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单词 Enrichment
1 Nitrates contribute to nutrient enrichment which encourages algal growth and blooms.
2 Radiogenic studies indicate that there have been metasomatic enrichment events of comparable antiquity in the mantle.
3 Santacruz was awaiting trial for illicit enrichment, money laundering and drug trafficking.
4 In the present case, the concept of unjust enrichment suggests that the plaintiffs should have a remedy.
5 Each reframing represented a further refinement and enrichment of their appreciation for their new role.
6 The focus upon the offender's unjust enrichment is also questionable for two reasons.
7 This supernatant was used for measurement of isotopic enrichment of free leucine.
8 Another approach is to enrol for a Marriage Enrichment Course.
9 Hayward Wiggins launched a kids' summer enrichment program nine years ago, he turned the rules inside out.
10 The enrichment of forms and surfaces acts as a social catalyst.
11 Job enrichment should be distinguished from job enlargement.
12 The Common interest uniting them is material enrichment.
13 He called upon the North to close its nuclear reprocessing and enrichment facilities and to submit its nuclear programme to international inspection.
14 Both also banned the development of nuclear reprocessing and uranium enrichment facilities.
15 But the size of the buildings suggests that uranium enrichment at Dimona is carried out on a relatively small scale.
16 All these contributed much to a sense of fellowship and corporate social identity as well as providing opportunities for personal development and individual enrichment.
17 Mechanisms for selective retrospective conversion of catalogues and the enrichment of catalogues should be sought.
18 Certainly wherever women and men work together in partnership there is the possibility of great enrichment.
19 My daughter became friends with Lonnie, 17, in an educational enrichment program.
20 And both of them use drama as a process for children's enrichment - but here the similarity ceases.
21 Thiemens said that it might even be possible to apply the effect to enrichment of certain isotopes.
22 They weld together mineral grains of radically different compositions and properties, rendering most techniques of mineral separation and enrichment ineffectual.
23 The move is needed to secure profitability which has fallen due to world-wide over capacity in uranium enrichment.
24 She imagines that marriage to such a man would offer mental enrichment and the opportunity for good works.
25 Over the same period, research on advanced nuclear reactors will be eliminated and one of the two uranium enrichment plants closed.
26 In my judgment, this is the paradigm of a case of unjust enrichment.
27 Joy Colthup, course leader, general studies, becomes director of studies, enrichment.
28 Success in the Persian wars and the establishment of control over the Thracian mines brought further enrichment to the treasuries.
29 Much of the interest in the recent past in job enrichment programmes has sprung from this and other work by Herzberg.
30 This is our economic argument: a path to personal enrichment from the fruits of economic progress more widely shared.
31 The greater the enrichment, the less the critical mass.
32 The enrichment of antinomy is closely related to silicification.
33 In the invention, the composite enrichment material is prepared to a ball-shaped, fibre-shaped and flat film or a pipe-shaped film.
33 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
34 Iran's semi-official student news agency (ISNA) says nuclear engineers have begun operating a second network of centrifuges at a uranium enrichment facility.
35 Northwest of China, which is enrichment in petroleum reserves and widely in exploration domain, is a main relay exploration domain on the mainland of China.
36 In many porphyry copper deposits, additional enrichment of the metal has been caused by surficial weathering.
37 Enrichment factors for five arom atic compounds in water were 34~85 times with OV - 1 extraction column.
38 Dynamical metamorphism under greenschist facies is the condition of mineralizing enrichment.
39 As to unjust enrichment and negotiorum gestio, the Code grants the parties the freedom to agree on the applicable law.
40 Red Star Macalline makes your home more colourful because of enrichment.
41 The gold enrichment is closely connected with metal sulfide(or arsenide). and arsenopyrite is the main gold-bearing mineral.
42 In this paper, a new enrichment process of oryzanol in rice bran miscella was systematically studied[], and its anti-oxidation ability was tested.
43 Environmental enrichment has been proved to be one of the effective strategies of correcting the stereotypic behavior of giant pandas.
44 A method for determination of trace lead in water by FAAS with slotted quartz tube after separation and enrichment with cotton cellulose xanthate is developed.
45 The interpretive functions of schemata in understanding utterance include three aspects: prediction, enrichment and bridging.
46 This paper presents an approach to the automatic enrichment of lexicon in a natural language understanding system to simulate man's word learning ability.
47 The chondrite standard curve of rare earth elements reveals a deficit of light rare earth and enrichment of heavy one.
48 Then, straight away Carin put Xin Xing onto the Enrichment teams'hit list and started the action.
49 So you put in more fuel, more uranium 235, a higher enrichment and you need to balance that excess reactivity in a number of ways.
50 In this study, a novel approach of enrichment of phosphopeptides has been developed prior to phosphoprotein analysis by mass spectrometry.
51 The recoveries of plumbum were determined in different enrichment conditions by flame atomic absorption spectrometry.
52 The gold enrichment and mineralization in the mine field are in close relationship with early-Yanshanian syntectictype Xiongcun massif and (quartz) diorite-porphyrite veins.
53 Their average enrichment coefficients of common metal elements were(2-150) times.
54 Sequence boundary , major transgression surfaces and the minor regression surface have been confirmed by the enrichment and differences of paleobiology fossils.
55 The merit of " manque " theory lies in its generalization of rosin features of the new novel group and enrichment of fictional creation theory, hence certain aesthetic values.
56 The mechanism of macrobenthos assimilating heavy metals and the effect of biologic and abiological factors to the enrichment content of heavy metals are discussed.
57 Unjustified enrichment means obtaining benefits when making others losing without legal reason.
58 The scouring by subfluvial rivers can also contribute to the syngenetic enrichment of uranium at the lake bottom.
59 Conclusion: MIPs synthesized could be used as common sorbents for extraction, separation and enrichment of nerve agent degradation products in practical samples.
60 Tensides are usually added in the pulper in order to make use of the wetting properties in the defibration process . Use the tensides with care (enrichment, reduction of collecting effect).
61 Reed and Typha were the best on the enrichment of Cd and Zn.
62 The same stalemate persisted through the second term of George W. Bush's Administration, and resulted in Iran crossing the threshold to become a nuclear-capable state by mastering enrichment.
63 China has never exported sensitive technologies as those for uranium enrichment, reprocessing and heavy water production.
63 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
64 The thesis also tries to probe the alternation, enrichment and innovation of the techniques of expression and artistries which applied in molding the groups of " madwoman " personage images.
65 The enrichment of aluminum in soils developed from granite is much maturer than that from basalt, the quality is adhesiver, and the primary minerals are less, too.
66 The ore deposit has been clearly superimposed and transformed by the later volcanic thermal fluid and secondary enrichment.
67 The enrichment proposal is part of a plan suggested by the International Atomic Energy Agency.
68 OPC enrichment factor, natural moisturizing factor AMC, vitamin E, such as Tremella extract from refining.
69 Much of the crude oil still in tanker storage is from Iran, which has had trouble selling crude due to recent international sanctions aimed at halting its uranium enrichment program.
70 From the methanol - sewage sludge - enrichment culture one methanosarcina, two vibrios and one bacteroid have been isolated.
71 Soon, the I.A.E.A. learned of contracts, enrichment runs and even a prototype plant.
72 The mans need has practicality, consciousness , limitless enrichment and social historicity, etc.
73 The results showed : in the as-cast white iron there was the enrichment of silicon between the eutectic cementite and pearlite.
74 For the legal relief of the usurpation, there is an introduction to the theories of unjust enrichment and constructive trust.
75 The genetic type belongs to the polygenetic and compound iron deposit formed by the exhalation sediment, metamorphic reconstruction and magmatic hydrothermal superposition enrichment.
76 The extent of REE enrichment and differentiation is affected by REE concentrations and distributions in the primary granitoid rocks, weathering degree, etc.
77 Some of these funds will invest wisely, but many will pursue non-commercial goals, from job creation to crony enrichment.
78 In this paper, the showing, characteristic, cause mechanism of stereotypic behavior of giant pandas, as well as its correcting strategy-environmental enrichment are introduced.
79 In 7.5 % sodium chloride enrichment medium , staphylococcus anurans rules and separates above - mentioned plat grow.
80 Copper mineralization was mainly occurred during Jinning period, and there were Cumigration, reactivation and enrichment during Indo-Chinese, Yanshanian and Himalayan periods.
81 The commercial test for enrichment indium in B # tower bottom led by electrolysis was proceeded.
82 The Bush administration spurned direct contacts with Iran without a prior by Tehran to halt enrichment.
83 Enrichment and sedimentation are the principal contributor to the aging process of lakes.
84 The anaerobic enrichment, which can degrade hexachlorobenzene effectively, was selected from the sewage sludge in barrel drain of a chemical plant in Wuhan.
85 The granularity, morphology and existent states of gold can imply the migration and enrichment degree and the reprecipitation mechanism of gold.
86 The meta-somatic processes predominating in the granitic rocks in Zhejiang Province include alkali enrichment caused by metasomatism, i. e. seriatization, microclirization, and silicification.
87 The enrichment of the HFS elements such as Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf suggests that the forming environment of Zedang ophiolite is not related to plate subduction.
88 Chemical - looping combustion with inherent CO 2 enrichment depends on high - powered oxygen carriers.
89 The enrichment and differentiation of REE in granitoid rocks during weathering-leaching processes, may lead to the formation of a natural continuous ion-chromatographic column.
90 The effects of CO2 enrichment on photosynthetic parameters and biomass of Anthurium andraeanum Lind were studied in open-top plastic chambers.
91 After seven rounds of bacterium-based selection, the enrichment of each round was tested by isotope labeled ssDNA binding assay.
92 Use message flows only for performing mediation activities like transformation, translation, protocol conversion, message enrichment, and routing.
93 To discover the method of enrichment and purification of total terpenoid components from Alisma Orientalis with macroporous resin.
94 Its presentational feature is development of structure and enrichment of granule xenomorphic sulfides.
95 OBJECTIVE To study the conditions and parameters of the enrichment of oleuropein with macroporous resin.
96 Five bacterial strains of flocculating rate being up to 75% were isolated from the soil of different sites after the processes of enrichment(http://), separation and depuration.
97 And he warned Teheran it faces ever increasing sanctions if it refuses to suspend nuclear enrichment.
98 The clinical research part of this project aims to observe the clinical effect of tortoise plastron as an enrichment of kidney on aplastic anemia which falls into the category of deficiency of Yin.
99 Uncertainties remain about whether the regime will come clean about its uranium enrichment.
100 The Yamansu Formation has more radiogenic lead than the Qi'eshan Group and also shows the weak enrichment character.
101 On the way forward, we will continue to promote vigorous development and enrichment of socialist culture, and unwaveringly develop an advanced socialist culture.
102 There is a secondary enrichment zone of glauberite in the western part of China to have developed a number of usable glauberite deposits.
103 The high quality sand-body trap is characteristic of a large-scale trap, having furthersome types of reservoir facies and favorable reservoir, which are key factors for hydrocarbon enrichment.
104 For all the five soilless cultivated vegetables of the polluted water, enrichment level of metal elements was found different.
105 In a report released last month, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) warned that Iran's uranium enrichment is expanding, and the agency could not exclude military use.
106 Environmental enrichment fixed faulty LTP in mice with the genetic defect; the fixed LTP was then passed on to their offspring.
107 Iran has pledged to sign the additional protocol to the NonProliferation Treaty (NPT) and suspend uranium enrichment under the pressures from all directions.
108 The ore sample was dissolved in nitric acid. After enrichment and separation with Xanthic ester cotton, the silver was determined by thiocyanometry.
109 The associated minerals are the important indicator of the genesis and enrichment of placer gold.
110 The paper introduces the fundamental mechanism and main influencing factors, and introduces its application status in the enrichment and separation of precious metals.
111 The factors such as temperature and flow rate during enrichment, temperature and flow rate during desorption and concentrations of NaOH and luminol affecting CL intensities were studied.
112 This intensive daily program included oxygen enrichment, crawling, creeping, running, brachiation, a gravity free environment, laterality activities, an intellectual program, and excellent nutrition.
113 Under CO _ 2 enrichment condition, the in vitro Cymbidium plantlets were cultivated in the PackSystem ( CP · RW ).
114 The rotational jet and local oxygen enrichment can improve the mixing of oxygen and pulverized coal, but the effect of coal injection is weak on the whole flow field in blowpipe.
115 Unjust enrichment system began in Roman law. The remodeling and consolidation of Civil Law and modern civil become an important area of the law of obligation.
116 OPC enrichment factor, allantoin, a mild skin agent LRI , purslane extract - Skinwell and other natural plant extracts.
117 The Common Law is hostile to comprehensive institution of negotiorum gestio, but it had changed its standpoint to some extent through law of restitution(unjustified enrichment) and law of torts.
118 To select liquid culture media suitable for enrichment of listeria monocytogenes in Powdered milk.
119 The network digital language laboratories can be functional to the enrichment and improvement of foreign languages study environment, and the change of foreign languages teaching pattern.
120 Finally, the effects of reversible reaction to the isotope enrichment was investigated.
121 When the assignment is invalid, obligor has the right to restitute from assignee those obligor gives to the assignee and in theory the right is the claim of property right or unjust enrichment.
122 Because calcium ion content is significantly higher than others, calcium salt becomes main harm ion. Chloridion enrichment is significant than sulphate ion in rhizosphere.
123 Marsh plant has very important function in constructed wetlands system. It has not only adsorption and application nutrient in sewage, adsorption and enrichment heavy metal of sewage.
123 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
124 The cranking enrichment system provides extra fuel when a cold engine is being cranked.
125 Under the common counts the pleader need allege only that he is suing for unjust enrichment, for labor performed or for goods sold and delivered or services rendered but not paid for.
126 Disconcertingly, there is no sign that Washington or Seoul knew about the North's recently disclosed uranium enrichment plant.
127 Damages can include both the actual loss caused by misappropriation and the unjust enrichment caused by misappropriation that is not taken into account in computing actual loss.
128 The rules of structure control of metallogenic and the rules in enrichment of metallogenesis were studied.
129 This course is conducted by Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
130 Several weeks ago, Iran announced it had invited a number of nations to tour the uranium enrichment facility near Natanz, and the heavy water facility near Arak.
131 The results show that the fatigue fracture is caused by exceeded-quota sulphur and non-metallic inclusion enrichment in crack initiation, which induces stress concentrator in application.
132 Application of laboratory tests in the course of processing coal preparation overflow classification, enrichment, desliming, dehydration.
133 Zn enrichment rice was obtained by soaking method, using Zn dextrose acid as additive.
134 During Tertiary period, the secondary enrichment happened to the gold in weathering crust of planation surface.
135 A focus on increasing job complexity through job enlargement, job enrichment, and the construction of jobs around sociotechnical systems.
136 Iran has been given two weeks to answer to a demand by world powers that it suspend its uranium enrichment activities following a meeting in Geneva last weekend.
137 The recoveries of plumbum were determined in different enrichment conditions by flame atomic absorption spectrometry(FAAS).
138 The Bush administration spurned direct contacts with Iran a prior commitment by Tehran to halt enrichment.
139 Furthermore, the paper also gives some advices to operation of saponification glycerol distillation in order to increase recovery ratio of glycerol and enrichment of polyglycerol.
140 The geochemical nature of the complex anion group controlled the vertical zoning and secondary enrichment of gold in the laterite gold deposits.
141 In this paper, a determination method of gold by iodimetry after their static enrichment with BPR resin was proposed.
142 On the basis of analyzing the slaggy properties, the reason- able range of slaggy composition for pyrometallurgy enrichment of low grade lead-zinc oxide ore containing germanium is determined.
143 The Security Council has been united on the need for Iran to suspend its enrichment activities, Wolff said.
144 South Korea admitted experimenting with traces of plutonium , in 1982 , and with uranium enrichment, in 2000.
145 Ihese two issues can be solved simultaneously by bioaugment, that is sewage sludge water is used to enrichment the nitrifier, and then added to the sewage treatment system.
146 The event processing functions include validation, enrichment, routing, transformation, orchestration, and pattern detection.
147 Unjust enrichment in civil-law system originated from Roman law, but what is designated in modem sense did not exist in ancient Rome.
148 The Yanshanian ductile shearing resulted in further enrichment of gold and antimony.
149 If the parties are not normally resident in the same place, the laws of the place where the unjustified enrichment or negotiorum gestio took place will apply.
150 Data transformation and data-based routing including support for data enrichment, data translation from one format to another and making routing decisions based on the message content.
151 Natanz, about 100 miles north of Isfahan, is the site of an uranium enrichment plant.
152 Trace cadmium in the calcium salt reagents was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after separation and enrichment with sulfhydryl cotton.
153 The occurrences of organic matter in Paleogene argillaceous rock are classified into three types which are named as "enrichment type, dispersion type and part enrichment type", respectively.
154 Studies show that Phytolacca also has a strong enrichment in cadmium. Therefore Phytolacca is larger and it's growth is faster than other hyperaccumulator.
155 The American language owes much to its writers for its enrichment.
156 Most of the smaller hornblendite bodies contain about 5 - 10 percent magnetite, with only local sporadic enrichment.
157 In a cold model the author uses Particle Dynamic Analyzer(PDA) to study the concentration enrichment and diffusion processes when there is a bluff body near the primary air exit.
158 The cows are journeying north to Thunder Bay in Canada to gain cultural enrichment and enjoy a vacation on the sunny shores of Lake Superior.
159 The result shows zinc enrichment phase makes alloy dissolve accelerative and uniformly.
160 Hits the granulated substance ( smashing ) machine destroys one of ore enrichment plants.
161 Focusing on the research of enrichment and recovery of cerium by resin adsorption method.




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