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单词 Cannon
1. Police used water cannon and tear gas against demonstrators.
2. The conscripts were treated as cannon fodder.
3. We trained our cannon upon the fort.
4. The bullets and cannon - balls were flying in all directions.
5. They did their best to harl the cannon over the hill.
6. Riot police used water cannon and tear gas to disperse the crowd.
7. The cannon thundered in the hills.
8. Cannon volleyed on all sides.
9. Police turned water cannon on the rioters.
10. They charged the cannon with shot.
11. Max is a loose cannon politically.
12. The cannon was roaring in the distance.
13. The soldiers were little more than cannon fodder.
14. the reverberant booms of cannon.
15. The soldiers fired the cannon.
16. Police used water cannon to break up the demonstration.
17. The cannon can be linked to the line of sight of the gunner so that it points in the same direction that he is looking in.
18. The cannon was fired at an elevation of 60 degrees.
19. The team had no intention of being cannon fodder when they played the champions,(/cannon.html) and were determined to win.
20. Water cannon and tear gas were used against the demonstrators.
21. Three cannon opened fire.
22. He's seen as something of a loose cannon by other team members.
23. The foot soldiers were just used as cannon fodder .
24. Somebody else suggested a bombshell hurled by a cannon.
25. Cannon errs in labeling his critics as mindless pessimists.
26. The cannon explodes with a mighty crack.
27. A cannon shot across the bow.
28. Their lives were not considered important — they were just the cannon fodder.
29. The stillness of night was broken by the boom of a cannon.
30. Now all the fighter planes are all armed with cannon.
1. Police used water cannon and tear gas against demonstrators.
2. The conscripts were treated as cannon fodder.
3. We trained our cannon upon the fort.
4. The bullets and cannon - balls were flying in all directions.
5. They did their best to harl the cannon over the hill.
6. Riot police used water cannon and tear gas to disperse the crowd.
7. The soldiers fired the cannon.
31. As demonstrations escalated, water cannon and fire engines appeared.
32. Plus the cannon on the speeder.
33. They were pursued by cannon fire.
34. Cecil, fetch the assault cannon from the armoury.
35. Police units used teargas and water cannon against the crowds and over 200 people were arrested.
36. Unlike the solid cannon ball a mortar shell is hollow and filled with gunpowder.
37. But unlike the cannon, it can maintain those conditions indefinitely.
38. Only if none of these targets is available will I open fire on the big battalions with cannon.
39. We were awakened at daybreak by the sound of... cannon.
40. Cannon came away with the impression that McFarlane would be a good man to work with.
41. Technicals - trucks carrying cannon, anti-aircraft missiles and rocket launchers, cruise the city centre.
42. It involved using a cannon to fire a harpoon carrying an explosive grenade.
43. The home fans were relieved to see the rebound strike defender Kay and cannon over the crossbar.
44. Tried using popgun after fiasco of toy cannon, he wrote, but that was too violent where other was too weak.
45. Mark the point where the cannon ball strikes the ground and roll the Artillery dice to establish the bounce distance.
46. Align cannon on target and declare the distance you are aiming. 2.
47. As with other details these might vary in specific cases, but a typical cannon has a value as shown here.
48. Between the cities the blue-green jungle was riven with great scars where plasma cannon and barrage bombs had been tested.
49. The cannon can then be glued to the front of the model.
50. Only with an instrument like Ahrens's cannon could they leap directly into the pressure range of the core.
51. Any model struck by a cannon ball takes a strength 10 hit resolved in the normal manner.
52. One poor fellow.... lost both legs by a cannon ball.
53. The cannon ball travels forward this distance before striking the ground. 3.
54. Detachments of police went after individuals and when the street was nearly clear, water cannon were brought in.
55. He pumped cannon shells at the las cannon on that Titan's carapace - while searing light pulsed from it towards theirs.
56. As the cannon thundered, the ranks broke, only to be formed again with dogged determination.
57. Against an immobile target, such as a wall, even the early cannon could inflict quite considerable damage.
58. If you roll a misfire for the bounce the cannon ball has stuck in the ground and does not bounce. 6.
59. I could clearly hear the roar of engines above me, and distinctly heard one long burst of cannon fire.
60. Even the most powerful cannon is not much use if its crew has been squashed by a boulder.
61. In my case it really was a form of celestial cannon ball.
62. He felt the giant whales criss-crossing beneath him through these canyons, whales with motor-driven fins and an underwater cannon.
63. Once you have established where the cannon ball hits place a small coin or other marker directly over the spot.
64. But it's different, there's a strange hush in the air and the endless rumbling of 50,000 cannon shells.
65. Children will be cannon fodder to boost a school's image.
66. Howard Patrick, executive administrator of Cannon County, has been determined to turn things around.
67. Utterly out of control now, these could not even fire back, for their port-side cannon could not be brought to bear.
68. High-pressure researchers are now using the anvil and the cannon to search for signs of these internal changes.
69. Every 100 kilometres had approximately two defensive positions, 200 soldiers and five or six cannon.
70. The Cannon halted rush-hour traffic as it rattled the windows of every car and skyscraper for blocks around.
71. The actors also play the horse that pulls their cart and perform juggling, tumbling and let off mock cannon fire.
72. With the high pressure pumps and piping required, the initial outlay at Aonach Mor on their one cannon is £35,000.
73. Once it had taken ten hours to turn a particular cannon projectile; now it took an hour and a half.
74. Believe me, all those cannon, mortars and volley guns should strike fear into the heart of the enemy.
75. Of course the Palace can't afford to leave her as a loose cannon.
75. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
76. Although several generations of Gunters have called Cannon County home, the lack of local job prospects has profoundly discouraged him.
77. Establish as heavy a bombardment as the cannon will stand against the walls and the guns by the walls.
78. There were no plastic riot shields, no riot sticks or helmets, no water cannon and no mobile command posts available.
79. Cannon raised one of her own stones to lie shot at the first where they stole a single.
80. The cauldron was lying on the floor, its wide mouth gaping at her like a cannon.
81. Twice, he saw the glint of metal and once, when the cannon fell silent, he heard distant voices.
82. Cannon and his co-workers launched a fierce attack on James.
83. The Army moved in with a water cannon and tear gas, forcing the marchers into hasty retreat.
84. Burdine's court-appointed trial lawyer, Joe Frank Cannon, who died in 1998, was notorious for nodding off in courtrooms.
85. The results from the cannon had the advantage of being at pressures well within the core.
86. First nominate your target and turn the gun to face it as you would a cannon.
87. The boom of cannon continued for most of the day.
88. They were moving away from the fire door when there was a loud report, like a large cannon going off.
89. There had been widespread fears of police violence, and water cannon had already been used against demonstrators on Saturday.
90. The enemy were just out of range of our cannon.
91. On the pillar is a cannon ball from the Prussian bombardment of Prague in 1757.
92. There was now a lull in the battle, though sporadic cannon and musket fire were still heard.
93. Physically, they can only meet behind barricades manned by riot police and soldiers equipped with armoured vehicles and water cannon.
94. Police used water cannon to disperse a crowd on Portadown's Corcrain estate.
95. The economy booms like cannon, far out at sea on a lone ship.
96. If you roll a misfire when you roll the first dice the cannon has literally misfired and may explode.
97. The lamp-post in the new King's Road is one of the type adapted from London cannon bollards.
98. Police fired shots into the air and used water cannon to disperse the crowd.
99. They would cross at the Town ford, under cover of the defending cannon, and be admitted at the South Gate.
100. If all three aspects are not addressed the 240 additional cannon fodder will not remain in the system either.
101. Cannon had been a regular contributor to the monthly Ohio Magazine.
102. That would be in the garage, right next to his cannon.
103. Geoffrey Cannon explains how you can save the planet by saving yourself.
104. If the cannon ball wounds its target then it causes not 1 but D4 wounds.
105. Mr Cannon is not the only regional brewer planning a big expansion.
106. Children and adults were beaten by police and knocked from their feet by powerful water cannon manipulated by their fireman accomplices.
107. The laser cannon had stopped firing. Other possibilities occurred to her.
108. With eyes half closed he could see it as a miniature cannon.
109. Cannon to them is flesh and blood rather than a camera or a camcorder.
110. Between them the eight runners had won three races; they were racing's cannon fodder.
111. He had no offers from Southeastern Conference schools, for whom the Mocs served as cannon fodder each football season.
112. The bomb squad took the device to the basement and disarmed it by inundating it with a water cannon.
113. Individual cannon can be extremely large, and the Empire's Great Cannon are amongst the largest.
114. Since 1990, surrounding Cannon County has lost some 700 jobs to downsizing.
115. But even that cannon had to go through an initial stage of trial and error.
116. Like the cannon, the diamond anvil is used to mimic the extreme conditions inside the earth.
117. The fog flickered around him, streaking like lightning low to the ground, or mute cannon fire.
118. Three hundred metres from the end of the race, the horse stumbled and fractured its right fore cannon bone.
119. A marine regiment was equipped with plasma cannon, and the marine battle armour was proof against most weapons.
120. Their cannon were very evident, as they closed, crews lining the bulwarks.
121. The aircraft landed at Cannon International Airport and were taxied down city streets to the auction site.
122. Some people will tell you that slow is good – but I'm here to tell you that fast is better. I've always believed this, in spite of the trouble it's caused me. Being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube. That is why God made fast motorcycles, Bubba... Hunter S. Thompson 
123. There, they were surrounded by sand bags and soaked with a water cannon, which disabled the devices.
124. The cannon thundered [ boomed ] .
125. I hope a cannon ball lands slap on you.
126. It only proves you are a loose cannon.
127. The front gate was blasted open with a cannon.
128. Many cynical managers see employees as cannon fodder.
129. The soldiers were only cannon fodder to their commanders.
130. Weapons jam and misfire and cannon will explode.
131. The cannon of hoofed mammals are edible.
132. All right, Skull Squadron, jettison Synchro Cannon modules immediately.
133. Forever, thunder would mean cannon and war to her.
134. She was driven off by cannon shot.
135. He had a passion for fireworks, explosives(http://), cannon fire.
136. All the Army wanted you for was cannon fodder.
137. Billiards players have to master the cannon shot.
138. He is a kind person, though sometimes loose cannon.
139. Here you some cannon fodder for the attack mode.
140. We heard the bang of a cannon.
141. Police water cannon to halt the protesters.
142. Each wingtip also carries a laser cannon.
143. A French cannon from the era of Louis XV.
144. Cannon Maker allows the construction of simple varieties of siege artillery.
145. Otherwise, he said, he will kill every one of us. I have answered his demand with a cannon shot.
146. YS-1005A K3P-J3PXM Audio Cable OFC conductor, shield density 95%, and cannon plug ensure minimum transmission distortion and exceptional disturbance resistance.
147. Mark Latham also said Ms Gillard would have been better off giving Mr Rudd the foreign affairs portfolio to prevent him from being a loose cannon in Brisbane.
148. A cannon at the fort was taking a hand in the game.
149. They are much more effective and it will make them dodge rocket and cannon fire.
150. One of his friends, with a mixture of admiration and despair, describes him as a "loose cannon.
151. These people are cannon fodder in rivalries with bordering states.
152. Sometimes usefull in the lategame when your opponet exaggerated with cannon fodder.
153. The Confederates were soon walking directly into the cannon fire and became part of what history has never, nor will ever forget.
154. The cannon - shot was followed , after a considerable interval, by a volley of small arms.
155. The enemy army is giving way before the cannon fire.
156. A humanoid body in the midst of which a powder cannon has been grafted.
157. In fact, he's a loose cannon which weselves do abundance damage to we side dawn the man I'm going first lot timest.
158. The Ion Cannon is approaching target orbit above Sarajevo. Please stand by for Ion Cannon control.
159. Long dismissed as "cannon fodder, " as one immunologist puts it, the white blood cells known as basophils have been enjoying a renaissance.
160. Through what Cannon recalls as "a lot of trial and failure, " he recorded his first song at home on his boom box. Soon after, Cannon took to the stage to perform his music along with standup comedy.
161. Currently shot from the Yamato Cannon will still track and hit the Protoss Stalker.
162. However, he has a reputation as something of a loose cannon — and given Germany's tough stance on bailouts for Greece, the IMF's current role in the country makes Weber an awkward choice.
163. In principle, the height of the toe of the raised foreleg should be level with the middle of the cannon bone of the other foreleg.
164. Lord Cutler Beckett: [ Jack has a cannon aimed at Beckett ] You're mad!
165. The Revolution had had the word under Robespierre; the cannon had had the word under Bonaparte; it was under Louis XVIII. And Charles X. that it was the turn of intelligence to have the word.
166. Rifle fire, machine guns, grenades,(Sentence dictionary) missiles and cannon fire ring out as terrible battle is fought...Then silence.
167. Akhal-Tekes have short cannon bones and low-set hocks, while the forearm and gaskins are long and smoothly muscled.
168. The company's products mainly used water cannon irrigation , spray washing vehicles , washing sites , cleaning bathrooms, etc.
169. One evening the 66th Regiment was advancing towards the river Adour when a cannon shot flattened a soldier's wife, leaving her apparently dead.
170. You must withstand the enemy's overwhelming attacks with the machine guns, cannon shot and air ...
171. Isabella left this situation to rage, and scoured the country for troops, cannon, money, supplies.
172. Cannon: Long - range artillery piece , as distinguished from other Big guns such as the howitzer or mortar.
173. Triple gun - decks mounted sixty - four bronze cannon.
174. Anti-aircraft cannon fire salvos and can be useful against large amounts of enemy infantry.
175. When the cannon ball blows on the ground a poison is splashed.
176. One American truck and a jeep were destroyed by cannon fire from the panzers.
177. CANNON, n . An instrument employed in the rectification of national boundaries.
178. This is to allow a camel to become cannon shot out of the hands of tour!
179. Athena Cannon - $ 1400 - ( Heightened Clearance ) - This is a lightly armored range artillery unit.
180. In principle, the height of the toe of the raised forefoot should be level with the middle of the cannon bone of the other supporting foreleg.
181. The musket and cannon fire seemed so real, making history spring to life before my eyes.
182. The king himself only narrowly avoided capture; his litter was smashed by a cannon ball and several of his bearers were killed.
183. Some highflying fighter pilot fired a cannon shell into it.
184. So they can try to make you out to look like a loose cannon.
185. Cannon Foundry: Cannons are made here from pig iron and wood.
186. Lord Cutler Beckett : [ Jack a cannon aimed at Beckett ] You're mad!
187. He was continually fancying that a cannon ball was swooping down upon him with a fearful whiz.
188. Secondly, the principle of strap down inertial navigation for a rocket or cannon analyzed in details.
189. An electric - hydraulic proportional control over cannon hydrostatic driving system was developed.
190. Describes 3D reconstruction segmentation display and the analysis results of pollen spore, chaperonin , head, cervical bone, cannon born and carpus.
191. She had a little hash cannon in her head kit.
192. Shaped like a manta ray, it swoops through the trees on translucent wing membranes. We get a glimpse of glassy fangs unfolding from its mouth like cat-claws, then the cannon blows it into chunks.
193. The noise of cannon fire. Adinis a jumble of loud, usually discordant sounds.
194. If you're thinking that you're about to hear Tabasco sauce was originally brewed as a cannon lubricant or some kind of chemical weapon, relax.
195. David Hewko, a building program consultant with Cannon ,() orchestrated this achievement.
196. "Speed" will be used to anti-explosion light composite armor, bulletproof windows and equipped with machine guns and cannon.
197. Yeah, I'm going to say it—he's a loose cannon .
198. Lacking the grand slam of the GMU's cannon, the Farrago turned to its lesser weapons, gamely firing and firing, weapons crews staying at their stations even though things seemed hopeless.
199. Hop in your biplane and bomb the enemy island, or use your cannon to protect your own.
200. Zuleika runs along beneath a fallen treetrunk while a gunship tries to hit her with its cannon. It fires rockets and she dives into a pond as the jungle explodes.
201. Some loose cannon in the State Department has been feeding the press all sorts of crap as a diversion.
202. In the early demos, plainclothes police arrested a few leaders and water cannon dispersed the crowds.
203. It took four hours of intense fighting before Teshik's flagship was finally disabled by a barrage of ion cannon fire.
204. Aside from its main cannon, it has smoke grenade launchers to ensure a safe and swift retreat if necessary.
205. Music historians attribute its popularity to its strong melodic line and use of cannon fire, which adds a percussive charge that thrills audiences.
206. Cannon rolled past , the drivers flaying the thin mules with lengths of rawhide.
207. First half of this year we have many UK companies MK3 LANDesk cannon boring head overhaul.
208. Hoffenheim were instantly dismissed by many as cannon fodder after their promotion last season.
209. The blue-coated troops marched steadily forward only to be cut down by an unremitting hail of cannon balls and grapeshot.
210. Soviet-made tank, painted with Libya's revolutionary colors, climbed a sand berm by the compound and prepared to fire its cannon into the city.
211. Log cottages are sinking into a soil which gives up evidence of the siege: cannon shot, wooden shovels, barley blackened by fire. A pair of noisy Amur falcons nests in an oak on the escarpment.
212. They don't like people who rock the boat, and I could be seen as a loose cannon to some, because I'm questioning a lot of things.
213. Then from the 19th Century there is an early example of a manufactured iron nail, and from the English Civil War, a solid cannon ball.
214. For BMS 1248 , allele 128 had positive effect on circumference of cannon bone.
215. Currently, the shot from the Yamato Cannon will still track and hit the Protoss Stalker.
216. They can use us as cannon fodder in the sod.
217. And some have the long-range acoustic device, a sound cannon that can be used to issue verbal warnings, or deafen anyone who stands in its path.
218. Taft, Aldrich and Cannon conferred in March 1910 and formulated a plan of attack.
219. He says the U.N. told him armour-piercing rounds from machine-guns and cannon around Vrbana bridge would go through the vehicle.
220. Amid centuries-old tradition featuring royal carriages, cannon fire and state trumpeters, Queen Elizabeth has formally opened Britain's parliament.
221. Built for direct fire support and sub hunting , the Exodus carries an Oblivion Cannon, as well as a variety of anti - sub and anti - torpedo weapons.
222. But when it came to firearms it was impractical to tie feathers to a cannon ball.
223. One problem is that both water cannon and plastic bullets might merely heighten the levels of excitement for the committed rioter and looter.
224. "Well, " said the pirate, "Our ship was in a fierce sea battle, and me leg got hit by a cannon ball, but I'm fine now. "
225. Our crew, who had been well trained and prepared, used water cannon, self-made incendiary bombs,(http:///cannon.html) beer bottles and anything else that could be used to battle with them.
226. Revolution is like throwing a cannon ball into a bathtub.
227. The one which was blowing at that moment brought clearly defined drum-beats, clamors, platoon firing, and the dismal replies of the tocsin and the cannon.
228. The archetypical cannon was used all across the world by the mid to late 15th century.
229. The cannon shot muzzle velocity is the mainly parameter which influences outer ballistic performance.
230. Don Lope de Aguirre: Perucho, don't you think the cannon might be a little bit rusty?
231. Annihilator Tripod: Health reduced by 10%. Main weapon damage decreased by 20%. Takes 20% less damage from cannon.
232. This is called cannon ball, and that is called swallow dive.
233. Test the altitude of gun 、 firing range and water amount of fire fighting squirt and water cannon.
234. Today, I was at a public pool. A very fat kid yelled(), "Cannon Ball! " He jumped right on me. I now have a broken collarbone. FML.
235. They will long for the homely democracy of Mr. Cannon, so often expressed by those homely democratic symbols—Uncle Joe's black cigar and thumping quid.
236. The pedagogue ship of marine in Guangdong, the size still cannot compares with British army's warship outside etc. and carry cannon almost tens, now can ahead journey of, altogether have 29.
237. The MagnaGuard quickly morphs his ship into mech mode and blasts the enemy with cannon fire.
238. A single Dual Proton Cannon makes up the Salem's primary direct fire capability. This destroyer deploys legs when it encounters land, enabling it to walk, albeit very slowly.
239. The Commerce Guild provided their dwarf spider droids into the Separatist ranks. The four-legged dome-shaped mechanical arachnid featured a powerful, centrally mounted laser cannon.
240. Certain cannon shots in the Federal war cost 1,000 dollars apiece.
241. Its bay rumbled with cannon fire of the liberator Zheng Chenggong and the great cannon of Hulishan repelled the Japanese.
242. Arab elites came to view him as a loose cannon and a dangerous crank.
243. Police turned water - cannon on the rioters, ie to disperse them.
244. The authority can issue what the regulator calls the " popgun " of a public warning, or it can use the "cannon" of a suspension, from which the firm's reputation may never recover.
245. The Revenant's payload, a proton bomb, does considerable initial damage that radiates outward. Additionally, the Revenant features a rear-mounted Flak Cannon and an onboard stealth field.
246. It was immediately apparent that the wreck was significant because of its 41 huge bronze cannon bearing the arms of George I and George II of the United Kingdom.
247. A well-aimed cannon ball could hit below its iron covering and sink it.
248. He ordered all the port cannon to be heaved to starboard to counteract the list.
249. Some of the men suffered burst eardrums. At least one man was struck unconscious from the force of a cannon ball against the iron.
250. The overpressure of both point - blank fuel - rod cannon detonations threw Kelly, Will, and Lucy into the air.
251. Thirty thousand Confederate soldiers were now out of the war. Sixty thousand guns and one hundred seventy cannon were now in Union hands.
252. The flaw information is then saved in the database and provides mensurable flaw information for the cannon.
253. Seriously though: if a cannon ball hit you in the chest it would probably go straight through you.
254. well there is this initial impedance from explosion, sure the cannon ball can keep going horizontally but as soon that impedance goes it store its natural motion which is downward.
255. It's from the mayor. You're a loose cannon. You destroyed a city block! He fired first.
256. Cannon rumbled in the distance,(http:///cannon.html) very far away but unmistakably cannon.
257. The orb-shaped central body is equipped with sensor equipment, and a powerful dish-shaped laser cannon capable of firing a sustained beam at enemy targets.
258. Deep ditch, single drawbridge, massive stone walls, eight at towers, cannon, muskets, fire and smoke.
259. The jugular venous pressure was less than 4 cm, with occasional cannon A waves.
260. When an erosive material catches fire, It'should be water cannon.
261. The cannon uses a powerful jolt of electrical current to propel a non-explosive slug along rails before launching it at supersonic velocities.
262. According to Cannon , Chelsea are habitually paying over the odds for players.
263. The Ordnance Officer ordered all the port cannon to be heaved.
264. Conscripts make good cannon fodder, but for officers we need volunteers.
265. A Confederate cannon ball hit the iron side of the Monitor and bounced away. Union sailors cheered.
266. The cannon barrels were casted in resin from a master I turned and the carriages are made from yellow heart wood.
267. Log cottages are sinking into a soil which gives up evidence of the siege: cannon shot, wooden shovels, barley blackened by fire.
268. The K21 IFV has a 750-horsepower turbo-diesel engine and 40mm auto cannon designed to shoot down slow-moving helicopters and aircraft.
269. Behold the Laser Avenger, a cannon that could be used to take down incoming aircraft.
270. His left arm was shattered into matches by a cannon ball.
271. Deep ditches, double drawbridge , massive stone walls, eight great towers, cannon, muskets, fire and smoke.
272. Our men wait until the gunner lit their matches in the cannon - port.
273. When the Marine Corps Band performs the 1812 Overture, the musicians “use very large bass drums to simulate cannon fire, to very good effect,” said Ressler.
274. This 100-foot-tall combat machine from the 1999 movie wields an energy cannon and snacks on cars. But he really gets in gear playing hide-and-seek with a schoolboy.
275. Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you cannon fodder.
276. Gibraltar monkey sits on a cannon on the top of the Rock of Gibraltar overlooking the colony in this February 7, 2002 file picture.
277. Ion cannon shots vaporise the object struck magnifying the energy discharge.
278. Joseph Gurney Cannon grand old man of Congress, will retire from public life.
279. These buggers can absorb a ton of cannon fireand shell out quite a bit of damage.
280. Part of the reason was quality control: by definition, an Easter egg is an untested feature. It's a loose cannon that could, in theory, interfere with other, more important parts of the program.
281. The second Hunter angled away and brought its cannon to bear.
282. At night: Visit to the Cannon Shot Ceremony Show at The Morro Fortress.
283. Our peace was soon shattered by loud rumblings and explosions like cannon fire.
284. A Soviet-made tank, painted with Libya's revolutionary colors, climbed a sand berm by the compound and prepared to fire its cannon into the city.
285. In the process of cannon shot,(sentence dictionary) the load impact has been imposed on the cannon.
286. He had already created plans for weapons including explosive shells, a steam-powered cannon, and even tanks.
287. A good and qualified diplomat should not be consid - ered a loose cannon.




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