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单词 Telegraph
1, There are three ways of spreading news-- telegraph, telephone, and tel-a-woman. 
2, The bush telegraph tells me you're likely to become our new president, John.
3, Send the message on the telegraph.
4, Telegraph communication was broken off.
5, He did not bother to punctuate the telegraph message.
6, My parents always used to get the Daily Telegraph.
7, The truck crashed into a telegraph pole.
8, The news came by telegraph.
9, Telegraph to her parents at once.
10, I ghosted his weekly rugby column for the Telegraph.
11, I will tell the result by telegraph.
12, We only discovered by bush telegraph that our son had a new girlfriend, he had not told us ...
13, I hear on the bush telegraph that the manager has resigned.
14, We only discovered by bush telegraph that our son had a new girlfriend, he had not told us himself.
15, The Telegraph has printed numerous articles on this subject over the last three years.
16, They like roosting on telegraph poles.
17, City sweepers sluice down Telegraph Street every morning.
18, Following an article in the Sunday Telegraph,[http:///telegraph.html] the owner of Hackfall decided to sell.
19, The Daily Telegraph published a long article from me on the subject on its editorial page.
20, Telegraph proprietor Conrad Black has estimated the price cut will cost £1.5m a month.
21, Telegraph poles push up into the living quarters protecting folk from the fickle rising seas.
22, But the Telegraph was not taking its line from saloon bar advisers.
23, Another oddity - the telegraph poles on old shots look short.
24, Telegraph came to the village in 1901 and messages were sent by morse code.
25, The telegraph also brought a sense of timeliness to daily newspapers.
26, Developments in South Africa receive extensive coverage in The Sunday Telegraph.
27, He will place an announcement in the personal column of The Daily Telegraph.
28, An internal 1976 report on Friern by the regional health authority's own long-stay hospital monitoring team was leaked to the Telegraph.
29, The coming of the railways and their ally, the telegraph system, put an end to this situation.
30, They carried an amazing amount of news, considering the difficulty of surface transport and the absence of telephone and telegraph.
1, The bush telegraph tells me you're likely to become our new president, John.
2, Send the message on the telegraph.
3, Telegraph communication was broken off.
4, He did not bother to punctuate the telegraph message.
5, The news came by telegraph.
6, I will tell the result by telegraph.
7, We only discovered by bush telegraph that our son had a new girlfriend, he had not told us ...
8, I hear on the bush telegraph that the manager has resigned.
31, From the feel of it she thought it could be a telegraph pole.
32, Now he was, spasmodically, totting up some figures - in the intervals between tussling with the Telegraph crossword clues.
33, Telegraph/Times readers were more ambivalent, however, and our small sample of Guardian readers preferred the press by a big majority.
34, In particular, I was stimulated to exhume a cutting from the Daily Telegraph of 23 October 1980.
35, Here he makes such suggestions as imitating simple neuron functions by using telegraph relays or vacuum tubes.
36, The best exhibits at the gallery are the mock-ups of old telegraph offices, exchanges and wireless ops rooms.
37, It was the photographer from the Telegraph who provided one of the most ludicrous moments.
38, Alongside, or occasionally entwined with the bones, ran the army telegraph cable!
39, The resourceful doctor immediately asked the railway staff to use the new electric telegraph to contact the police at Bishops Road terminus.
40, They found her sitting at the table with the Telegraph, nibbling toast.
41, Richard Dorment, art critic of the Daily Telegraph, is certainly not impressed.
42, Chick was reading the Evening Telegraph by the light of a torch.
43, I cast my eye over the front page of the Telegraph while Anne poured the coffee.
44, We lost a terrific lady two months ago: a correspondent for the London Telegraph.
45, A poll for the Peterborough Evening Telegraph suggests that the Tories will scrape home.
46, Immediately afterwards, she listens enraptured to the almost musical sound of the telegraph wires that only she is capable of hearing.
47, Their efforts were rated very highly by the Telegraph judges.
48, It was a long report of the inquest on Melanie Gandell which had appeared in the Daily Telegraph.Sentencedict
49, On one occasion a great forest fire raged through the area of Telegraph Station 30.
50, The Daily Telegraph commissioned the Gallup Poll to conduct a post-election survey to help find the answers.
51, That enabled the Belfast Telegraph, for example, to carry a huge article on the real cost of the sell-off.
52, I went to the telegraph office of the railroad for my money order from New York.
53, Shortly thereafter, the two nations opened postal, telegraph, telephone, and telex links.
54, Following requests from the bomber, police placed ads in the Daily Telegraph newspaper trying, unsuccessfully, to open communications.
55, The following day, Moira telephoned the Daily Telegraph with profuse apologies for the misunderstanding.
56, They tried to hit the symbolic spikes with a sledgehammer wired to telegraph the event of the blow, but they failed.
57, One exception was a collaboration with Wilhelm Weber which produced in 1833 the first operating electric telegraph.
58, Mark then spent a week on the waterfront carefully planing down the telegraph poles to the right shape.
59, A greater-spotted woodpecker zooms in on a telegraph pole on the lane.
60, According to the Telegraph, Man City had only 3 attacks of note in the whole match.
61, Shipping, air transport, telephone and telegraph generally follow these routes.
62, Edison was at the fair with his quadruplex telegraph, which transmitted several messages at once.
63, The noise of approaching footsteps on the stair was therefore welcome; but it turned out to be only the telegraph boy.
64, Then follow the line of telegraph poles to the remains of an old railway bridge.
65, She felt rigid like a telegraph pole, communicating perfectly, functioning flawlessly, but with no heart, no soul.
66, Glancing up, I saw a beautiful yellow bird perched on a telegraph wire, looking like a prize long-tailed canary.
67, But this also occurred with military and imperial funding of the electric telegraph and radio. 4.
68, On Saturdays, it arrived with a stylish colour magazine, taken over from the Sunday Telegraph.
69, As the Daily Telegraph said in a leader: The Government has won a very important victory.
70, Over the following year Mirror readers as well as Guardian and Telegraph readers proved relatively stable in their political preferences.
71, And there was the railway, with its shining lines, telegraph wires and posts, and signals.
72, The rain is sheeting across the horizon like ripped dustbin liners caught on a telegraph wire.
73, More boulders now barred her passage, and mixed with these, were trees and telegraph poles.
74, He provided a comprehensive network of farm buildings connected, it is said, by a telegraph system.
75, Voice over Back at the Young Telegraph, their final copy is put together under the watchful eye of a full-time reporter.
76, Crowds gathered everywhere, in front of banks, the Merchants' Exchange, the telegraph offices.
77, On the way to his house he paused on Telegraph Avenue to look over the machines in a used-car lot.
78, The Daily Telegraph is for those who can quote Latin phrases.
79, Checking charts for Belfast Telegraph Plan 82 are available if you write to me enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.
80, Also the train had a telephone system fitted,[] and telegraph and telephone instruments were carried.
81, Popularization of news was accelerated in the 1 840s with the introduction of telegraph wire services.
82, In other words, the announcer would kill time until the telegraph details started flowing again.
83, And soon the word was crackling over the telegraph wires to all parts of the North.
84, Early editions of the Dundee Evening Telegraph newspaper last night carried an advertisement for semi-skilled and skilled personnel.
85, Soon afterwards his father took up a post as superintendent with the Electric Telegraph Company in London.
86, Among the locals, some - in this case the Coventry Evening Telegraph - have many more reports than other local newspapers.
87, Can I have a telegraph form?
88, To transmit ( a message ) by telegraph.
89, The bad news reached us by telegraph.
90, World Administrative Telephone and Telegraph Conference?
91, She went to the telegraph office in a hurry.
92, Edison's first invention was the automatic telegraph repeater.
93, The operation of using a telegraph key.
94, Before telephones, messages were sent by telegraph.
95, The first data communications system was the telegraph.
96, The car broke the telegraph pole on the roadside.
97, A telegraph pole is standing alongside the road.
98, A car ran into a telegraph pole.
99, The bank is close to the telegraph office.
100, May I have a telegraph form, please ?
101, The Telegraph puts the union in a historical perspective.
102, Conditions resulting from decisions based on demodulated telegraph signals.
103, For dynamical observation of eyeground micrograph and image manipulation, eyeground television or compatibility of telegraph and kinescope has developed into one of the key area of eyeground camera.
104, The system runs in the telephone and telegraph office in C city.
105, A telegraph can transmit two different signals : a dot and a dash.
106, Please reply to our concerns by telegraph as soon as possible.
107, Multimedia communication is a new widely used communication technology after telephone, telegraph and fax.
108, Those disclosures have come from leek leaked records obtained by the Daily Telegraph Newspapernewspaper.
109, German President Christian Wulff was attacked with eggs (see photo) during his visit to Wiesbaden in western Germany[Sentencedict], the Daily Telegraph of London reported.
110, An oil-splattered BP engineer's boiler suit has become one of the most successful Halloween costumes in the US, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.
111, Fogg's project as madness; the Daily Telegraph alone hesitatingly supported him.
112, An enraged German father who disapproved of his daughter's relationship with an older man went to her boyfriend's home and castrated him with a bread knife, the Telegraph reported.
113, It taps on the other's head with its feelers, using a kind of telegraph code.
114, With the transoceanic telegraph (1866 and afterwards) continents became linked and the telecommunication industry was born.
115, The Bell Telephone Company formed a new subsidiary, American Telephone Telegraph ( AT & T ).
116, In modern times, people have communicated by letter, telegraph , and telephone.
117, Kindly let us have confirmation of these order by telegraph to morrow by 3 p.m.
118, The children were told they could not fly a kite near a telegraph pole.
119, He could still hear the Morse on the telegraph, and background noise did not disturb him as much as it did people with normal hearing.
120, Scanning was first used in the transmission of pictures by telegraph.
121, For a broadsheet, the Telegraph seems to run an awful lot of tabloid celebrity articles.
122, The Daily Telegraph identified the woman who finally rescued Yueyue as a 58-year-old street cleaner named Chen Xianmei.
123, The spoken representation of the dot in radio and telegraph code.
124, An elephant at West Midland Safari Park, UK, put its size to good use when it helped a zoo keeper start his car by giving it a shove, the Daily Telegraph reported.
125, First commercial test of Morse's telegraph. The US Government paid for a telegraph line between Baltimore and Washington, D. C. It worked.
126, It is a historical fact that during the legendary voyage of "Titanic" the wireless telegraph machine had delivered 6 warnings about the danger of icebergs.
127, Researchers found that heavy consumption of coffee reduced the incidence of malignant tumors in breasts by 20%, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.
128, In 1837, the invention of the Morse telegraph indicated the origin of communicating by telegraph.
129, The next day, with a push of a telegraph button in the White House, President Franklin Roosevelt opened the bridge to cars, too.
130, Among these were a relay booster for telegraph lines and a fire-safety curtain for theaters.
131, All I'm after is just a mediocre brain, something like the President of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company.
132, The sheriff was already out of the saddle and into the telegraph office.
133, I read an article in the Daily Telegraph about your ghost picture studies and immediately remembered two pictures that were taken on Hallowe'en in 2004 in our garden.
134, An intricate etching honors the invention of the telegraph by Samuel Morse.
135, The forming of signals, such as those employed in telegraph transmission, by the interruption of a direct current or modulation of a carrier between discrete values of some characteristics.
136, According to the Telegraph on January 18, two 19-year-olds tried to use a blow-up doll as a flotation device in the Australian flood waters but failed.
137, The relationship between the two inventors led to a partially implemented scheme to install a telegraph line from the New York Merchant's Exchange to Sandy Hook, New Jersey.
138, In 1844, Morse sent his first telegraph message, from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore, Maryland; by 1866,[] a telegraph line had been laid across the Atlantic Ocean from the U.S. to Europe.
139, Please tell me which is the nearest way to get to the telegraph office.
140, Mother send me a message by telegraph that she will arrive home by afternoon plane.
141, He caught a Telegraph Avenue car that was going to Berkeley.
142, 'We were very upset, ' Mr. Rybchinsky's daughter, Yana, said in an interview with the Telegraph.
143, Many leading scientists and constructors originated from Russia. They invented the first electric bulb, wireless telegraph, helicopter, bomber, colored photography and TV-set.
144, Melanie away from the telegraph office and she met every train hoping for letters.
145, Telegraph repeater. One - way simplex , two - way simplex, or duplex operation can be specified.
146, They include: Women, Scientology, the United States Tax code, Chinese telegraph code, Microsoft Visio 2004, and Obama's Nobel Peace Prize.
147, Mather was film critic on the Daily Telegraph for many years.
148, The Federal Communication Commission ( FCC ) covers radio and TV transmission and interstate telephone and telegraph.
149, In Venezuela Avicennia nitida is used as mining props, telegraph and transmission poles.
150, If there is one thing that could make me hate this country, it is the Telegraph and its "non-negotiable components".




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