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单词 Elimination
1, Their elimination from the competition was a great surprise.
2, I solved the problem by a process of elimination.
3, The killings are part of a campaign of elimination of the political opposition.
4, They commit themselves to strive for its elimination.
5, The elimination sequence is presented in Fig. 6.4.
6, The more complete descriptive term is drug elimination half-life.
7, Art is the elimination of the unnecessary. Pablo Picasso 
8, The elimination of duplicate support positions.
9, My only recourse was to perform the Elimination Ritual.
10, The elimination of Gustavo has weakened the drug cartel.
11, The elimination of unemployment is still our goal.
12, Great strides had been made, but the elimination of poverty, Johnson's ultimate aim, was far from complete.
13, Elimination of tedious repetitive work such as casting and balancing. 5.
14, At any rate, with spending caps plus the elimination of big donations, the minority parties had more of a chance.
15, The year following the elimination of the distribution centers was, by employee consensus, the worst the company had ever endured.
16, The treaty called for the elimination of an entire class of nuclear weapons.
17, Second, the elimination of exchange rate uncertainty will stimulate the manufacturing sectors of member countries.
18, Plans include the elimination of the dome over the reactor.
19, By process of elimination, scientists were able to find a cure.
20, The elimination of redundancy means that database searches do not return duplicate sequence information.
21, Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination.
22, We eventually found the answer by a process of elimination.
23, The best way to proceed is by a process of elimination.
24, The road to the County finals is tough with a number of elimination stages from school sports days through to district finals.
25, This dual process of introduction is systematically countered by a dual process of elimination.
26, In the case of eczema,(http:///elimination.html) it may be better to start with a simplified form of the elimination diet.
27, Maximum clarity, he wrote, for as long as it takes. Total elimination of all that is irrelevant, he wrote.
28, On the other hand, a reduction in costs can come about through elimination of waste.
29, Particularly since, almost invariably, the colonists used socialist slogans to reject any nationalist demands and justify the elimination of nationalists.
30, Yet a high proportion of these patients respond to an elimination diet.
1, Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination.
2, Their elimination from the competition was a great surprise.
31, We were all disappointed by Iowa's elimination in the semi-finals.
32, All with trials, heats, elimination rounds, in everything from cycling to yachting, boxing to synchronized swimming.
33, Now, there is a ranking round, in which the best shooters are placed against one another in elimination competitions.
34, Our study suggests that food sensitivity is of insufficient importance to warrant putting all patients through elimination diets.
35, What remains is converted into solid material for elimination as faeces.
36, Solving the infective dose paradox might lead to new strategies for elimination of this preventable pneumonia.
37, Daniels said a number of programs that were being recommended for elimination had outlived their usefulness while others had never been successful.
38, So she was asked to undertake an elimination diet, which cleared these symptoms within a week.
39, What the report does call for is the total elimination of taxation on profits realized for the sale of appreciated assets.
40, Fourth, the elimination of exchange rate uncertainty is likely to yield benefits in terms of higher growth rates of intra-union trade and investment.
41, But municipal bonds issued by towns where incinerators are under development are likely to be threatened by the elimination of the subsidies.
42, Five years ago, calls for the elimination of nuclear weapons were viewed as Utopian, Cirincione added.
43, The rating firm said that the company is more reliant on its revolving credit lines because of the elimination of commercial paper.
44, If these measures are unsuccessful, then it may be worth carrying out an elimination diet, as described in Chapter Fourteen.
45, The principle of Contrast, then, has as a general consequence the elimination of synonyms.
46, As soon as any information from a spoken stimulus reaches the word detectors, however, a process of candidate elimination begins.
47, Dry body brushing stimulates circulation and shifts pollutants to the kidneys for elimination.
48, Following the elimination of double or multiple counts of the same individual, a final count of 1,604 individuals was obtained.
49, Eventually, through a process of elimination, everything ends up in the right place.
50, This will give you plenty of vitamins and minerals, to build you up for the elimination diet.
51, Other targets included the elimination of public waste, a gradual reduction of interest rates and the liberalization of investment regulations.
52, Elimination Elimination is the process by which waste products are excreted from the body.
53, Total elimination of seizures is often not a realistic goal in adults with partial or secondarily generalized seizures.
53, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
54, This renders them sterile and has resulted in their virtual elimination from the Southampton and Solent coastal waters.
55, Elimination: problems may manifest as constipation, fluid retention, congested skin, catarrh. 4. Personal hygiene. 5.
56, Reintroduction of food after elemental regimens must nevertheless be undertaken with the greatest of care irrespective of whether or not elimination diets are used.
57, I curled up in a fetal position after the Elimination Ritual and waited for sleep to come.
58, Sometimes design is a constructive method, and sometimes a process of elimination.
59, It was sweet dreams all round but they went to sleep far too early - and woke up to the reality of elimination.
60, And the ride is an object lesson in suppleness and elimination of vibration.
61, Perhaps the best way to proceed is by a process of elimination.
62, As always, in an elimination diet, it is important not to eat too much of any one food.
63, The corollary was just as true: elimination of nuclear weapons would require a return to National Service.
64, The neonatal pattern of drug elimination is reversed rapidly several weeks after birth and children generally utilize drugs more rapidly than adults.
65, In 323-4 civil war ended with the elimination of Licinius, and Constantine was at last sole ruler.
66, Its immediate economic aim was to work for the reduction and eventual elimination of tariffs on most industrial goods among its members.
67, The whole progress of mankind ought to have consisted in this: the elimination of unnecessary work.
68, As she progressed through elimination diet both wheat and corn caused diarrhoea on first reintroduction but not later.
69, The killings are part of a campaign of intimidation and elimination of supporters of the political opposition.
70, The elimination of metaphysics is not the simple matter that some humanist philosophers have supposed.
71, Elimination: problems may manifest as constipation, fluid retention, congested skin, catarrh. 4.
72, He tried out an elimination diet, and got a reasonably good response.
73, Some one who was neither service class nor intermediate class would, by elimination, be working class.
74, First, the elimination of exchange rate uncertainty will enhance the efficiency of the price mechanism as a resource allocator.
75, So if there is any doubt, it is probably best to start with the elimination diet procedure described in Chapter Fourteen.
76, This victory may set Stretch up with a world-title elimination fight with Britain's other leading light middleweight, Chris Pyatt.
77, Fiber will speed the elimination of digested food from the body.
78, Steady state describes the condition in which the rate of drug elimination equals the rate of input into the body.
79, A year later, the Braves are on the brink of elimination again.
80, This double-speed elimination of caffeine may explain the long-standing observation that smokers drink more coffee than nonsmokers.
81, Thus, compensation can also occur through CO2 elimination by the lungs. 293.
82, The disappearance of symptoms during elimination and reappearance on challenge confirm the diagnosis.
83, In his inaugural address,(http:///elimination.html) Carter said his ultimate goal was the elimination of nuclear weapons from the earth.
84, In addition safety through the elimination of tank entry, component and chemical handling and dismantling is enhanced.
85, Third, the elimination of exchange rate uncertainty will stimulate competitive forces in the union.
86, It was concluded from these studies that elimination diets induce a prolonged remission similar to that achieved by other methods of treatment.
87, One of the principal concerns in La Strada is the loss of potential, the elimination of creative possibility.
88, Most people consider elimination to be a very private bodily function and therefore find it an embarrassing subject to discuss with hospital staff.
89, Individual effort is also vital. Accident prevention can not be viewed only in terms of the elimination of hazards.
90, It is used at full strength for immediate odour elimination, or in a 6 to 1 dilution for ongoing preventative maintenance.
91, The rating firm said the company is more reliant on its revolving credit lines because of the elimination of commercial paper.
92, Ciprofloxacin is largely excreted as an unchanged substance and elimination is predominantly via the kidneys.
93, Despite the drop-off, analysts said they were encouraged by the elimination of the securities in one fell swoop.
94, Casts are usually soiled either during eating or elimination.
95, We determined to begin elimination of the objectionable characters.
96, This is a single elimination tournament.
97, How ability, the fastest best elimination prickly heat?
98, But there was nothing political in the elimination of the weak.
99, This paper discuss the ways of debugging: brute force, cause elimination and backtracking.
100, The first run elimination series will use 9 games 5 to win the athletic competition system, this will promote the competition victory and defeat fortuitousness greatly.
101, An L-shaped band elimination filter on the T-shaped joint part is also used for restricting the resonance of the frequency multiplication of the first resonance frequency.
102, It contains the seeds of its own self - elimination.
103, Even with the elimination of measles, cases of SSPE may still occur 20 to 30 years after the last measles cases because of the skew of the latency distribution.
104, On one hand, technological progress leads to the reduction of factor cost and elimination of the former labor force, which affects the employment.
105, This paper analyzed the reasons and hazards of the saline alkaline crystal deposit in the hydrogen channel inside cathode chamber and introduced some elimination methods for it.
106, Backward elimination, only resolute, strictly control the total amount of iron and steel in order to resolve a critical situation.
107, The first-order theory of a complete binary tree is decidable by the quantifier elimination, we also know the CB rank of elements of a complete binary tree.
108, Operative methods include cervical disk excision, cervical inter-body fusion and bone grafting and inner fixation, instable factor elimination. But eligible condition is relatively short.
109, The elimination of all nuclear weapons would make the world a safer place.
110, This paper is a report of the designing and making of a UWB pulse generator using SRD(step recovery diode) and microwave transmission line and by means of intervention and elimination.
111, This passive device has many advantages upon other device for static electricity elimination.
112, Algorithmic thought of compared elimination was particularly discussed in this paper. Program flow chart was drawn up and the main code was provided.
113, Advantages include: the elimination of excess build-up problems, superior cleaning(sentence dictionary), increased up-time and increased precipitator efficiency.
114, Southey believes that the elimination of booking fees will drive market share, if not revenue.
115, Finally, the seismic data after noise elimination are transformed into time domain again by using S-inverse transformation to achieve the effective signals needed.
116, By the process of moving area detection, yawp elimination, object detection based on connected region label, shadow elimination, the whole vehicle targets area is obtained.
117, The elimination, detoxication, processing and multiutilization of toxin in globefish are also discussed in this paper.
118, This paper introduces an algorithm of the structural hidden line elimination in the interactive preprocessing system of the structure analysis.
119, Due to elimination of affect of water and sugar, non-sugar dry basis could also reflect the change of sugar even sugar of sweet sorghum stalks had a large loss.
120, In this thesis, the writer takes advantage of ACIS triangulating fuction and takes rounded corner tool for example to discuss calculation and elimination of interference.
121, The successful application of the size and of resin depends on the successful elimination of air.
122, The elimination of small local vendors by a handful of national chain groceries has created an oligopsony where farmers cannot receive fair prices for their yields.
123, Article 17 The State practises the elimination system of outmoded energy guzzling products and equipment.
124, Signal - noise separation using mid-value correlative filtering has been developed by analysing some existing noise elimination techniques.
125, Results The established diagnosis of the brain tumors could be removed without electrocorticography during the operation with 77. 89% elimination rate of epilepsy.
126, Therefore, the objective of public risk management should be minimization, not elimination, of risk - related costs.
127, The elimination of measures: re - school the rotor static balance and dynamic balance.
128, Realizing ideal switch angle would cause switch angle error in the selective harmonic elimination technique of inverter.
129, This reaction, called the Hofman elimination, is quite analogous to the dehydrohalogenation of an alkyl halide.
130, Two HONO elimination channels may compete with each other. The HONO elimination reaction paths are predicted to be important for the decomposition of TNAZ in solid state.
131, The kidney is the most important organ for elimination of drugs and their metabolites.
132, Disease germs begin to die out slowly after elimination from the body.
133, Three methods for analyzing and processing the laser scattering signal of bubbles in water, the threshold detection, noise elimination processing and power spectral estimation, are put forward.
134, Either trypsin, papain or bromelain was used to hydrolyze water-soluble proteins from Litopenaeus vannamei for the elimination of allergens.
135, The invention relates to an ageratum herb gum; the gum comprises the extractive of ageratum and herb, which has the function of aroma and damp elimination.
136, Elimination of phosphorous pentachloride was accomplished utilizing conventional extraction techniques.
137, Mask bitter gourd with a small paper flower water immersion, you can make "Water bitter gourd mask" one readily enough, compact skin, summer heat is satisfied, the elimination of pimples.
138, The first stage is the elimination of water from two monomer molecules to produce a dimer.
139, Then this paper puts forward the method of gradual elimination method for UUT with several SRUs.
140, And through studying the system of voting right agency and voting right trust, cumulative voting, senior partners' fiduciary obligation, elimination of the concerned shareholders' voting right...
141, The examining result by ELISA showed that the elimination rates of ASGV(apple stem grooving virus)and CLSV(chlorotic leaf spot virus)were over75%and100%.
142, It is already possible to start moving toward the elimination of nuclear weapons.
143, This is especially important when PTFE washers are being used in acid gas service where the elimination of moisture contamination is critical.
144, The combined addition - elimination sequence is referred to as a condensation reaction.
145, The threat posed by Chagas disease in countries outside Latin America has prompted WHO to reformulate Chagas elimination efforts as a global programme.
146, For example(), two players can gang up on the third to speed up elimination and two players must compete for the right to check mate the third.
147, Worked had only then known that, the original elimination exploitation only was one kind of fable.
148, The detailed analyses for digitization errors from the processing of digitizing strong motion accelerograms using digitizer and scanner and their elimination method and software are made.
149, Coutract termination also called contract elimination. means that the financial claim and debt caused by the contract are actually no longer existed because of some reasons.
150, An algorithm of tool path interference elimination of sculptured surface based on surface triangulation is proposed in the paper.
151, The answer is not elimination of private enterprise in the media.
152, But in some cases it has meant the elimination of jobs.
153, It provides a useful method of noise elimination for an industrial boiler room.
154, Other polymers, such as those made by step growth polymerisation may be more easily depolymerised. by undoing the condensation or elimination reaction that caused the monomer units to join.
155, Treatment is based on elimination of moisture from the ear canal.




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