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单词 Free market
1 The authors' argument is not with the free market per se but with the western society in which it works.
2 You can drive a hard bargain in the free market.
3 He never stops extolling the virtues of the free market.
4 He was a strong advocate of free market policies and a multi-party system.
5 The compromise will allow him to continue his free market reforms.
6 In a free market, if demand for a product increases then so does its price.
7 The current economic orthodoxy is of a free market and unregulated trade.
8 He dismissed advocates of a completely free market as economic troglodytes with no concern for the social consequences.
9 The dogma of the free market should be re-examined.
10 The free market will remain the key determinant.
11 Free market equilibrium will not generally be efficient.
12 Certainly, the free market is not free of problems.
13 But theirs was never a free market.
14 Free market equilibrium leads to too few improvements.
15 Both the leading candidates advocated free market policies and foreign investment to revive the stagnant economy.
16 The free market forces mortal men to act like alchemists; they must turn base materials into more valuable goods.
17 He is very worried about the shift towards free market thinking in Eastern Europe.
18 If it's left to the free market these things will not progress fast enough.
19 Free market equilibrium will not equate marginal cost and marginal benefit and there will be scope for Pareto gains.
20 In a global free market livelihoods are permanently up for tender.
21 It's a free market, and the money should go to some one else who will control pollution.
22 In less fertile and inaccessible regions, introducing free market forces and removing state subsidies brought poverty instead of wealth.
23 Price control would gradually disappear in favor of a free market.
24 I wish she would stop evangelizing about the virtues of free market economics.
25 These kinds of price controls go against all the financial principles of the free market liberals.
26 Is the world's largest supplier of branded spirits for the duty free market.
27 If only these people would adopt real democracy and the unfettered free market, this place could be as prosperous as Southampton.
28 The invisible hand merely symbolizes the true orchestrator of social harmony, the free market.
29 In 1991 he voiced a qualified approval of the free market in his encyclical Gentesimus Annus.
30 Imperfectly competitive industries are a source of market failure because free market equilibrium is no longer Pareto-efficient.
1 The authors' argument is not with the free market per se but with the western society in which it works.
2 You can drive a hard bargain in the free market.
31 In such a free market, goods and services would be efficiently allocated.
32 Clerics who watched the old establishment crumbling found it difficult to enter an ecclesiastical free market.
33 Equilibrium will be inefficient. 7 Distortions occur whenever free market equilibrium does not equate marginal social cost and marginal social benefit.
34 The most important instrument of dirigisme is subsidy, even though subsidy in a free market in a contradiction in terms.
35 It even stimulates the sacred free market: Lovers spend freely on gifts, travel, clothes and restaurants.
36 Free market equilibrium occurs at E. A government agency now provides information about the product.
37 The optimists, endowed with faith in science, technology, and the free market, see open-ended possibilities for mankind.
38 People are also seeing the effects of eleven years of Mrs. Thatcher's free market experiment.
39 The transition from a communist system to a free market economy will be difficult.
40 In a free market, competition drives prices down to the fair market price, with different prices on each street corner.
41 This doctrine was acceptable where two powerful companies were negotiating a contract in a free market,(http://) but contractually weaker persons suffered.
42 Major's attachment to free market doctrine has been loosened by the public's refusal to let short-termism shut Britain's pits.
43 Furthermore, former Communist bureaucrats, transformed into free market operators, are in many cases already running the new privatized enterprises.
44 It is important to grasp the level of energy that the free market has unleashed in the developing world.
45 Perfectly competitive free market equilibrium will then allocate resources efficiently.
46 Like externalities, they induce market failure. Free market equilibrium will not generally be efficient.
47 The party converted to the free market with a zeal that out-Thatchered Thatcher and out-Reaganed Reagan.
48 That the free market fails to do this and international regulations on corporations are necessary.
49 But since the spread of the free market to the less developed world, the incentives have run the other way.
50 The switch to a free market economy will not be easy.
51 From the beginning of 1992 agricultural produce was to be traded at free market prices throughout the country.
52 There has been no free market in residential property since the early years of this century.
53 The operation of the free market maintains an equilibrium between supply, demand and price.
54 They were convinced of the incapacity of the free market significantly to diminish poverty and inequality.
55 Indeed, the free market was trumpeted so much that it assumed an almost mythic quality.
56 Civil society is a classical economist's model of the free market.
57 Others, arguing that the free market is the best answer to low prices and surpluses, strongly disagree.
58 However, there is great confidence in the dynamics of the free market to motivate and coordinate human behavior.
59 The free market system is an imperfect mechanism for achieving full employment.
60 Cant about the free market creating opportunities for poor people is meaningless when wealth calls all the shots.
61 By paving the way for a national free market, absolutism fostered capitalism.
62 Thatcher was always been a passionate believer in the ideals of a free market economy.
63 In a free market, polluting coal-fired power stations and unpopular nuclear ones should be less competitive because of rising environmental costs.
64 Even the devout socialists of Alcove 1 believed in the free market of abilities.
65 Improved consumer choice is one of the benefits of a free market.
66 There is approval ofthe free market for wealth creation and many of the economic policies this entails.
67 Ministers who are keen advocates of a free market economy may be unsympathetic to such ideas.
68 You would have expected a convert to free market economics to have been equally scathing of both public service corporations.
69 They must be allowed to make profits in a free market that co-exists with the planned economy.
70 Another basic tenet of the free market is the free flow of labour.
71 On the one hand there is the completely free market approach(Sentencedict), which views mergers in a favourable light.
72 He thus emerged as champion of the free market, appointing western-educated technocrats as ministers.
73 In the economic sphere we know that the free market is the best guarantee of responsiveness to choice and change.
74 The free market had virtues too long eclipsed by slavish conformity to collective ideals that no longer seemed relevant.
75 In the main, they will be private sector employers operating in a free market and looking to secure an edge over their competitors.
76 Even the payment of players was regulated in such a way as to prevent clubs competing in a free market for talent.
77 Managed competition, rather than a free market in health care, is the leitmotif of the reforms.
78 A further cause for unease is that adherence to a free market philosophy combined with reduced taxation has increased economic inequality.
79 Just to satisfy a purist "free market" ideal?
80 Jamaica's socialist government is adopting US-inspired free market practices.
81 Not the abrogation of the free market.
82 These monopolizations never fail in invalidating the "free market".
83 Net financial gain was calculated using the increased production, the free market value a VCR of 3:1.
84 She believes government is an essential partner in a three-sided relationship that also includes the free market, and a "civil society" of churches and nonprofit groups.
85 Third semester: The rise of mercantilism, the free market, economic growth, science and technology, and the bankingsystem.
86 In times of economic crisis, the ability of the free market to solve problems may come into question. But in one vital corner of the economy, a little creative capitalism is helping fill a gap.
87 We've had inflationism, corporatism, big government. We've had no... we've not had true free market capitalism.
88 This led in 1980 to a bet between a prominent ecologist, Paul Ehrlich, author of "The Population Bomb", and Julian Simon, an economist at the Cato Institute, a free market think-tank.
89 Last year's "61" Children's Day and the day-to-day holidays, the free market is the "joy pleasance activities" for children were shooting, play music, recitation, the Big Dipper gyro etc.
90 That's the problem with taking away the free market: Any self-respecting, ratings-oriented broadcaster would have cut away to fit in somebody else's vault.
91 Egypt will need help restarting and then reforming its economy to move from Mr. Mubarak's crony capitalism to a true free market.
92 As long as Chairman Mao's portrait is on the yuan, don't expect China to engage in trade like a free market economy.
93 Further evidence of the free market as a friend is suggested by all the legislation and extralegal measures taken to prevent free, peaceable, voluntary exchange between blacks and whites.
94 In reality, the self-correcting free market mechanisms have broken down for CEOs and other top executives in the market, but they seem to be working fine for the remaining 95 percent of employees.
95 Right-wing opponents of reform would have you believe that President Obama is a wild-eyed socialist, attacking the free market.
96 But faced with a free market global economy, China is seeing the limitations of this time-tested system.
97 Evidently Linux's free market in egoboo works better to produce virtuous, other-directed behavior than the massively-funded documentation shops of commercial software producers.
98 Designing is better than passively waiting for free market adjustment.
99 The operation of the free market is all that is needed, not some form of politically correct tokenism.
100 And, in a democratic free market society, a multicultural meritocracy is much more palatable than an Episcopalian aristocracy.
101 Hong Kong maintains a highly capitalist economy built on a policy of free market, low taxation and government non-intervention.
102 In times of economic crisis, the ability of the free market to solve problems may come into question .
103 An economic theory in favor of laissez free market, and gold standard.
104 Herbert Spencer had already incorporated Lamarckism into his popular philosophy of progressive free market human society.
105 Chile established a free market economy, becoming the first South American nation to do so.
106 She was a supporter of the free market economy .
107 The author pointed out that those credit did not lose the investment foundation based on the free market or limited control concept.
108 For all kinds of investments, the total return including monitory and non-monitory should be in the equilibrium condition as being adjusted by the free market.
109 At the free market, the peddlers make a hubbub of noise.
110 But then you come to the third part of this sort of triangular absurdity, and what you get to is big financial institutions with extremely well-paid individuals, in the presumably pure free market.
111 Wall Street is known for upholding economic liberalism and the free market.
112 Yet, as the free market and autocrats gained power in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Latin America and Russia, the initial optimism about democracy's sure-footed march faltered.
113 Over the past decade they have faced up to the challenges involved in the transition from centrally planned economies to free market democracies.
114 In civil aviation implement on production, the United States advertises free market principle normally, and Europe holds to strategic trade policy.
115 Antitrust law Law aimed at preventing monopolies, price - fixing agreements , and other obstacles to free market competition.
116 While students in Iran clamor for an American-style life, many in the West oppose globalization as the symbol of iniquitous free market capitalism.
117 GATT member countries have largely agreed to replace expensive and inefficient protectionist policies with a competitive free market system for world trade.
118 The Roundtable statement invokes the principles of the free market system.
119 Prices are regulated by the law of supply and demand in a free market.
120 Because the area is small, in free market sale price not low also.
121 Of the 25 countries polled, support for the free market is now greatest in Germany, just ahead of Brazil and communist China, both of which have seen strong growth in recent years.
122 It is fascinating that politicians would use the language of the free market in this way to justify more corporatism.
123 In a free market the price of money is determined by supply and demand, just like the price of other goods.
124 How is it possible for a country to join in the free market mania and still politically act like tin hat dictator?
125 In the encyclical, he called for "a true world political authority ... to manage the global economy" and avoid more "abuse" of the free market.




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