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单词 Google
1. I searched in Google with "busy", "bee", "time", "sorrow" and luckily got it. 
2. Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a librarian can bring you back the right one. Neil Gaiman 
3. Google and Microsoft also compete competing in business software.
4. Every time you waste time thusly, Google profits.
5. Do search engines such as google penalise dynamic pages?
6. Google declined to comment on Dodgeball.
7. Google hired a new vice president of financial planning and analysis, Francois Delepine, who sought to standardize and more tightly manage the budget process.
8. Google is therefore more likely to voluntarily shut down its search operation if it is unable to reach a compromise with China, rather than unilaterally lift censorship, she said.
9. It's equally unsurprising that Google and Apple are not part of WAC.
10. See more Google Earth pictures. The CompetitionMSN's Virtual Earth offers similar functionality to Google Earth, featuring satellite imagery and local search options.
11. Google was willing to pay $6 billon for Groupon, an online coupon company that was valued at $1.35 billion only eight months ago.
12. Nova books are included in the Google Book Search program.
13. The tool, Fusion Tables — launched on the Google Labs website — allows tables of data to be visualised as charts, graphs and maps, which can help identify patterns and trends.
14. Google unschooling and read up, because many smarter people have answered all your questions and more.
15. A combination of Google and YouTube may help in two ways.
16. Google encourages all its engineers to change product teams often to stay fresh, engaged and objective.
17. As for books Google has removed for editorial reasons, Courant said, "we're going to have to live in a somewhat mixed environment... We also hold a lot of digitized product not in Google.
18. As a REST-compliant API, the Google Buzz API supports the use of regular HTTP verbs to indicate the type of action required.
19. The combination of Google and Motorola will not only supercharge Android, but will also enhance competition and offer consumers accelerating innovation, greater choice, and wonderful user experiences.
20. Google Catalog search, which made shopping catalogs searchable, will also be closed soon.
21. entered into an advertising dalliance with Google, but this fell apart after antitrust authorities signalled that they would not approve such an agreement.
22. Try Yahoo listings of organizations and so forth, and Google for mentions on Web pages.
23. Yahoo!'s existing business plus its recently signed commercial agreement with Google has superior financial value and less complexity and risk than the Microsoft/Icahn proposal.
24. Surprisingly, the experiment worked the very first time, creating a Google homepage image one might call infectiously charming.
25. Businesses can also generate QR codes by adding ".qr" to shortened links from Google Inc. or bitly Inc.
26. This is an initial solution to the problem, which Google will continue addressing, he said.
27. Even with this added protection the experts think that adoption of mobile phones, including Google Wallet, as a method of payment will be slow at first.
28. The speech-recognition tool began showing up as a microphone button on the right-hand side of the search box for some visitors on Tuesday.
29. After excluding the value of cash, deferred tax assets and Mobility's cable-set top box business, Google is paying less than $6 billion for Mobility's patent portfolio, Sanford C. Bernstein estimates.
30. The mix of solid engineering and marketing razzle-dazzle that goes into a brand like Google or Nike is an art, and mastering it still evades China Inc.
31. The term comes from "discombobulate," which means to confuse or frustrate, and Google.
32. Ted Morgan, CEO of Skyhook, said the memos help explain the relation between the Google Streetview car situation, the competition with Skyhook and phone tracking.
33. He said Google's newly relaunched iGoogle service, which allows users to personalise their own Google search page and publish their own content, would be a key feature.
34. This revealed a problem we had not expected: users were possibly getting zero results in our OPAC because they were using Google search syntax!
35. Krishna Bharat created Google News as a search engine in response to Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on New York City's twin towers.
36. The legal opinion will be seen as at least a partial victory for Google.
37. Not only did he believe that Google had performed a bait and switch on him... but he also felt Google had stolen Apple's intellectual property to do so.
38. The company is currently under investigation by the DOJ for its ambitious book-scanning project, which aims to make every book ever published searchable on Google.
39. And being Google, they're figuring out how to do it efficiently.
40. On Google - Squirrel is the common name for rodents of the family Sciuridae, and can sometimes be used to describe someone who is a 'goof' or 'clown'.
41. While you were using Google Earth to zoom in on your house, these archaeologists used it to find places to dig.
42. That's the thing with location data based on Wi-Fi routers: It's always changing, so Google and others need a reliable way to keep updating the information.
43. Google said it complied with nearly 83 percent of U.S. requests that it remove information from its search engine or other sites.
44. Smartphone apps should be browsed, not downloaded, a Google exec says.
45. Kai-Fu Lee's time as president of Google China began with controversy, as Microsoft sued the search company for poaching him, then faced a countersuit by Google.
46. Google's Webmaster Tools offer a choice between letting Google determine the crawl rate automatically and setting it manually via a slide bar.
47. Wikipedia , which uses a similar system, is itselfavailable through Google Earth.
48. And just under the wire this weekend, Shona Brown, was demoted to overseeing the business.
49. If the DOJ does launch a case against Google, it likely will not come for at least five years.
50. Shortly after the Egyptian turmoil began, Google established a call-in line on which Egyptians could leave a voicemail, which could then be turned into messages distributed on Twitter.
51. At that juncture, most observers thought the acquisition would sail through because Google and ITA Software operate in different sectors, search/advertising and travel data,(Sentence dictionary) respectively.
52. The Google method means researchers are part of development, says Mr Schmidt.
53. At Google, we have a saying: " launch early and iterate. "
54. Google is inordinately useful, but it is not remotely intelligent, as we human beings understand that term.
55. Just about four years ago, Google launched Apps for Education - a version of Google's online productivity tools (including Gmail and Google Docs) that is geared towards K12 schools and colleges.
56. The subtype: so Jobs didn't have a nonfunctioning one, but from what I read (please google to double-check) he even had an insulinoma, which is actually the most common and best treatable type.
57. Risk: As Google never tires of pointing out, Android is an open operating system.
58. Here is a profit and loss statement for the past four years for Google.
59. Google's CEO Eric Schmidt said he was confident that Google would get itslicense renewed, according to media reports of remarks he made Thursday at anevent in Sun Valley, Idaho.
60. Google is also rumoured to be working on its own-branded handset. The Gphone would allow the search engine to show off the soon to be released latest version of Android, codenamed "eclair".
61. Decorates the Google Reader subscription list with icons corresponding to the website from which each feed originates.
62. "Talk about the future, " Page told University of Michigan's engineering graduates in 2005 -- back when Google had 3, 500 employees, one-eighth as many as it does now.
63. By offering both Google Earth and Google Maps, we aim to provide a comprehensive world model encompassing all geographic information including imagery, topography, road, buildings, and annotations.
64. Surprisingly, Verizon Wireless, known for being the most guarded of the major U.S. operators, has reportedly been in talks with Google regarding the new open software platform.
65. The company runs google. cn, its China-registered website, in a joint venture with a domestic partner, as Chinese law bars -foreigners from holding controlling stakes in the internet content business.
66. Long ago, a report says Google help the U. S. national security agency security network security, even to the intelligence agencies sell equipment.
67. Google also made a plugin for all the major browsers available that makes sure that Google will continue to respect your opt-out decision even after you delete the cookie.
68. It begins by setting up a form with a search input field and an (abridged) list of Google Base item types.
69. The Deployment Planning section of the site focuses on pre-planning and administration of high performance uses of Google Apps. If you're getting ready to run a pilot, this is the place for you.
70. But Google, too, only found a way to "monetise" its service after it had become popular.
71. Analysts from Susquehanna Financial Group say Google could lose out on $5 billion to $6 billion in annual ad revenue by 2014 if the search company follows through on its threat to leave China.
72. In my case, I wanted to only search official documents, and that's exactly what Google has done – returning results that are crawled from those pages only. No garbage, spam sites or erroneous data.
73. Google translation : Wikipedia in China, set up a dedicated server and its related issues.
74. In the process that develops in whole a got-up affair, two the most powerful enterprises are Google and Microsoft, and they are weakening the power of the other side each other.
75. Recall from " Grails services and Google Maps" that you created a Geocoding service to convert street addresses to latitude/longitude points so that an Airport could be plotted on a map.
76. Many industry insiders were sure that if Google were serious about acquiring a portfolio of patents, InterDigital would be its target.
77. With a few scripts and some ingenious tips you'll soon be a Google Reader power user in no time.
78. A lot of people seem to think that Google only does simple-minded matching of the users' keywords with words that we indexed.
79. "The complexity of managing your computer is torturing users," Google cofounder Sergey Brin told reporters. "It's a flawed model fundamentally.
80. The site has been a curiosity for eagle-eyed Google Earth users since the satellite imagery software was launched in 2005, but now for the first time it is available to view in high resolution.
81. Behold Pixlr Grabber, an extension that allows you to take screenshots in Google Chrome and automatically upload it to,(http:///google.html) an image sharing service.
82. Earlier this year, Google released KML as an open standard that was adopted by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
83. Although it would be beneficial to all if Google were to use Android licensing to further open the market, that likely would have stifled adoption of the platform by handset makers.
84. If you Google for Eustace you'll find that he has no official standing among the beatified.
85. For every Google Inc. that goes on to become a dominant company, there is a Vina Technologies that fails.
86. GOOGLE search engine keeps on top by its PageRank and convergence algorithm.
87. As of June 30, Google says they have $39.1 billion in cash in the bank (cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities). Net cash flow in Q2 was $3.52 billion.
88. Last year, while looking to buy a pepper shaker online, he hit upon the idea of a Google Price Index (GPI).
89. Google's just announced a potentially significant update to its Google Base product, by releasing a data API for it.
90. "Google has a completely different world model, " he said. "The Apple view is coherently closed.
91. Since 2006, soh as Google, although in a form th at gives users more det ails about when information is being kept from them.
92. The Google environment is customized for their needs and to fit their operational model.
93. Apple's lawsuit can be construed as an indirect attack on Google, whose Android operating system powers the Nexus One to mimic some of the iPhone's capabilities, such as multitouch gestural input.
94. Of course, Google will only come back if Beijing makes a major face-saving concession, probably by lifting many of its strict self-censorship rules.
95. It is also worth noting that the Visualiser is actually a completely general-purpose component that can be tailored to visualize anything, from Eclipse markers to Google search results.
96. Google does not charge a licensing fee for Android but hopes to benefit by serving highly targeted mobile ads to users.
97. Jobs can't resist a dig at Google in reply to a customer who asked whether the iPad would support Google's Picasa library format.
98. Not 10 minutes into our lunch at Google HQ in Mountain View, California, a groupie sidles up.
99. This tool will give a back link count for a URL from multiple Google data centers.
100. This could lock out some smaller companies, and some developers might be wary about completely trusting Google with all of their data.
101. But there's more. Google Bruce Ivins' name and you'll find a lot of discussion about an oil called squalene.
102. Moreover, the internet makes it easier than ever to find and synthesise different views, says Krishna Bharat, the creator of Google News.
103. The founders approached Dennis Hwang, now the current Webmaster for Google, while he was only an intern to design the Google logo in a way that celebrated Bastille Day.
104. However, the support of Semantic technologies by big companies like Facebook, Google and Best Buy will be enough to kick start this new era of a smarter and more structured Web of data.
105. Google not only sells ads to accompany search results, but it is also becoming an online ad network, serving as the go-between for advertisers and site publishers across the Web.
106. Leading up to the earnings announcement, Google continued to gain ground on rivals.
107. Google TV with Logitech Revue is a step forward, in that it removes the barrier between content we watch on our televisions and content we watch on our computers.
108. Google advises that its voice services cannot handle emergency service calls.
109. News - aggregation sites such as Google News draw together sources from around the world.
110. Carolina Milanesi of Gartner, a market-research firm, expects Google to use Motorola to build benchmark models for Android devices to help others improve their products.
111. However,(http:///google.html) Eady did say that Google has a responsibility to block or take down content if it is notified with a legitimate complaint about libellous material.
112. If you're looking for low-budget internet porn jobs, they are out there, and searching on yahoo and google and excite can be productive.
113. But, recent days, Google not only deny the whole shoot strongly, but say that the Google model based on Android platform will be released this year.
114. Google just announced two new features for some of its most popularAPIs: partial response and partial update.
115. In fact, more than 1 million organizations use Google Apps today, including Genentech, the Washington D.C. city government, the University of Arizona, and Gothenburg University in Sweden.
116. 2007 was another big year for Google with the company growing to become America's fifth largest listed stock (by market cap) whilst continuing its march towards world domination.
117. Until now, PowerMeter mostly looked like a side-project for Google, but the inclusion of Current Cost in its partner ecosystem makes it clear that the company is indeed taking this market seriously.
118. Since Google's Jan. 12 announcement that it might withdraw from the Chinese market, two knockoff Web sites have appeared in China bearing an intentionally uncanny resemblance to Google sites.
119. But what Jobs has also done, always, is to position himself vis-a-vis another – IBM, Microsoft, even Google, Goliaths to Steve's David, even though this has led Apple to the top of the pile.
120. Just as Bigtable leverages the distributed data storage provided by the Google File System, HBase provides Bigtable-like capabilities on top of Hadoop.
141. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.




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