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单词 Niche
1. He had found his own little niche in life.
2. Amanda soon found her niche at the club.
3. Madeleine placed it carefully in the rocky niche.
4. Each animal has its ecological niche.
5. I think we have found a niche in the toy market.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. They spotted a niche in the market, with no serious competition.
7. He hopes to carve out a niche for himself as a leading researcher in his field of study.
8. The company has created a niche market for itself.
9. He eventually found his niche in sports journalism.
10. There's a niche for a small stylish car.
11. He spotted a niche in the market .
12. He found the right niche for himself.
13. He's cut out a niche for himself in journalism.
14. He saw a niche in the market and exploited it.
15. Lloyd has carved/made a niche for himself as a professional tennis player.
16. You can then find your own niche in public life.
17. She carved out a unique niche for herself in the music business.
18. The niche was just big enough to hold two small candles.
19. There was a niche in the rock where the path ended.
20. The company is set for further expansion into niche areas.
21. She has carved out quite a niche for herself in fashion design.
22. I found a niche in the rock and sat and watched while the sun rose and filled the valley with light.
23. He's managed to create a niche for himself in local politics.
24. Simon Lane quickly found his niche as a busy freelance model maker.
25. The Japanese are able to supply niche markets because of their flexible production methods.
26. Above him, in a niche on the wall, sat a tiny veiled Ganesh, the elephant god.
27. He had carved a niche for himself as a photographer.
28. The company has moved quickly to fill the niche in the overnight travel market.
29. Within each niche, similar animals avoid competing with each other.
30. Many media experts see such all-news channels as part of a general move towards niche marketing.
1. He had found his own little niche in life.
2. Amanda soon found her niche at the club.
3. Madeleine placed it carefully in the rocky niche.
4. Each animal has its ecological niche.
5. I think we have found a niche in the toy market.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. They spotted a niche in the market, with no serious competition.
7. He hopes to carve out a niche for himself as a leading researcher in his field of study.
8. You can then find your own niche in public life.
9. These animals are moving into the niche left vacant by the disappearance of the big predators.
31. These animals are moving into the niche left vacant by the disappearance of the big predators.
32. Lotus make luxury cars for a small but significant niche market.
33. Alexander identified his niche and packaged himself to perfection.
34. You also need an ecological and behavioral niche.
35. The second was to create a market niche.
36. Liu acknowledges that AsiaSurf is still a niche product.
37. But Joe was finding his niche in other areas.
38. Bartley has created its own niche in the industry.
39. If I have a niche,(http:///niche.html) I set the price.
40. Luch found her hidden niche before anyone noticed her.
41. Second, vendors could concentrate on clearly defined niche markets.
42. Or maybe Letterman, circa 1997, occupies a different niche in the cultural zeitgeist.
43. The business was highly profitable because of a narrow market niche in which there was little competition.
44. To his credit, he has adapted to being a niche player.
45. A niche, for the purposes of practice management software, is any combination of a client and a location.
46. Liveseys' had a niche in the market, with no serious competition.
47. And yet with what poetry did this petty man long for his niche and his pleasures.
48. I therefore assumed that he occupied some lower social niche than mine.
49. By contrast, the appeal of the industrial co-operative remains unchallengeable, its ecological niche exclusive to it.
50. That, of course, varies widely by industry and market niche.
51. Perhaps a canny distributor will see possibilities for three trendy niche markets, Japanism, environmentalism and feminism.
52. Her superb analytical skills will find a less adversarial niche.
53. PageMaker still commands mastery of its own particular niche even though its sales lead seesaws with that of Ventura.
54. The private equity financing niche that has been growing the fastest is buyout and acquisition funds.
55. At $ 499, the Auri is restricted to a special niche market.
56. After a spell at Tie Rack, she found her own niche in socks.
57. Other companies moved into the ethical niche Body Shop had claimed for its own.
58. In the last decade, audio books have found a particular niche among commuters.
59. On the back of the bicentennial opportunity she had struck fast and hard and carved a unique niche for herself on television.
60. Devices that are explicitly computers appeal to a niche market.
61. A handful of smaller companies are making Mac clones for high-end graphics applications and other niche markets.
62. It's found a niche. in the luxury end, and Cowley is central to that push.
63. But clubs that are poised to succeed will find a niche, experts say.
64. It is an organism that has taken advantage of a man-made ecological niche, created in buildings' water systems.
65. Managing director Joel Jervis is already negotiating with several companies operating in niche areas such as network support.
66. Ecological theory holds that no two species can occupy exactly the same niche.
67. We were fortunate, however(), to have found a niche that no one else cornered.
68. Love is the Devil found a niche, but there was less room for the films of Ken Loach.
69. Many of the companies appear to have avoided direct competition in the computer or semiconductor market by staking out a profitable niche.
70. These people in turn acquire their attitudes and identity from their own particular niche in the environment.
71. Newspaper publishers with on-line services have already found a successful niche: the personal ads.
72. Turner could arguably find a more permanent niche with another side, through Hampshire have a high regard for his ability.
73. The episode spells out very clearly the difficulties in finding an appropriate niche for the duke.
74. But the manufacturers of meat substitutes say vegetarians are a small niche in their target market.
75. He drew breath hard, and stepped out from his shallow niche and stood in the centre of the walk.
76. The brothers saw their market niche as the one-off poster.
77. They depend on larger companies for a market niche, and often provide low-paid and insecure jobs.
78. But growing interest in high-quality food suggests that those offering a premium product can find a niche market.
79. Taylor has given the former Nottingham Forest midfielder 10 caps in his three years without ever finding a niche for the 26-year-old.
80. Some will make it to the market, others just fade away into their particular niche.
81. It clearly concentrates the information in a commendable format and fills a niche in the market.
82. Van Meer's magazines are aimed at two growing niche markets: Internet users and senior citizens.
83. But maybe even to her husband she shone against the log wall like a saint in a niche.
84. There was no niche or corner of safety for the free black in a slave society.
85. They have evolved over millions of years to occupy their own niche, under the forest's protection.
86. Surrounded by the tall, heavy-stemmed vegetation that filled the niche of trees, they felt safe and unobserved.
87. Finding a niche is also important as many of the big electronics companies have frozen recruitment while they weather the recession.
88. The majority were arboreal frugivores occupying much the same niche as equivalent-sized monkeys today.
89. Andrew McCarthy has found a comfortable niche in the direct-to-video market.
90. If heterosexuals in developed countries provide such a niche, they will be in serious danger.
91. Some thing or things have to happen for a microbe to escape its previously harmless ecological niche and reach critical mass.
92. Some 60 companies there claim competence and expertise in the technology, each trying to identify its own market niche.
93. So Fibres' polyester capacity is small today and aimed at niche markets, in such areas as automotive upholstery and trim.
94. It is a harsh reminder that there are no prizes for discovering a niche in the market.
95. Leaders of Great Groups find the right niche for each excellent contributor.
95. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
96. The incorporation of the gorilla male into a more-or-less permanent party is probably associated with certain benefits in relation to the terrestrial feeding niche.
97. This freedom enables Eliot to find the proper niche for art, science, poetry and metaphysics as meaningful, liberating endeavors.
98. In nature, each creature has a niche or environment in which it finds the conditions necessary for survival and reproduction.
99. New niche markets and synergies emerge as these intersections occur.
100. Torches were stacked in a niche at the head of the tunnel.
101. Its strategy is to acquire engineering companies in niche markets and dispose of existing businesses to reduce borrowings.
102. Cranston glared at the small statue in a niche, the Virgin and Child; secretly, the coroner hated Christmas.
103. There was less interest in the crabs and squat lobsters, which I claimed as my niche and shared amicably with others.
104. Cypress now plans to concentrate on static RAMs, programmable logic devices and its high-performance niche product lines.
105. Opportunities exist in most areas of niche retailing, from childrens' toys to office stationery.
106. In reality, he offers a well-marketed novelty candidacy that can thrive in the anyone-but-Dole niche.
107. I feel sure the Foreign Office will be able to find some niche for you.
108. In carving out a distinctive niche for themselves(), a number of options have been open to them.
109. Internet-based travel services are also creating a niche for themselves by offering last-minute travel bargains.
110. It made a nice market niche for a few small companies.
111. In the Bay Area alone, three companies are trying to carve out a niche in the casual clothing market.
112. Smaller outfits with regional services or niche products will naturally have no option but to go for a cheaper solution.
113. Must have fought like hell to find its niche within the forest, to distinguish itself within the pack.
114. The 1990s will be an age of niche markets, intense competition, and extremely short product life cycles.
115. Meanwhile Hobor predicts that the speciality chemical businesses will continue to grow through small niche acquisitions as well as internal growth through new products.
116. Emphasis will be placed on identifying well-managed, financially sound growth companies in niche areas.
117. Managing diversity will be a full-time job for anyone with a niche in the interlinked economy.
118. Each man had his everyday business in which he could feel he had his niche and even at times his indispensability.
119. Masklin pulled the Thing from its niche in the wall and padded back out into the open.
120. We live in an age of niche markets, in which customers have become accustomed to high quality and extensive choice.
121. In the past two years ethical investment has developed from a niche market into the mainstream market.
122. If no such compensation occurs, the niche must narrow or the community must absorb disturbances at the level of population fluctuations.
123. This is a stupa niche from the Sui Dynasty.
124. Relaxation of approval authority creates foreign exchange control niche.
125. One large interior patch pocket and mobile niche.sentence dictionary
126. Phenotype and niche are exchangeable notions.
127. Living space - more formally known as the "ecological niche concept" by biologists - refers to the particular requirements of an organism to thrive.
128. Molinari said enough for Don Corleone to gather that Freddie had found his niche out there, was happy and had become something of a ladies' man.
129. It would mean plesiosaurs not only occupied a similar ecological niche to whales, but behaved like them, too.
130. Rune Strike won't earn a premiere niche in the game design hall of fame.
131. The analysis on niche characteristics of most dominant population on arbor stratum indicated that Trema orientalis (L. ) Bl. , Bambusa vulgaris cv.
132. This is a rare opportunity to be apart of a social website that has the potential to be an authority figure in its niche.
133. Based on the literature review of the ecological niche theory and the urban tourism competitiveness, the concept of tourism competitiveness niche is discussed.
134. According to inner and outer environment, permeating the market strategy NICHE for CABC is then established.
135. Erectus was on our side of a great divide—with an expanded cranium and an ecological niche defined by the use of tools.
136. The mihrab, which is located at the midpoint of the wall facing Qibla, is a niche or recess that constitutes the central and, at times, the most decorated feature in any mosque.
137. Like any wily and surviving creature, this new ideology has faced evolutionary pressures and adapted to its ecological niche.
138. NAFSA combines the niche technique and the simulated annealing method with AFSA. Moreover, the ideas of mutation operator and the automatic calculation of the niche radius are used in NAFSA.
139. However, marketers can aggressively over-pursue product innovation and try to overcapitalize on a niche.
140. But Wharton marketing professor Peter Fader cautions that e-tailers hoping to evolve small niche lines into national mega-brands face difficult, if not impossible, odds.
141. C. flavescens and S. postornata occupied more time resources, with the niche breadth index being 0.4304 and 0.4415, respectively.
142. This environment emphasizes the learning process and ecological niche differentiation in learners' professional development, thus enhancing autonomy in professional development.
143. Second, influenced by the niche of Spartina alterniflora Loisel saltmarsh, the expanding speed paralleling to the shoreline is larger than the speed vertical to the shoreline.
144. Niche differentiation is evident from the nonrandom spatial distributions along microenvironmental gradients and plays an important role in sustaining high biodiversity.
145. Both the PARC and Interval programs ended by the end of the decade as PARC morphed and Interval closed, and the niche for such support is currently filled by Intel Corporation, almost exclusively.
146. In the plots of chemical fertilization, rice-duck farming, and the control, Theridiidae, Clubionidae and Salticidae shared the highest niche width, respectively, with a value of over 0.80.
147. The planet was dominated by a family of vaguely crocodile-like animals called crurotarsans that filled every major ecological niche, from slow-munching herbivores to fleet predators.
148. It is used as a sniper rifle, designated marksman rifle and several smaller niche areas.
149. It would also mark a step forward in GM"s efforts to off-load non-core brands and would thrust Spyker, a niche maker of luxury sports cars, into the mainstream car industry."
150. Human beings fill every ecological niche on the planet, from the icy tundra to the tropical rain forests to the deserts.
151. Most plants and animals have evolved to live in a fairly narrow ecological niche.
152. The niche and interspecific competition coefficient of corn borer (Ostrinia furnacalis) and peach borer (Dichocrocis punctiferalis) were estimated by means of the field investigating in 1993, 1994.
153. Popular now, but forgettable over time, The Maccabees seem destined to be another in the line of niche nostalgia bands.
154. Build a niche brand and curate all aspects of it.
155. I: Infantilism: A niche sexual practice where one adult role-plays being an infant (sometimes wearing nappies) being disciplined by another adult who plays a mother figure.
156. The new superconductors look set to carve themselves a useful niche in the world's electrical industries.
157. Give priority to with white in the bathroom, perforative the adornment style with concise workshop, make two square on wall inside niche, clever finished those who wash bath things to put.
158. Considering the challenges in injectable carbohydrate manufacture, why did Roquette decide to invest in this niche market?
159. There are times when you need to download and use a logo for some graphic work or a presentation. Brands of the World are a niche resource for free vector formats of brand logos.
160. Entrepreneurs perceiving a niche for a new software strategy or product might determine to create a business to meet that need.
161. This article introduces the global market condition for some typical niche vehicles such as sport utility vehicle, multi purpose vehicle ...
162. This article introduces the global market condition for some typical niche vehicles such as sport utility vehicle, multi purpose vehicle etc.
163. Establishment of allopolyploids is favored because of greater niche separation from their diploid progenitors, and taxonomists appear reluctant to name phenotypically cryptic autopolyploid species.
164. Facial recess approach for cochlear implantation is reasonable because it is close to round window niche for electrode insertion easy.
165. Even in Roxy Music's heyday Mr Ferry was cleverly carving out a solo niche for himself.
166. The study results are helpful to identify resource use traits and niche differentiation of sympatric species and to the biodiversity conservation of a region.
167. She has carved a niche for herself as a comic actor.
168. Predators and parasitoids had a narrower niche overlap with the target pest, but had a wider niche overlap with the neutral species.
169. Like any photography niche, stereoscopy involves a billion little accessories you could spend money on. Special slide mounts, viewers and print mats all clamor for your cash.
170. Jesse James Garrett, an information architect, came up with the term in 2005 to describe a technique that had seen niche use for nearly a decade (see Resources).
171. The ecological niche of an organism is the position it fills in its environment comprising the conditions under which it is found, the resources it utilizes and the time it occurs there.
172. The relationship between food niche breadth or niche overlap and body size was also insignificant.
173. They're willing to put up with a niche language like Squeak because the framework is so productive, lowering the total cost of development dramatically, and improving time to market.
174. Plainly enough now, the adoption of it would have spoiled the niche for the Dred Scott decision.
175. He spotted a niche for festive goods in China some years ago, and realised he could produce them when the western rush was over and his factory would otherwise lie idle.
176. I guess when consoles started becoming more popular, it was speculated that it would be better for their niche audience to be prepubescent boys.
177. We entered the wine business because we saw a niche in wine in the Hong Kong and China market, and, more importantly, we are wine lover too.
178. The market for hydroformed products is still slightly growing, but mainly for work pieces from quantity production for the automotive industry as well as for highly individual niche products.
179. Secondly we use exploratory factor analysis to build preliminary model of executives' niche evaluation.
180. In this paper, the theory of niche in ecology is applied to study on the niche breadth and overlap of 6 species of Muricidae from tidal zone of Dalian Shicao.
181. Interior is lined in suede and features a zipper and patch pocket and mobile niche.
182. Otherwise, choosing market segmenting and niche so as to change the relationship from competition to commensalism and reciprocity between first-mover and second-mover should be a good choice.
183. The trend has been fueled by a handful of small niche designers.
184. Within each niche , were white stucco reliefs of gods and goddesses.
185. Selection in this new niche would have been principally for tameness, but competition among cats would also have continued to influence their evolution and limit how pliant they became.
186. The term niche should be used only for a species resource utilization within a community.
187. Plainly enough now, it was an exactly fitted niche for the Dred Scott decision afterward to come in, and declare that perfect freedom of the people to be just no freedom at all.
188. To study ecological niche of the Acaroid mites breeding in grain stocks with the logical and qualitative research.
189. In late stage of succession, roots have obvious layered structure with underground niche separation.
190. In the rarified world of stamp collecting, there's an even smaller niche for collectors focused on used envelopes with rare stamps on the covers.
191. Whereas, for the natural forest consisted of native species, the niche overlap was low and the interspecies relationship was harmonious. The composition structure of community thereby was more stable.
192. The niche characteristics of dominant species in the regeneration layer of Tsuga longibracteata forest gaps and non-gaps were measured, including niche breadth and niche overlap.
193. The behemoths, known as Bonnerichthys gladius and Rhinconichthys taylori, grew to 30 to 50 feet long and occupied the ecological niche now filled by whales and whale sharks.
194. Small companies can do extremely well if they can fill a specific market niche.
195. In one niche, Hypnos, the bat - winged god of sleep, casts a stony stare.
196. The niche of SRB is a key factor in the sulfate wastewater treatment in acidogenic - desulfate reactor.
197. Even animals many of us find "ugly" are only demonstrating the perfect body shape for their particular ecological niche.
198. The results showed that the height niche breadth of Photinia davidsoniae and Viburnum henryi in gaps and in non-gaps were the biggest.
199. Having grasped the basics of auto-focus, they rush to portray human suffering, attempting to find a niche in the hierarch of international journalism.
200. By learning from the city growth mechanism, the rivalship and evolvement of niche and evolvement of urban spacial frame were discussed.
201. Historians have remarked that here Darwin anticipated the modern concept of an ecological niche.
202. The temporal, spatial and two-dimensional niche breadth and overlap of Tetranychus viennensis Zacher, Erythroneura sudra Distant and their major natural enemies were studied in Shandong.
203. The really talented among women would always make their own niche.
204. In shrub layer, Euonymus pauciflorus and Acer ssp. had larger niche breadth than other species.
205. Gentamicin concentration was determined in sequential apical samples that were taken after up to 3 hours of local application to the round window niche.
206. A direct grey model of unequal gap which possesses white exponential law coincidence property is built. In the meanwhile, niche genetic algorithm to optimize model parameters is given.
207. And it is a NP hard problem. This paper adds Migrating operator and simulated annealing method to niche genetic algorithm, and uses this new method to solve the VRPTW.
208. What remains is a niche market for the curious and sated.
209. They found that follicle stem cells (FSC) - one type of ovary stem cel - drifted away from their niche when they carried mutant integrins.
210. Singapore companies should seize these opportunities to carve out a niche for ourselves.
211. Whether original or adapted after any of a work, is a niche label lecherous figure, only the monster fans, no self-awareness, an expert when the final shot before waking up to their errors.
212. C. flavescens cocoons manifested the greatest spatial resources predominance, and the niche breadth index was 0.5441.
213. The niche proportional similarity was larger, and Manglietia yuyuanensis could be mixed with the greater niche breadth species.
214. It seems they grew to fill an ecological niche left by the dinosaurs, aided by a global environment that supported large body sizes.
215. This article introduces the global market condition for some typical niche vehicles such as sport utility vehicle, multi purpose vehic...
216. Besides, there's a growing niche market of overseas Chinese that's relatively untapped.
217. Similar to Totlol, entertainment community Redux offers a community where users aggregate niche video content from third party sites.
218. The integrated ecological niche of complex ecosystem included 4 sub-niches of natural resources, environment, economy and society, and these sub-niches comprised many single-item indicators.
219. There's hardly a niche on Earth that hasn't been colonised.
220. She finally found her right niche after several job-hopping .
221. Objective To analyse the niche breadth and overlap of the parasitic flea on Marmota baibacina and Citellus undulatus.
222. The niche overlap values between primary parasitic fleas were more than those of minor parasitic fleas on Marmota baibacina and Citellus undulatus in the time resource.
223. Series: "QB" Series Embedded Stainless Steel Underwater Lights with Plastic Niche, Toughed Glass Lens(), Fit Incandescent Lamp Bulb.
224. As a consequence, structured finance had remained a niche and highly bespoke practice throughout the 1990 s.
225. The second part discusses about "principle of competition exclusion" of the enterprises and enterprises' ecological niche differentiation.
226. This can cost as much as HK$200, 000 (US$25, 704) in a private columbarium, but all manner of different deals are on offer depending on the location and the size of the niche.
227. The results showed that P. consocia could use more host resources than other three species, and its niche breadth index was 0.5447.
228. Occasionally UAVs found a valuable niche, for instance as targets for anti - aircraft gunnery.
229. Does Mr. Silbert really support fixes to the public markets, given SecondMarket's private-market business niche?
230. Russian imagism, one of the four leading literary schools in Russian modernist poetry, has a niche in the history of Russian literature.
231. "Life on Earth has radiated into every conceivable - and in some cases almost inconceivable - ecological niche," says Chris Impey of the University of Arizona in Tucson, US.
232. Disney's foray into English - language instruction in China comes as the niche industry is booming.
233. The eco logical similarity of weeds was also analysed by the minimal spanning tree method of fuzzy graphy theory based on their niche overlaps.
234. Future projects should similarly be world class, and occupy a unique niche in astrophysics.
235. Objectives for this study were to compare food habits of Wolves, Red Foxes and Raccoon Dogs and to determine if them exhibited food niche overlap in areas where they are sympatric.
236. Dale Carnegie I get a lot of e-mails asking if particular niches are good. Usually it goes something like: “Should I launch a Web site/blog/product in a competitive niche?
237. Here are two of these products aim for small niche market: 80% keyboard and left-hander keyboard.
238. For the first time ever, this provides Apple with an entry-level server to position at the home server niche and relatively sizable small business market.
239. The site should be very niche and focused on 5 to 10 phrases and LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) based keywords.
240. The results indicate as following:niche width of these species can be ordered as Chimonanthus praecox(0.
241. A study in the journal Science shows that bony fish filter-feeders spent 100 million years developing and occupying the niche that baleen whales do now.
242. By this behavior the finch opened up a new niche to itself.
243. The logo is one aspect of a company's commercial brand or economic entity, and its shapes, colors, fonts, and images usually are strikingly different from other logo in the same market niche.
244. "Senior managers with a wide range of experience sometimes have trouble articulating their niche, " Seidel observes.
245. This paper analyzed the niche breadth and overlap of the main population of Quercus variabilis forest in Henan Province.
246. Armigeres subbalbeatus would win the competition, because it had more niche breadth and more niche overlap to Culex pipiens pallens.
247. In the general community , the niche breadths of specie - pairs are obviously greater than in other community.
248. She has been unable to find her niche, and she suffers from anxiety and depression, both of which cause an inability to concentrate and mental fogginess.




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