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单词 Held
1 He must needs swim that is held up by the chin. 
2 I held the mouse by its tail.
3 The directors are held accountable by the shareholders.
4 He held up a palm for silence.
5 I've always held musicians in awe.
6 Many international conferences are held in Geneva.
7 She held the coin carefully between finger and thumb.
8 They held the imperialism in contempt.
9 The winning captain held the trophy in the air.
10 He held the dirty rag at arm's length .
11 The reunion is held every two years.
12 Many writers at this time held rigidly dogmatic views.
13 She reached out her hands and held her mother.
14 She held the child to her bosom.
15 Willis was held in detention for five years.
16 The sports meeting was held in the stadium.
17 They were held captive by masked gunmen.
18 He held the knife to her throat.
19 They all held out their hands to welcome me.
20 Morning assembly is held in the school hall.
21 The event was held in some park or other.
22 Eight people were held hostage for four months.
23 Robbers held up a bank at gunpoint.
24 The fence was held up by wooden posts.
25 He caught my hand and held it tightly.
26 In America, presidential elections are held every four years.
27 He had never held the elective office .
28 She was taken/held hostage by the gunmen.
29 She held tightly on to the rail.
30 He held a magazine in his hand.
1 I held the mouse by its tail.
2 I've always held musicians in awe.
3 She held the coin carefully between finger and thumb.
4 The winning captain held the trophy in the air.
5 The reunion is held every two years.
6 She reached out her hands and held her mother.
7 Willis was held in detention for five years.
8 He held the knife to her throat.
9 The event was held in some park or other.
10 Eight people were held hostage for four months.
11 He caught my hand and held it tightly.
12 He had never held the elective office .
13 He held a magazine in his hand.
14 Harry held an umbrella over Dawn.
15 She held the money tightly in her fist.
16 He held his gun in readiness.
17 They held this way to be workable.
18 The Aids conference will be held in Glasgow.
19 The little girl held her father's hand.
20 He held on to the branch like grim death.
21 Someone must be held accountable for the killings.
22 She held a cluster of flowers in her arms.
23 We held our breath in excitement.
24 She held him tightly to her bosom.
25 The police held an identity parade.
26 The sports meet will be held three days hence.
27 Executions used to be held in public.
28 She was kidnapped and held for ransom.
29 She held her little bundle tightly in her arms.
30 They were held together to deal with emergency.
31 A follow-up session was held after the initial meeting.
32 They were held in confinement for three weeks.
33 Harry held an umbrella over Dawn.
34 She held the money tightly in her fist.
35 He held his gun in readiness.
36 They held out the hand of friendship to me.
37 The ship held to a southwesterly course.
38 They held this way to be workable.
39 The Aids conference will be held in Glasgow.
40 The lovers held each other close.
41 The little girl held her father's hand.
42 Auditions will be held from 912 on Friday.
43 The championships are to be held in Rome.
44 He held on to the branch like grim death.
45 Someone must be held accountable for the killings.
46 She held a cluster of flowers in her arms.
47 We held our breath in excitement.
47 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
48 The wedding reception was held in a marquee.
49 The prisoners were held in deplorable conditions .
50 For a moment shock held her immobile.
51 After a long separation,they held a glad meeting.
52 The meeting will be held in the school hall.
53 The girl held her father's hand tightly.
54 She held him tightly to her bosom.
55 Guerillas captured and briefly held an important provincial capital.
56 The police held an identity parade.
57 She is held in high esteem by her colleagues.
58 The sports meet will be held three days hence.
59 The doctors held out no hope of her recovery.
60 Executions used to be held in public.
31 She held out her left hand.
32 The funeral will be held at St. Martin's Church.
33 A loop of wire held the gate shut.
34 Our attention was held throughout his long talk.
35 A Western European summit was held in Bonn.
36 The referendum will be held on July 14th.
37 He held her hand and twirled her around.
38 The General Assembly is held twice a year.
39 He held a sole tenancy of a flat.
40 The grand manoeuvres will be held tomorrow.
41 The funeral will be held according to church.
42 The group held weekly clandestine meetings in a church.
43 The wire is held on with a metal clip.
44 The trial was held under tight security .
45 You will be held accountable for it.
46 The market is held on Wednesdays.
47 Neither you nor I can be held responsible.
47 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
48 Discussions are held on an informal basis within the department.
49 The hostages are being held in extremely harsh conditions .
50 The roof of the temple was held up by a row of thick stone columns.
51 The Brighton Festival is held every year around May time.
52 Half a million people held a mass protest against racism last night.
53 Medieval banquets are held in the castle once a month.
54 The foreign traveler complained that he's been forcibly held by the local police without good reason.
55 Blake held his handkerchief over the mouthpiece to muffle his voice.
56 A buffer stock of grain was held in case of emergency shortages.
57 The plan calls for the UN to administer the country until elections can be held.
58 He held off for half an hour because of the rain.
59 He held on to the rope, and slipped down the cliff slowly.
60 Climate was a decisive factor in establishing where the tournament should be held.
61 The tenancy is held in joint names.
62 She held up a clenched fist in defiance.
63 She was kidnapped and held for ransom.
64 A model railway mart will be held on Friday.
65 She held her little bundle tightly in her arms.
66 They were held together to deal with emergency.
67 She held out her left hand.
68 The funeral will be held at St. Martin's Church.
69 He held up the prize in triumph.
70 She held the baby in her arms.
71 The wedding ceremony will be held in May.
72 A loop of wire held the gate shut.
73 The marriage was held to be valid.
74 He held the rank of Chief Inspector.
75 The seat covers are held in place by tapes.
76 Our attention was held throughout his long talk.
77 A Western European summit was held in Bonn.
77 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
78 The referendum will be held on July 14th.
79 He held her hand and twirled her around.
80 The funeral will be held next Friday.
81 The General Assembly is held twice a year.
82 She held up her hand stiffly.
83 He held a sole tenancy of a flat.
84 The original written contract was held valid.
85 The grand manoeuvres will be held tomorrow.
86 The grand maneuvres will be held tomorrow.
87 He held out a fistful of crumpled notes.
88 Alexander held dominion over a vast area.
89 She held him in considerable respect.
90 The funeral will be held according to church.
61 He had had a varied training and held many offices.
62 He was held incommunicado in prison for ten days before being released without charge.
63 They once again held out on him when he asked to leave the army.
64 The president held an emergency meeting to discuss military strategy with his defence commanders yesterday.
65 Despite being heavily outgunned, the rebel forces seem to have held on to the south side of the city.
66 The critics held him in high esteem as an actor.
67 She suddenly held up a small, bony finger and pointed across the room.
68 He was held in great affection by hundreds of students.
69 He held on tight to the rope and climbed down the building.
70 Each party in the case is entitled to inspect the documents held by the other.
71 The carpenter held the piece of wood in a vise.
72 They held the same bank up twice in one week.
73 Talks are being held about who should have sovereignty over the island.
74 A service was held in remembrance of local soldiers killed in the war.
75 Children were held in captivity until British soldiers entered the village.
76 A man was arrested by the police and held for questioning.
77 The more likely scenario is that the president will resign and an election will be held.
77 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
78 He is held in high esteem by colleagues in the construction industry.
79 Both parties were held to be to some extent culpable.
80 Politicians seem to be generally held in contempt by the police.
81 He is still held in great reverence throughout the country.
82 He was held on remand, charged with causing malicious damage to property.
83 Two elections were held within the space of a year.
84 A two-minute silence was held as a mark of respect.
85 He held the bird gently in the palm of his hand .
86 Ness chased the thief down and held him until police arrived.
87 He knew the matter very well, but held his cards close to his chest.
88 Barry held the bowls while Liz ladled soup into them.
91 The group held weekly clandestine meetings in a church.
92 The letters were held together with a paper clip.
93 The wire is held on with a metal clip.
94 The trial was held under tight security .
95 You will be held accountable for it.
96 The market is held on Wednesdays.
97 Neither you nor I can be held responsible.
98 She was appointed as acting governor until an election could be held.
99 Discussions are held on an informal basis within the department.
100 Sorry I'm late, I didn't count on being held up in the traffic.
101 Before you give up ,think of the reason why you held on so long.
102 She held up her arm and wiped her tears off.
103 The hostages are being held in extremely harsh conditions .
104 The roof of the temple was held up by a row of thick stone columns.
105 She was held in deep affection by all her students.
106 The Brighton Festival is held every year around May time.
107 The most widely held view is the market will continue to power ahead.
108 The minister held a press conference in order to pre-empt criticism in the newspapers.
109 The examination was held under the auspices of the government.
110 The colored students held a one-week moratorium on classes to oppose racism.
111 Half a million people held a mass protest against racism last night.
112 I'm glad to learn that you won first prize in the composition contest held at your school.I'd like to take this opportunity to offer my congratulations on your success.
113 Medieval banquets are held in the castle once a month.
114 The gutter press has held the royals up to ridicule.
115 The foreign traveler complained that he's been forcibly held by the local police without good reason.
116 Blake held his handkerchief over the mouthpiece to muffle his voice.
117 A buffer stock of grain was held in case of emergency shortages.
118 The plan calls for the UN to administer the country until elections can be held.
119 He held off for half an hour because of the rain.
120 At the last lap John held him,(http:///held.html) and then began to pick up on him.
121 He held on to the rope, and slipped down the cliff slowly.
122 The government's proposals were held up to ridicule by opposition ministers.
123 Climate was a decisive factor in establishing where the tournament should be held.
124 He had had a varied training and held many offices.
125 He held a piece of ice and bit off a little.
126 He was held incommunicado in prison for ten days before being released without charge.
127 A meeting will be held next Tuesday at 3 p.m.
128 The committee held its founding congress in the capital, Riga.
129 The hospital staff held off taking Rosenbaum in for an X-ray.
130 They once again held out on him when he asked to leave the army.
131 She held the presidency of the association for three years.
132 The president held an emergency meeting to discuss military strategy with his defence commanders yesterday.
133 The greatest treasures are not gold, nor jewels, nor works of art. They cannot be held in your hands; they're held within your heart.
134 He held the mouse in the palm of his hand.
135 The embattled president also denied recent claims that he was being held hostage by his own soldiers.
136 Despite being heavily outgunned, the rebel forces seem to have held on to the south side of the city.
137 The critics held him in high esteem as an actor.Sentencedict
138 Last night he was being held in solitary confinement in Douglas jail.
139 According to the American Constitution, presidential elections are held every four years.
140 She suddenly held up a small, bony finger and pointed across the room.
141 He was held in great affection by hundreds of students.
142 He held on tight to the rope and climbed down the building.
143 A plebiscite was held to decide the fate of the country.
144 The trousers are held up by a length of elastic around the waist.
145 To what degree can parents be held responsible for a child's behaviour?
146 Each party in the case is entitled to inspect the documents held by the other.
147 They held celebrations to mark the anniversary of Mozart's death.
148 The state spends taxpayers' money and should be held accountable.
149 The carpenter held the piece of wood in a vise.
150 They held the same bank up twice in one week.
151 Talks are being held about who should have sovereignty over the island.
152 The meeting must be held at a time convenient for working mothers.
153 The court ruled he could not be held personally liable for his wife's debts.
154 To order a book one first had to get permission from the monastery that held the copyright.
155 He despised William Pitt, notwithstanding the similar views they both held.
156 The minute you think of giving up,think of the reason why you held on so long .
157 A service was held in remembrance of local soldiers killed in the war.
158 Children were held in captivity until British soldiers entered the village.
159 His car was held up and he was abducted by four gunmen.
160 The veteran workers and model workers are held in great esteem.
161 The police held up their riot shields against the flying rocks and bricks.
162 A man was arrested by the police and held for questioning.
163 The more likely scenario is that the president will resign and an election will be held.
164 He is held in high esteem by colleagues in the construction industry.
165 The demonstrators marched to Trafalgar Square where they held a rally.
166 Both parties were held to be to some extent culpable.
167 A memorial service will be held at 7 pm on Saturday.
167 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
168 It is a widely held axiom that governments should not negotiate with terrorists.
169 Politicians seem to be generally held in contempt by the police.
170 Two robbers broke into her home, held a knife to her throat and stole her savings.
171 Held your hand, as if threads on your fingers around.
172 He is still held in great reverence throughout the country.
173 He was held on remand, charged with causing malicious damage to property.
174 Two elections were held within the space of a year.
175 A two-minute silence was held as a mark of respect.
176 Doctors held a special clinic to talk to worried parents after a child at the school died of meningitis.
177 When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on so long in the first place.
178 The robe was held at the waist by a cord.
179 For a man who held that to take even an ant's life is evil , the offering of a million lives gives one pause.
180 He held the bird gently in the palm of his hand .
181 The government held a vote of confidence and lost/won it.
182 Ness chased the thief down and held him until police arrived.
183 He knew the matter very well, but held his cards close to his chest.
184 Barry held the bowls while Liz ladled soup into them.
185 Meetings of the council are held in the council chamber.
186 A global environmental meeting is going to be held here.
187 The talks will be held without preconditions.
188 She has never held ministerial office.
189 San Francisco held on to win 4-2.
190 Max held out his cup for a refill.
191 The motion he held forth has not been approved.
192 I held out my hand and duked her.
193 The election will be held on 8th of August.
194 The curtains were held back by tassels.
195 She strained against the ropes that held her.
196 Celtic held the lead in the first half.
197 The three brothers were held captive for three months.
198 The talks will be held on neutral ground.
199 He held my arms down by my sides.
200 The baby clinic is held on Monday afternoons.
201 They held a celebration rally.
202 In April(), the President held talks with Chinese leaders.
203 He held power de jure and de facto .
204 Paper clips held the picture in place.
205 Their salaries were held out for a long time.
206 They held an acception to salute his coming.
207 He held her tightly in his embrace.
208 She was held in custody pending trial.
209 The team held its own after the first quarter.
210 His property was temporally held by the police.
211 I held him in high estimation.
212 The class was held hostage by a hooded gunman.
213 This knob is only held on by sellotape.
214 He's held up humiliation by a momentary slip.
215 A referendum was held to settle the issue.
216 The door was held open by a doorstop.
217 The area where the market was anciently held .
218 The parts are held together with glue.
219 He held her in a warm embrace.
220 Elections will be held on 14 February.
221 Her eyes held a look of silent appeal.
222 Police held 10 suspected illegal immigrants after a swoop on a German lorry.
223 His stake has been held in escrow since the start of the year.
224 This year's conference will be held at the Hilton Hotel.
225 About three thousand people held a rally to mark international human rights day.
226 The peace talks are being held against a background of increasing violence.
227 He had always believed that kids could sense it when you held out on them.
227 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
228 He has some photos which held over his purity before he became a killer.
229 In view of the weather,() the event will now be held indoors.
230 He held his hands in front of the fire to thaw them out.
231 We were arrested and held until the arrival of the night watch .
232 Carol held a press conference and declared that she was innocent.
233 The men stood motionless as Weir held his finger to his lips.
234 The hotel held onto our baggage as security while we went to the bank to get money to pay the bill.
235 The soldiers held on to the bridge for three more days.
236 The company was to be held in trust for Eddie until he came of age.
237 Lee broke off a small piece of orange and held it out to him.
238 News conferences due to be held by both men have been put back.
239 The peace conference would have to be held in a neutral country.
240 Some clamps that had held the device together came undone.
241 She tried to pull her hand free, but it was held fast.
242 The finals of the football was held up by a heavy storm.
243 The 77th edition of the Indianapolis 500 was held before an estimated 450 000 fans.
244 Douglas held his tongue, preferring not to speak out on a politically sensitive issue.
245 She held the baby in her arms and rocked her to and fro.
246 As chairman of the association, he held office for over twenty years.
247 Greenpeace will seek a judicial review if a full public enquiry is not held.
248 A church service was held in remembrance of the victims.
249 He held up his hands, shielding his eyes from the sun.
250 The people were held down for centuries by their conquerors.
251 He held onto his wife for support as he left the hospital.
252 She held off all the last-minute challengers and won the race in a new record time.
253 The old man held onto his job stubbornly and would not retire.
254 By 1914 Picasso had held one-man exhibitions in England, Germany and Spain.
255 The dinner is to be held in the banqueting hall/suite.
256 Women in these jobs are paid less precisely because most of the jobs are held by women rather than men.
257 Weber gave a fair hearing to anyone who held a different opinion.
258 The UN Security Council has decreed that the election must be held by May.
259 Sorry I'm late - I was held up at work.
260 He said he held out a good opinion of Mary as soon as he saw her.
261 Last weekend the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland held a conference(), attended by 450 delegates.
262 She held back, not knowing how to break the terrible news.
263 The reflector is held onto the sides of the spacecraft with a frame.
264 The judge held that the child's interests in this case must come first.
265 The meeting will be held in the school hall, by permission of the headmaster.
266 They felt the British economy was being held back by excessive government controls.
267 All the teachers and students in Cambridge held Dr Hawkin in high esteem.
268 Two policemen held up a truck so as to inspect the driver's license.
269 The actor was involved in a real - life drama when he was held up at gunpoint last night.
270 I grabbed ahold of his legs and held on so he could not get away.
271 The meeting will be held at a venue in the south of the city.
272 The event is held on a rotational basis in each of the participating countries.
273 Dinosaurs caught and have held the imagination of us all because they seem like dragons.
274 He held the letter over the kettle to steam the stamp off.
275 She held up her hat to me, and I winked at her.
276 The proceeds will be held in trust for the children until they are eighteen.
277 The film was held up as an example of good cinema.
278 The Olympic Games are held in a different country on each occasion.
279 After his election victory, the president held a morning-after news conference.
280 A sale is being held to raise funds for the school.
281 He held his breath while the results were read out.
282 She grasped the letter and held it to her breast.
283 The money will be held in trust until she is 18.
284 Suddenly he drew a gun/knife and held it to my throat.
285 Wine is sunlight, held together by water. Galileo Galilei 
286 I've never found therapy to be a sign of weakness; I've found the opposite to be true. The willingness to have a mirror held up to you definitely requires strength. Brooke Shields 
287 The idea that no one is perfect is a view most commonly held by people with no grandchildren. Doug Larson 
288 We cannot succeed when half of us are held back. Malala Yousafzai 
289 I raise up my voice-not so I can shout but so that those without a voice can be heard...we cannot succeed when half of us are held back. Malala Yousafzai 




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更新时间:2024/7/9 6:41:26