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单词 Globular
1. The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds.
2. The plant has distinctive globular flowers.
3. There are various globular clusters in Ophiuchus.
4. Clusters, both open and globular, abound.
5. They can also be distinguished by their almost globular shape and the long protruding remnant of the style sticking out on top.
6. The globular star clusters that surround the Milky Way also seem to come in two age groups.
7. The globular cluster M53 is in the same field as Alpha.
8. Pieces of the globular bodies of eighteenth century wine bottles were unearthed.
9. Species forming a short globular rhizome are pulled up and left floating in a well lighted tank.
10. You can conceive of globular protein molecules folding from chains of left- and right-handed amino acids but not helical protein molecules.
11. Directly ahead you see a huge, globular molecule the size of a two-car garage.
12. Serpens contains a prominent globular cluster, M5, which is not far below naked-eye visibility.
13. The highly conserved globular domain is essential for the binding of H1 to the nucleosome.
14. Little globular houses like mud - wasp nests.
15. Australian cypress pine having globular cones.
16. It has a distinctly globular thorax.
17. A typical globular cluster has about 1 million stars.
18. The main object of binocular interest in Aquarius is the globular cluster M2.
19. The main objects of interest in Hercules are the two globular clusters, M13 and M92.
20. At about a kilometre's range the whales' blow looked like small globular puffs of steam rising off the sea surface.
21. At this time the men of Brooke Parker's would be loading their wagons with the globular bottles that Buddie called carboys.
21. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. The only other object of immediate interest is the globular cluster M30, near Zeta.
23. Under her skilled hands a snake of clay was being coiled into the shape of a large globular jar.
24. Floating forms are very varied in shape; under optimal conditions a conspicuously grassy green globular form develops.
25. The other interesting binocular object in Lepus is the globular cluster M79.
26. However, Tucana contains the Small Cloud of Magellan and two superb globular clusters.
27. Proteins are strings of 20 kinds of amino acids, which usually fold up to form a large globular molecule.
28. Hedgehog cacti are variable in form, but many are barrel shaped or globular.
29. Application: General wire processing, aluminum alloy wire, wire, light of globular copper etc.
30. The haustorium cellularizated from the micropylar end to chalazal end at the later globular stage.
31. There is no absolutely sharp cutoff distinguishing galaxies from globular clusters.
32. A globular volume of gas will seem to have a hot shot at its center.
33. Then embryogenic cell divided into two cells, which sequentially differentiated through multicell proembryo, globular, heart-shaped and cotyledonary embryo stages.
34. Smaller groups of stars called globular clusters often surround spiral galaxies.
35. Any of various Fishes, especially the ocean sunfish or puffer, having or capable of assuming a globular shape.
36. The main phase of deposits in center gray area are globular diamonds and the peripheral black area are micron grade fibre graphite carbons.
37. Ootid divided spontaneously into 2 and 4 cell proembryo and multicell globular proembryo. In the end it developed into apomixis embryo.
38. Aplanospore is globular, it's found from a vegetative cell by itS shrinkage.
39. Featured in the sharp telescopic image, globular star cluster Omega Centauri (NGC 5139) is some 15, 000 light-years away and 150 light-years in diameter.
40. Descripcion del video: For astronomers, Omega Centauri has been an outcast amongst globular clusters for a long time.
41. The stunning Omega Centauri globular cluster contains millions of stars.
42. There are 5 stages during the development of embryo, including the stage of 2 celled proembryo, multicellular proembryo, globular proembryo, pyriform proembryo, differential embryo and mature embryo.
43. Globular nanometer ? ? aluminum oxide powder was synthesized through detonation of aluminum nitrate.
44. At the early globular embryo, the chalazal portion of the embryo sac grown into tubular haustorium, which still remained coenocytic.
45. South African globular fruit with brown leathery skin and sweet acid pithy flesh.
46. For astronomers, Omega Centauri has been an outcast amongst globular clusters for a long time.
47. Spheroidizing is a form of annealing which, in the process of heating and cooling steel, produces a rounded or globular form of carbide-the hard constituent in steel.
48. When disturbed, the fish inflates itself and becomes globular in form.
49. P?rshkrimi: For astronomers, Omega Centauri has been an outcast amongst globular clusters for a long time.
50. The main results were described as follows:1)Initial inducing embryogenic callus and globular embryos had super regeneration capacity than other stage embryos.
51. Recently,(http:///globular.html) some researchers interpreted these globular fossils as giant sulphur bacteria.
52. Class 6 Pompon: A small globular bloom, somewhat flat when young but fully round when mature.
53. For this purpose the study of globular clusters is most instructive.
54. Detailed studies confirm that they also host intermediate - age globular clusters.
55. The experiments areto develop globular activated carbon from coal pitch.
56. Technology of obtaining Zinc - based sintered coating with globular Zinc powder was studied.
57. After the club shaped and the globular embryo period, the heart shaped embryo developed when the fruit became ripe.
58. It occurs as a monomer, G-actin, a globular protein, and in living cells as a polymer, F-actin, which resembles two strings of beads twisted around each other into thin filaments.
59. Recently astronomers have discovered these intermediateage globular clusters in several elliptical galaxies.
60. However, globular proteins that contain multiple disulfide bonds often must be heated longer at higher temperatures to denature them.
61. Semi-solid slurry of hypoeutectic high Cr cast iron was prepared by inclined cooling plate method. The condition and rule of semi-solid globular crystal formation of the cast iron were studied.
62. The product shape is globular and the product is slightly adhering.
63. The closest star system, Alpha Centauri, and the giant Omega Centauri globular star cluster also shine in the starry night.
64. Any of various tropical American shrubs or vines of the genus Chiococca, having white globular fruit and small yellow or white flowers clustered in lateral racemes.
65. There were some raphide druses in the globular stems and the aerial roots of the small leaf fascicles and in the succulent roots.
66. When you've got two million stars to gawk at, not much else needs to be said, except this shows only one-fifth of the stars in this globular cluster.
67. The multicellular proembryo and globular embryo possessed uniserial or untidy disposal multi - cellular suspensor.
68. The joining of the amino acids into a chain results in the formation of a polypeptide chain which then folds into the compact, globular three-dimensional structure that is a functional protein.
69. Featured in this sharp telescopic image, globular star cluster Omega Centauri (NGC 5139) is some 15, 000 light-years away.
70. The core consists of 140 base pair of DNA wrapped around a globular histone bead containing two each of histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4.
71. Any of several cacti, especially in the genera Ferocactus and Echinocactus, having unbranched, globular to columnar, ribbed spiny stems.
72. In a globular protein, certain portions of the chain are coiled into helical segments.
73. The experiments are done to develop globular activated carbon from coal pitch.
74. Named the Sombrero Galaxy for its hat-like resemblance, M104 features a prominent dust lane and a bright halo of stars and globular clusters.
75. Denaturation in some globular proteins can be a reversible process, unless the conditions causing denaturation are too severe.
76. Normal cells were big and globular, floating in the culture-medium.
77. The globular structure obtained gives improved machinability to the steel. This treatment is particularly useful for hypereutectoid steels that must be machined.
78. The somatic embryos developed directly into plantlets with roots and buds through multicellular proembryo, globular, heart -shaped, torpedo - shaped and cotyledon stages.
79. A study of many globular clusters gives another important bit of information.
80. To understand the affection of globular environment by the sources of pollution.
81. The bright white object just to the left of the SMC is a globular cluster of stars in the Milky Way known as 47 Tucana.
82. Video Discription: For astronomers,(http:///globular.html) Omega Centauri has been an outcast amongst globular clusters for a long time.
83. A globular protein that is the basic structural constituent of microtubules.
84. CT manifestation middle turbinate was gasification and enlargement to become circularshapeliking globular, solanum and column shape there was gas density in it.
85. Coleorhiza covered the radicle of differentiating wheat embryo and morphologically appeared as tapered tissue with an attached globular protrusion.




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