172 People in trance often begin their journeys by experiencing a descent through a downward tunnel.
173 There is Star-buck, the chief mate of the Pequod, a native of Nantucket and a Quaker by descent.
174 Go left at the post and descent the track leading to a footbridge over a stream.
175 Lineages of descent from a female ancestor are thus prime substructures composing a macaque troop.
176 There was a fair wind spattering them with rain as they made their descent to the beach.
177 The book tells of the boys' rapid descent into savagery, and the use of torture and terror.
178 Otherwise there have been two possibilities which effectively continue the lines of descent from Hegelian historicism and the history of science.
179 On the slow descent to Bristol airport a creature had attached itself to one of the wings.
180 Harry began to feel nervous again as the plane made its descent.
181 The Airspeed Indicator being the main pitch-support instrument in climb or descent.
182 She lived in Colorado and died at eighty-eight on her descent from her fourteenth climb of Pikes Peak.
183 If the model is set up correctly, it should make a steep descent under full control.
184 The plane had already started its descent when the pilot received orders to abort his landing.
185 The descent to the Main Cliff and Upper tier remains serious, but no workable remedy has been found so far.
186 Descent: Traverse leftwards until easy ground leads down to the road.
187 By proceeding a little further, a scrambling descent to the river bed may be made.
188 Route to summit requires some tough scrambling, before a descent on the grassy northern slopes.
189 However, the descent into generality applies to all words, and is not confined to any one syntactic category.
190 Park and prepare for a moderately difficult two-mile descent along a fire road into the canyon.
191 But the growth in consumer debt should not be simply seen and condemned as a complete descent into mindless consumerism.
192 The confusion over propellant was due to the propellant sloshing about in the tanks during the powered descent.
193 Ernest Hemingway is reputed to have considered the descent from Monte in a toboggan one of the strongest emotions of his life.
194 He had two options, he thought, as the plane began the descent to Brussels.
195 In contrast to the life the researchers had witnessed during their descent, the view was now a barren moonscape.
196 Some primates live in patrilineal rather than matrilineal descent groups.
197 Note the family crest of a crown and an eight-pointed star, symbolizing their alleged descent from one of the three kings.
198 Those advisers who aren't Jewish are of British descent.
199 Many Americans are of English descent.
200 Leonard Woolf was of Jewish descent, the son of a barrister.
201 Sixteen of the youngsters set off for help, but during the descent three collapsed in the cold and rain.
202 It increased slightly from 1979 to 1983, and then resumed its descent.
203 He yearned for wearing a set of descent vesture in front of female schoolmates.
204 The only lasting solution lies in a political settlement. Without it, their descent into chaos will be guaranteed.




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