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单词 Urbanization
1 Its urbanization, progressing steadily, had finally reached the ultimate.
2 Another explained pentecostal growth in terms of urbanization or class conflict.
3 Owing to reclamation, technological improvements and urbanization, agricultural productivity and the level of production rose during the period.
4 The pace of urbanization accelerated as did the development of civil society visible before 1905.
5 But as urbanization proceeded apace, bricks remained in demand for house-building.
6 Equally important to urbanization, the nation's population was increasing.
7 Urbanization is inevitable for a country to be modernized.
8 Urbanization will become increasingly important in the future.
9 Plus rapid urbanization in cities, expand consumer demand.
10 Urbanization is a long-standing but flourishing and fadeless topic.
11 The rapid urbanization produces a lot of extraneous people.
12 The US Urbanization with its two typical characteristics of centralization and decentralization has experienced the process of beginning, developing and maturing.
13 Urbanization has fostered the specialties of market gardening and truck farming.
14 The key to judge the urbanization level is the index of living conditions, way of life, and life quality.
15 The backwardness hi the urbanization is an irrefutable fact in the poverty - stricken areas.
16 With the double-quick urbanization course and the constantly improvement of vehicle, the supply and demand size of traffic is expanding.
17 Urbanization village is a inexorable trend of the economical development.
18 The combined effect has been to translate regions that were once largely rural into bastions of urbanization.
19 Instinctual knowledge is leaking away under the impact of continual urbanization.
20 A shift in emphasis back to the rural areas was manifested by what might be termed an urbanization of the countryside.
21 The comparison provides indicators of economic development for this sample of countries, including wealth, industrialization, education, and urbanization.
22 Was it more important than, say, anticlerical propaganda or urbanization?
23 This period of the second industrial revolution is marked especially as a period of rapid industrialization and urbanization.
24 The report speaks of extensive environmental degradation caused by high population growth, rapid urbanization and fast industrialization.
25 Second home owners often provide the easiest of targets for those who deplore the creeping urbanization of the countryside.
26 On the national scale, China also follows the phasic rule in the course of urbanization with the establishment of the socialist mar- ket economy system.
27 The results indicated that foehn effect in special topography, the maintenance of warm air mass in low-altitude and the urbanization effect had strengthened high-temperature.
28 The sharp national economic development has propelled the course of urbanization and motorization, in addition the construction of roads cannot catch up with the abrupt increase of vehicle amounts.
29 But these restrictions also make the large cities of China avoid the Latin-American passive urbanization problem.
30 SLEUTH model is a kind of CA, it is composed by four growth rules and five coefficients, in conjunction with the excluded layer and the slope layer, it can successfully model the urbanization.
31 Chronic noncommunicable diseases have spread everywhere, fuelled as they are by universal trends, like rapid unplanned urbanization and the globalization of unhealthy lifestyles.
32 How to ensure the rational benefit of lose land's peasantry and stipulate for rational compensation for this peasantry in the process of Urbanization ?
33 At the same time, the division system exists a lot of castigation what can't meet the requirements of the urbanization and the economic development.
34 Now, urbanization speeds up and the value of land has become increasingly prominent. There are problems of overdevelopment of land and misappropriation of farmers' land by local government.
35 The dilemma of urbanization and farmland conservation in China was firstly analyzed and then the necessity and limitations of incremental construction land quota were specified in this paper.
36 The improvement of the level of urbanization, not only increase private credit, and has remarkable function to the improvement of whole credit amount and finance deepening.
37 To speed up the progress of urbanization is the objective request in improving people's living level, life style and population quality.
37 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
38 Following the industrialization and the urbanization, the water resource demand is increasing and the water resource supplying is of shortage .
39 It is of utmost importance to build a harmonious society during urbanization to lead peasant-workers to be mainstreamed into the cities they live in to do jobs.
40 The economic development of Jiangsu, existence of comparative benefits and government's guidance constitute the actuating mechanism of urbanization of Jiangsu.
41 However, the negative externality of the over urbanization can counteract the effect of the investment.
42 In the intermediate stage of industrialization, China should pay close attention to and correctly handle the between urbanization and industrialization.
43 The transition of the community between rural and urban areas is their imitation and incorporation into the urbanization, and the effect of their spread and radioaction.
44 The inappropriateness of natural ecological environment caused by urbanization has spoken out the huge cost the severe consequences suffered by man for pursuing the economic growth unilaterally.
45 In pace with the modernization and urbanization process, the constitution of the urban Christian com- munity is gradually pluralized.
46 Urban community economy has resulted from urban economic development and the progress of urbanization.
47 Now, there are lower urbanization level, feeblish heartland and lacking establishment in our urbanization construction.
48 Based on the urbanization of China's countryside, the new implication of community education, and the heathy development of countryside's community education is the key to the success of urbanization.
49 For example, urbanization and intensive agriculture can fragment and replace complex networks of habitats needed by the birds.
50 It is very obvious that, the manpower capital is the principal power for the economic increasing. Now our country is into the acceleration period of the urbanization progress.
51 And, again largely unremarked, it is women who are heading the urbanization of the planet.
52 The human being activities' impacts on the riverine ecosystem, mainly including water resource's project, agriculture and urbanization is reviewed.
53 To citify the identities of migrant rural workers is unavoidably an integral part of sound urbanization, and also an essential part of socialism harmonious society.
54 With speeding up the course of the urbanization in our country, the way of the land use is during the transitional period from extensive cultivation to the intensive connotation.
55 City is the collecting centre of advanced productive forces, urbanization is the main carrier of social civilization and advancement.
56 Their works are frequently related to the phenomenally rapid urbanization and urban expansion.
57 China as a result, isn't getting as much economic bang out of urbanization as it could.
58 Innovators are increasingly drawn to the problems of rapid urbanization, particularly in Africa and South Asia, says World Bank urban economist Austin Kilroy.
59 Especially, the re-form and opening-up starting from 1978 has had a profound influence on the progress, initiating factors and modes of urbanization.
60 This paper analyzed the influence of urbanization on forestry, and discussed the characteristics of urban forestry and the difference between urban forestry and traditionary forestry.
61 Urbanization may cause the change of fluvial geomorphological process system and aggravate the soil erosion and the flood threat.
62 Developed and economically advanced countries have urbanization rates of 80 % or more.
63 Augustus period of ancient Roman characterized of urbanization which resulted from social reform.
64 Hunan province is a less developed area and its industrialization and urbanization level is low.
65 According to primary observation, some of social conflicts in the course of urbanization result from governments' behavior or nonfeasance and last out or upgrade because of the same reason.
66 With the national emphasis of urbanization, urbanization research is without precedent in history in China.
67 Moreover it is a mandatory procedure to construct the socialist harmonization. The Urbanization is mandatory to carry out the development plans of Beijing.
68 The main meaning of urbanization is that a fluxion of countryside population to the city cause the causable city scale extends.
69 Make a figure to explain the state of equilibrium and disequilibrium of economy operation of urbanization.
70 Intensive human engineering activity has become a very important process that remarkably affects the urban geo-environment during the period of quick urbanization of China.
71 In recent years(Sentence dictionary), the environmental condition of Liuzhou deteriorated as a result of fast industrialization combined with rapid urbanization.
72 With blooming economy in northern Shaanxi's Loess Hill and Gully Area, social economical active at high speed, the performance was expansion of regional central city and town in urbanization.
73 To boost urbanization effectively through the transfer of surplus labor, it is necessary to increase the marginal utility of non-agricultural income and reduce its cost ratio.
74 With the continual development of urbanization and industrialization, the effect of malodor pollution is more and more serious, and is regarded as one of the seven social effects of pollution.
75 Research shows that our country is being in the industrialization intermediate stage, the urbanization acceleration period.
76 Urbanization, although seeming to be an irreversible result of population growth, is caused by both gentrification and industrialization in fact.
77 In recent years , owing to the quickstep on the urbanization construction, there are many disputes and contradictions appearing in the rural land expropriation which is hard to resolve.
78 Urbanization is the only way about the nation realizing its economic take-off and modernization.
79 Background - There is a strong link between urbanization and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
80 Generally speaking, the advantages of urbanization can be as follows.
81 Then, correlation index and regression model are used to forecast population scale, urban quantity and urbanization in Jiangsu province.
82 In the process of rapid urbanization, the urban fringe in chengdu has a rapid development time.
83 The thesis mainly researches land system reform and land value chain during the process of urbanization.
84 With the rapid increase of urbanization and motorization, a great change happens in traffic composition in the street.
85 They share and are generated from the social background of the great geographical discovery, the Reformation, the monasterial life style and the urbanization process.
86 Modern mass trANsit is AN outgrowth of industrialization ANd urbANization.
87 As the level of urbanization increases, the foundation function of municipal water-supply industry becomes more and more important.
88 The author puts forward the intermediate state of urbanization paths, in which satellite towns should be asked to be carriers.
89 In 1993 it was all these urbanization projects in major cities, Hainan and elsewhere. If everyone starts to "urbanize" going forward, how can that be sustained!
90 On the one hand, Chinas rising urban incomes and urbanization need some space for carbon emissions, while on the other hand, towns need to follow sustainable lowcarbon development path.
91 With the development of urbanization, there is a body of evidence demonstrating that pollinosis is much more prevalent in developed urban area than in undeveloped rural area.
92 The spatial distribution elements of Urban Man - made Geomorphology act as a dynamic scale of urbanization.
93 After efforts to push forward into the town of Suzhou city's process of urbanization in rural areas, farmers wealthiness comprehensive strength of the rural economy-class township.
94 In the past 10 - odd years China has speeded up urbanization.
95 The country's rapid industrialization and urbanization have sparked a consumption boom in aluminum for various industries.
96 The mechanism factors of urbanization in Sichuan is composed of the landform, cricoid and line traffic condition, change of economic structure and forceful government behavior.
97 At last(), points out that insisting on the advancing to market-economy firmly is the only great choice to reform and refresh the endogenously determined mechanism of urbanization in China.
98 The artist magnifies a part of mortise and tenon joint, so that the nature outlook in Chinese ancient times could distantly correspond to urbanization process of armoured concrete.
99 Cities grew in the north of Britain where, previously , urbanization had been minimal.
100 During the process of urbanization the chief question is Land expropriation.
101 Viewed from the perspective of the urbanization process, megalopolis plays a critical role in urban system in the whole region and urban economic development.
102 The house mouse can cohabit with man and adapts very well to urbanization.
103 What's more, concentrated urbanization would boost GDP per capita growth by as much as 20 percent above the current trendline, thanks to scale effects and productivity gains.
104 As an indiscerptible portion of rural urbanization, modern commodity circulation of small town did act an important role in the development of rural country.
105 With industrialization, population boom and rapid urbanization, Beijing, once rich of water resource, is one of the big cities which most lack of water now.
106 If fast growth and urbanization continue, some overcapacity will melt away.
107 China has self characteristics in development of urbanization and social stratification.
108 In the process of the rapid advancement of urbanization, changes in public expectations are an important exogenous variable for the reform and development of government.
109 There are a lot of factors influencing the house industry in the urbanization course that exists in the three fields of the economy, ecology and society.
110 In recent years, with the development of industrialization and urbanization, the demand of urban residents for pressure release and naturalize has become greater and greater.
111 For instance(Similarily) , over the matter of transfer of superfluous rural labor force, we (find out the way towards ...)will blaze a trail in urbanization road stamped with chinese characteristics.
112 It is argued that there are two ways of urbanization:citified and non-citified.
113 Seventhly, the way that local governments take expropriation as the way to urbanization, is greatly deviated from urban and rural integration by Mr.
114 China is building new socialist countryside, and regions are advancing urbanization and the unified design between the city and the countryside, and developing modern agriculture.
115 This text studies the influence of urbanization on recovery and growth of cyanobacteria in city river.
116 In the areas of rapid economic development, the engrossment of cultivated land owing to the fast industrialization and urbanization makes the relationship of man and land more tensional.
117 With the advancement of industrialization and urbanization, the intensity of requisitioning rural land is becoming stronger and stronger, which brings about more and more land-lost peasants.
118 The establishment of frontier ports and the healthy and rapid development of the frontier trade have promoted the process of urbanization in frontier areas.
119 Yunnan is in the important years of rapid industrialization and urbanization with protrusive energy consumption and environmental impacts.
120 Evaluating the current development level and even the relative efficiency of urbanization is critical to the development strategy of a city.
121 Municipal Solid Waste cased emergency environment pollution problems and urban space resource allocation problem in the process of urbanization.
122 Secondly, it uses SPSS12.0 software to carry on quantitative research through factor analyze, and obtains the characteristic of urbanization development in space-time of Dalian city since 1990.
123 The annual report on the Urbanization Strategy, 2010 China New-type Urbanzaition Report was released recently.
124 Hydrologist John Mullaney, of the USGS's Connecticut Water Science Center, says that the data further clarify how urbanization affects waterways.
125 Along with the economy of our country achieves a better level, urbanization also enteres into a relative high-speed period of expansion.
126 With no doubt, the effect of headquarters economy brought about by the capital movement will stimulate the internationalization of the enterprises, and accelerate urbanization.
127 Urbanization intensification of course plays an important role to urban population change of weight among them.
128 Chinese industry cluster only being radicate in land of urbanization then can develop betterly.
129 This model illustrates that the prejudiced policies against peasant laborers are not only harmful to speed up urbanization but very inutile to relax the pressure caused by poor urban population.
130 Work out the land use plan mainly from science,(http:///urbanization.html) supervising and regulating and controlling to resolving the problem of URIA land use in urbanization.
131 You can see that in many Asian countries where rate of urbanization and the absolute magnitude of populations means that the sewerage systems, the energy systems just can't cope with the pressure.
132 The negative effect of the Law is that it limits the opportunity of the unskilled labor; the difficulty is also due to the urbanization and the adjustment of industrial structure.
133 At present, the development of national urbanization have stepped into the accelerated stage, urban division system will accelerate the construction and reorganization throughout the country.
134 Exhibition on culture, arts, tourism, environment, fisheries and the elaboration of urbanization.
135 Analyze out an impact of urbanization over Daxian URIA land use structure, price and use turn around secondly.
136 As a special zone that develops the industry firstly and promotes the urbanization, the urban development zone is one kind of acceleratory force to harmonious boost in economy and society.
137 From domination to deregulation is our urbanization policy regulation elementary path.
138 Subsequently, with its open door policy, China's rapid economic development has driven this increase in urbanization.
139 Besides it's anfractuosity also contributes to thethe West's urbanization process.
140 This paper analyzes the cause of water environment depravation during the course of urbanization, and puts forward prevention method.
141 Include how to classify tour urbanization and tour area urbanization.
142 Then, combined with the expectations of rapid progress of urbanization and demands of economic and social development, the development goal of lowcarbon city is proposed in phases.
143 Of all the ecologic factors contributing to arthropod-borne zoonotic viral disease emergence, uncontrolled urbanization is the most important.
144 In 1931, The system of urbanization possessed its embryonic form.
145 Social group of citizenry played av ery important role in the modem urbanization process.
146 Theoretical economists hold the view that the gaps of labor efficiency and transaction efficiency between city and countryside accelerate the speed of urbanization.
147 Rural surplus labors flow into cities cosmically with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization is one common issue faced by every country in the growing phase of industrialization.
148 Yet an anti - migrant attitude runs consistently through the mainstream of urbanization.
149 The ternary structure interlaces with issues of urbanization and new rural construction, inter and complementary.
150 Arthur Kroeber, head of the Dragonomics consultancy in Beijing, is convinced that urbanization, productivity gains and fast-rising incomes bode well for continued growth in China.
151 At present, the urbanization process of Huaian has stridden into a stage of accelerating developing. However, its urbanization level falls far behind the level of economy development yet.
152 The future, accelerated urbanization of the traffic is particularly great demand for railway transportation.
153 The fast growth pace of urbanization has created two planning opportunities – one to relocate and redevelop an existing part of town, and the other at creating a new urban hub.
154 Besides, abolishing the limitation of registered residence system to accelerate the urbanization process and rural non-agricultural process.
155 In the fifth section, it analyzes the strategic goals and principles and makes matching strategy to push the urbanization development according to the regional unlikeness.




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