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单词 Abruptly
(1) Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation.
(2) She left the room abruptly without explanation.
(3) The path ends off abruptly.
(4) Abruptly the group ahead of us came to a standstill.
(5) He should not brake the car abruptly on an icy road.
(6) What she did was very unprofessional. She left abruptly about 90 minutes into the show.
(7) The ground falls away abruptly to the right.
(8) The advantage abruptly turned against them.
(9) He stopped abruptly and looked my way.
(10) Her scream was abruptly silenced.
(11) He turned abruptly and walked away.
(12) He spoke abruptly, in barely comprehensible Arabic.
(13) "Good night, then," she said abruptly.
(14) His contract was abruptly terminated.
(15) My explanation was abruptly cut off.
(16) The bird's song ceased abruptly.
(17) He closed his speech abruptly.
(18) Then abruptly he revved the engine to full power.
(19) He broke off abruptly when Jo walked in.
(20) Her voice, small and fluting, stopped abruptly.
(21) He turned abruptly and strode off down the corridor.
(22) His manner changed abruptly when he heard how much I wanted.
(23) I was abruptly notified that a half - hour speech was expected of me.
(24) The talks ended abruptly when one of the delegations walked out in protest.
(25) The ground rises abruptly.
(26) The road ends abruptly in a drop to the sea.
(27) The moment was abruptly shattered by the sound of Mia's loud voice.
(28) The sky darkened abruptly.
(29) The speech abruptly closed.
(30) The realization of how little work I'd done for the exams brought me abruptly back down to earth.
(1) Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation.
(2) She left the room abruptly without explanation.
(3) The path ends off abruptly.
(4) Abruptly the group ahead of us came to a standstill.
(5) He should not brake the car abruptly on an icy road.
(6) What she did was very unprofessional. She left abruptly about 90 minutes into the show.
(7) The ground falls away abruptly to the right.
(8) The advantage abruptly turned against them.
(9) His contract was abruptly terminated.
(10) The bird's song ceased abruptly.
(11) He closed his speech abruptly.
(12) I was abruptly notified that a half - hour speech was expected of me.
(13) The road ends abruptly in a drop to the sea.
(14) The sky darkened abruptly.
(15) He gestured abruptly for Virginia to get in the car.
(31) The bus stopped abruptly, nearly tipping me out of my seat.
(32) The meeting ended abruptly when the chairman was called away.
(33) She lost the next five games, and the set, as her confidence abruptly deserted her.
(34) He gestured abruptly for Virginia to get in the car.
(35) His thoughts were abruptly cut off by a blinding flash of pain.
(36) He drowsed off,but then woke up abruptly,as though someone had called his name.
(37) The train stopped abruptly, nearly tipping me out of my bunk.
(38) When he could stand it no longer, he rose abruptly to his feet.
(39) He stopped abruptly, suddenly afraid to say the words out loud.
(40) He broke off abruptly in the middle of a sentence.
(41) All these ideas for expansion were abruptly halted by the outbreak of war.
(42) The interview ended abruptly.
(43) It had never occurred to her that a new possibility would crop up abruptly.
(44) Isabel rose so abruptly that she knocked down her chair.
(45) With the defeat at Stalingrad this altered abruptly.
(46) But then, why give them up so abruptly?
(47) The minstrel stopped singing abruptly, and went outside.
(48) He gestured abruptly to the door, dismissing the man.
(49) Some minute miscalculation nosed the machine down too abruptly.
(50) Abruptly she stood up, and got ready to leave.
(51) Abruptly, she drew in her breath.
(52) The bird, a small creature, abruptly fled.
(53) He turned his back abruptly and walked away.
(54) Sally-Anne could not get used to being known so abruptly by her surname.
(55) In September 1939 the Congress politicians who were enjoying the fruits of office abruptly discovered the limits of their power.
(55) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(56) Abruptly, he hauled himself to his feet, yawned and stretched.
(57) I do know the King's mood changed abruptly from one of moroseness to one of joy.
(58) The mountains rise abruptly from the wedged defiles, separating the hollows where the dwellings are clustered.
(59) She recovered, started off again, abruptly halted, wheeled, and hurried back through the doors behind the priest.
(60) Corden's playing career ended abruptly when he smashed his knee on his debut for Darlington.
(61) The deep rumbling beneath their feet abruptly stopped, and the electrical discharges faded away.
(62) A brief mood of shapeless hysteria took hold of the claustrophobic young community, which ended abruptly with a short holiday.
(63) Their conversation stops abruptly when a scruffy man approaches the cash register, pulls out a gun and demands all the money.
(64) Some may have been in hiding, traumatized by the squealing that had filled the afternoon air and then quite abruptly ceased.
(65) Abruptly he jumped up and tore away the bedclothes, searching the rug on which he had lain.
(66) Her faint scream of shock was abruptly stifled by a hand clamped over her mouth.
(67) Then, as abruptly as it had pitched camp, the caravan moved on.
(68) Yeremi's stream of plasma ceased abruptly as his hand cramped within that fervid womb.
(69) A few miles further on we turned abruptly off the highway and the Range Rover sped into the desert leaving landmarks behind.
(70) Then he turned from her abruptly, fastened his seatbelt, and switched on the ignition key.
(71) The moon, a nail clipping on a black cloth, rises and as abruptly sets.
(72) At dawn on Saturday 6 February the eight-month lull was abruptly brought to an end.
(73) He regarded her for a moment and then seemed abruptly to relax.
(74) He stared into Johnny's face for several seconds, turned abruptly on his heel and strode away without looking back.
(75) The project he was involved with were abruptly terminated in 1994 by the health ministry.
(76) Abruptly he sat up, away from her, and Leith knew he had gone off any idea of making love to her.
(77) In these ancient, mountainous regions - the Alps and the Carpathians - the City stopped abruptly, edging the wilderness.
(78) Then, abruptly, she was released, falling back against her pillows with a gasp.
(79) It ceased abruptly and her gaze left his to wander down his body, stopping only to rest upon his nakedness.
(80) Then abruptly I am back in real time, bobbing up and down in the river, powerless against its current.
(81) The dust storm, which may have begun very abruptly, fades very slowly away.
(82) She sprawled flat on the hard wooden floor, her cry abruptly silenced as all the air rushed out of her body.
(83) More than one underwent a major breakdown after his relationship with Minton was abruptly terminated.
(84) She went back to Milton abruptly, instead of moving permanently to New York as she had been planning to do.
(85) The men had gone to bed in a rare mood of good cheer but were abruptly awakened in the early morning hours.
(86) Gradually developing hypertonicity produces less symptoms than that developing abruptly.
(87) For a second Robby just stood there watching, all color abruptly gone from his cheeks.
(88) Abruptly the full moon passed across the gaping wound in their roof and no longer shone directly into the room.
(89) The electoral process stopped abruptly with the death of the man most likely to be prime minister.
(90) A text of Modestinus also ends abruptly with the remark that the judge will ensure that the testator's instructions are enforced.
(91) She lingered for a moment, uncertain what to do, then turned on her heel and left abruptly.
(92) At that point, the solemn political discussion between Eleanor and young Joe ended abruptly, and Eleanor hurried off to bed.
(93) Miller resigned abruptly after Hallinan publicly criticized her for failing to report the incident to him in a timely manner.
(94) Following the path around a bush, we halted as abruptly as if we had seen a ghost.
(95) Frequent correspondence from Charles Atcher had stopped abruptly in 1987.
(96) And when I said nothing more, she abruptly changed the subject.
(97) Lord's connection with his ground ceased rather abruptly in 1825.
(98) If you miss out on shooting a closing shot because of this, the recording will seem to end rather abruptly.
(99) Abruptly the window slid upwards and the car shot forward, forcing the man outside to take a hasty step back.
(100) In 1564 he abruptly withdrew from Moscow and threatened to abdicate.
(101) The consequences of this dependence were seen when the flow was cut off so abruptly after 1982.
(102) At that very moment, a waiter turned abruptly from clearing the next table and crashed into Loretta.
(103) Wilkinson was the first to leave, walking out of the room abruptly and looking somewhat tense.
(104) Abruptly she jerked out of her dream, slime congealing on her skin.
(105) She turned abruptly and moved quickly through the hallway, hearing from outside the open front door the sound of muted voices.
(106) All across the world, ...increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster. Barack Obama 
(107) What puzzles most researchers is just why the area in southwestern Colorado was abruptly abandoned by its ancient citizenry.
(108) Nigel did not seem to mind that his autonomous political activity had been abruptly curtailed.
(109) It was cut off, abruptly. probably Simon had thrown a stick for him.
(110) His look of annoyance abruptly changed to a delighted smile when he recognized the young cavalry officer.
(111) Despite these optimistic thoughts, and his excitement, Ybreska stopped singing abruptly as he began to walk along the track.
(112) Changes of Prime Minister normally occur more abruptly and disagreeably.
(113) Abruptly the ground fell away from our feet, an awesome void opened before us.
(114) Now the rattle and roar of the tube faded abruptly as it surfaced into bright sunlight.
(115) The demonic sound ceased as abruptly as if a celestial hand had placed a pillow over that squalling electronic mouth.
(115) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(116) Every coherent thought fled abruptly as a tall figure appeared round the side of the building.
(117) After twenty minutes Christine Jackson passed a tart note to Horsley, who looked up sharply and abruptly concluded the interview.
(118) The workers were laid off in July 1994 when Sprint abruptly closed the company amid a union organizing drive.
(119) The Brazos River in Texas is said to change its course abruptly once every ten years or so.
(120) As Nirvana accepted its award, singer Kurt Cobain opened his trousers zipper, causing the camera to abruptly pan away from him.
(121) Our road ended abruptly at a cluster of cottages with names like Moor Head and Little Gill.
(122) Now, abruptly, she could see that he imagined he'd chalked up yet another small victory.
(123) All across the world, in every kind of environment and region known to man, increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster. Barack Obama 
(124) A prestigious teaching post at Winchester had been terminated abruptly some years before, and Hugo had failed to hold another since.
(125) Then, rather abruptly, I came into the red spruce belt that is near the top of all the mountains around.
(126) Several players hardly seem happy the Raiders reinstated Smith, given the way he abruptly left the team September 27.
(127) She pictured a straw boater and a bicycle and as her smile spread he abruptly faced her.
(128) The office fellows on the table behind laughed abruptly and in unison.
(129) Then he worked as garden boy at Ballykilcavan, but in the winter of 1860-1 he left abruptly after a quarrel.
(130) She saw his glance flick down to her mouth, then abruptly he was turning away.
(131) The laughter abruptly changed into sneezes and the handkerchief routine was gone through again.
(132) The cocker spaniel puppy stopped abruptly, then eyed the spinning leaf overhead.
(133) Abruptly, the pale fire sank and vanished, leaving only the glare from the ruins.
(134) The economic situation worsened dramatically in the months that followed October as soldiers flocked home and military orders to industry abruptly halted.
(135) Giant abruptly decided not to hire the temporary replacement workers.
(136) He took a deep breath and shook his head abruptly.
(137) Then he released her abruptly and strode from the room.
(138) The alimony Betty Parsons lived on abruptly ceased, and she was forced to leave Paris.
(139) Abruptly she broke into a delicious laugh, her thin face lighting up.
(140) The Rover abruptly swung out and roared past, the passenger cop giving them a suspicious but mostly supercilious glare.
(141) She had never been so aware of anyone as she was of the powerful man who had entered her life so abruptly.
(142) My hetero-dithering, which might have continued indefinitely, was abruptly ended one day over lunch with a good friend.
(143) She skated off abruptly, called to service by customers who had caught the virus of her mood and were equally annoyed.
(144) Abruptly the woman speeded up, making a dash for the door.
(145) Superior Court Judge Hiroshi Fujisaki abruptly called for an early lunch break.
(146) I turned abruptly away from them, but I was now very low,(http:///abruptly.html) heading for a stand of trees.
(147) Talks between Republican and Nationalist representatives were initiated on 23 March but were abruptly curtailed by Franco two days later.
(148) She sat up abruptly, confused and still dizzy from slumber, and a hand reached out to silence her.
(149) Then El-Jorr wrenched open the door and, ignoring everybody, left as abruptly as he had arrived, muttering to himself.
(150) That his bravery was ended so abruptly and unexpectedly seems very cruel.
(151) Abruptly, in front of the charging sepoys, who were already bewildered by the densely whirling white flakes, the ground erupted.
(152) Charles turned abruptly round and gave his wife a withering look as reporters homed in on the pair.
(153) Then I was at my own ship, dismounting from the floater - and abruptly halting.
(154) She stormed into the living room, gave me a contorted look, picked up her bag and abruptly left the house.
(155) At the end of August Kerensky abruptly denounced Kornilov for plotting to overthrow the government.
(156) He abruptly stopped drinking when one of these women suggested that his performance in bed might be improved by abstinence.
(157) A new crew member arrives at the boat, gets a bad feeling and abruptly gets off.
(158) He turned away from the window abruptly, pulling himself together.
(159) A decade of benign neglect of energy policies has been abruptly spotlighted in the blockaded streets of London, Brussels and Paris.
(160) The army captain pulled me abruptly to one side off the path.
(161) Abruptly the dream finished and she was plunged back into reality.
(162) I left my beloved profession abruptly in confusion and sadness-I have written of it previously.
(163) And with an east wind behind them they could not abruptly halt.
(164) The door opened abruptly, and over Roman's shoulder Claudia saw Dana stop short in confusion.
(165) In a crash, momentum changes abruptly but not instantaneously.
(166) His awareness of her was abruptly increased tenfold.
(167) De Gaulle had abruptly vetoed it.
(168) The strident voices stopped abruptly.
(169) The secretary abruptly left the conference room.
(170) At this moment his train of thought stopped abruptly.
(171) Check the operation status of alarm host computer and deal with alarm issues abruptly.
(172) The mucosal epithelium of rectum transforms into stratified squamous epithelium abruptly at the end of the rectum. The boundary line between rectum and cloaca was very distinct.
(173) HONG KONG (Reuters) - China blocked a long-planned Thanksgiving visit to Hong Kong by a U.S. aircraft carrier group, then abruptly changed its mind on Thursday.
(174) Last week, the FCC abruptly called off closed-door talks with industry lobbyists that were aimed at reaching a compromise on net neutrality.
(175) Respecting game, have to mention naturally depend on electronic game and rise abruptly(), and even turn up one's nose at Japanese game industry of the whole world.
(176) Experimental results show that: During freezing of rabbit aorta, the thermal expansion occurs gradually up to a peak point, and then the thermal contraction takes place abruptly.
(177) Abruptly, while the four men stood there , gazing into each other's faces, avigorous hand - clapping broke out.
(178) If these drugs are stopped abruptly then some withdrawal symptoms may occur.
(179) Sandy's face twitched. He rose abruptly and went towards Beardy, who stood there woodenly awaiting punishment.
(180) He rose abruptly from his seat and paced up and down, smiling grimly to himself.
(181) EXAMPLE: Since sales are down and several departments in our company have been closed abruptly, there is a widespread disquietude among our employees.
(182) " To collect what's left over ,'smiled Wu Sun - fu , his look of despondency vanishing abruptly.
(183) When the calm flowing water of the Zambezi River encounters the 5, 578-foot-wide (1, 700-meter-wide) edge of the Victoria Falls gorge, it abruptly plunges 328 feet (100 meters) to the bottom.
(184) The paper points out that the loss coefficient tends to increase abruptly when the hood inlet Mach number attains a certain magnitude.
(185) Blowback ejects much of the gas from the galaxy, star formation abruptly slows, and accretion onto the black hole declines —until another merger occurs.
(186) What is certain is that the world's largest insurer was abruptly separated from the world's most experienced risk manager at the worst possible moment.
(187) During this time the read clock will abruptly speed-up or slow-down to avoid an overflow or underflow condition.
(188) So, even if you followed the advice in the preceding section and appear to have achieved steady-state performance, you need to be aware that performance could abruptly change.
(189) However, the increment of gate leakage current increases abruptly after the soft breakdown.
(190) The parameters of non-destructive testing, such as dielectric loss factor, capacity and the voltage at which the charging current increases abruptly, are measured in the different aging stage.
(191) We had an extraordinarily high price-to-earnings ratio representing a lot of optimism in the '20s for the stock market and then it corrected and went abruptly downward-- that was The Great Depression.
(192) Clinical features. Illness caused by Marburg virus begins abruptly, with severe headache and severe malaise.
(193) Abruptly, Claire broke off with Salinger and married a young blue - suit from the Harvard Business School.
(194) My son's team lost that quarterfinal game, and their undefeated season ended abruptly.
(195) The hardware safety precautions should pay attention to the power supply abruptly lose, equipment failure and thieve , along with set up vigorous firewall.
(196) Muzzle - Medium length, rounded on upper side to fall away abruptly below eyes.
(197) Balding candidate abruptly excused himself . Returned to office a few minutes later wearing a hairpiece.
(198) But, why does symbolistic thinking means rise abruptly so quickly? 40 thousand years ago, inchoate modern also lives in Asia, the Near East and African area.
(199) Mayo wound up with a black eye, and the reception abruptly came to a halt.
(200) Drop shot: A stroke that causes the ball to fall abruptly after clearing the net.
(201) Throughout the past, the magnetic polarity of the Earth has abruptly flipped and is evident in the orientation of magnetic minerals in some rocks.
(202) The mood changes abruptly after six or seven bars of wayward decrescendo.
(203) It was a fearfully dispiteous fact; the demon of illness attacked the humankind for another time, Xiaohong, an amiable young girl, passed away because of a paroxysmal illness, abruptly and abidingly.
(204) He got up abruptly and tried to see himself in the dirty looking - glass over the wash - stand.
(205) The man was awakened abruptly by a nightmare in the dark room , who had lost his memory for ages. His memory was activated in a momentary time. He sat in bed hearing rat-a-tat of his heartbeat.
(205) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(206) In 1994, President Clinton abruptly halted the nation's three-decade open-door policy for Cuban refugees.
(207) However, risk limits tighten abruptly when the firm's net worth declines below an endogenously determined threshold.
(208) Corolla sympetalous, tube gradually dilated, usually 6-keeled in middle portion, then constricted abruptly to a neck and expanded to a clavate tip, lobes reflexed.
(209) Then abruptly the road swept down into a small, sheltered basin where a dozen farm buildings in cream weatherboard topped by red, corrugated iron roofs, were scattered on the land.
(210) " 21 centuries " : You how does avant-courier of look upon eye look the situation that rise abruptly, how be faced as the light?
(211) After drifting lower at a sleepy pace for most of the day, the Dow Jones industrial average abruptly lurched into a hair-raising sky dive in the final hour of trading.
(212) He said good-by to Lizzie Connolly, abruptly, at the entrance to night school, and hurried away.
(213) Behind the habitations, the sandstone cliffs rose abruptly to the north and west.
(214) The whole groups of species sometimes falsely appear to have been abruptly developed.
(215) The work on anthrax abruptly ushered in the golden age of medical bacteriology.
(216) Although antidepressants are not habit-forming or addictive, abruptly ending an antidepressant can cause withdrawal symptoms or lead to a relapse.
(217) She broke off abruptly and laughed merrily at her predicament.
(218) Naked feet swished dryly across the planks in the wooden floor and the clang ceased abruptly.
(219) This situation is changing abruptly as wealthy foreign governments and international agribusinesses snatch up large swaths of arable land along the Upper Nile.
(220) Based on analysis in effect factors on vehicle turning or changing lanes abruptly, this dissertation focus on application of state estimation theory on vehicle steering attitude.
(221) Any person abruptly starved shows alterations in intermediary metabolism of protein, carbohydrate, and fat.
(222) Chongqing is in with the world in second handclasp and dialog, rise abruptly quickly.
(223) Correspondingly, financial risks have been enlarged, and financial crimes have abruptly increased.
(224) Turn up the tap, and it abruptly sprays out in a chaotic ( but describable ) torrent.
(225) It can cause dysphoria, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, and may abruptly develop into latent schizophrenia.
(226) China abruptly moved to a managed float for the yuan. It was allowed to appreciate by 20% over the next three years before a halt was called during the banking panic of 2008.
(227) In course of study of international container regular ship, asian independent carrier rises abruptly increasingly.
(228) Their duel continued on these cooled repulsorlift surfaces before ending abruptly on the black sand shores of the lava river.
(229) It was extraordinary to switch over so abruptly into the scene with no forewarning.
(230) And for that reason, this baby boomlet could end abruptly in 2008.
(231) Illness caused by Marburg virus begins abruptly, with severe headache and severe malaise.
(232) Taiyuan Municipal Society for Science and Technology of Labour Protection has risen abruptly out of predicament.
(233) Fake stomach flu during a meeting and need to abruptly leave three or four times.
(234) When the credit markets collapsed in 2007, the leveraged buyout boom abruptly ended, leaving damage.
(235) He flips a switch. A "rat-a-tat-tat" sound, like that of a staple gun, echoes through his helmet, and fatigue abruptly flees his mind.
(236) To eject or discharge abruptly, especially to discharge ( semen ) in orgasm.
(237) Rather, it was stopped. Abruptly the near side of it flattened as though it had run up against an invisible wall. It bounced , actually bounced back.
(238) And then , abruptly, he beamed at Henry with a fatherly genial air, incredibly counterfeit.
(239) At the time Baker's essay was published, the editor in chief of Harper's was Roger Hodge, who was abruptly relieved of his post earlier this year.
(240) Murphy was scheduled for several mainstream media television interviews after the CFTC hearings, but they were all abruptly cancelled at once.
(241) Asas the contracting cloud becomes opaque to its own infrared radiation, its luminosity will drop abruptly.
(242) Explanation: A symphony of planet-wide observations began abruptly on March 28 when the Earth-orbiting Swift satellite detected a burst of high-frequency gamma-rays from GRB 110328A.
(243) Tooltips created with the FadingTooltip widget use animation to fade into and out of view instead of popping up and abruptly vanishing, and they move with the cursor.
(244) One day, when Rani Rasmani was listening to Sri Ramakrishna's singing in the temple, the young priest abruptly turned and slapped her.
(245) During neohepatic stage, acidosis became more severe, blood potassium increased abruptly on reperfusin of the grafted liver, blood glucose was higher than that in prehepatic and anhepatic stage.
(246) But that attitude had changed abruptly when they were approached for a loan by a stiff-necked Brant Culhane when his fortunes sagged.
(247) Fruit an aggregate, spicate, 10-12 cm long; follicles long ellipsoid, obovoid or ovoid, apex obtuse or abruptly mucronate.
(248) Though Charlotte was determined to play hard-to-get, she didn't want to end the evening too abruptly.
(249) This is not the exhibition season, though that may be the next stop for the Lakers should their season end abruptly.
(250) Melville has abruptly and entirely altered his story; his prose became lushly melodramatic.
(251) His sister became abruptly still , and lapsed into a pondering silence.
(252) It's true that during this first second a is minus six meters per second squared, but it changes abruptly at this point so it's ill-defined at this point.
(253) China abruptly moved to a managed float for the yuan.
(254) As the temperature dropped abruptly, the campers were shivering all over with cold.
(255) And the happy net that is based on plug-in unit and little game to rise abruptly, larger share is owned in white-collar market market.
(256) Because new media can be created for everybody, release, share a character symphonious video wait for information and rise abruptly quickly.
(257) External Chinese major regards the " parvenu that rises abruptly in recent years as " , greeted the days " with best " .
(258) He turned back abruptly to her as if impatient with her slowness.
(259) Gral Lagher was ill at ease and then abruptly frantic.
(260) Cumulate plagioclase appears abruptly at the base the F unit, which rests on an erosional disconformity.




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