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单词 Wrongful
1. She decided to sue her employer for wrongful dismissal.
2. She's threatening to sue her employers for wrongful dismissal.
3. He sued the police for wrongful arrest .
4. He always does wrongful acts.
5. He sued his employer for wrongful dismissal.
6. One of her employees sued her for wrongful dismissal.
7. The governor was impeached for wrongful use of state money.
8. She is claiming damages from the company for wrongful dismissal.
9. He issued a writ claiming damages for wrongful dismissal.
10. A wrongful dismissal may be fair.
11. BActress Hunter Tylo is alleging wrongful termination and discrimination.
12. Pending a successful appeal, Downing could claim for wrongful arrest and 27 years unlawful detention.
13. The law says 16 years' wrongful imprisonment for murder is worth £100,000 damages.
14. The city is facing many claims for wrongful arrest, totalling millions of dollars.
15. The current trial is of a wrongful death suit brought by the victims' families.
16. So the trial led to the wrongful conviction of Al-Megrahi and the final betrayal of the bereaved families.
17. Now he is being tried for kidnapping, wrongful imprisonment and bodily injury.
18. Experts say the Browns did not file a wrongful death suit to avoid having the children testify against their father.
19. The rest included allegations of wrongful arrest, false imprisonment and loss of property.
20. Every wrongful imprisonment could lead to a civil lawsuit against the city.
20. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. He is on hunger strike in protest at what he claims is his wrongful conviction for murder.
22. The police offered no expression of regret at his wrongful arrest.
23. A former employee of the defendants swore an affidavit relating to his claim against the defendants for wrongful dismissal.
24. The money the family receives from the manufacturer for the wrongful death of a child will never satisfy them.
25. In this case the proceedings were commenced in less than one year after the wrongful removal.
26. These positions are usually filled by clever people, allowing both boys and girls to draw wrongful conclusions.
27. Was recently awarded £30,000 damages against Thames Valley Police for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment.
28. The rule only applies where the subsequent abuse is a positive wrongful act as opposed to an omission.
29. His view was that the cause of action arose when the damage was suffered and not when the wrongful act was committed.
30. In 1994, a jury awarded him more than half a million dollars for wrongful termination from the utility in 1990.
1. He is on hunger strike in protest at what he claims is his wrongful conviction for murder.
2. He always does wrongful acts.
3. The police offered no expression of regret at his wrongful arrest.
31. All claims by the employee, whether they be for unfair dismissal, wrongful dismissal or redundancy are claims against the vendor.
32. This action was for wrongful dismissal but the same principle applies in a claim for damages for personal injury.
33. Meanwhile, sources said Friday that Simpson will begin his deposition in the wrongful death lawsuit Monday.
34. The Woldemariams have a wrongful death case against Broadus and Lee pending in civil court.
35. Ramsey thought it a protection against wrongful ceremony to understand its principles.
36. The requirements for State responsibility for an international wrongful act are breach of an international obligation which is attributable to the State.
37. For obvious reasons, it does not cover, for example, wrongful acts for personal profit, fraud or dishonesty.
38. Final recommendations on damages for personal injury and wrongful death are also to be revealed later this year.
39. What do you stand to gain in a wrongful dismissal case?
40. One point to clear up immediately is the widespread confusion between wrongful dismissal and unfair dismissal.
41. The length of your notice period will also govern the worth of your fringe benefits in the event of a wrongful dismissal.
42. However, the Act abolished detinue(), which was wrongful retention of a chattel.
43. Simpson, who was acquitted of the murders, has been sued by the victims' families for wrongful death.
44. Nor had the courts outlawed most patronage hiring and firing and protected most employees from wrongful discharge.
45. They had to make compensation for all wrongful exactions.
46. The law protects trade secrets from wrongful appropriation.
47. Jackson's mother considering wrongful death suit .
48. They are intended to reduce bystanders' hesitation to assist, for fear of being sued or prosecuted for unintentional injury or wrongful death," as Wikipedia puts it.
49. The singer's father, Joe Jackson, has sued Murray for wrongful death in federal court.
50. The heirs or next of kin may have a damage claim for the intentional or negligent death of their relative or testator (wrongful death action).
50. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
51. The university settled a wrongful death lawsuit brought by the Gelsinger family for an undisclosed sum.
52. Lawyer Brian Oxman, who is representing Jackson's father in a wrongful death civil case, said he was "very disappointed".
53. A wrongful detention or a false imprisonment and a misjudged criminal case often have something to do with each other, but indeed they are quite different in concepts.
54. A study of cases by the Innocence Project in New York City shows that eyewitness misidentification is the single greatest cause of wrongful convictions in the United States.
55. A newly married wife or husband can take leave from work to care for a spouse, or sue for a partner's wrongful death.
56. The Law is govern wrongful discharge and discrimination on the job.
57. Jackson is currently pursuing a wrongful death suit against his son's doctor, Conrad Murray, who is accused of administering the lethal dose of Propofol responsible for the King of Pop's death.
58. It is thy duty to leave another man's wrongful act there where it is.
59. Errol Morris'groundbreaking investigation into a wrongful murder conviction helped free aninnocent man from prison and popularised crime reconstruction as a film device.
60. In a tort action, an injured party sues to obtain compensation for the damages that (s)he sustained as a result of the defendants wrongful conduct.
61. "This is a creature of state law, this wrongful death claim, " the judge said.
62. A trespass against goods is a wrongful interference with the possession of goods.
63. Many Shakespearian tragedies are about conflicting family loyalties or a character seeking to punish others for the wrongful death of a loved one.
64. Provides coverage for the directors and officers for their wrongful acts - errors, breach of duty as well as protection for failure to comply with the business or listing regulations.
65. For example, the leading cause of wrongful convictions is misidentification, and 11 states have passed laws regarding police practices with respect to identification procedures.
66. It is, of course, not wrongful for a manager to instruct his employees to comply with a valid document retention policy under ordinary circumstances.
67. Indeed, it is now widely known that eyewitness misidentification is the leading cause of wrongful convictions across the country.
68. Under ordinary circumstances, it is not wrongful for a manager to instruct his employees to comply with a valid document retention policy.
69. But with a case that if consolidated could include claims as diverse as RICO suits and wrongful death cases, the panel will likely opt for a veteran of mass torts.
70. In 1999, a Texas jury imposed a $296 million verdict on a Koch pipeline unit -- the largest compensatory damages judgment in a wrongful death case against a corporation in U.S. history.
71. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds.
72. Lawsuits: Able to sue for wrongful death, the emotional distress caused by a partner's death or injury, and loss of consortium caused by death or injury.
73. The suits also include racketeering claims as well as personal injury and wrongful death claims from workers hurt or killed when the rig exploded April 20.
74. These aims are to prevent file is open and prevent the file from wrongful replication.
74. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
75. Smalley's father sued Koch Industries in 1997 in the Kaufman County, Texas, district court for the wrongful death of his daughter.
76. If an employer has cheated the federal government, a whistle blower may receive between 15 and 30 percent of the money recovered by the government because of the company's wrongful conduct.
77. The second part of the paper focus on the Plaintiff of wrongful death compensation and the contents of the wrongful death compensation.
78. Due to claimer or court's mistake, the law characters about wrongful arrest of ships are unlikeness , but their bounds of damage compensate are same.
79. Hence, the wisdom of the common law's stress on the crucial distinction between misfeasance and nonfeasance, between a wrongful aggression against someone's rights, and leaving that person alone.
80. He said during a hearing last week that he also needs the records to decide whether to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit.
81. In Chinese Kung Fu movies, a hero avenges for the wrongful death of his great grandfather 100 years ago. Chinese people do not forget and hold grudges for generations.
82. There are laws protecting you against wrongful discharge from a job.
83. It argues that special damages, general damages and damages for pain and suffering should all been contained. Wrongful birth and wrongful life should not be different in the extent of compensation.
84. The court upheld his claim for damages for wrongful dismissal.
85. For more information on wrongful detention, talk with an attorney.
86. The wrongful life action is a new kind of action raised in recent years.
87. The act of forcing one out of possession or occupancy of material property to which one is entitled; illegal or wrongful dispossession.
88. They've investigated the wrongful death but had not come up with any suspects.




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