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单词 Fatuous
1. The Chief was left speechless by this fatuous remark.
2. Made some fatuous comment about using the smaller car.
3. Let the fatuous sun shine by itself and let's head for the moon.
4. Others ask them fatuous questions such as whether beds are comfortable or whether they like their teachers.
5. Hence the portentous, and even fatuous slogan which towered each year in brightest blue above the rostrum.
6. What a fatuous remark!
7. It's no good making fatuous suggestions ... It would be better if you concentrated on sewing some buttons on my shirts.
8. Hesitating, Eline pushed open the door, it seemed fatuous to knock, a foolish act of politeness in the circumstances.
9. He may be conceited , illmannered, fatuous.
10. The fatuous Count Schwerin von Krosigk too.
11. Television commercials seem more smug and fatuous than ever.
12. Television commercials seem more fatuous than ever.
13. Television commercials seem fatuous than ever.
14. Why did the fatuous King send him into exile?
15. The Republican alternative is equally fatuous.
16. He seems to get pride in fatuous remarks.
17. He seems to take pride in fatuous remarks.
18. He may be conceited, ill-mannered, presumptuous or fatuous , but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches about respect of elders as if mere age were a reason for respect.
19. A fatuous and self - indulgent ruler wouldn't spend much time reading and replying to memorials.
20. This kind besotted, fatuous manner, was precisely Dickens must the bourgeoisie ruler then take warning.
21. The current reigning emperor is fatuous and self - indulgent , he just hunts in the hunting enclosure everyday.
22. I remember his fatuous and limited face on the field of Austerlitz.
23. The first assumption of the Census Bureau, therefore, must be viewed as fatuous at worst, naive at best.
24. It was sheer bloody hell listening to all those fatuous nincompoops saying what a great guy you are.
25. Every aspect of administrative life is influenced by what is most fatuous, wrongheaded and vile.
26. In particular, examination fever is leading to ever more fatuous and expensive efforts to measure the immeasurable.
27. To be here, to have this happening, the claustrophobia of their fatuous intrigues?
28. Treat to work properly after white clean, water in the bath bucket has already canned not see and is imaginable, the fatuous fox is exactly stained with how much black ash come back.
29. After my return to London I had to expiate in bed the consequences of my fatuous complaisance.
30. The assumption that such violence afflicts only the poor or deserving is both fatuous and misguided.
31. After his boring speech for over an hour, fatuous speaker waited for applause from the audience.




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